magic eye doctor

Chapter 156 This is not an accident

Chapter 156 This is not an accident

Definitely not an accident!

There is no need to investigate, Liu Xiangyang also smelled the smell of conspiracy. Two days ago, the little beauty fell and injured at night and said it was an accident, but it can barely be believed. Today's accident is 100% tricky, but I don't know who actually laid hands on the little beauty. .

Several thoughts flashed in his mind in an instant. He unlocked the lock, took the helmet, got in the car, drove to the Chao family boy, and gave another safety helmet to the Chao family little princess.

Chao Yubo was so anxious that he put on his helmet and climbed onto the motorcycle. He didn't care to avoid suspicion, and half hugged the rider's waist: "Liu Shao, under the condition of ensuring safety, you don't have to worry about me. I believe in your level of racing driver."

"Okay! With your words, I'm relieved." Liu Xiangyang was in high spirits. Xiao Xingxing always said that his amateur racing trophy had no technical content. It was rare for Brother Chao to know the hero. Don't you lose the trust of the Chao family's brother in terms of driving skills.

At this moment, Liu Dashao had a sense of knowing the mountains and rivers, and he was in a beautiful mood. He gave full play to his skills that he did not lose as a racing driver, drove the car, "tooted" and floated out, nimbly drilled through the crowd, and soared towards the west of the academy. go.

In the school hospital, Mr. Li made several calls in a row, and also found Instructor Han and two boys, wiped his sweat and ran over to look at the plaque hanging in the examination room. Le was doing a chest X-ray examination.

"Mr. Li, it's my mistake, I've embarrassed you." Instructor Han apologized apologetically when he saw Teacher Li.

"Instructor Han, don't blame yourself too much, no one can expect an accident. Instructor Han, how is Lei's health? Is there any danger?" Teacher Li politely comforted the instructor, also worried about the safety of the little girl classmate.

Boom, before Instructor Han could tell the situation, the door of the examination room was pulled open, and the medical staff pushed the medical stretcher out of the examination room.

"Doctor, is the little classmate seriously injured?" When seeing the medical staff, Teacher Li asked nervously while rushing to the medical stretcher to look at the little girl. This doesn't seem like a good situation.

"Don't worry, the female classmate only has a fracture in her right hand. Everything else is normal. I will do a cardiac dynamic diagram and a cardiac CT diagram, and then I can send it to the medicine." Dr. Xu understood the teacher who was full of sweat. Feeling anxious, he patted the teacher on the shoulder soothingly, so that he would not worry.

"Doctor, why are people still awake?" Teacher Li and the two boys were not relieved by the doctor's words. If it was all right, why were people still unconscious?
"Probably the little classmate's pain-sensing nerves are stronger than the average person. When people pass out, they can still feel pain in their consciousness, so they haven't woken up for the time being."

"Doctor, is this dangerous?"

"Doctor, when will classmate Le wake up?"

The medical staff sent the girl to the next examination room. Mr. Li and Instructor Han followed by the two boys, asking questions one after another. Dr. Xu explained patiently. During the examination, he called up the girl's medical examination file and compared the current examination items. I found that all the indexes of the little girls are completely normal. It can even be said that the health data of the female classmates is more standard than anyone else’s. To put it another way, if you look at the whole Qingda, the only healthy people are probably the little girls.

There is nothing wrong with her body, and he can't think of the reason why she is still awake, but he can only make sure that she is not in danger, because he speculated from the girl's breathing rate, heartbeat and electrocardiogram, etc., the reason why the girl did not wake up is that she fell asleep !Absolutely true, the little girl just fell asleep, fell asleep and fell asleep...

Can you imagine how sad he was when he was puzzled and exhausted millions of brain cells to calculate the result?

Others are so nervous, but the little classmate is sleeping peacefully. There is nothing more disturbing than this, and what is even more disturbing is that he knows that the little girl is asleep, but he can't tell others clearly, so he can only say It is the little girl who has a keen sense of pain, feels pain subconsciously, and is in a dizziness.

Teacher Li and Instructor Han, the two boys followed the medical staff to the heart examination room, but they were still stopped outside. There are many heart examinations, and it will take some time. Everyone waited patiently outside.

Liu Zhenjun rode the bicycle assigned to him by the school around various playgrounds. He also pedaled his bicycle when he went to the west exercise. When he arrived at the exercise, the school medical car sent people to the hospital and just after they were transferred, he first asked the school doctor about the general situation and learned that The girl was not in danger of life and did not rush to go to the hospital. Instead, she first went to the second class of the medical department to learn about Le's injury from the instructors and students. She also listened to the narrations of the instructors and students in several nearby classes and got first-hand information. , and hurried to the school hospital.

Captain Liu stepped on his bicycle, which was relatively slow. He had just rushed into the school hospital when Liu Shao's motorcycle whizzed past him and stopped not far from him.

Liu Zhenjun recognized that one of the two people who took off his helmet was President Chao, and hurriedly stopped and shouted, "President Chao, President Chao—"

"Captain Liu?" Liu Shao was racing all the way, and Chao Yubo was so beaten that his bones were about to fall apart. When he was down-to-earth, the dizzy feeling was relieved. Hearing the familiar shout, he heard the sound and saw Captain Liu, and he was stunned. , Captain Liu has only arrived now. Did Instructor Han fail to respond to the situation in time, or did he go to investigate?

Liu Zhenjun quickly locked the car and ran to the side of the youth president, feeling guilty and remorseful: "I'm sorry, it was my poor supervision that caused an accident, injured the students, and caused trouble to the school."

Liu Dashao calmly locked his car, put away his helmet, and raised his ears high.

"Accidents will inevitably occur during military training, and Captain Liu doesn't need to apologize." Chao Yubo had doubts about Lele's injury, but he was still as gentle as ever in the face of the captain: "Captain Liu, it looks like you have gone to understand the situation, right?"

"Yes, I went to the west playground to inquire about the situation, and the initial understanding is like this..." Liu Zhenjun accompanied the youth president to the school hospital building, and whispered what he had obtained from the investigation. Instructor Han and the medical department Tell President Chao how a class of students trained in the morning.

Liu Xiangyang locked the car and put away his helmet. The teenager had already entered the school hospital building. He took out the speed of running a [-]-meter sprint, ran quickly, and caught up with the teenager and Captain Liu in the blink of an eye. Enter the building and go to the elevator.

Mr. Li and Instructor Han, Classmate Dai, and Classmate Li were waiting outside the examination room. They waited and waited. Before the doctor came out, he waited for the phone. He looked at Instructor Han and the two boys, answered the phone, and then hung up and looked at the other end of the corridor .

Teacher Li looked at the corridor frequently, obviously waiting for someone, Han Yuntao, Dai Liangyu, and Li Yuyi couldn't help but turn around, wanting to see who was coming.

Soon, three people came out from the corner of the corridor. Dai Li and two students also recognized them. One was the president of the student council, the other was the captain of their instructors, and the other was a certain army officer who appeared with President Chao on Teacher's Day. sir.

Seeing President Chao, Classmates Dai and Classmate Li seemed to have found the backbone, and half of the worries in their hearts were gone. It would be good if President Chao came, and President Chao would definitely not let Little Loli be wronged.

Seeing President Chao and Chief Liu, Han Yuntao's fingers of his right hand, which were naturally hanging on the side of his thigh, folded together unconsciously.

Liu Xiangyang followed Brother Chao and walked towards Little Beauty's life teacher, instructor, and classmates. After glancing at a few people at first, he looked away casually, secretly keeping an eye on Instructor Han's behavior.

"Hello, President Chao." Dai Liangyu and Li Yuyi saw the young president and the two tall young men approaching, and they greeted President Chao excitedly with hopeful eyes.

"Thank you for your hard work." Chao Yubo smiled kindly and softly to the two juniors. Lele said that the boys in the military training class are very good people. He is indeed very friendly, loves Wu and Wu, and he sees that the freshmen are also very gentle.

Students Dai and Li were quite embarrassed. They didn't do anything, so it's not worth the hard work of the student council president.

The young president is still as everyone sees it, gentle and amiable, as elegant as a beautiful jade, Han Yuntao is also a little relieved, he saw the captain approaching, he stood still and saluted: "Report to the captain, I did not control my strength, which caused the military trainees. I am willing to accept punishment for an accidental injury."

"Instructor Han, don't blame yourself. It is inevitable that a small accident will happen to the students in the military training. The content of the military training is a plan jointly researched by the school and the National University. Instructor Han teaches according to the pre-booked plan. It's not that dangerous items are added without authorization. The injury of the students is purely accidental. How can the instructors be blamed for the unknown reasons? If the students are injured, the instructors will be held accountable indiscriminately. stand in the world.”

Chao Yubo rushes to express his position on behalf of Qingda before Captain Liu speaks. The instructor is invited by the school, and the responsibility cannot be passed on to the instructor until the facts are unknown.

Even if... even if it is really an instructor's mistake, Qing Da will not overstep the bluff, and will only discuss privately with the instructor's unit or his superiors on how to resolve the matter. Whether or not the instructor should be punished is up to his unit or superiors to decide.

No matter if Instructor Han is doing a sincere review or retreating for advancement, Chao Yubo will not be aggressive, let alone put the responsibility on the instructor, so that Qingda and Lele will come to the truth.

Liu Xiangyang's eyes twitched indistinctly. Brother Chao had probably crossed the instructor's mind countless times, but he still said it without leaking. The descendants of politicians are different. Pure fire.

Mr. Li's heart is also half down. President Chao has passed the test, and Professor Wan Cheng... He thinks that Professor Wan Cheng has a headache again. Chairman Chao is a reasonable person, and Professor Wan Cheng is very eccentric. He thinks it's right, and he won't admit it if it's wrong. He's very fond of little female classmates. If he knew that the elementary school student's hand was injured, he wouldn't know if he would be so angry that he would jump and curse and want to chop people.

"Thank you, President Chao for your understanding." Liu Zhenjun secretly sighed with relief. The president of the youth college student was as gentle as jade, and Gao Fengliang was as bright as the bright moon. However, the youth president was tough and unequivocal, and his tactics were amazing. If he was unreasonable, Instructor Han would have his own way. Acknowledging the unfortunate responsibility, not to mention that they are helpless, even their superiors, the National University and the army leaders, are helpless.

President Chao made a statement. Captain Liu understood that the young president would not snap the hat because of Le’s injury, so he was relieved and patted Instructor Han on the shoulder: “Don’t feel too guilty, wait for us to go back and discuss. For specific details, see where there are mistakes and correct them later.”

"Thank you President Chao for your tolerance and forgiveness. I have an inescapable responsibility for Le's injury. It's my great care. I don't understand the difference in strength between boys and girls. Classmates, I will go back and self-examine." Han Yuntao repeatedly apologized to the president of the society.

Chao Yubo persuaded again and again, one sincerely apologized, the other was tolerant and generous, and humiliated several times. There was no sense of separation between the two sides.

Dai Liangyu and Li Yuyi didn't speak, and secretly sent a message to their classmates, telling Guan Yunzhi and others what was going on here.

After being polite, the teenager had time to ask about the situation: "Mr. Li, how is Lele's situation?"

"The doctor said that except for the fracture of the hand, everything else is normal. Now he is doing the last check. After the check, it can be sent to the nurse's workstation for medicine."

"Is the fracture serious?"

"There is a crack in the wrist bone, but fortunately it is not very serious."

Teacher Li told President Chao what he knew in detail, and Dai Li Liangxue and Instructor Han sometimes added a sentence or two.

After confirming that Xiao Lele was fine except for the fracture, Chao Yubo's tense heartstrings relaxed slightly. He didn't see anyone, so he couldn't be completely relieved.

After talking about the situation, no one spoke, and the corridor fell silent.

Liu Xiangyang took out his mobile phone and wanted to send a message to someone Yan, but thought about it and held it back for a while.

After waiting for about seven or eight minutes, the door of the examination room finally opened amidst the eager anticipation of several pairs of eyes. The people guarding the door stared at the doctor and the medical stretcher.

"Xiao Chao, you came so quickly?" Doctor Xu was surprised when he saw several new faces among the newly added staff outside the door, and his eyes stayed on the handsome young man, "Ah, but I haven't seen you for a short time. , your complexion is getting better and better, congratulations."

There used to be rumors among young college students that President Chao was personable, as bright as a spring flower, and as gentle as jade. At that time, the youth was indeed personable, but he lacked a healthy complexion, and his words were as gentle as jade. The eyes are bright, the complexion is slightly bright, and it is really warm like jade.

"I have Dr. Xu to talk about it, and I feel bad recently." Chao Yubo smiled back and looked at Xiao Lele on the medical stretcher: "Doctor Xu, how is my sister's health, is there anything wrong?"

The nurse pushed out the medical stretcher. The little girl was lying on her back quietly, her face was still a little pale, and no one was awake, very quiet.

Because there is no need for infusion and intravenous access, Dr. Xu and the nurse took the saline away. When they checked in each examination room, because there was air conditioning, the nurse was afraid that the cold and heat would cause the little girl classmate to catch a cold, so she took a clean sheet to cover it. on the little girl.

There were sheets covered, and everyone waiting outside the examination room did not see the little girl's hands and feet, but only her face. She lay quietly, which made them feel particularly uneasy.

"Don't worry, all the examinations have been checked, the little classmate's body index is good, you can send it to the inpatient department for medicine." Dr. Xu fell behind the car and looked at the boy strangely: "Xiao Chao, you said this is your sister. ?" Why didn't he know there was a little princess in the Chao family?

"Yeah, Lele is the sister of my righteous marriage, Jinlan, the girl my parents have been waiting for so long, and some old men are looking forward to the little Jinsun who has yet to meet in Qiushui."

A string of words that Qing Ya youth described in a light manner made Doctor Xu almost choked on his saliva: "Xiao Chao, you actually picked up a younger sister? My God, your elders haven't seen their little granddaughter yet?"

"My grandfather and grandfather have been looking forward to this little granddaughter every year for three years, but unfortunately, my sister doesn't like visiting, so she just dragged it on and still refuses to come to my house for the old man to see. The old man in the family can't send out red envelopes. It's on fire every day."

"You arrogant, I didn't expect your younger sister to be even more arrogant. I'll take it." I can't accept it. The elders of the Chao family are stubborn and stubborn, and the old relative of the Chao family is also rigid and rigid. Those old guys waited so hard, they dared to let those old Gus know that they were so anxious and willing to continue to wait.

"Of course, don't look at who my sister is."

Everyone: "..." Those who have seen narcissism have never seen such narcissism!

Teacher Li: "..." When did President Chao have such a down-to-earth side?
Liu Zhenjun secretly took a deep breath, Le Xiao is the righteous granddaughter of the Chao family, a child of the elders of the Chao family who are looking forward to meeting the stars and the moon. This accident was injured, and the elders behind President Ruo Chao's family will be held accountable. Get up, or anger Xiao Han, no one can keep Xiao Han.

Fortunately... Fortunately, President Chao is reasonable and broad-minded. He has no intention of going into details. President Chao does not care about his shortcomings, and the elders of the Chao family probably won't intervene.

At this moment, Captain Liu couldn't help but have lingering fears. Fortunately, the young president was not a narrow-minded person. Otherwise, the situation of the military training instructor team would be worrying.

Liu Dashao watched Instructor Han from the corner of his eyes, while Instructor Han lowered his eyebrows and twitched his right thumb subconsciously.

Dr. Xu was stimulated by the youth president, and regardless of the crowd, he followed the medical stretcher, and Mr. Li and others immediately followed.

In the rest area of ​​the escort on duty in the hospital, Guan Yunzhi and other students received a notification from students Dai and Li, and waited patiently for Little Loli. After waiting for several minutes, they saw Mr. Li and the instructor surrounded by a medical stretcher car from the elevator. Turning out over there, the boys stood up in unison, straining their breaths very lightly.

The nurse pushed the medical stretcher cart to the nurse's workstation, and moved into the workshop where the injections were hung and dripped. President Chao, Mr. Li, Liu Shao, and the two instructors also followed up. The boys in the first class of the medical department also followed up without a word. In the room, everyone stood quietly in a space that would not obstruct people's work and wait.

When the nurse took off the thin sheet covering Little Loli's body, the boys' eyes fell on Little Loli's wrist, her hand was placed on her abdomen in an encircling manner, and one wrist was blue-purple.

The blue and purple traces were distinct, as obvious as a tattoo. Little Loli's skin was white and tender, and the blue-purple color floating on her skin was as dazzling as a large piece of black ink sprinkled on white snow.

Her left wrist also has bruises, but it's not very obvious, while her right hand is not only bruised, but also swollen from the fingers to the wrist joints about five or six centimeters toward the elbow. The fingers of the right hand are thicker than the left hand, and the back of the hand also becomes fatty.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Little Lolita's two hands are placed flat, which is a reference for each other, which also makes the shape of the two hands clear at a glance.

The boys widened their eyes in disbelief. How much effort did the instructor use to leave such deep marks?

This... how could this be? !Han Yuntao was stunned by what he saw, how could it be like this?

"Hi-" Seeing the blue and purple color of Xiaolele's wrist, Chao Yubo gasped, Xiaolele's hand was injured like that, how could he not faint?
His hands clenched into fists subconsciously, hurting Lele like this, it had better be a mistake, if there are other reasons... No matter who it is, he will let that person return it tenfold!
The corners of Teacher Li's eyes jumped up fiercely. It was like this... He didn't know what to say. He looked at Captain Liu and Instructor Han, his eyes darkened.

Liu Zhenjun's whole person is not well. The bruise on the little girl's hand is the best proof. Not to mention others, now even he doesn't quite believe that Xiao Han really did not control his strength and caused the little girl to be accidentally injured.

"My God, how much effort did it take to do this, I feel pain just looking at it, poor little beauty, it must be so painful." Liu Xiangyang quickly glanced at the evidence left by a certain instructor, He touched the phone neatly, and kept a photo of it neatly.

"I need to take a few more pictures to keep for the record, and when the little beauty will argue with me one day, if I can't argue with her, I will show her the photos I left today, so that she can see how miserable and embarrassed she is now. "

Liu Dashao held the mobile phone, took a few pictures from the left to the right, and recorded the video. He was blocked abruptly, and he shouted: "Alas, Xiaochao, don't block my sight. , I'm busy with archiving."

Liu Zhenjun took a picture with his cell phone without saying hello. Liu Zhenjun's heart sank and sank to the bottom of the water. Liu Zhenjun was a higher-ranking officer than the major. What he wanted to do, none of them could I have no right to stop it, I just hope that Chief Liu can do an in-depth investigation for the sake of being a soldier and not blindly report it to the higher authorities.

Han Yuntao's heartstrings tensed, and his fingers twisted faster.

Chao Yubo stared at Xiao Lele's wrist for a while, walked to the stretcher, sat down next to the edge, stretched out his beautiful hands, and gently and carefully held Xiao Lele's right hand, Let her arms stretch out flat, palms facing up.

"Liu Shao, record this direction as well, and send me a copy of the photo when you go back."

"Don't worry, I'm good at taking pictures." Liu Xiangyang patted his chest happily, and quickly patted the little beauty's hand again, front, side, oblique, and took pictures from several angles for evidence.

Guan Yunzhi and others were silent for more than ten seconds. They also took out their mobile phones and took pictures one by one. During the military training, some pictures were not allowed to be posted without permission. They obeyed the discipline and did not share it with the public.

The nurse took off the sheets and put them aside to prepare for disinfection.

Dr. Xu didn't urge everyone to take pictures. He walked to the dispensing table to check the medicines sent by the pharmacy. After checking that it was correct, he began to prepare the plaster for the little girl's fractures.

Bone cracks, simple fractures, the hospital treats patients with bone lacerations with Gupailing, which is specially used for the treatment of small bone cracks. It boils the medicine into a paste and makes it into a patch shape. The surface needs to be sprinkled with some medicine powder according to the injury, and the paste is slightly heated and attached to the bone laceration. When the ointment hardens, it can meet the requirements of fixation and heal the injury. Generally, two to three pastes can heal the bone suture.

The male classmates were taking pictures. Captain Liu and Instructor Han, Teacher Li, stood quietly on the side, and neither of them said a word.

The nurse prepared disinfectant, changed a pair of gloves, pushed the cart to the side of the medical stretcher, and disinfected the little girl's wrist. Generally, three times of disinfection is enough. Because the little girl's hand was swollen, the nurse was worried, so she simply gave her her right hand. Disinfect from elbow to finger.

The whole body was disinfected three times, and the fractured wrist was disinfected five times. The nurse stood by and waited for the doctor to come to work.

Dr. Xu has prepared the medicine, opened the bone sticker packaging, heated it first until the surface of the ointment softened slightly, then sprinkled the powder evenly on the surface of the plaster, and heated it again to see that the ointment softened to a certain extent. The girl's hand is flat, and the hot ointment is applied to the fractured part of the little girl's hand bone.

It was probably because the ointment was very hot, and the plaster was attached to her wrist. The unconscious little girl's hands twitched and shook violently. The person also made a sound of "ouch", and a carp stood up straight and sat up.

The little girl sat up without warning, and the little hand of the girl held by Dr. Xu also bounced. He didn't look at how the ointment was applied. Stick it firmly and won't fall off.

The boys in the first class of the medical department: "..."

The boys were a little stunned and couldn't react for a while.

Teacher Li shook his head secretly. Why did he feel that the little girl classmate seemed to wake up from a sleep?It must be his delusion.

Liu Zhenjun secretly rejoiced, thank God, he finally woke up!

Han Yuntao's breathing was slightly stagnant.

"Little beauty, are you finally awake?" Liu Jiyang jumped over excitedly, stood beside the boy, and quickly brushed his presence.

"Little Loli, you are awake."

"Classmate Le, are you awake?"

The stunned classmate Guan and the others turned to their senses, surprised and delighted, and rushed forward like a swarm, all with bright smiles.

"Little classmate, are you awake?" The little girl sat up and looked at the environment quickly. When she glanced at her, Dr. Xu was smiling. If she knew this would make people wake up, he would send her to do breast B. Drug her up before the ultra-examination.

Le Yun had just woken up from a meditation-like state, looked in all directions, saw her friends in the military training class, saw Teacher Li, instructor Han and the doctor, and finally fixed her eyes on the face of the beautiful young man, and raised a big smile: "Brother Chao, why are you all looking at me like this? The eyes are so strange."

"Lele, does your hand still hurt?" Chao Yubo's heart is sore, Xiao Lele is always so optimistic, and he can still laugh at this time. He can't stop fighting, and he really wants to give her an ideological education class. .

"Hands..." Le Yun moved her hands, a burst of numbness came, hissing and air-conditioning, her body leaned to the right, her face wrinkled into a ball: "Hand... pain..."

"Little Loli, you've been treated with medicine on the injured area, and the pain will soon be relieved."

"Classmate Le, bear with it, you will be fine soon."

The boys were busy comforting the little loli.

It hurts, it really hurts!

"Brother Chao, I'm in pain." Le Yun's face was sore with cold sweat, she held her right hand in her arms, and put a black ointment on her right wrist, which was still hot and hot. The back of the hand and fingers feel semi-numb.

"Lele, hug brother, it won't hurt to hug." Xiao Lele never cried out in pain, now her round face was wrinkled together in pain, Chao Yubo opened his arms and embraced the petite person in distress. In his arms, he gently patted her back: "Brother is here, cry if it hurts, don't force it."

Falling into Brother Chao's warm embrace, Le Yun sniffed, Brother Chao smelled so good!He drank medicinal tea, the medicinal power penetrated into the flesh and blood to remove dirt. The dust and waste that he had accumulated in the past due to the poor detoxification function of his body are now less and less, and the scent of his own body is becoming more and more elegant.

Taking advantage of Brother Chao's cover, she didn't hesitate, secretly poked her acupoints, poked a few times on her chest, poked her right arm, and poked a few acupoints, the pain in her right hand disappeared, and the blood circulated normally.

It doesn't hurt.

Poking the acupoints to stop the pain, Le Yun stretched out her fingers and poked at the chest of the beautiful young brother: "Brother Chao, he is not a three-year-old child, so he will not cry at every turn. If you do this, my classmates and friends will laugh at me."

"We won't laugh."

"Little Loli, you can cry, we'll get you a tissue."

Little Lolita stopped crying, and Dai and the others' hearts fell to the ground.

"Does it still hurt?" Xiao Lele poked and played restlessly, and Chao Yubo let go of his arm in a funny and distressed manner.

"Mr. Li, instructors, and friends, let everyone worry, I'm fine." Le Yun looked around and saw many eyes staring at her with the brightest smile on her hands, just about to wave her arms , his face wrinkled again, "Ouch" grinning.

"Don't move." Teacher Li and Liu Zhenjun were taken aback.

The little girl's eyes were bright and clean, Han Yuntao pursed his lips slightly, and complex emotions flooded his heart, which was bitter and unspeakable for a while.

"It hurts?" Everyone saw that the little girl's face was wrinkled in pain, and they became nervous again.

"It hurts a bit, but it's bearable." Le Yun frowned. She knew how long the bone cracks were. If she didn't use her space medicine, it would take three days to heal. With space medicine, she would recover tomorrow.

"How could it be broken? Tell it to everyone." Chao Yubo rubbed the top of Xiao Lele's head, his tone was gentle and gentle.

Liu Zhenjun's face darkened, and Han Yuntao's back vest froze for a while.

"Brother Chao, this is an accident. Instructor Han normally evaluates military boxing and grappling skills, and everyone does it like that. I'm probably still in the developmental stage, and my bones are relatively brittle.

"Little beauty, are you sure it was all an accident?" Liu Xiangyang finally had a chance to interject, with an extraordinarily serious tone.

The people present quickly looked at Liu Shao, and then each withdrew their gazes, their hearts were tumbling, could there be something strange?

"It was an accident," Le Yun raised her head and explained seriously: "I have no grudges with the instructor, so is it possible that the instructor would intentionally hurt me? Besides, the instructor is a soldier, a soldier protects the family and protects the country, Loyal to the country and love of the people, the army and the people are family members, the soldiers are only cruel to the enemy, how could they hurt a girl like me for no reason? Liu Shuai, you are also a soldier, you should understand the principles of a soldier better, and don’t say such misleading words ."

"We also believe it was an accident."

"The instructor has always been good to us, and it is impossible to hurt us."

"The instructor is still our senior, so how can it hurt the junior girl."

Guan Yunzhi, Dai Liangyu and others joined in one after another, believing it was an accident.

"I don't care if I mess up? I didn't mislead others, I just wanted to know the truth." Liu Xiangyang smiled, he dared to bet, the little beauty also guessed that it was not an accident, she just didn't say it.

Liu Zhenjun breathed a sigh of relief in secret. Fortunately, all the students have sharp eyes. If there is a party who proves Instructor Han's innocence, then it will be fine. Otherwise, this matter is really not easy to handle.

"I didn't control my strength and hurt Classmate Le. I have an unshakeable responsibility." Han Yuntao apologized to all the students.

"Instructor, you're not wrong, you don't need to apologize, it's just an accident. If you don't get any injuries from military training, it won't play a role in strengthening your body and improving the physical fitness of the younger generation of the nation. Brother Chao, don't worry about me, I will do it in the future. Be careful, ouch, Brother Chao, don't poke me and hurt."

Hearing Xiao Lele's high-spirited tone, he seemed unwilling to stay calm, Chao Yubo was angry, he stretched out his fingers and poked the place where the plaster was applied to her right hand, causing people to scream in pain.

Teacher Li and the others were startled.

"President Chao, while you go, don't touch the little classmate's hand," Dr. Xu scolded angrily: "The little classmate has a broken bone, understand? Even if it's just a crack, you must rest for a few days. You can't do strenuous exercise, and don't shake things around."

"I can't do strenuous exercise, how can I do military training?" Le Yun's eyes widened, a look of shock on her face.

"Recuperate for a few days before training in the military." The young man made a final decision and could not be questioned.

"No, no, Brother Chao, points are deducted for not participating in military training? People should not leave regrets in their college career."

"Shangcheng still remembers military training, don't you want your hands? You honestly go back to recuperate for me, if you dare not obey, I will call Xu to inform Uncle Le. Doctor Xu will ask you to issue a certificate of injury and leave in a while. I took the certificate and the film I took to the Student Union and the Military Training Command of the Logistics Department for the record."

Chao Yubo held Xiao Lele's head angrily, and he still went to military training because he was injured like this?In case of another accident, do you want your hands?

"Brother Chao, don't inform my father, okay?" Le Yun grabbed the beautiful young brother's sleeve and shook it. It's good that brother Chao didn't tell her father about her broken bone. With her father's glass heart, I heard that She was injured and fractured during military training, and she doesn't know what she will be in a hurry.

"Lele is obedient to rest and recover. I won't tell Uncle Le about your injury. Otherwise, I'll send you back to my house and let the elders stare at you. "

"Brother Chao is a bad guy."

"No bad people are in charge of you, and you will be injured for military training. Tomorrow, this hand will be useless. How can you hold a scalpel?" Chao Yubo poked at the little girl who protested with a pouted mouth and rolled her eyes in the face: "Stop being petty. , listen to my brother's words, recuperate and observe for a few days before discussing."

"People know."

"Good boy." Chao Yubo was satisfied: "Xu Dazhang, please look at the injury on Lele's palm again. Do you want to prescribe medicine?"

"This child, how can the palm of the hand be injured like this?" Dr. Xu also felt pity in his heart. The little girl classmate's palm was injured and fractured, and it was a disaster.

"A few nights ago, when I was training, classmate Le fell and scratched his palm." Dai was busy explaining the reason for Little Loli's palm injury.

"It's another fall and a broken bone, and it all happened to be a pile."

"Doctor, accidents are inevitable in life. I'm relatively unlucky, so accidents happen frequently."

"Okay okay, we know it was an accident."

"What time is it, have you eaten? I'm so hungry, are you hungry?" Le Yun asked the boys in her class with her eyes wide open while waiting for the doctor to dispense the medicine.

"It's 12:30, we'll go eat after you bandage your wound." The boys laughed
"Students, you are one of the most united and friendly classes I have ever seen. From you, I have seen the purest and most precious virtues of human nature. You are the role models for students of Qing University. As the student council president, I am Qingda is proud of your talent, as a parent, I sincerely thank you for your care and love for Lele, thank you, students!"

The gentle and elegant boy bowed to Tuo, a classmate, and expressed his most sincere thanks. All the boys in a class were dispatched and willing to accompany him throughout the whole process. This kind of love can be enjoyed once in a lifetime, and there will be no regrets in life. Before Lele I didn't get the love of my classmates, but now I got it. Thank them for giving Lele the most beautiful military training time.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Guan Yunzhi and others were taken aback by President Chao's sudden move. The student council president thanked them, they couldn't afford it, and a bunch of boys hurriedly bowed.

Liu Xiangyang silently looked up at the sky. The biggest advantage of the little princess of the Chao family is that he can tell the truth, he can bend and stretch, he can afford to let go, he can bear praise, and he can also bear criticism. For those who are friendly to him, he I don't care about the noble and the low, and I have achieved a hero regardless of where they came from, and regarded them together; I am arrogant towards the enemy, and even if you are the emperor, I will never join forces.

Because of his attitude towards life, the little princess of the Chao family was able to win the unanimous approval of the college students.

Now, such a bow has not only won him a die-hard fan, but also won a friendship for the little beauty. The long-term future is unpredictable. At least in Qingda, these students will not fall for the little beauty, or secretly engage in intrigue.

Thanks for the friendly care of the boys, the teenager advised everyone to go to lunch first. After all, the boys have military training in the afternoon and need rest to survive; when the little loli woke up, President Chao was taking care of him, and the boys were relieved. I can't help you much when I come down, so I go to eat easily.

The students left, and Captain Liu and Instructor Han, Teacher Li, could not resist the insistence of the youth president. They also took a step forward. Teacher Li left the hospital and went straight to the staff cafeteria. The school leader was still there, and he rushed over just in time. You can talk about the situation while eating.

There is a saying that the radish was pulled out, and a group of people left, and the space seemed spacious.

Dr. Xu prepared some white medicine to help the little girl classmate to apply the wound on her palm, bandage it, and then went to bring the CT film to the boy, and blasted the last three great gods away.

Le Yun climbed down from the medical stretcher, pulled brother Chao's sleeve to please him, and walked with him, so as not to be lectured by him again.

The three walked out of the school hospital building, Yan Shao drove the car just into the hospital, and slowly drove in front of the three, Chao Yubo was not polite, opened the car door, sent Xiao Lele to the car, and got in himself.

Liu Xiangyang sat in the passenger seat without wearing a seat belt, and sat in the opposite direction with a smile: "Little beauty, there are no outsiders now, you can tell the truth."

Le Yun blinked: "I already said it, it was an accident, it was really an accident."

"Lele, you can't fool them. Even I can see that it's not an accident." Chao Yubo rubbed a small head in distress: "We need to know the truth."

Le Yun lowered her head, was silent for a long time, and said astringently: "I made the fracture myself."

(End of this chapter)

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