magic eye doctor

Chapter 1552 The sky is falling

Chapter 1552 The sky is falling (4 more)

When Brother Zhou and his wife's natal family were arguing about where Zhou Chunmei would get married, the beautiful boy gave Brother Zhou a contract and didn't pay any attention. He returned to school with his luggage and was a good student at the beginning of school, busy defending his postgraduate graduation.

After Young Master Yan returned to Beijing, he first went to his grandma's house to accompany his elders, then spent a day with his grandfather, and then returned to the base to bury himself in work with his brothers.

Time passed day by day. When the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar came, Young Master Yan also turned 30 years old. His relatives and friends called him to celebrate his birthday, and he was so angry that his face turned black like Bao Gong. It's so old, don't you need someone to remind you?

Thinking that he was thirty and that little Lolita hadn't arrived yet, he was heartbroken, and when he thought about where little Lolita had gone and when she would come back, he was not only heartbroken, but also extremely worried.

Little Lolita said that she would only keep her grandma free from any health concerns for three years. This year, her grandma will be 103 years old. He also feels that her grandma has passed through a winter and her energy is not as vigorous as the previous two years. Although it is not obvious, it is that A fact that cannot be ignored.

Thinking of grandma's health, Young Master Yan also put his heart behind him, and only hoped that little Lolita would come back soon.

Instead of the good news, he waited for the first bad news of the new year—the sergeant sent back from the border at the end of last year failed to make it through and died in mid-February!
Another sergeant died in the line of duty, the country lost a good soldier, the soldier lost a good comrade in arms, and the people lost a good son.

The higher-level department has sought the consent of the family members to temporarily freeze the remains of the soldiers, hoping that a certain schoolmate will come back as soon as possible to find clues from the remains.

The young wolf king also looked forward to the early return of little Lolita. If little Lolita was there, they believed that she would be able to find out what the nameless swollen poison was in the comrade-in-arms and save the life of the comrade-in-arms.

There used to be border guards who went missing or were killed or injured on the southwest border, and there was another case last year. Yan Xing did not take it lightly, marked it as a key area, and made a detailed reconnaissance plan. When the manpower is dispatched, the troops will be dispatched to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

New year and new weather, everyone is busy creating happiness, but time waits for no one, time passes day by day in the ordinary, and in a blink of an eye, it is another year of spring and March.

In March of Yangchun, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

However, in this lukewarm season, little belly's father had an accident.

The parents with a small belly were both laid-off workers, and later applied to become cleaners. Even if it was a low-level job in the eyes of others, Du’s parents and Du’s mother cherished it very much. They worked hard and never cut corners or missed work. wages to support the family.

On this day, Dad Du still woke up at midnight to go to work in the middle of the night as usual, and suddenly fainted in the middle of the morning, and was sent to the hospital by a passer-by.

The cleaning workers in the same district as Du’s father didn’t know at first, but later they heard that a cleaner fainted and was sent to the hospital. After contacting each other, they found out who it was. They immediately called the superiors and asked the superiors to Notify Mama Du.

Du's mother and Du's father do not work in the same area. Du's mother was notified by the management that her husband had fainted at work and had been sent to the hospital.

After Du's father was sent to the county doctor, he did the necessary work for emergency rescue, that is, he was sent for various examinations.

When Du's mother rushed to the county hospital, Du's father was still doing scans. A management member of the company arrived at the hospital first, and registered with Du's father when he received the company's work number. He saw Du's mother and asked Du Go home and take your ID card and other documents to the hospital to register and go through formal admission procedures.

Du's mother, who was in a panic for a long time, hurried home to get her documents, bank cards, and social security cards, and then returned to the hospital to go through the admission procedures for her husband and pay a deposit in advance.

Du's mother waited for another hour before Du's father completed all the examinations and was sent to the inpatient ward of the hospital.

He woke up during a certain scan. He didn't react at the time, and he didn't know what happened. Later, the medical staff told him the reason, and he realized that he suddenly fainted and was called an ambulance by a passer-by to take him to the hospital.

Father Du was very distressed about the money, and he didn't want to have an examination, let alone stay in the hospital. After being told by the doctors, he didn't say a word. When he was sent to the ward, he saw his wife also came, and he comforted him proudly: "It's okay, it's okay. , I'm fine, maybe I didn't eat in the morning, and I fainted from hunger, just take a rest, and we'll be discharged from the hospital later."

"His dad, don't be brave, let's listen to the doctor first, and wait for the test results first, or we won't feel at ease." Du's mother was so upset, she smiled, lest his wife would not stay in the hospital for fear of spending money
Father Du didn't want to waste money, but drips and the like were all on, and it was impossible to refund the money, so he had to lie down and hang the water honestly.

Not long after Dad Du was transferred to the ward, he was admitted to another patient, an elderly man who slipped and fell and broke his leg, and had to be hospitalized for observation after the bone surgery.

There are patients in the ward, and there are also people chatting, so Dad Du will not feel uncomfortable.

At noon, Mama Du went out to buy food and went back to the ward to eat. When she went to work in the afternoon, the nurses sent the test results to the ward one after another.

When the results of the scan test came out, the assistant doctor called Du's father's family members to the doctor's office. When they entered the doctor's office, Du's mother became more and more flustered, and stammered and asked, "Doctor, my husband... what is he?" sick?"

"You are Du Guoliang's family, right?" The doctor held the film and showed it to the patient's family under the light: "This is the scan result. There are several tumors in the patient's liver lobe. Look at this location, this... this... , There are four tumors in this area, two in this area, five in this area, and one in this area, it may not be intuitive to look at the film, you can look at the scanned image on the computer, "

The doctor pointed out the scanned shadows on the film to the family members, then sat down and called up the scanned images, and carefully pointed them out to the family members. The scanned images on the computer are more intuitive and easier to see.

Then explain to the family members: "From the scan, it can be seen that the patient has a tumor in the liver lobe, and the blood and urine test sheets have also come out. Looking at the test results, and based on the symptoms that the patient said he had, The possibility of diagnosing the patient’s liver lobe tumor as malignant is relatively high, and we dare not make a 100% diagnosis. It is recommended that you take the patient to the city hospital for further reexamination. The city hospital has high-end instruments such as magnetic resonance, and the inspection results are more accurate than the county hospital. "

Like thunder on a sunny day, Mama Du's face turned pale: " this... liver cancer?"

"Don't panic." The doctor was worried that the family members would not be able to accept it, and hurriedly comforted him: "Liver tumor does not mean that it is [-]% liver cancer. We only infer that possibility from the test results and some symptoms of the patient. Diagnosed, so it is recommended to go to the city hospital for reexamination.

We suggest that it is best to go directly to Hanshi Hospital for reexamination. The high-end equipment in the large hospitals in the province is more advanced, and the experts in this field are also more professional. go to the province.

The large hospital in the province found that the tumor was malignant, and further tests were needed, that is, a liver lobe puncture operation, and the juice was extracted from the liver tumor for testing to determine whether it was liver cancer..."

The doctor talked about various possibilities, comforted the patient's family members, and gave the family members the list issued by the hospital suggesting transfer to another hospital for reexamination.

The patient's family members were pale and gloomy, and the doctor was also worried about the situation, so he sent her back to the ward, and personally explained the diagnostic results of the filming to the patient, suggesting that she be transferred to the city hospital for reexamination.

When Papa Du heard that he had a tumor in his liver, he trembled as if he had been struck by lightning. Did he have liver cancer?If he has liver cancer, what will the family do?What about two kids?
Although his girl is about to graduate soon, she got a loan from the bank for her studies. After graduation, she will have a job and her salary will not be too high. She has to repay the loan and cannot afford her brother's tuition.

Qiwen has just entered college and needs at least [-] yuan a year. If he fails, how can the mother alone afford the pressure of sending her son to school?

He didn't want to spend money on the reexamination, but he also knew that if he didn't go by himself, the child's mother would tell the two children, and the children would worry about him if they found out, and they might run back to accompany him to the hospital in person.

And his mother...

Du's father thought a lot in his heart. When the doctor left, he firmly told his wife: "We are discharged from the hospital and go to the province for reexamination. Don't tell Shushu and Qiwen first, so as not to affect their study and work, and don't tell other people. , don’t worry, the doctor said it’s just a possibility, it’s not confirmed, there’s nothing to worry about.”

He decided that the re-examination is still necessary. It is really sure that it is liver cancer, and there is no need to spend that much money. Liver cancer cannot be cured, so just go home directly, so as not to drag the children down.

"His father..." Du Ma held back tears for a long time, her throat was blocked.

My mother-in-law is kind-hearted, and she usually keeps her head down and doesn't talk much. Dad Du knows her character and knows that she is heavy-hearted, so she does it herself, gets out of bed, puts on her shoes, tidies up, takes her belongings, and goes to the hospital for discharge procedures.

Du's mother was in a mess, and she and her wife finished the discharge procedures, went home first, packed up a change of clothes and necessities, took a car to the city, and took a train to Hanshi.

In order to save money, the couple took the ordinary train and didn't arrive in Hanshi until midnight. They didn't want to waste money on staying in a hotel, so they spent half the night at the train station, and went to the hospital by car before dawn.

Du's father and Du's mother rushed to the hospital early and waited in line for registration. They were one of the first people in the queue, and the queue for appointments was also in the front. Arrived.

Dad Du brought all the results of the examination at the county hospital with him, and brought them to the expert when he saw the doctor. The expert read the diagnosis sheet and listed what items to check.

After paying the fee, check the items one by one.

Du's mother accompanied Du's father to do the examination. The results of the last examination did not come out until after four o'clock in the afternoon. After getting the test sheets of various examinations, they went to ask the experts.

The experts read the test results, arranged for the patient to go through hospitalization procedures, and was hospitalized that night.

Du's mother also guessed that something was wrong, she cried a few times, but did not dare to let her wife know, Du's father also cooperated with the doctor, obeyed the doctor's advice, and did not do anything, and did not eat what could not be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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