magic eye doctor

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553
Du's mother was hospitalized with his wife until the next day, and the hospital arranged for Du's father to do several laboratory tests again, and a liver biopsy was performed on the third day.

After the liver puncture operation, you need to lie in bed for 24 hours, and Du's father also obeyed the doctor and stayed in bed.

Du's mother anxiously waited for the result, and tried to call her daughter several times to tell her, but she didn't dare.

The test results did not come out until the next day, and Mama Du was invited into the office of a specialist doctor. When the doctor announced that the diagnosis was liver cancer, which was already in the middle stage of liver cancer, she felt that the sky was falling, and she fainted for a while. .

The doctors reacted, supported the patient's family members, kept her from falling, pinched her, woke her up after some first aid, and the assistant doctor poured a glass of warm water for the patient's family members to calm her down.

The pillar of the family is terminally ill, how can he calm down?Mama Du's hand holding the paper water cup kept shaking, even her lips trembled. Her mind went blank, she sat like a wooden figure, her eyes were out of focus.

The doctors are used to the various reactions of terminally ill family members, and they also understand the grief that the family members cannot control themselves in this situation. Don't wait too pessimistically.

Mama Du heard the doctors' consolation, but she didn't remember a single word. She sat in a daze for a long while, her empty eyes were able to focus, and tears poured out like a fountain.

The patient's family members were too emotional, and the medical staff helped her to the waiting area outside the office to calm her down so as not to delay other patients from checking the results.

Madam Du sat blankly, her mind was confused, she sat for half an hour, her tears were all shed, and then she slowly took out her mobile phone and called her girl.

Du Miaoshu works very hard in the internship company, treating her internship as a formal job, conscientious, open-minded and studious, self-disciplined.

It was not long after work in the afternoon that day, and a call came from work. She looked at her phone and found that it was her mother. She didn't want to answer it at first, because her parents never called her during her working hours. This time, she suddenly called Worried about something urgent at home, he quietly left the work area and went to the corridor of the bathroom to answer the phone.

She ran to the corridor, and the phone automatically hung up due to the timeout. She was about to call her mother, but the phone called again, and it was her mother who dialed again, busy answering: "Mom, I'm Shushu, how are you and Dad?  … ..."

Du's mother didn't get through the first time she called, but she dialed again the second time. When she heard her daughter's voice, she broke down after several days of depression, and burst into tears: "Shu Shu, your dad... your dad..."

Her voice was hoarse and choked, and she could barely speak in full.

Hearing her mother's cry from the phone, Du Miaoshu's heart was beating uncontrollably, her chest seemed to be pressed by something, she had difficulty breathing, her mother seldom cried, unless she was wronged, let alone howling I cried a lot, and my mother's crying was heartbreaking. Something must have happened to my father.

She couldn't stand anymore, her legs were shaking, her heart was flustered, and her hand holding the phone was also shaking: "Mom, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with my dad, what's wrong with dad..."

What happened to Dad?
Frightened by her mother's crying, Du Miaoshu was in a panic. She didn't get an answer from her mother, and urged her again: "Mom, mom, mom, don't cry, tell me what happened, what happened to my dad?" what?"

Mama Du, who was sitting on the bench in the hospital, was in a mess. Hearing what her daughter said, she wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound after opening her mouth several times. She was urged several times in a row, anxious and panicked, crying He let out a cry, and answered hoarsely: "Your dad...your dad got liver cancer, Shu Shu, your dad got liver cancer... woo-"

Mama Du said those words, as if she had exhausted all her strength, she let out a sob, her throat was blocked again, and she cried silently again.

When the word "liver cancer" came into her ears, Du Miaoshu heard a loud "boom" in her brain, she couldn't stand anymore, her legs became weak, and she fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The man sat down, tears streaming down his face, clutching the phone tightly in his hand, trying to speak, but his throat seemed to be choked, and he couldn't speak.

The sound of heavy breathing and silent sobbing came from the other side of the phone. She knew that it was her mother who was choking, and she also heard some other noises. Some people sighed, and some people said, "I have liver cancer, no wonder I cry like that." Alas, that kind of disease is a mortal disease..." and so on.

Minimal discussions came from the mobile phone. Du Miaoshu's dirty hands seemed to be strangled by one hand, and she had difficulty breathing. She opened her mouth several times before she made a sound: "Mom, which hospital are you and Dad now? Dad, he knows." Are you ready? Mom, tell me where you are first, I'll be right back..."

Because of the great panic in her heart, she was trembling, her teeth were chattering, and her voice was trembling and uneven. She exhausted all her strength to restrain herself from crying.

Du's mother heard the girl's crying voice, and her tears flowed more fiercely. After trying a few times, she managed to control her emotions and did not cry again. It’s coming from the province, and it’s at the People’s Hospital in the city. I… didn’t dare to tell your dad, he doesn’t know yet…”

"Mom, don't tell Dad yet. I'll be there right away. I'll go to the hospital. Mom, wait for me. Don't be afraid. I'll be here soon. I'll call when I get to the hospital..."

I was flustered, but Du Miaoshu tried hard to calm herself down. Her grandparents could not be counted on. Her younger brother was several years younger than her, so he couldn't take on any heavy responsibility. When something happened to her father, her mother had no one to discuss with her. Individuals can share their worries. If she is not strong, how can mother bear the pressure alone.

After comforting her mother, she hung up the phone, and when she lowered her head, she realized that she was sitting on the ground, and slowly stood up, her hands were still shaking, and her legs were weak, but she held on and did not fall again. Go soft.

Du Miaoshu dragged her limp legs and moved around. Every step she took seemed to be walking on a cotton pile, light and light. After walking a few steps, she found a little feeling. She walked slowly from the corridor back to the work department and cleaned up her desktop. Keep the completed work well, and then go to the person in charge, Manager Zhang, to ask for leave.

Manager Zhang is in his 40s and an elite white-collar worker. He has extremely strict requirements on his subordinates in terms of work, and handles them fairly. He is quite trusted by the leaders and convinced by his subordinates.

Seeing that the intern's eyes were red, it was obvious that she had just cried, and guessed that she must have encountered a very embarrassing thing. Hearing that she was going to ask for personal leave, she didn't embarrass her, and asked the reason for the leave.

"Manager, I... Dad, I'm in the hospital. I was just diagnosed with... liver cancer. I might have to take a few days off." Du Miaoshu held back her tears and didn't let herself cry.

"Liver cancer, have you been diagnosed?" Manager Zhang was taken aback. Liver cancer can basically be said to be an absolute cancer. No wonder the girl looks like the sky is falling.

"It should be diagnosed."

"Then I'll give you three days off first. You can go to the hospital to find out the details before discussing the situation. If three days off is not enough, you can call me and tell me." Manager Zhang didn't ask any further questions, and gave the leave generously. After thinking about it, I added: "If you still have any difficulties, and you can't find anyone to ask for advice, you can also call me outside of working hours. I may not be able to help you solve the problem, maybe I can help you. A little advice."

"Thank you, manager. I... I'm going to the hospital first." The manager has always been kind to her. Du Miaoshu was grateful in her heart, bowed deeply, took two steps back before turning around, and ran away in a hurry.

The girl ran out with tears in her eyes. Manager Zhang sighed sympathetically. After a while, he went to the work department and handed over Du Miaoshu's work to another employee. He asked others to help share the work. Manager Zhang naturally explained the reason.

Because of this, the employee who took over Du Miaoshu's job knew that Du's father had liver cancer, and told his colleagues while chatting. The old and new employees who worked in the same department also soon knew that Du Miaoshu's father had terminal illness.

Leaving from the manager's office, Du Miaoshu left the company directly with a small bag containing personal belongings, went downstairs to the street, took a taxi and rushed to the hospital.

She reported the location, sat in the car and kept crying, startled the driver, and persuaded him for a long time. Hearing that the passenger's father was terminally ill, the driver didn't know how to comfort him.

The car drove all the way, Du Miaoshu shed tears all the way, and was sent to the outpatient building of the hospital. She wiped away her tears, paid the money, ran into the building in a hurry, called her mother again, asked where she was, and then went all the way to find her .

Du's mother called the girl, sat there without moving, like a wooden figure, thinking a lot, she and her husband are actually less than 50 years old, because life is hard, doing dirty and tiring work, so Looking old.

My wife got terminally ill at such a young age, and said she couldn't be cured. She couldn't see her man and just waited to die like that.
There are only two laborers in her family. The couple work from dawn to dusk every day. The wife also works a part-time job, barely able to make ends meet. This year, her daughter is about to graduate, and it seems that she can relax a little bit. Who would have thought that at this juncture, his wife would suffer from liver cancer again? .

The little money they had saved was only enough for their son's tuition and miscellaneous expenses for one year, and the hospitalization cost was almost enough. Even if the company had insurance, it would have to be reimbursed later.

Mama Du felt a pain like a needle prick in her heart, telling her to give up saving her man, she couldn't do it, where would she borrow the money for the treatment?
She sat there blankly in a daze. She didn't know how long she had been sitting. When she heard the phone ring, she saw that the number was her girl's phone. She answered it mechanically, and reported which department she was in mechanically.

Confused, Madam Du hung up the phone, held the phone in her hands, and sat there for a long time, until two human legs appeared in front of her eyes, she looked up blankly, and saw her own girl, tears that had already dried up welled up again, Choked up sobbing: "Shu Shu-"

According to the information her mother gave, Du Miaoshu asked the doctor, found the floor accurately, and then found a certain department. Seeing her mother sitting in a daze, her heart ached and sore, she ran to her mother, but she still hadn't called out "Mom" , the tears rolled down first.

When her mother raised her head, she couldn't bear the pain in her heart anymore, squatted down, hugged her mother, and began to cry.

Mama Du also hugged her daughter and sobbed loudly.

The mother and daughter cried with headaches in their arms, and cried until their hearts were broken. Some family members of the patients couldn't bear it, so they stepped forward to persuade and comfort them, and gave them some encouragement.

There are no hurdles in life that cannot be overcome. It is easy to say that sentence to comfort others. When you truly become the comforted person, you will realize how deep the pain in your heart is and how powerless you are in the face of insurmountable disasters.

Du Miaoshu cried until her throat became dry, and thanked those who comforted her with sobs. She went to the bathroom to wash her face, and then wiped her mother's face. She mustered up the courage to go into the doctor's office and consult her father's symptoms.

The doctor received the patient's family members, showed the images to the patient's family members again, and took the trouble to explain the images and test items one by one to see which aspects of the patient's condition were more serious according to the data.

Liver cancer is a certainty. Doctors and family members discuss what may happen next, such as the possibility of rapid spread of cancer cells or extrahepatic metastasis, how to treat them, and so on.

Du Miaoshu endured heartache and anxiety, and listened carefully to the doctors' analysis of the condition and treatment suggestions. She is not a person in the medical field. specific treatment options.

When she came out of the doctor's office, her legs were heavier than lead. Her father was already in the middle stage of liver cancer. According to biopsy tests and multiple special inspections, the cancer cells may spread or metastasize at any time!

Once a liver cancer patient enters an advanced stage, it basically means that there are not many days left.

Dad is already in a very dangerous stage. If he can't control it, he may develop into an advanced stage soon.

The doctor's words were spinning in her mind. Du Miaoshu's legs weighed more than a thousand catties, and she moved step by step from the office to the waiting area outside. She sat down next to her mother, holding her hand, and her own hand was shaking.

"Shu Shu, what should we do? What should we do..." Du Ma grabbed her daughter's hand and was about to collapse again.

"Mom, there is still hope. It can be surgically resected, and the liver can be replaced..." Du Miaoshu was also panicking, and had to comfort her mother. In fact, the doctor said that liver replacement is not practical. As for the risk of the success of the operation, the liver source alone is a big problem.

There are many patients in the hospital who are waiting for a liver transplant. One of them has not found a suitable liver source after nearly eight months, and the other has been waiting for half a year.

Moreover, Papa Du's condition is not very good, and the risk of liver replacement is as great as surgical resection of the tumor.

In the case of Du’s father, surgery to remove cancer lesions is also very risky. The lesions with cancer cells are too scattered and scattered in various areas of the entire liver lobe. Therefore, at present, only interventional therapy, targeted therapy, and radiotherapy can be used to treat the cancer. L.

The doctor's analysis made Du Miaoshu feel desperate, but she couldn't let her mother know, so she could only bear the huge pain and suffering silently.

With her daughter here, Mama Du had a place to rely on. After listening to the analysis, she had hope again in her heart, but the spark of hope that had just been born was extinguished all of a sudden: "It costs at least hundreds of thousands to cure the disease, so we can go there to borrow it." So much money..."

"..." Du Miaoshu was also silent, yes, their family is an ordinary family, and it would be difficult to raise thirty to fifty thousand, let alone hundreds of thousands?

Money is not everything, but without money, everything is impossible.

The mother and daughter worry about money.

The Du family doesn't have any wealthy relatives. The richer one is Du's father's younger brother, Du Guoqin, who used to be in the breeding business and has a fortune of RMB 40 to [-].

Du Miaoshu also knew clearly that she couldn't borrow money from her uncle, and that her aunt was mean, so it would be nice if the uncle's family didn't fall into trouble, so don't expect to help.

Don't count on grandparents either. Since her father was very young, her grandparents have only favored her uncle, and she has always favored her younger son. Her father only went to junior high school and was not allowed to study. My uncle is not a material for studying, and my grandparents just spend money. Send my little uncle to a vocational high school.

Grandpa and grandma like their youngest son, so grandma built a house for him and found a wife for him. What grandma gave her dad was an old dirt house, and her dad found someone to build a house by himself. On their own.

The other relatives of the Du family are not very rich. It might be okay to borrow [-] to [-]. If you want to borrow more, the relatives may not be willing to borrow.

After screening all the relatives in her family, Du Miaoshu was also at a loss. She was stunned for a while, took out her mobile phone silently, turned to a number and dialed it, and the response was the same "What did you dial?" The number is switched off".

Le Xiaoniu's cell phone is still turned off, which means she is still doing research in retreat and has not come out yet.

Holding the mobile phone, I stared at it for a long time, then looked at the time, and silently dialed another number of Le Xiaoniu, which she bought after going to the capital to study. Le Xiaoniu told her to give the number to her before retreating. My brother will take care of it. If there is anything urgent, I need to call another number.

Chao Jiamei was very busy after returning to school. He ran around every day. On this day, after finishing his afternoon classes, he was driving to the Wu Zang Temple. Halfway through, his phone rang.

When Ren heard the ringtone, he knew it was his sister Xiaocuti's mobile phone. Xiaotuanzi told the contact person before the retreat that he wanted to retreat for research, so basically no one called, only messages or emails during the New Year and holidays.

Someone called Xiaotuanzi, presumably there was something wrong, the beautiful boy pulled over the car and took out his cute claw machine to see who was calling.

He took out the phone and saw that the caller ID was "Little Belly", so he knew it was Du Miaoshu, Xiaotuanzi's only friend from Xiaocutie High School. It seemed that the call had lasted more than forty seconds, so he hurriedly answered, "Is it classmate Du Miaoshu? I am Brother Lele, did you encounter any difficulties looking for Lele?"

The so-called don't go to the Hall of Eight Treasures, he also knows that Xiao Lele's classmate has nothing to do and won't call. After all, that child sent messages to Xiao Lele's mobile phone on Chinese New Year and Western Valentine's Day, and he also replied. On behalf of Xiaolele, I will send my blessings back.

Du Miaoshu dialed the number of her little deskmate, feeling uneasy. When the phone was connected, she heard a gentle and jade-like male voice, especially when the last straight-forward question caught her ears. She couldn't help sobbing: "Excuse me, I Can I ask, is there a way to contact Le Xiaoniu?"

"Student Du, this is really a pity. Lele hasn't contacted me since she went to do research, and she hasn't contacted her bodyguards. Unless Lele takes the initiative to call, no one can find out where she is."

Chao Yubo reluctantly responded with a bad message, and continued to ask: "Student Du, do you have any urgent needs for Lele? You can tell me first, even if I can't solve it, I can provide some suggestions."

"I... I... My dad... He has liver cancer... I want to ask Le Xiaoniu to help my dad see a doctor..." Du Miaoshu originally didn't want to say why she was looking for a deskmate, but Le Xiaoniu's brother's voice was too gentle, which made him She can't hide it.

"Mr. Du got liver cancer?" Chao Yubo was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Is it diagnosed? Is it serious? You scan or take a photo of all the test sheets and diagnosis results and send them to me. I'll take them to Lele." Brother look at it.

Liver disease cannot be delayed, and I don’t know how to treat it is the best solution. I have consulted with experts before giving you advice. Treatment of liver disease also requires a lot of money. You send me your bank card, and I will start with Lele’s Transfer the money from the bank card to your emergency, don't refuse it, this money is lent to you by Lele, and you will return it to Lele after you and your brother work and earn money in the future. "

Du Miaoshu listened to the boy's nice voice, and when he took the initiative to ask for the laboratory test sheet to seek expert consultation, and also thoughtfully asked for a bank card to help transfer money, gratitude welled up in her heart, tears fell down like broken beads, and said repeatedly thanks.

"You're welcome. You are my sister's only friend in high school. You are my sister's little sister. If I can't even do a little favor, Lele will have to come back in a hurry."

Listening to the girl's crying, Chao Yubo guessed that she was sad, and comforted her gently: "Don't panic, a lucky person has his own destiny, I believe that Mr. Du will save the day, and you and your family don't worry about not having enough money. Call me anytime if you have any questions, and only ask the hospital to use the best medicine to keep your condition under control.

You should consult a doctor to see if you can have a liver transplant. If you are suitable for a liver transplant, you can do a liver transplant operation. "

"Thank you. I asked. The doctor said that my dad's condition is too risky for liver replacement. The doctor does not recommend liver replacement."

"You can't do liver transplantation, you can only do targeted treatment, right..."

Chao Yubo asked a few questions, and asked Du to take a photo of the test sheet for him, hung up the phone, and went to eat first.

The daughter was on the phone, but Mama Du didn't say a word, her eyes were full of hope, when the daughter finished the call, she asked eagerly: "Shushu, are you talking to your former deskmate, the one who gave your brother the pen? "

Du Miaoshu shook her head: "No, my little deskmate in high school went to do research and didn't come back during the Chinese New Year. Her mobile phone was given to her brother. This is her brother. The little deskmate asked me to take my dad's test. Just give him a photo, and he will ask the experts for help, and also... borrow money for my dad to treat his illness on behalf of my little deskmate."

"Really? Your brother at the same table is willing to borrow money?" Du Ma's excited eyes sparkled with hope. If you have money, you can treat the child's father. As long as there are people around, money can be earned.

"Well, my brother at the same table said that he kept a bank card for me at the same table, and transferred the money from my bank card at the same table." .

Du Miaoshu wiped off the tears on her face, spread out the test sheets in the file bag one by one, took pictures, and sent them to the mobile phone of her deskmate after taking pictures.

She waited for a few minutes, and the brother at the same table replied "received". After receiving the reply, she put away the test sheet and put it in a bag, helped her mother to wash her face, and then went to see her father.

(End of this chapter)

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