magic eye doctor

Chapter 1554 Concealment (2 more

Chapter 1554 Concealment (2 more

Du's father was very weak. After he underwent liver lobe puncture and stayed in bed for 24 hours, he was also prohibited from doing too many indoor exercises. At most, he went to the toilet and walked a few steps in the bed room.

The child's mother has not returned since being called by the nurse to the doctor's office in the middle of the afternoon, and Du's father also vaguely knows that his condition is not very good, and it may be liver cancer!

He wants to find the child's mother, the doctor's office is not on the same floor as the ward, and he may have ordered that too much exercise is strictly prohibited, so he can only wait patiently.

That waited until evening, when the child's mother came back with her own girl, Du's father was stunned: "Shushu, you...why are you here?"

After discussing with her own daughter, Madam Du wanted to keep the father of the child from knowing that it was liver cancer, and pretended to explain easily: "The doctor told me to go to the office. I couldn't understand the professional words the doctors said. I thought it was liver cancer. I was scared." It's broken, so I called Shushu, and waited for Shushu to come to ask the doctor about the situation, and then came back after asking clearly, Shushu has come to the hospital, of course, I can rest assured to see you."

"I just said that I am not seriously ill. You said why did you let Shushu come here? She is still in the internship period, so it is not easy to ask for leave frequently." Du's father complained about his wife. If she asks for leave, what if her boss thinks that she is not serious about her work and cannot find a good job in the future?

Instead, he told the girl: "Shushu, I have nothing to do. Your mother is troublesome. I will tell you such a small matter. You can see it with your own eyes. You can rest assured now. Don't stay for a long time. Take advantage of the days to return." Hurry back when it's dark, you're a girl, it's not safe on the road at night."

"Dad, I've already asked for leave. I'll be with you in the hospital today." Du Miaoshu moved closer to her father, pretending to be in a state of lingering fear: "Dad, I asked the doctor about it. Fortunately, it's not liver cancer. It's just that this tumor is malignant. If it continues to deteriorate, it will become liver cancer. The doctor said that it must be controlled, and it cannot be allowed to continue to deteriorate, so it has to be hospitalized.

The doctor told me a lot of treatment options, and I don’t know anything about medicine. I asked my friends in the capital at the same table in high school for help, and sent you the test report. They said that they can help you find an expert and ask how to treat it. It's better, the result will be available tomorrow. "

"It's not a serious illness, just go back and recuperate for ten days and a half months. Why waste money on what to do in the hospital." Du's father's first reaction was that the hospital would cost money, and the county hospital would cost thousands for a few days. The big hospitals here are more expensive, and hospitalization is a waste of money.

"That can't be done," Du Miaoshu sternly rejected her father's idea: "The doctor said, Dad, your situation is very dangerous. If you don't control it now, you can't control it if you want to in the future. When it deteriorates into liver cancer, don't say whether you can do it or not." For the problem of treatment, your body will also be worn out at that time, and the cost will be hundreds of times more than what you don't know now.

Dad, if you are sick, you should treat it early. If you find it now, treat it early. Early treatment will cost less money and will not damage your body.

Dad, what will happen to our family if you procrastinate until it deteriorates into liver cancer?It really makes my mother, me and brother watch you sick and helpless. We can't do it. If we want to cure it, where can we raise money?At that time, it is impossible for my younger brother to continue studying with peace of mind. He can only go out to work to make money, and it will be too late to regret it. "

"But... But, it must cost a lot of money to treat this. I need to borrow money." Dad Du was not sure whether it was liver cancer or a malignant tumor.

"Dad, my deskmate in high school has money, so don't be afraid that you won't be able to borrow money."

"Your deskmate in high school? The one who gave your brother the pen?"

"That's right, Dad has a good memory, it's that girl Le."

"Didn't you say what did she go to do, and when will she come back?"

"Le Xiaoniu hasn't come back yet. If she comes back, I will definitely ask Le Xiaoniu to help Dad see a doctor. If you can't find Le Xiaoniu, you can find her brother and friends. Le Xiaoniu's brother will help her keep a bank card.

Dad, I'll take care of the money. You just need to stay in the hospital with peace of mind and cooperate with the treatment. Get cured and leave the hospital early. My mother and I haven't told my brother about your hospitalization. If you don't cooperate, I will call my brother and let him Ask for leave to come to the hospital to watch you. "

"Don't, don't, don't tell your brother, I'll just be in the hospital." Father Du immediately compromised. The girl knew he was in the hospital, so she was so frightened that she left her job and came to supervise her, letting her son know that he was sick. He will also go to the hospital to watch him.

My son has just entered college, and frequent absenteeism will affect his academic performance.

Du's father has already worried his daughter, and Du's father doesn't want to disturb his son to worry with him. Instead of dragging down the two children's study and work by not cooperating, he should be hospitalized according to the children's wishes, recover early and go home early.

Successfully persuaded her father to be hospitalized for treatment, half of Du Miaoshu's heart was relieved, and the other half was worried that the medical staff would accidentally let her father know the truth and he would not cooperate with the treatment.

It's getting dark, and it's time to eat. Ask if there are any taboos. I leave my mother in the ward and go downstairs to buy food. I just took the elevator downstairs to the lobby of the building. When I heard a text message on my phone, I took out my phone Look, it's a bank text message.

The bank notified that a new sum of money was added. Du Miaoshu guessed that the brother at the same table had transferred the money. When she clicked on it, she saw a long string of zeros. Counting, a full 100 million!

She counted it several times and confirmed that she was right. Her legs were a little weak. She thought that Brother Le Xiaoniu would transfer the money at most 20 million yuan, but he transferred a million yuan in one go.

A whole million!
That number may be just a drop in the bucket for Le Xiaoniu now, but it is no different from an astronomical figure for her family.

Du Miaoshu's breathing was a bit rough, and she took several deep breaths before she managed to calm down. First, she went to a fast food restaurant to buy a nutritious meal, and rushed back to the hospital ward.

After eating with my parents, I found that my parents didn't have enough washing supplies, and the roll paper was almost used up, so I hurried downstairs to go shopping.

With a huge sum of money in her hand, she felt very uneasy. She bought some daily necessities at the nearest store and rushed back to the hospital. , If the medical staff asked her anything, she was responsible.

Fearing that others would know that she was carrying a huge sum of money, Du Miaoshu didn't dare to sleep at night with peace of mind, she just got confused for a while, and only felt relieved when she secretly checked her bank card and mobile phone in the morning.

When she arrived at the hospital, she naturally took care of all the tasks. After breakfast, she was looking for time to pay the deposit, and received a feedback message from Brother Le Xiaoniu.

Du Miaoshu checked the information and read it very carefully. Brother Le Xiaoniu compiled the expert opinions and suggestions on liver cancer into a written form, and wrote it in detail. He also listed the situation analyzed from the test sheet and gave targeted suggestions.

After reading the information, Du Miaoshu asked her parents to rush out of the hospital to find a place to print a few copies of the information sent by her brother at the same table, and then returned to the hospital. While the hospital's day shift staff were at work, they first paid a deposit of 80 yuan. Then go to the attending doctor and agree on which treatment plan to use.

The attending doctor discussed with the patient's family members for a long time and determined the treatment plan. The patient's family members signed the agreement agreeing to the treatment plan, and the doctor also started to arrange the treatment itinerary.

Du Miaoshu stayed in the hospital, watching her father take the first medicine for the first course of treatment, and underwent surgery, and did not stay with the hospital for the second time, and went back to the company to sell his leave to work.

That day is Thursday, which is also March 3 in the new calendar.
When the intern Mr. Du came to sell the vacation, Manager Zhang was very surprised. He cared a little more and asked, "You only took one day off. Could it be that your father was misdiagnosed by the hospital instead of liver cancer?"

"There is no misdiagnosis. It is definitely liver cancer. It is already being treated. My mother is accompanying me in the hospital. I can't do anything in the hospital. When I come back to work, my parents can feel at ease, so I still come back to work and go to the hospital on weekends."

"Is there any difficulty? If the economic pressure is high, it is not convenient for the company to make an exception for a certain employee. I personally have a small savings, and it is not too much. I only have 5 to [-] yuan for an emergency."

Manager Zhang is kind and easy-going to his employees, but he is also in a hurry. Du Miaoshu was moved and her eyes were hot: "Thank you, manager. difficulty."

"You are so lucky to have a good tablemate."

"Yes, I also think I am the luckiest. I met a good deskmate in high school, a good company during my internship, and a good leader like you."

"I can't help you. Cherish your little sister. In this life, having a friend who is generous in times of difficulty is more precious than anything else."

"I will, cherish my friends, my colleagues, and my work!"

"Okay, you go to work." The girl's eyes were red, and Manager Zhang was really afraid that she would cry if he said something encouraging, so he asked her to go to work.

Du Miaoshu bowed gratefully to the manager, took a few steps back, left the manager's office, wiped her eyes, and returned to the work area as quickly as possible.

The staff in the work area were also very surprised to see that the intern student Du was at work again. They didn't go to inquire about the situation during working hours.

Because what Ms. Du said was normal, the staff couldn't find any particularly valuable news, so they let it go.

Because she met a good boss, Du Miaoshu also hopes that one day she can become a full-time employee, work harder, humbly ask old employees for advice, and work hard to be a good intern.

After one day of work on Friday, I will go to the hospital to accompany me for two days, and then return to the company to work on Monday.

After working two days in a new week, it will be April. On the first Saturday of April, Ching Ming Festival will be a day off for Ching Ming, and it will be a day off on Monday of the next week.

When it came to Qingming, Du's father was hospitalized and could not go to visit the grave. It was not until then that Du's younger brother and Du grandparents knew that Du Guoliang was in the hospital. Sexually forgot about that.

(End of this chapter)

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