magic eye doctor

Chapter 1558 Know the truth

Chapter 1558 Know the truth
My daughter came out of the court and married a wealthy family. Finally, Mrs. Zhou was able to feel proud, shared the gift with her natal family, and lived there until the end of the May Day holiday. On the first day after the holiday, the public office officially went to work. She met the girl and her son-in-law in the county .

Li Yao's family was originally from the county seat of Zhuxian County, and they had houses in the city and the provincial capital. His parents lived in the city for a long time, and the hometown in the county seat was expanded into a small villa seven or eight years ago, and he occasionally went back to live there.

Zhou Chunmei married to Li's family and temporarily lived in the county. Because she didn't live with her in-laws, it was equivalent to being the wife of the family, and she lived a happy life.

Li Yao listened to her mother-in-law's complaint that she didn't have a good breakfast to catch the early bus in the morning, so she accompanied her mother-in-law to order cakes and pastries thoughtfully, and then went to the house to complete the transfer procedures.

The house is one of the dowry gifts. The two parties agreed that after the formal marriage, the man will give the woman’s parents a house. When discussing the marriage, the two parties reached an agreement that the house is for the man to provide for his parents-in-law’s retirement, and the agreement cannot be resold as a gift to other people. , registered under the name of the mother-in-law, in order to prevent Zhou Tianming from getting married when Zhou Tianming's father-in-law's family competed for the pension property that the Li family gave to the parents-in-law.

The house Li Yao gave his parents-in-law was a two-bedroom house, about [-] pings, with a good location. It was on a sub-street in Zhuxian County. The building had seven floors and was located on the third floor.

The property is more than ten years old. If it is listed for sale, the price of 30 will not worry about selling it.

The house is donated to the parents-in-law. The donator fills in the required registration form, pays the due handling fee, and pays taxes after getting the receipt. The rest will wait for the new real estate certificate to be released.

It takes more than a dozen working days for the real estate certificate. Sister-in-law Zhou didn't wait in the county seat. She went back to her mother's house first, and brought some things back to Meicun the next day.

Brother Zhou showed up on the day of the girl's wedding. After returning home, everything went as usual, and he did what he had to do. He didn't rush his wife when he didn't come back, and he didn't ask her what she was doing at her mother's house when she came back.

Mrs. Zhou was afraid that Zhou Xialong would ask her something. If he didn't ask, it would be right for her. She kept her mobile phone with her every day and guaranteed 24-hour electricity. On the eighth day, the real estate office called to inform her of getting a new real estate certificate. She was very happy and happy. I rushed to Zhu County to get the real estate certificate.

After getting the real estate certificate, I was so happy. After the house was recorded in her name, it was hers, and she was also from the city.

My girl was upbeat, married a rich man, and earned herself a house. Mrs. Zhou was so excited that she went to see the house by herself, and stayed by the way.

The house is well-furnished, and there is nothing missing. When the son-in-law transferred the house to her, he even bought new bedding, everything is high-end.

Stayed in her own house for one night, sister-in-law Zhou was very happy, and when she returned to Plum Village, her back was straight and she spoke with confidence. She also changed her cautious attitude in front of Zhou Xialong. She dared to throw a man's face, and she did it when she was happy. If you are not happy, leave it alone.

His wife is like an overturned serf, Zhou Ge is still pretending to be deaf and dumb, he just wants to see if Liu Tong can be a god.

Time flies, and it is mid-May in a blink of an eye.

There is a saying that paper can’t cover fire. Du’s father, who had been hospitalized in Han City for more than a month, finally knew that he had liver cancer because of a medical staff member who accidentally leaked his words.

Finding out that he had liver cancer, not a malignant tumor at all, Dad Du almost fainted on the spot, and he was in a daze like a lightning strike.

When he found out the truth, Mama Du was not in the ward, she went out to buy lunch, and when she came back from shopping, she found her husband leaning on the bedside thinking about something, she didn't urge her, and went to get water for him to wash his hands first.

Awakened by some sound, Dad Du stared blankly at his wife in a daze. The wife twisted a towel to wipe his hands. He finally woke up and immediately called: "Fucking mother, pack something, we will go home in the afternoon!"

"His father, what should I say to go home? The first treatment is not over yet." Du's mother didn't understand what the child's father was making a fuss about.

"Fucking mother, don't lie to me. I know everything. What I have is liver cancer, which is terminally ill. It can't be cured. Don't waste money. Treating a disease is a drag on the child."

Du's father had no room for negotiation: "Mother, listen to me, our family has no money in the first place, and if we borrow money for medical treatment, Shushu and Qiwen will have to repay the debt, which will only drag down the two children. We have worked so hard to raise our children in the hope that they will have an easier life in the future, and we cannot let them bear a whole body of debt to save me."

Mama Du's hand holding the towel was stiff, tears welled up in her eyes, and her lips trembled: ""

She and the girl carefully concealed the matter for more than a month, why did his wife suddenly know about it?

Du's mother wanted to ask how her wife knew, but she couldn't ask, sobbing: "Baby's father, Shushu... said that she must be hospitalized, Shushu said...she didn't want to be a child without a father, I don't even want the place next to my mother when I say goodbye to my parents on the wedding's empty, Shushu said...she doesn't want to see her baby without grandpa's hug..."

Du's father listened in a daze, big tears rolled out of his eyes, he stayed for a while, choked up and said "my silly girl", and couldn't help crying.

A man who didn't cry when his parents were eccentric, and when he was tortured by life, no matter how hard and tired he was, he gritted his teeth and never shed tears. At this moment, he cried bitterly because of his wife's words.

The father was about to cry, Mama Du wiped his eyes, soaked the towel in water again, twisted it again, and helped his wife wipe his face. Wipe my wife's tears by the bedside.

Dad Du cried like a child. He cried bitterly at first, and then slowly suppressed his voice. After crying for a long time, until all the tears were shed, he washed his face and asked his wife to eat.

Du's mother accompanied the child's father to eat the meal ordered from the cafeteria and washed the dishes.

When his wife sat down in front of the bed, Du's father asked about the situation: "We have lived in the hospital for more than a month, and our money should have been spent long ago. Where did Shushu borrow the money and how much?"

"The little money we had was used up before you did the last check. Shushu found her high school classmate and borrowed... 100 million." Du Ma reported the number, her heart was trembling, God knows how frightened I was when I heard that Shushu's brother at the same table in high school had transferred how much money.

"One by one... 100 million?" Du's father was so frightened that he stuttered, his eyes stared like copper bells, not to mention where did Shushu's high school deskmate get so much money, then who would dare to lend so much money to Shushu? ? !
"That's all, Shu Shu paid the hospital fee in advance," Du's mother's tears were about to fall again: "Shu Shu said that her high school deskmate went to do research, and she couldn't contact anyone. Her brother at the desk said that if the money is not enough Give him a call and he will transfer the money..."

Father Du opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say. He stared for a while, then bent his back in fear: "100 million, how many years will it take to pay it off..."

"Money is dead, people are alive, there are people around, and the money will be earned back sooner or later. Shushu said don't be afraid to spend money, as long as the cancer cells can be controlled and don't continue to deteriorate, wait until her deskmate comes back..."

"Shushu's deskmate in high school... is very good?"

"Shushu's deskmate in high school is very famous. She was the first in the country in the college entrance examination of Shushu. She studied medicine. He heard that he had cured cancer patients and healed them. The family members of the patients sent a helicopter as a thank you gift. Shushu There are two helicopters at the same table in high school, and the net worth is hundreds of millions..."

Du's mother talked a lot, Du's father listened for a long time, and became more and more calm, and after a long time, he said in a low voice: "I... I listen to Shushu..."

His girl didn't want to lose her father, and would rather pay a huge debt to save him. How could he hold the child back, make her worry, and distract her?
The only thing he can do is to cooperate with the treatment. When Shushu's deskmate comes back, if Shushu's deskmate says there is no cure, he will stop wasting money. Presumably the child can accept the reality.

It's just that it's hard for the child to bear huge debts, his girl.

Dad Du was relieved and sad at the same time, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The wife was discharged from the hospital without making a fuss, Du's mother's hanging heart fell to the ground, the child's father would not listen to other people's advice, he would listen to the girl's words, and was willing to be hospitalized for treatment. Cooperate.

In order to reassure her daughter, Mama Du called the child when she went to buy food in the evening, and told her that her father had already known that he had liver cancer and was willing to be hospitalized for treatment, so that the girl did not have to worry.

When Du Miaoshu heard that her father knew the truth, she was afraid that her father would be released from the hospital. She was about to run to the hospital, and she heard that her father had figured it out and was willing to be hospitalized. what.

Dad Du was always suspicious before, secretly wondering if it was liver cancer, but when he found out, there was nothing to think about. He was calm, ate well, and slept well, which made him feel more relaxed.

In the past, he received treatment passively. When there was a huge change in his mentality, he also changed from passive to active, actively cooperating, actively facing each targeted treatment or observation, and actively taking medicine on time.

The cooperation he said was not empty talk, but to interpret what he said with practical actions, so as to reassure his girl and wife.

Mama Du saw her wife's reaction, and she truly believed in his wife's determination. She accompanied her carefully and properly, and often went out for a walk, making others look like she was in a twilight relationship.

Du Miaoshu still didn't tell her younger brother about her father's hospitalization. She was afraid that her younger brother would not be able to study at ease. She went to work on time every day and worked harder. Her father was hospitalized and her younger brother had to go to school. She relied on her to support the family. She hoped to become a regular employee after graduation. The wages of regular employees, regardless of medical expenses, are at least enough to cover a family's expenses for one month.

I work hard during work hours, and go to the hospital on time to accompany me on weekends. I am always looking forward to my little classmate's exit soon. As long as my little classmate is out of customs, my father will not have to suffer anymore.

She no longer called the mobile phone that her deskmate gave to her brother, but called the number that her deskmate brought with her every day, once a day, rain or shine.

She didn't call her deskmate's mobile phone in the capital, and the beautiful boy sent a message to classmate Du every month, asking about Du's father's treatment and giving her hopeful encouragement.

(End of this chapter)

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