magic eye doctor

Chapter 1559 Get Rich

Chapter 1559 Get Rich

Chao Jiamei is about to graduate and enters the busiest time, but no matter how busy she is, she calls Lejia on time every week and makes a video call with Xiao Leshan.

Time flies like water, and it will be the end of May in a blink of an eye.

At the end of May, one of the teammates Yan Shao took to the Southwest was sent back to the capital. The person was sent back to the capital by air, and was taken back to the hospital by a special car for emergency treatment as soon as he got off the plane.

The situation of the young wolf king sent back was similar to that of the frontier soldiers who were sent to Beijing years ago. He was also poisoned by an unknown swelling, which was more serious than the previous sergeant because he had taken a small amount of blood before he was sent back to Beijing. The detoxification pill made by Lolita saved her life.

When Yan Shao's teammates received the news that their teammates had been sent back, they dispatched a team to bring a large amount of detoxification pills to the southwest border for support. Hold the breath of the wounded.

The professors of the Military General Academy took samples from the wounded and tested some toxins—all biochemical poisons, some of which were the same as the toxins of the sergeants received last year, and some of them were poisons that had never been seen before.

The professors are researching the nameless swelling poison day and night, hoping to find a way to resolve it, and eagerly hope that the little girl will finish the research soon.

In the blink of an eye, May passed and June ushered in.

In June, the annual college entrance examination month in Great China, thousands of troops will attack the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination, hoping to become famous in one fell swoop.

Wang Ju in Province C pinched the days and secretly waited for the arrival of June. When it finally arrived, his whole body became radiant.

Amidst the anxiety and tension of countless parents with children preparing for the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination is coming as scheduled, and the whole country may be rainy or sunny or cloudy, just like a person's state of mind, relaxed or nervous or indifferent.

The day before the college entrance examination, when countless parents were trembling with fear for tomorrow's college entrance examination, several elders of Chao's family gathered at Chao'er's house, waiting to help the old Chao's Xiaotuanzi receive gifts.

It was Saturday, and the only brother of the Chao family was also at home. The Chao family had received a message from the embassy of a country a few days ago, saying that the embassy was entrusted by some gentlemen from their country, and some gifts would be delivered on June 6. On the 6th of June, I will give it to the lovely Miss Le, and ask the Chao family to accept it.

The Chao family members waited until 08:30, when the gift-giving messenger arrived. It was still the former ambassador—Francisco, with his assistant and driver.

Francisco took his assistant and driver to visit Chao's house for the second time. He revisited the old place, and naturally he was not unfamiliar. He was warmly welcomed by the brother of Dongfang's cute little sweetheart. Tea, and then hand over the entrusted gift customs documents, consignment note, gift invoice and other materials to the Chao family for review.

Boys received gifts for their younger sisters, they looked the same, there were two helicopters, Bell 429WLG and A s322 helicopters, two yachts, eight world-class cars, and eight brand-name motorcycles;

There are [-] sets of clothing and handbags for each of the top six brands in the world, [-] sets of watches, perfumes, and cosmetics, and [-] sets of pens for each of the four world-class brands.

There are also four children's sports cars produced by the world's automobile manufacturers. The gift was obviously prepared for Lele's younger brother Xiao Leshan.

"Mr. Ambassador, can I return the gift to the gentlemen who gave it?" After reading the gift list, the beautiful boy asked unwillingly.

"Impossible, handsome sir," Francisco said with a bright smile, "These gifts are birthday presents from our country Mr. Ferrari and his friends, as well as a family named Aline.

The little sweetheart healed Mr. Ferrari's child and a friend of Mr. Ferrari. The gentlemen have established a deep friendship with the cute little sweetheart, so they gave birthday gifts. If the little gentleman returns the gift, the gentlemen in our country will definitely Very hard to pass. "

"Then, on behalf of my sister, I would like to thank the gentlemen for their gifts." Gifts cannot be returned, only accepted.

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for your understanding. The gentlemen in our country must be very happy to know that Mr. Xiao has accepted the gift." Francisco was very happy.

Mr. Ambassador was entrusted by someone, and the handsome boy knew that his job was not easy, so he signed it neatly.

The young and handsome boy signed the document that should be signed, and the assistant to the ambassador kept the file with the boy or himself, and handed it over quickly.

On Saturday, the embassy was also closed. The young and old members of the Chao family warmly invited Mr. Ambassador to have lunch at Chao's house and treated the guests well.

After finishing their work, Mr. Ambassador and his assistants readily accepted the invitation and stayed at Chao's house as guests. They also drank tea in the afternoon before returning to the embassy.

After seeing off the ambassadors, the beautiful boy told the parents what gift certain Tuhao gave Xiao Lele.

The young and old members of the Chao family were already mentally prepared when Xiaotuanzi's name appeared in some magazines, but they were not shocked at the moment. Xiaotuanzi became popular, and the bosses wanted to be friends with her, so it was normal to give gifts.

What makes them more depressed is that Xiao Lele has turned [-]. European and American bigwigs send planes, ships, cars and famous brands. What kind of gifts do they give Xiaotuanzi?
Others who should be given away have given away, and the young and old of the Chao family are very sad.

The beautiful boy was sad for a while, and decisively called Young Master Yan, telling them that a boss sent his sister an airplane, yacht, etc., and asked them to send relevant personnel to pick up the goods at the pier in T City.

Young Master Yan went on a mission, and the team members who stayed behind received a call from the boy from the Chao family, and they were all in a bad mood. Then whoever keeps giving precious gifts to little Lolita, they have nothing to offer, they are ashamed Meet people.

Even though they felt ashamed to meet people, the young wolf kings still bite the bullet, went from Lansan Zhuang Xiaoman to Chao's house to get all kinds of documents, and then rushed to T City with several teammates Xingye.

When Lan Shuai and Zhuang Xiaoman were picking up the gift from little loli at the customs pier in T City, the first day of the college entrance examination was quietly approaching. Countless college entrance examinations entered the examination room, vying for the qualification to pass the single-plank bridge.

When the college entrance examination candidates were struggling nervously, Lan Shuai and others transported all the gifts of little loli back to the capital, and some of the gifts were stored in her retro courtyard villa, and the plane drove to the base to park.

While the office workers were busy going to work, the college entrance examination in Great China was in full swing.

Wang Jinzhi is also a college entrance examination candidate. Her grades are of the type that are delayed, and she doesn't expect to be admitted to any university. She just goes through the process and returns home with her luggage after the exam.

She is a girl, and she pays attention to it herself. She didn't do anything wrong, and her broken hand healed quickly, and it will be healed in April, so it doesn't have any impact on taking a pen for the college entrance examination.

After the college entrance examination, the high school entrance examination follows.

The high school entrance examination is not as brutal as the college entrance examination, and parents are not so nervous.

Wang Jinbao is a member of the high school entrance examination. His hand has plaster and splint removed, and he can't exercise vigorously, and he can't use his strength. But it doesn't affect the exam. After all, he injured his left hand.

He was actually dawdling in his studies at school, and he was not expelled because of compulsory education. His grades were the last in ten thousand years, so he naturally didn't expect to be admitted to a good high school.

After the senior high school entrance examination, Wang Jinbao came home with simple luggage. As soon as he got home and threw away his luggage, he wanted to go to the Internet bar on the street. He was stopped by his grandfather and told him not to play for too long. He wanted to come back before a certain day, and he promised A puff of black smoke billowed from the rear of the car into the street.

The younger brother ran away, and Wang Jinzhi also sneaked away to find his boyfriend on a date.

Wang Ju didn't detain his granddaughter and granddaughter, and counted the days happily. On the morning of the 16th, he called his wife to pack his luggage. At noon, he didn't see his granddaughter and grandson.

Wang Jinzhi was urged once and returned home after noon. Wang Jinbao reluctantly left the Internet cafe until evening. When he got home and parked his car, he saw his grandpa with dark circles under his eyes and asked, "Master, you hurriedly asked me to come back to do it. what?"

"Eat first, after eating, I will tell you a great news." Wang Ju thought that he would soon see the little money-loser of the third son, and that he would have a money tree in the future. cadenced.

Wang Jinbao dog-leggedly walked beside his grandfather and followed into the house.

Soon it was dark, Wang Ju closed the door and ate in the kitchen.

After eating, Wang Jinbao wiped honey on his mouth and asked his grandfather if he had anything good to say.

Wang Ju was in a good mood, smiling so much that his old face bloomed: "I tell you some good news, your third aunt used to work in G East and met a boyfriend who gave birth to a daughter who lost money, and that little loser is now very promising , it is said that he is a sports athlete, has participated in many competitions, has tens of millions of property, and a private helicopter..."

"The third child is pregnant... isn't she pregnant?" Wang Ma didn't realize it at first, but later she recalled the love affair between the third child and someone, and she was almost frightened. How could the child of hers be still alive if she had induced labor?

"Oh, you don't care whether she had an abortion or a miscarriage, anyway, it's the third child's stomach." Wang Ju interrupted his wife impatiently, regardless of whether the third child had an abortion or a miscarriage before, anyway, the little loser is not dead , It's a lump of meat that fell out of the third child's belly.

Wang Jinbao's eyes lit up: "Master, you said that the daughter of the third aunt has a helicopter? There are tens of millions of money? Isn't the child born by the third aunt my cousin? Master, you asked the cousin to give me the helicopter to play with." Play, I have never touched a helicopter, I can fly a plane, and take my grandma to travel around the world."

Wang Jinzhi also stared in surprise. The children born to the third aunt are cousins. The cousins ​​are very rich, so of course they should share the blessings with the sisters.

Tens of millions of wealth, so rich!
With such rich cousins, do I still need to work hard to make friends and rely on men to support me?The answer is of course - no!

One person attains Taoism and rises to heaven, and her family has such a dirty cousin, who can become a dirtbag in minutes, buying luxury cars, jewelry, and cosmetics is not a problem!

Thinking of being able to own luxury cars and wealth without having to do anything in the future, Wang Jinzhi felt light and airy, smiling from ear to ear.

Wang Ju was so elated by his grandson's sweet words that he didn't need to spend money, and nodded again and again: "My Jinbao is a good and filial boy. My grandson likes airplanes. I will help you to get them back. A small loser flying an airplane is not worthy of happiness." , if there is something good, of course I want to give it to my brother."

With grandpa around, you just need to talk about what you want, Wang Jinbao has long understood the essence of it, put some honey on his lips, say "my grandfather is the best" and say "my grandfather is the greatest" or something, He also graciously lit a cigarette for grandpa.

The eldest grandson is becoming more and more sensible and filial. Wang Ju's heart is sweeter than eating and drinking honey. He puffs and smokes, enjoying the good mood of "a cigarette after a meal is more happy than a god", so he carries the majesty of the head of the family. , Tell the mother-in-law and grandchildren about the situation of the third child who lost money in detail.

What he mainly explained was the itinerary he had planned, when he would go to find the little money-loser of the third student, how many times he would transfer, and what to bring. How should Bei behave when he sees a small compensation.

His plan is to impress the little loser with family affection first, let the little loser recognize his relatives first, and break into the inside, and then brainwash the little loser, and then firmly grasp the little loser, let her All property obediently donated to grandpa in charge.

In order to ensure that his plan does not go wrong, Wang Ju repeatedly told his grandchildren to act like they are very close to their cousin, and not to intimidate them as soon as they go, but to find out the situation first. Well, intimidation and intimidation are fine. If you are very popular and someone is nosy, they are not familiar with the place and are easy to suffer.

If the popularity of small losers is very good, they can only play the family card to coax people first, and then coerce and lure them, and naturally they will be able to hold Dasha Mao's family properly.

Wang Ju really didn't care about the big fool hat. That fool was coaxed around by the old three's few words back then, and he was just a brainless fool. How could he become smarter after decades?It didn't take much thought at all, he could subdue that idiot with a few curses.

Wang Ma didn't know what to say, she was used to listening to men's words for many years, and she didn't raise any objections, so she followed suit.

Wang Jinzhi and Wang Jinbao were all thinking about the wealth and wealth that was within reach, how could they object? Hearing that his grandfather said that he would leave tomorrow, he almost jumped up in excitement, and chattered to ask how old the third aunt's cousin was, and if she had any preferences Category.

The brothers and sisters had the same purpose of asking questions: first to find what they like, as long as they make the cousin happy and win the favor of the cousin, she will definitely think of herself first when she finds something good in the future.

The two of them were thinking about each other, how could they sleep at night, frantically swiping their mobile phones, looking up the prices of their favorite famous cars, brand-name clothes, mobile phones and other items.

The first thing Wang Jinbao wants to buy is a car, or the kind of world-renowned car with millions of dollars. There is a luxury car, which is stylish and cool to drive, and it will attract a lot of people to kneel and lick it.

What Wang Jinzhi is most passionate about is clothes and cosmetics. Wearing world-renowned brand clothes and carrying a bag worth hundreds of thousands, you can earn hundreds of thousands at your fingertips, and become a high-society daughter in minutes.

The siblings were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves. They checked their mobile phones for half the night, and then took a nap after midnight. They got up extra early the next day and tidied themselves extraordinarily.

Wang Ju had a good night's sleep, and he woke up in the morning refreshed and full of energy.

The grandparents and grandchildren had breakfast and set off. Wang Ju was the head of the family and did not carry any luggage. He carried only money and documents in his pocket. Wang Ma carried a backpack containing the couple's change of clothes. Wang Jinbao and Wang Jinzhi each carried A little luggage of my own.

Before departure, Wang Ju went to a family of the same clan to hand over the house key to the juniors of the same clan and let them feed the chickens. Then, he took the family excitedly to the town street for a ride to Guangzhou City.

Many people on the streets of the town saw Wang Ju's old long-lived ghost leading people to ride in a car, and they all cursed "early death and early reincarnation" behind their backs.

The four grandparents of the Wang family took a bus from the town to the county seat and then transferred to Guangzhou City. Because they missed a bus on the way, they arrived in Guangzhou City at nearly two o'clock, so they went to have lunch first.

(End of this chapter)

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