magic eye doctor

Chapter 1560

Chapter 1560
Before seeing Lao Sansheng's small loser, Wang Ju had long regarded people as grasshoppers in his hands, and regarded the money from the small loser as his own deposit in the bank. There were a lot of banknotes, and he didn't feel sorry for the small money in his hand, so he took his family to the restaurant and rubbed it.

Considering that there were several hours on the train, Wang Ju was afraid of wronging his grandson, so he went to the mall after dinner to buy a lot of food for his grandson for supper.

Because the departure time of the train was still early, the grandparents and grandchildren wandered around the city. After dinner at six o'clock, they went to the train station to pick up the tickets. After a short wait, they checked the tickets and entered the station.

There are many trains from Guangzhou to Province E. The high-speed trains go to the capital of Province E. It is quite far from Shishi. Wang Ju bought a train ticket from Guangzhou to Shishi Station. The train passed through Guangzhou at around [-]:[-] p.m. , will arrive at Shishi Station in Province E at around four o'clock in the morning the next day.

In terms of taking the car, he didn't wrong himself, and bought the most expensive sleeper ticket.

In fact, he was very tight on money. The third child only paid more than 2000 yuan when he returned home during the Qingming Festival, and his grandson used up that money in half a month. Fortunately, he and his wife still had a little coffin book to support them until June.

For this trip, the last bit of the coffin was also extracted, and the total cost was only more than 2000 yuan. Fortunately, the fare is not expensive and can withstand squandering.

The most important thing is that Wang Ju has self-confidence. He thinks that the money in his hand can allow him to reach the home of a small loser. If he finds a small loser, there is no fear of lack of money based on his ability.

Wang Ju had already seen a large amount of money beckoning to him, so he naturally didn't feel bad about spending it, and he didn't feel tired even if he took the overnight train. He happily thought about what expression he would show when he saw a small loss of money.

Wang Jinzhi and Wang Jinbao thought about his famous car brand clothes, and he didn't feel tired of taking the train. Instead, he was in good spirits, lying on his sleeper bed and swiping his mobile phone.

Wang Ju went to Province E with his family, but he didn't know that his every move was under the eyes of others. When he set off by train, a report about his actions was also delivered to a certain base in the capital.

Lan San and his teammates, who stayed at the base, were all scornful when they received the news from the informants. Did that old man Wang Ju forget what they did to the Le family and his son back then?

Wang Ju and his family have done so many heartless and unrighteous things, but he still has the face to go to find little Lolita. He is really shameless.

All the wolves threw countless knives at Wang Ju's family's painting targets in their hearts. To be honest, if the captain hadn't said that the family was kept as bait, they would have been unable to hold back their hands and secretly sent the scumbags to meet Lord Hades is gone.

The kings and slags had to be kept, the young wolf king spit silently, discussed work, wanted to go to E North, fought back and forth, almost decided the outcome with scissors and a hammer, but in the end it was nothing , it is still blue three and black nine going to E north.

The reason is that those two people had already shown their faces in front of the Meicun people, so it was natural for them to show up. Moreover, Lan San was originally a member of the captain who was reserved at the base to be in charge of the E North Lejia before the mission.

There is nothing controversial about the No. [-] person who went to E North. The young men wanted to fight for another spot. They fought happily and no one got a chance. She invites them to dinner to comfort them for their loss of not being able to go to Plum Village in an aboveboard manner.

Lan San and Hei Jiu laughed at the dry howling of their teammates, and everyone rested when they should rest according to the normal schedule, and went to work when they were on duty.

After midnight, Lan San Hei Jiu quietly got up, boarded the helicopter with simple luggage, and flew northward at night.

Lan San Hei Jiu flew a small plane overnight, and flew to Meizijing Village before [-]:[-] in the morning, and landed on the ground in front of the village office building.

Le Xiaoluoli's birthday is April 26 in the lunar calendar. It should have been May 5 in the new calendar year. Because it was a leap year and April was a leap year, she had two birthdays. June 18 was April 6.

It is already summer in the month of value, and Jiudao is a mountainous area with beautiful mountains and green waters and a pleasant climate.

It’s not hot summer, and the farmers haven’t entered the season of going to work every morning and evening. When the handsome blue three black nine two men arrive, some of the families in Meicun are having breakfast, some haven’t eaten yet, and they are going to go to the fields after breakfast. Very little.

Seeing the small helicopter coming again, people near the village office went to Zhoubapi's house to look. Some villagers still had their jobs, and the rural people are so simple and honest.

Lan San Hei Jiu parked the plane, and when they got out of the cockpit, they saw Zhou Papi and his wife and more than a dozen villagers, either eating or looking around, feeling that the villagers were very kind, so they closed the door and greeted the villagers .

When the villagers saw two young people in camouflage uniforms coming out of the helicopter, they knew that the girl from Lejia hadn't come back, and they also greeted the young people in Mandarin with local characteristics.

When the two young men came over, everyone was a little confused. The two handsome guys were carrying big backpacks and big black guys. They could almost be said to be fully armed.

After sizing up the two handsome guys, Zhou Bapi asked in surprise, "Handsome Lan, is there something wrong?"

"The old man's reaction is really fast." Lan San smiled and gave a thumbs up to praise Zhou Papi's reaction, and explained the truth casually: "Today is Miss Lejia's birthday, the father of the little classmate's biological mother is coming, let's come here Watch out, lest those shameless villains affect Lejia's normal life."

What?Villagers in the dozen or so villages didn't react at first, and it took a few seconds to figure it out. The father of Miss Lejia's biological mother...wasn't that the father of Yueqing's ex-girlfriend, who was supposed to be called "Grandpa" by Miss Lejia? guy?

Someone asked: "That or something, didn't it mean that when Le Hong went there to find someone, the family beat him. What is he doing now?"

"Definitely not an apology."

"Could it be like a vixen who heard that Xiao Lele is promising, and wants to come... to recognize her relatives?"

"I heard that the family is greedy. It's better to say that they want to make money..."

The villagers were chattering, and Hei Jiu laughed silently, not to mention, the people of Mei Village reacted really quickly, before they even mentioned the purpose of those people, the villagers guessed the clues.

Lan San is also very cute, with an adoring face: "Uncle, Auntie, you are so smart, others say to draw inferences from one example, but you all draw inferences from one example to another, a certain woman's father relied on three daughters to sell themselves to support him and his son Grandchildren, their two daughters were involved in the case, and the third daughter is the biological mother of classmate Le. A few years ago, she came here to make trouble and was arrested for drug rehabilitation.

That woman was released last year and she couldn't make any money. The woman's younger brother died in a car accident two years ago. The woman and her family have become poor and crazy recently. This is another idea. This woman dared not come to Plum Village again, and asked her mother-in-law to come forward. "

The villagers were stunned when they heard that the parents of a vixen had to rely on their daughter to sell themselves to support their family. Does that person have any shame?

People want to fight for their breath, people want face, which parent doesn't want their daughter to go the right way?Then who let their daughter sell themselves to support themselves and their sons, they are not ashamed to panic?
The villagers were shocked by what the handsome guy said, and they were refreshed in an instant. To be honest, let alone their family, if there is a girl in their village who eats the bowl of rice, they feel ashamed in front of other villagers , Afraid of being poked in the spine.

The dozen or so people immediately spoke again, saying that they must come and see how thick-skinned that person is, and how shameless that person is.

"Uncle, aunts, that shameless old guy, with his wife and grandchildren, a total of four people, should come from the direction of the county seat. It will take more than ten o'clock in the chartered car, and at least eleven o'clock in the bus. Do you want to take a look?" That man looks like a bird, it won't be too late to come back after he is busy with his work."

Lan Sanxiao Mimi revealed the whereabouts of a certain scumbag when he arrived, and went to Lejia with Hei Jiu.

As soon as the two handsome guys left, the villagers would make phone calls, and some would go home. Anyway, they would do whatever they wanted to do first, and then come back early and wait in front of the village office building.

Zhou Papi first called Yueqing to say that Lele's bodyguards were here again, and then called Man Ge.

When Village Chief Zhou heard that the father of a shameless woman led someone to find trouble, he was so angry that he decided not to go to the village committee, but waited for the troublemaker at home.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng and the others had just finished breakfast when they heard the sound of the helicopter flying in the air. They all ran to the door to see that the plane was descending. They were very happy. Happy father Zhou Qiufeng thought that Lele might be back, hurry up Clean up the house.

Xiao Leshan was the most excited, rushed back to the room to find clothes, changed clothes, and ran to the village office building with the big wolf dog.

The grandson let go of his feet and ran away. Grandma Zhou shook her head amusedly and helped clean up the main room.

Ant Laohua didn't say anything, just ran with the little milk baby and acted as the best bodyguard.

The two elders and the wolf dog accompanied the little boy halfway, when they saw two youths in camouflage walking with their heads held high. The big wolf dog only wagged its tail at the two of them, but did not run forward.

Le Shan also saw two handsome uncles approaching, and recognized one of them. The excitement and joy on his face suddenly faded. He put his arm around the big dog, lowered his head in disappointment, and kicked the ground every now and then.

Ant is distressed and sad, his little apprentice misses his sister so much, what can he do.

When Lan San Hei Jiu saw Xiao Leshan and the two elders walking towards the village office building, they were startled at first, but then came to their senses, did not say anything, walked quickly, greeted the two elders, squatted down to tease Xiao Leshan .

Le Shan thought about her sister so hard that she couldn't be happy when she saw the soldier uncle, she smiled forcedly, and she didn't feel disgusted or excited when she was hugged.

Lan San walked away with the little Lejia doll in his arms, and the big wolfdog said hello to the two human teammates, and trotted towards Lejia.

Lan San Hei Jiu and the two old men brought little Leshan to Le's house, said hello to Grandma Zhou, and then brushed their faces in front of the housewife of Le's house, saying "Uncle Le and Aunt Le" in one mouthful, which was very sweet.

There was no sign of the little padded jacket, and Le's father Zhou Qiufeng didn't show his disappointment, so he made egg boiled noodles for breakfast for the two handsome guys.

Hei Jiulansan first put his backpack upstairs by himself, and then went downstairs to wash his hands and eat noodles. After eating noodles, he felt energetic all over his body.

After the two young people had eaten their fill, Old Ant asked, "Boy Yan didn't come, so I sent you here, what's the matter? Is it something that Boy Yan said in the first month?"

"Oh, Mr. Yi, you are so good. You guessed it right. Those shameless things are already on their way to Lejia. They took the train to Shishi in the middle of the night last night. They should arrive at noon."

Lan Sanchong winked at Mr. Yi, and smiled flatteringly: "Originally, you and Mr. Yan were sitting in charge, so we didn't have to worry about it at all, but well, we are representing the government anyway, so it is necessary to show our face. That old guy really doesn't want it." Face, if necessary, you will definitely have to take action from a highly respected person like you."

Hua Yan couldn't help not laughing. Zhengyue, the kid from the Yan family, once told him and Mr. Yi that some people might come to cause trouble for others. He knew that the young man was talking about those people. People who know the truth think they need to be reasonable, but in fact, what the young people mean is that some shameless people need to be dealt with by the ant boss.

"Hearing the words of virtue and prestige from your mouth, I feel flustered, you better shut up." Mr. An gave the young man a bad look. The young men really dared to say that they encouraged him to be ashamed. No matter what the skin is, he is not afraid of teaching his young disciples to be ruined.

Father Le, Zhou Qiufeng, Grandma Zhou, was at a loss. She didn't understand what the two handsome guys and Mr. Yi were talking about. After a while, Father Le finally thought of something: "Is there someone who wants to come to my house again?"

"Yes, there is such a thing," Lan San said calmly, "Uncle Le, you are familiar with the person who will come this time, that is Wang Ju, the father of Le Xiao's student's mother, and Wang Ju brought his family with him. I'm sorry, I think I want to take advantage of Xiao Le's birthday today to play the family card..."

Zhou Qiufeng's Grandma Zhou had a questioning face. Dad Le was shocked at first, then hated, and finally his face was twisted into a bun: "Handsome blue guy, handsome black guy, can I ask you a question?"

"Uncle Le, ask." Lan San Hei Jiu made a gesture of all ears.

"That family cheated me a lot of money back then. I paid for most of the house they lived in. The son of that old man also asked me for a bride price when he married a wife. The family even beat my father. I …… I want to give the old man and his son a good beating, so I just ask, if I go to the police station to eat free food for a few days because of the beating, will it affect my girl’s future? Will it cause me What day will the child fail the trial?"

Dad Le is very conflicted. If a certain woman's father and brother don't show up, it's fine. Those who killed thousands of dollars came, and he wanted to beat up those shameless people, even if they beat them, they would have to be locked up for a few days Also willingly.

"..." Everyone looked shocked.

Looking at the owner of Le's family for a few seconds, Lan San said with a serious face, "As long as there is no criminal record, it won't have any impact on the future of little Leshan, let alone classmate Le.

Wang Cuifeng's younger brother, Wang Longsheng, and Wang Longsheng's wife died in a car accident not long after Wang Cuifeng came here. Wang Longsheng probably saw the video of Wang Cuifeng's disturbance in Plum Village from the Internet. He wanted to come here to extort money. Hit a chartered car on the street, the car crashed and died on the spot. "

"What, dead?" Dad Le couldn't react a little bit, that scourge of Mr. Wang died?It's good to die, and one day less harm will be caused by one day's earlier death.

"Dead, so dead that I can't die anymore, it was still cremated, and I couldn't find a bone even if I tried to beat the drums."

"It's good to die, it's good to die."

"The scourge, it's a good death. That scourge has a daughter and a son, and they are also two little scourges with all kinds of poisons, especially his son, who scourges two girls when he was young. His daughter is also shameless. If Uncle Le sees you, stay away so that no one will say that you are a hooligan, so let Aunt Le deal with it.

Of course, there is no need to be nervous, that family is always afraid of hard work, as long as their arrogance is suppressed, they can't do anything. . "

Lan San also focused on introducing the characteristics of the scumbag's current population. The most important thing is to explain that the grandson of the old scumbag is not yet an adult.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng knew it well, and was not pessimistic because of it. First he took the cows to graze, went to the fields to work, and was busy until around 10:30 and hurried home.

(End of this chapter)

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