magic eye doctor

Chapter 1566 Good News

Chapter 1566 Good News

Lan San Hei Jiu stood outside and "watched" the scenery for a while. Hearing the sound of laughter in the main room of Lejia came to an end, he ran into the north building of Lejia in a hurry. When he saw the girl in ancient costume standing in the main room, he was shocked.

Is this child really a little girl?
The girl standing in the main hall of Lejia, has long black hair tied high to the top and wearing a golden hair crown. The hair hangs from the back to the knees. If the hair is not tied and let it hang freely, the length must be too long The middle of the calf.

She was wearing a tea-bud-colored dress embroidered with exquisite Chinese patterns. The skirt covered her ankles, revealing a pair of exquisitely embroidered shoes inlaid with pearls and gemstones. She stood there like a lotus about to bloom, slim, beautiful and pure.

When she turned her head, she had eyebrows and bangs, a small, delicate, fair and tender face, cuter than a five or six-year-old baby.

Seeing the cute and cute little girl with long hair, Lan San Hei Jiu felt as if they had gone back in time. They seemed to have returned to the five or six-year-old childhood of the little loli, so they saw the little loli who was still a baby.

"Handsome blue guy and handsome black guy, good morning." Seeing the two tall and handsome soldiers turning into dumb-headed geese in seconds, Le Yun narrowed her eyes with a smile. Looking in the mirror, she also felt that the appearance of returning to the child was very lethal. Unexpectedly Being able to hit handsome guys shows that the benefits of being tender are good.

"Little... little beauty, good morning."

The little girl smiled, like a lotus flower in full bloom, and the fragrance came naturally. Lan San Hei Jiu was so shocked that she was at a loss for what to do, fearing to frighten the little fairy-like little loli, she replied in a panic, pretending to be calm and sitting in the main room of Lejia, Sitting upright, even breathing is subtle.

The two handsome guys looked a little flustered, Le Yun didn't think about the reason, turned on the phone, waited for the signal to be searched, and then dialed the number of the beautiful young brother Chao.

It's almost the end of June, and graduation is coming soon. Chao Jiamei and his friends are doing the last busy work for graduation, but they have to exercise their bodies every day.

Even if he went out for a morning run or practiced boxing, he would carry his phone with him in a pocket. When he got up for a run that morning, he met Comrade Xiao Ou on the way and trotted together.

After running for a few laps, getting better and better, unfortunately, the phone rang, and the beautiful boy took out the phone as fast as possible, saw the caller ID, and was so happy that he smiled, connected immediately, and called softly: "Lele, are you coming back?" Already?"

Xiao Chao had a phone call, and Comrade Xiao Ou wanted to run around first. He had just rushed a few steps when he heard Xiao Chao's address, stopped suddenly, turned around, and blew towards Xiao Chao like a strong wind, pricking his ears up. Get old.

After dialing the number, Le Yun sat on the wooden chair with her mobile phone, and when she heard the spring-like voice of the beautiful young brother, she happily yelled: "Brother Chao, it's me, your sister is back, just came home So I called Brother Beauty, Brother Chao is not happy that your sister is so nice."

"Of course my brother is happy to have a younger sister who cares about him. Is Lele taking good care of himself? Is he thin? Is he happy doing research outside?" Hearing the soft voice of his little cute sister, the beautiful boy's heart is like a flower Open up, if the little cutie doesn't show up, a lot of people will die in panic.

"I am very happy outside. I have researched a lot of interesting things. I will go back to school in two days. Brother Chao, you and your little friend have to wait for your sister to take some photos together. Before I come back I ran away, and I will never make pancakes for you in the future. Also, Brother Chao, please call for me to tell Grandpa, Grandma, and Teacher Chao that I am back. They don’t call or video now. I want to call the elders A little surprise."

"Okay, our little cutie is back, and we have to take a few graduation photos together to be considered complete. My brother will wait for you to go back to school, and I will leave it to my brother to call the parents." The snow lotus is in full bloom, beautiful and incomparable. I am afraid that the little cute sister will hang up the phone, and the connection will be quickly connected:
"Lele, wait a minute and don't hang up. Let me tell you something. The father of your classmate Du at the same table in high school has liver cancer, and it is about to deteriorate to an advanced stage. She asked you for help. You are not here. Transferred 100 million to lend to Du, Lele, should you contact Du before you go back to school?"

"Little belly's father got liver cancer? Why... so unlucky." Le Yun sat upright all of a sudden: "Brother Chao, I know, I'll call Xiaotu and ask her to take her father home from the hospital. I'll help tomorrow." See a doctor."

"Okay, Xiaotuanzi Lele will contact you at the same table, and my brother will call the elders to report the good news..." the beautiful boy said a few words, and hung up the phone first.

After finishing the phone call with Xiaocuti, seeing Comrade Xiaoou who was standing next to him laughing like a fool, he punched him angrily to wake him up: "Comrade Xiaoou, wake up, don't be a fool, Saliva flowed out, what about the image."

Overwhelmed by the great surprise, Comrade Xiao Ou grabbed the boy's shoulders and said, "Comrade Xiao Chao, you are really my little lucky star. I can hear good news if I run with you by chance. Thank God, our little flying man finally It's time to go out! If Xiao Le comes back a few days late, the Olympic champion will be someone else's."

"Are you sure it was a coincidence, not a plan?" The beautiful boy squinted. Since a month ago, Comrade Xiao Ou had "ran into" him from time to time. If anyone really believed it was a coincidence, he must have owed his IQ.

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small details, Comrade Xiao Chao, don't care about the process, let's pursue the result."

"Now there are results, you can go quickly, don't disturb me to call the elders."

"Okay, Comrade Xiao Chao, I'm leaving. I'll just fill in the name of your lovely sister when I go to work, and submit the list to the Sports Commission. We'll see you another day." Comrade Xiao Ou cooperated happily, and ran away in a hurry. Happily ran to the residence, what else is there to practice, hurry home and fill out the list of athletes.

The unreliable Comrade Xiao Ou blows away like the wind. The beautiful boy walks out of the runway with his mobile phone, and calls the elders while walking to the dormitory. Mother and uncles and aunts.

Mrs. Wang was making breakfast, and when she received a call from Xiao Chao, flowers bloomed on her face instantly with joy, her whole face was radiant, and her movements of making breakfast became extraordinarily gentle.

Several parents of the Chao family received a call from the brother of the Chao family and learned that the little dumpling of the old Chao family was bubbling from the closed place. They were so happy. They waited for the little dumpling to return to Beijing. Gifts are sure to surprise.

Du Miaoshu went out early and returned late every day, and went to the hospital to accompany her on weekends. She would also take time to meet her younger brother for dinner as always. She did a good job of keeping her secret, so that her younger brother didn't find out that her father was in the provincial hospital.

When I washed up as usual in the morning, packed my things and prepared to go to work, a call came in, and I saw the caller ID of the mobile phone. I was so excited that I almost threw the phone away, stared blankly, and connected: "Le Xiaoniu..."

Le Yun talked with the beautiful brother on the phone, then called Xiao Tui's mobile phone, successfully connected, heard that Xiao Tuo's voice was wrong, guessed that the tablemate must be very nervous and panic, did not joke with her, straight to the point: "Xiao Tuo Stomach, I just came back, my beautiful brother said that your father is in the hospital, how is the treatment going?"

"Le Xiaoniu, it's good that you're back..." Hearing the familiar voice from her little deskmate, Du Miaoshu wanted to cry: "I guess the treatment might not be satisfactory, the doctor talked to me quietly and said to let the family members be mentally prepared."

"Little belly, don't drop the golden beans. You call your mother to help your father go through the discharge procedures and go back to Fang County. I will go to your house and show your father tomorrow."

"Well, little girl Le, woo..." Du Miaoshu nodded and burst into tears.

Le Yun didn't persuade her, she just quietly listened to Xiaotu crying, Xiaotu must have been very sad when she got the news of her father's liver cancer, and she didn't collapse probably because she is the boss and shoulders the responsibility of sharing the burden for the family. You can rely on it, it is absolutely impossible for the little belly to call her.

To put it bluntly, Xiaotu and her family are the same kind of people, they will not ask for help unless they have nowhere to go, and if they really ask for help, it is a desperate move.

After waiting for a long time, I heard the sobbing from the phone from high to low and then calmed down, and then I asked, "Little belly, do you feel better?"

"It's much better." I cried so much that my eyes couldn't flow out, and my deskmate was still there. Du Miaoshu wiped her eyes, feeling moved in her heart, and suddenly heard a groan, and then came the arrogant cry of her deskmate. Voice: "When you feel better, why don't you hurry up and wash your face before calling your mother to go through the discharge procedures? Smelly little belly, my ears are buzzing from your voice, do you think you are embarrassed?"

"I'm sorry, what's the matter, why don't you come and hit me?"

"Cut, don't try to frame this little classmate. This little classmate has reached eighteen years of age. He is no longer a child. Now beating someone is a crime. Thinking of the age issue, this little classmate's heart hurts. I'm an adult now." Oh, why can't I be 17 forever..."

Du Miaoshu listened to the cries and wolves of her deskmate in the blind bar, the original gloom was swept away, and she couldn't help laughing out loud, her deskmate was still so lively and lovely, and she was still so kind and innocent.

Listening to the nonsense of her little deskmate, she also forgot the sadness, said goodbye with a smile, hung up the phone and immediately went back to wash her face, packed a backpack again, and hurried to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, the night shift staff hadn't left work yet, and the day shift staff started to arrive at the hospital for occupancy. Student Du hurried to the ward and told his parents to pack up and leave the hospital.

Du's father and Du's mother were quite surprised to see the girl coming. Hearing that she was discharged from the hospital, she was a little surprised, and didn't ask too many questions, so she packed her luggage quickly.

Du Miaoshu sorted out all the bills in order, and waited until it was almost time to go to work before calling the manager and asking for leave to send her parents home. After getting approval, she was completely relieved, checked several times, and confirmed that nothing was left behind. The attending hospital issues a discharge order.

The doctor heard that the family members of the patient would take the patient to a Chinese medicine specialist who is good at liver cancer, and he signed the agreement happily, and the patient was discharged from the hospital.

Student Du took the discharge slip to check out the bill. She paid a deposit of 80 yuan and stayed in the hospital for more than two months, spending a total of 53 yuan in medical expenses.

After settling the bill, I went back to the ward immediately, handed over some bills to the attending doctor and nursing staff, and asked the nursing staff to check the ward before leaving.

Du Miaoshu took her luggage and accompanied her parents to take a taxi to the high-speed rail station to wait for the bus.

The family of three waited until after ten o'clock, when the high-speed train passed the station. The three of them took the high-speed train back to Shishi, arrived at Shishi station at twelve o'clock, and then changed to a bus to return to the county seat.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when they got home, because the house had not been taken care of for more than two months, there was dust, and there was a stuffy smell. Du's mother and daughter booked a room in the hotel first, so that Du's father could rest, and the mother and daughter returned home. Clean up the house, open the windows to ventilate the air, and in the evening, after having dinner on the street, the family of three will go home again.

(End of this chapter)

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