magic eye doctor

Chapter 1567 Sending warmth

Chapter 1567 Sending warmth

Classmate Le made a phone call with Xiaotu, threw away the phone and slipped into the kitchen to be a good baby, waited until the boiled eggs came out of the pan, and peeled the eggs with a small pot.

My little padded jacket came back, and Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, took out the last two remaining medicinal dishes and heated them up, and heated up some steamed stuffed buns. The main meal was noodles.

When it was time to eat, the big wolfdog who went out for a "walk" in the morning finally returned. Heilong returned to Lejia, smelled a familiar smell, found the kitchen all the way, and threw himself into the arms of the young lady to act cute.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng is used to the behavior of the big wolf dog going out early in the morning every morning. When the dog comes back, he clings to little Lele. Who is his big backer.

The wolf dog was very happy to be stroked and praised by the little sister, and he stuck to the little sister every step of the way. When the Lejia dolls came back from morning exercises, a child and a dog were used as the sister's leg pendants.

Because the girl from Lejia came back, everyone was happy, and Lejia's breakfast was extraordinarily delicious.

After the meal, Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, went to work as usual. Mr. Ant taught the young apprentices, and Le Yun packed her luggage first, and walked to the south building for a walk.

Blue, three, black, and nine are little tails.

The two handsome guys hesitated to speak, with that expression several times, Le Yun asked slowly with her little hands behind her back: "Handsome guys, what do you have to say now, if you hesitate to speak again, I will treat you I'm going to be a thief, so let me tell you why you came to Plum Village first?"

"Little beauty, that, if what we say doesn't please you, it doesn't matter if you beat us up, just please don't take your anger out on me."

Lan San was anxious, afraid that little Lolita would know that they had a brother waiting for her in the hospital, and she would be distressed that Yao Wanzi would run away.

"This is not guaranteed. My classmate is unhappy, and I don't know what will happen to me."

"Uh," Hei Jiu wanted to be an ostrich, but in the end he plucked up his courage and hurriedly said one thing first: "We came here because the father of your biological mother, little beauty, came here on your birthday in Leap April. If you want to make trouble, let's come here and be a town house monster."

"The scumbags haven't given up yet, so they instigated the old scumbags to come and steal money? What happened?" Le Yun raised her eyebrows, and those scumbags are all alive and well, which means that no one has secretly used the scumbags to make trouble for her. Trouble, the old scumbag is here, either at the instigation of the dead woman, or someone else.

"It is reported that the scumbag Wang revealed the existence of you, little beauty. The old scumbag came to extort money. The scumbag of the Wang family is poor and crazy. The little scumbag injured Wang Shengxuan, the son of the scumbag girl, and was chopped off by someone Tan. The old scumbags emptied the coffin to save their grandson, and they still have to pay Tan’s son 5 yuan within five months, they have no money, so they think of you as a cash cow.”

Hei Jiu will say what he knows: "The other day two old scumbags brought two young scumbags to Plum Village. Before they came, they smoked powder, but they were caught by the black dragon who smelled the smell. We also found evidence from the little scumbags. Send the four scumbags to the Jiudao Police Station for free meals.

The test results came out yesterday, and the four scumbags were all fans. Even the old female scumbags had been addicted to fans for half a year, so they had to be detained for at least a period of time before being sent back to their original place of residence. "

"Heilong is really good. Today I will reward Heilong with a chicken. The slag eats free food in the institute. I will go shopping and come back to take some time to visit and give the scumbags some warmth." Wolfdog, give praise without hesitation.

Hei Jiulan looked at the sky three times, and the little loli went to visit, she must be hitting the dog in the water, the scum wants her warmth, in the next life!
"Others, it's not a big deal," Lan San added, hesitating for a while before opening his mouth: "It's just... our captain took people to go on a mission. At the beginning of the month, one of them returned to Beijing sideways, and he was still in the hospital with a dead body, hanging by pills Take a breath, wait... little beauty, help me."

?Le Yun looked up at the sky and sighed: "I can tell by the expressions on your faces that nothing good will happen. The poison in that person must be a biochemical poison. It is more powerful than the previous biochemical poison, at least it is an upgraded version or an enhanced version."

The pills she makes are all plant essences. The most advanced pills can detoxify all kinds of plant poisons. Most biochemical toxins contain a variety of mineral poisons. The pills can only control the toxins within a certain period of time. , may not be able to truly detoxify.

Is it depressing to hear bad news just after returning from traveling in another world?
First there is a father with a small belly, and then there is a soldier. Is it because she has collected too many spiritual plants in another world, so she must consume some?
Little student Le sighed, it doesn't matter if you consume some Lingzhi to save people, can you stop coming so fast?She just came home, can't she be a good student for a while?

Little Lolita didn't get angry, Lan San Hei Jiu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately relayed the explanation given by the hospital professors. The professors said that it was a very powerful biochemical poison, and they were not experts in it, so they didn't know how complicated it was.

I said that there are people waiting for help in the hospital, and I will talk about some gossip. They will not talk about the news about the little loli receiving a lot of birthday gifts for the time being. I will leave it to the young man of the Chao family. If there is a chance, they will be finished if they bear a grudge.

The two also brought out the marriage of Grandma Zhou's granddaughter. The Zhou family girl's surname is Zhou, because the housewife of the Le family is also a Zhou family girl. Some things seem to be unrelated on the surface, but in fact they are inextricably linked.

Hearing that Zhou Chunmei was married, four words flashed in Le Yun's mind - put the blame on others, whoever Zhou Chunmei marries, that is to put the blame on someone's family.

It's a good thing that Zhou Chunmei got married, but what's the point of getting married at grandma's house?The house that the man gave as a betrothal gift was only recorded in the name of Zhou Chunmei's mother, and did not add his father's name, so what happened?
After listening to the gossip, he asked, "Does Uncle Zhou know about the existence of that house?"

"We guess Uncle Zhou doesn't know about it." Lan San felt that Zhou Xialong didn't know 100% that the house was taken by his wife.

"You have the information about that house, don't you? Give me all the information, and I'll give Uncle Zhou a letter sometime." Uncle Zhou is a good person, and she can't let her brother's uncle suffer, let alone see him There is a possibility of being cuckolded.

"Yes." The two handsome guys answered very loudly, how could there not be?The Zhou family girl doesn't know her man's family background, but they know it very well.

"You guys really deserve to be detectives. Since you are so caring, I won't attack you. I'll go to my classmate's house tomorrow, and I should be able to return to the capital the day after tomorrow at the latest. Today, I'm going shopping to buy local chickens. You work as handymen."


Little Lolita is super caring, and the two handsome guys were all beaming with joy. They immediately ran to find the basket and trailer for shopping, prepared the tools, and waited to go.

Le Shan studied for four and ten minutes in the morning, and it was not yet eight o'clock after class.

When her younger brother finished class, Le Yun took a wallet, took his little brother's little hand, and took the wolf dog and two handsome men to go shopping. Ant Laohua didn't follow along to join in the fun, watching the little girl in ancient clothes go to the market just like that, but also Didn't say anything.

Following the two handsome guys who were bodyguards, seeing the back of little Lolita with fluttering hair, they silently took N many photos with their mobile phones, but they didn't send them out, and kept them for now.

Leshan and Heilong were the happiest, bouncing around and having a lot of fun.

A group of people walked to the village office building. Grandma Zhouman and Aunt Pa, who were about to go shopping, found Leshan, and then recognized Xiaolele who was leading Xiaoleshan. They were all dumbfounded.

Seeing the two elders, Le Xiao picked up his younger brother and ran over to act like a spoiled child. The one on the left was "Grandma Man" and "Grandma Man", and the one on the right was "Grandma Man" and "Grandma Man", showing off their beautiful clothes and hair crown.

Being yelled sweetly by the girl from the Le family, the sisters-in-law of the Zhou family's hearts melted. They grabbed the pink and tender little girl and admired them fondly. They were even willing to let go when they touched the long hair, admiring again and again.

Being pinched by the elders of the second grandma level and touching her head to measure her waistline, Le Yun was so depressed that she wanted to hit the wall. Oh my god, she was touched endlessly in Dongchen. She had long hair, and she still couldn't escape being touched when she returned to the earth. The dwarf is full of viciousness!

Grandma Zhou Man picked up Auntie and tossed the little girl who was softer than glutinous rice dumpling and whiter than flour, and went shopping together with a smile on her face.

They just wanted to buy some wild goods, and had no other important business, so when they got to the street, the two grandmother-level old people didn't go anywhere. They wandered here and there with the Le family brothers and sisters. Lele showed a stunned expression, and they were in a particularly good mood.

Classmate Le bought [-] native ducks, some dried shrimps and a few fish, bought a few catties of mushrooms, swept away all the pork knuckles on the meat stall, and returned with a full load.

Grandma Zhou Man picked up her aunt to put down her belongings when she went home, and each took a few chickens to Le's house. After weighing them, she collected money and helped slaughter, pluck, dissect and wash.

Le Yun first made a dough in the kitchen of the South Building and left it to ferment, then went back to the bedroom to tidy up, and went to the police station to visit the scum under the protection of Lan San and Wolf Dog.

Accompanying the little Lolita on the village road, Lan San glanced at the little Lolita's head again and again, and couldn't hold it back for a while, so he asked without shame, "Little beauty, is it good for you to meet scum like this?"

Do you know what kind of dress the little loli is?

She didn't change her clothes, but changed into a more shiny and more exquisite gold headband. The front of the headband is a pattern of double dragons playing with beads. The bead in the dragon's mouth is a ruby ​​the size of an egg. The main part of the hoop hair is inlaid Circle of colorful gemstones.

A hairpin was inserted horizontally on the headband, which was also made of pure gold, and one end of the hairpin was inlaid with a pearl the size of a grown man's thumb.

Visually, the headband weighs at least two catties.

Little Lolita is also wearing a two-finger-wide forehead, which is a little above the root of her bangs. The exquisite gold forehead is dotted with diamonds around the edge, and the center of the forehead is inlaid with a circle of gems.

It's fine to wear a golden crown of hair and a forehead, but she is afraid that others will not know that she is rich. She wears a beautiful gold collar around her neck. The heart-shaped collar is as thick as a thumb, and gemstones are set at intervals. A piece of gold in the shape of a golden cloud hangs from the lower end. In the middle of the golden cloud is a piece of emerald green emerald the size of a palm, and a few red gemstones as a foil.

Little Loli held a folding fan in her hand, and was tied with a beautiful jade pendant and tassels. She looked like a playboy from a nouveau riche family.

That outfit, not to mention others, he wanted to beat her up when he saw it, it was too showy, wasn't it?
"It's pretty good. I wanted to put some gold bracelets on my arms, but I didn't wear them because they were too heavy." Le Yun's mouth is light and fluttering, but she actually wants to cry in her heart, is it too heavy?
"If you look like this, scumbags will regard you as a cash cow." Don't you know that this is ostentatious?

"That's the kind of effect I want." She did it on purpose, and it would be better if she could piss off the scumbags.

"!" The corners of Lan San's mouth twitched, let's not talk, little Lolita is angry, so let her be happy.

The little lolita is back, presumably even if someone originally wanted to use the scumbags to cause trouble, they will not do anything in the future. It also means that the scumbags of the Wang family have no use value. When the captain comes back from a mission, they will immediately execute the scumbags action.

(End of this chapter)

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