magic eye doctor

Chapter 1569 Leaks

Chapter 1569 Leaks
Wang Ma, Wang Jinzhi, and Wang Jinbao's attention was attracted by the jewelry worn by the little loser, and they heard that she had a net worth of hundreds of millions, and their brains couldn't think. When the little loser hit someone, they hadn't reacted yet.

When they woke up, what they heard was the cause of death of their son/parents, and they were stunned again.

After being slapped several times, Wang Ju was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. How dare a small loser dare to slap him in the face?If you are so unfilial, sooner or later you will be hit by thunder!
Before he could yell loudly, he heard a series of words from the little loser, and the rising flame also subsided unknowingly when she said that they were having fun with someone. , a moment of dizziness in front of my eyes.

Did Long Sheng get into a car accident because his sister told him to go to the city?

The third child asked Long Sheng to go to the city, but Long Sheng died in a car accident, so the third child killed Long Sheng?
He was dazed in a daze, and suddenly he seemed to understand that the third child must have killed Long Sheng, so after he got out of the prison, he responded to every request and gave the family money generously.

The third child didn't tell him that the little loser had bodyguards, so what was she thinking?

Does the third child want to use the hand of a small loser to clean them up, and when they are forced to go nowhere, she will appear again, making their family think that they can only rely on her, even if they hear rumors that the third child is the victim? They would not believe the dead Longsheng.

For a moment, Wang Ju thought a lot, turned his head mechanically, and watched the little loser in gold and silver leave, without looking back for a long time.

The Le family girl walked away in anger, which also meant that the meeting was over, and the police sent the four Wang family grandparents back to the place where they were detained.

The four members of the Wang family, young and old, were sent back to the hut where they were detained, all with unpredictable expressions.

After a while, Wang Jinbao rolled his eyes and asked worriedly: "Master, the little loser is so rich, she doesn't recognize us, what should we do? I don't want to stay in this kind of place, I want to go home."

Still thinking about the cause of his son's death, Wang Ju was brought back to his sanity by his grandson's words, thinking that the little loser would not recognize his relatives, and his heart burst into anger again: "The little loser is shameless, wait until we get out of the prison Go out and think of a way."

"Yeah." Wang Jinbao obediently agreed, he thought it would be better for him and his sister to come to look for the little loser next time. Grandma beat the little loser's grandpa before, she must have a grudge in her heart, the adults' affairs have nothing to do with them Ah, they have more chances of getting close to small losers.

People are in the bureau and can't do anything, Wang Ju is full of ideas on how to deal with small losers.

Lan San followed the little Lolita out of the courtyard of the police station and walked along the street towards Plum Village. The little Lolita was happily shopping along the way. He wanted to help protect the little Lolita's jewelry and carry things, so be careful , for fear of losing the little loli's collar and forehead.

It was less than 10:30 when the two of them and the dog returned to Lejia.

Le Xiaoli threw the jewelry in the room and took off the headband, then braided the hair into a high bun, wrapped it with a piece of silk cloth, marinated the chicken, duck and fish, rolled out the dough and wrapped it The two chickens are baked in the oven first, and then the dough is kneaded to make bread.

Grandma Zhou Man helped her to deal with the chickens and ducks. Naturally, she also had lunch at Le's house at noon. They also called their wife and told them to go to Le's house for dinner.

Zhou Bapi Village head Zhou heard that Xiao Lele was back, and went to Lejia after returning home from the outside to put down his things. He sat in the main room of Lejia after eleven o'clock. When he found that Xiao Lele had long hair and bangs, it was also special. Surprised, I looked around for a while.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng herded cattle in the morning, went to the field to fertilize sweet potatoes, and went home early to cook. When they got home, their little padded jackets were almost ready for lunch, and the couple sat back and enjoyed happily.

In the afternoon, Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, didn't go to the field. The little padded jacket was going to cook. They helped with chores, but they couldn't help much. They helped find spices, mince meat, make dumplings, and light the fire.

Because the farm work is not busy, Zhou Bapi, the village head, is also at Lejia in the afternoon.

When it was evening, Grandma Zhou Man, Aunt Ba, and Grandma Zhou went back to feed the chickens and ducks. Father Le squeezed into his girl's side and spoke cautiously: "Lele, Dad has something to tell you. In the first month of this year, your uncle Grandpa has brought the children back."

"Is the uncle that Dad said is my grandma's brother?" Le Yun reacted very quickly, and immediately took her seat. The only person in Meicun who can be worthy of what she calls "uncle" is grandma's brother. Because the family members were too far apart, even if she dared to shout, they would have no face to respond.

"Well, yes, it's your grandma's younger brother who came back to visit relatives with his mother-in-law, two sons and a grandson,"

"Oh, come back when you come back."

"Lele, are you...would you like to accept uncle and grandpa's family?" Papa Le asked in a low voice, the girl was decisive, and sometimes made me panic with embarrassment.

"In the past, my uncle and grandma depended on each other for life, and I always missed grandma and grandpa when I was working. No matter what the reason, I lost contact with him. He is the only younger brother of my grandma. Apart from us, my grandma has only one blood relative. Before he died, he still missed grandma and grandpa. I don't have any other thoughts there, I am willing to admit my uncle, as for how long the relationship with my uncle's descendants can last, it depends on the situation."

Grandpa and grandma are kind-hearted people by nature, and the people they care about most likely will not be treacherous and evil people. The most important thing is that she also knows that her father also wants to recognize her uncle. The Le family has a single surname and has no blood relatives. , Grandma's younger brother and father are related by blood, and the blood relationship is the most difficult to part with.

Le Yun is very sensible, even if she kills the bunch of scumbags in the scumbag's house with her own hands, she will not feel guilty, but it is different when it comes to grandma. She was raised by grandma and grandpa. For grandma's sake, as long as the people in my uncle's family are not as bad as the people on my scumbag's side, thinking that my uncle and grandma have the same blood, I have to recognize that elder.

"Well, Lele, the reason why your uncle and grandpa have lost contact with their relatives and friends for many years is that there is something hidden in it. I will show you something tonight, and you should be able to understand."

"Okay, Dad, add more firewood..."

The girl let out a roar, and Le's father ran to light the fire in a hurry. When the sun went down, he found time to call his brother-in-law and told him to come to Le's for dinner when he came back.

Brother Zhou went to do some small work for the house building. Before the end of work, he received a call from his brother-in-law, who was rude. After finishing work, he went back to the village. The car stopped directly outside the north building of Lejia. Happy in the south building, he ran to the south again.

Brother Zhou went to the south building of Lejia and found Xiao Lele who was baking biscuits in the main room. Looking at her increasingly tender face and the big bag on her head, he smiled very happily.

There was only the younger brother and the wolf dog who were attached to the legs as accessories, and no one else. Le Yun handed Uncle Zhou a few biscuits to try out, and asked with a smile: "Uncle Zhou, I heard that Sister Chunmei is getting married. The house in the county seat was a dowry, so you and your aunt didn’t go to live in the city? Did you rent it out for others to live in, and you acted like a big landlord collecting rent?”

Brother Zhou took the biscuit from Xiao Lele, put it in his mouth impatiently, and took a bite. When he heard the gift of a house, he looked puzzled: "What house, what house did the Li family not give?"

"Hey, Uncle Zhou, didn't you know there was a house?" Le Yun's eyes widened in "shock": "My bodyguards all know that Sister Chunmei's husband gave a house to his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, and the house was transferred to Aunt Zhou. It's under the name, on a main street in Zhuxian County, the location is very good, two bedrooms and one living room, at least it is worth more than 30.

It is said that there is a potential for demolition in that area. Once it is demolished, it can be doubled or tripled immediately, and one set will increase in number of suites. It can be seen that Sister Chunmei married the right person. "

Brother Zhou seemed to be struck by lightning: "You said...the house has been transferred to Liu Tong's name?"

"That's right, the handsome bodyguards said that Miss Chunmei held a wedding banquet, and the staff went to go through the transfer procedures after the holiday ended. Could it be that Miss Chunmei and Aunt Zhou didn't tell you, it's impossible, and they went through the formalities When the husband and wife are required to sign, didn’t Uncle Zhou sign it?”

Le Yun continued to reveal her "naive" secrets. Oh, it seems that Aunt Zhou has other ideas. Since she was a child, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Feng's love for her has never changed. Now Aunt Feng is her mother. She didn't want Uncle Zhou to be played around, even if that person was Aunt Zhou and Zhou Chunmei.

"..." Uncle Zhou's face changed several times, from green to white, then from rage to gnashing of teeth. No wonder Liu Tong and the Liu family wanted Zhou Chunmei to marry at his grandmother's house. There was a house with [-] cash. As for the house, the Liu family must have taken the cash.

Lover Liu is really good, just treat him as a dead person!
Brother Zhou was furious, and gritted his teeth bitterly: "Lele, I really don't know about this, thank you for telling me, I wonder why your aunt often runs to her mother's house, it turns out that Zhuxian has a house, she came to I disappeared after a few days, so I should go to the house, Lele, do you know the address of that house? If you know it, show it to me, and I will copy it. "

"Yes." Le Yun nodded honestly: "The handsome guys have collected a lot of information, and sent a copy to my mobile phone, and I will show you."

She said she would give it, turned around and walked two steps to the Arhat couch, picked up the beautiful purse-like cloth bag on the couch, found the phone, unlocked it, found the picture of the stored data, and handed it to Uncle Zhou.

Brother Zhou then looked through his mobile phone, and it was indeed true. The property owner of a certain house was Liu Tong, and Liu Tong's ID card information was complete. He took out his mobile phone to take pictures and saved them.

After saving the evidence, he returned the phone and sighed in shame: "Lele, I'm afraid your aunt and I won't be able to live together forever. Tell me, I divorced your aunt, will Tianming...will he be affected? ?”

"Uncle Zhou, this, as an outsider, I'm not very good at evaluation. You can find a time to ask brother Tianming. I personally think that brother Tianming is a sensible person, very transparent and rational. He probably won't play tricks." Le Yun pretended With a frightened look: "Uncle Zhou, don't let people know that I said it, let people know that I accidentally slipped my mouth, let you know that Sister Chunmei's husband gave you a flat, Sister Chunmei and uncle Mother will tear me alive."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid, how can I betray you. You have regarded your Uncle Zhou and I as relatives with your grandpa and grandma Zhou since you were a child, and I know it in my heart." He will defend those who agree with him, and never cares about those who disagree.

 Dear fairies and handsome guys, a certain guy is going back to the countryside for the New Year today, and a certain guy doesn’t have a laptop, so he can’t code when he goes back to his hometown. He has pre-stored a few days of drafts in the background, and it is expected to appear after the sixth day of next year. Bubble.

  I wish everyone a happy new year, a happy new year, good health and good luck for everyone in the Year of the Rat!

(End of this chapter)

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