magic eye doctor

Chapter 1570

Chapter 1570
Brother Zhou felt uncomfortable, and was also afraid that showing any unpleasant expressions would burden Xiao Lele, so he asked her to do her work, so he went to the north building first.

Walking from the south building of Lejia to the alley, pretending to secretly eat biscuits, standing to calm himself down, he thought a lot, he had never thought about divorce at first, saying that the divorce was also to scare Liu Tong, after all, they are both in their twenties The couple, the child is so old, why are they getting divorced?

Now, it's time to really think about divorce.

A wife who is not at home will leave sooner or later. It is better to break up as soon as possible instead of dragging the whole city to the end and losing everyone's embarrassment.

He is not afraid of divorce, nor is he afraid of living alone for the rest of his life, but he doesn't know how to tell Tianming and his old mother that his son is a sensible person, but he is still in college after all, and he doesn't know if he can accept the bad news of his parents' divorce.

The most important thing is the level of the old mother. He is really afraid that the old mother will be angry and hurt her body.

After standing and thinking for a long time, Brother Zhou calmed down and returned to the North Building of Lejia pretending to be nonchalant.

Le Shan is a sister control, as long as he follows his sister, he doesn't care about other things, so he didn't pay attention to what his sister and uncle said, and hugged his sister's thigh with the wolf dog.

The little sister kept her word, and rewarded a chicken for lunch, and the black dragon became even more clingy to the young lady, wishing she could wrap herself in some glue and stick herself to the young lady's legs as an ornament.

Accompanied by the two stickling spirits, Le Yun baked another batch of toast, packed the warm toast in a basket and carried it to the North Building, ready for dinner.

Anyway, there are too many people in the family to sit at one table, so Dad Le also called to invite Cheng Wu, Zhang Laosan and Liu Lu's father to come over for dinner together. In the evening, the two tables were crowded.

The old people ate happily and chatted for a while before going back to their homes.

After seeing off several old people, Le Yun carried her younger brother in her arms to the south building, and met with Mr. Yi Laoyan alone to discuss about his younger brother's apprenticeship and going to Hua's house.

Hua Laoyi always heard from the little girl that some of the items she brought back from the secret realm were placed in a certain magic weapon. When she left the secret realm, she was sealed by a mysterious force. She couldn't get it out by herself. She needed the help of her elders to solve it. It might take a few days. She hoped to arrange the apprenticeship date to the National Day in October, and she wanted to wait for Le Shan to come back from visiting the elders at the master's gate before visiting Hua's house.

The two elders have no objection. The little girl has just come back, and she must be busy with important things. There is no need to rush to visit Hua's family.

The two elders didn't have any opinions, Le Yun was naturally relieved, and she didn't stay up all night to cook food. She took her younger brother back to the North Building, read the letter brought by her father, and there were many reasons why her uncle and grandpa lost contact. It was written by the Huang family.

She didn't say anything, she said some homely things, took her brother to bed,

This night, everyone slept soundly, even Lan San Hei Jiu slept exceptionally sweetly. The two brothers got up in the morning to wash up and then quietly packed their luggage, and they will be laid out properly.

The little cotton-padded jacket was about to go to the capital as soon as she came back. Zhou Qiufeng, Le's father, was reluctant and didn't stop her. He ate the girl's medicinal breakfast in the morning and sent the girl to the village office building to board the plane.

Le Shan was also reluctant to part with his elder sister, and hugged her leg tightly. When her elder sister hugged her and kissed her a few times, and said that she would be back after school holidays, he sent her to study with a smile on her face.

Ant Laohua and his wife from the Le family watched the little plane go away, and brought little Leshan back to the Le family. The Le family and his wife were busy with work again.

Blue Three and Black Nine are flying the little Lolita's small plane, which can only accommodate a few people. Lan San is the pilot, and Hei Jiu is accompanying Little Lolita in the cabin. The pressure on the two brothers was much less.

Student Le Xiao still wears an ancient-style long skirt, which is a white half-arm skirt. Her hair is tied high on the top, and she wears a silver headband and a hosta. Her attire is simple, light and elegant.

Lan San flew to Fang County by plane and stopped at a sports plaza for public activities in the county seat. Hei Jiu drove the plane to Shishi Airport to refuel. He accompanied little Lori to see a doctor at her tablemate's home. The reason for this arrangement , because Hei Jiu showed his face less often, and he tried not to show his face as much as possible, and Lan San showed his face too many times, so it's okay to show his face in the county.

The square was nearly two miles away from Du's home, and the two of them went there in an electric tricycle operated by Joyce. The driver was familiar with the county's route and quickly sent them to the ground.

When Little Lolita and Lan San arrived, Little Belly was already waiting at the alleyway to Du's house.

Du Miaoshu came home yesterday and didn't have time to buy vegetables. She went to the market early in the morning to buy vegetables, helped her mother kill a chicken, packed it up, and waited until her deskmate called and said she was coming to the county, so she ran to the intersection and waited.

When she saw her deskmate get off the electric tricycle, Du Miaoshu rushed over and hugged her deskmate, her eyes turned red: "Le Xiaoniu, Le Xiaoniu!"

"Little belly, be good, don't worry, your dad will be able to turn the crisis into safety, and don't wipe your nose on my clothes, I'm wearing new clothes."

The little belly hugged her and wanted to cry, Le Yun didn't know how to comfort her, she could coax a child, but she really couldn't coax a big child like this.

Hugging my little deskmate, I felt a sense of dependence in my heart, but as a result, the little deskmate said something distasteful, and Du Miaoshu's tears that were about to shed were washed away, and she screamed: "Little girl, which eye do you see?" I'm wiping my nose, evidence, evidence, if I can't produce evidence, I'll never end with you!"

"You're taller than me, I can't see your face, I guess."

"If you don't see it, you can talk nonsense and ruin my image, right? Oh, girl Le, your clothes are so beautiful. As I said before, you have grown into a real big-breasted little loli! Wait, you... oh my god , your hair is so long! Tiantian, girl Le Xiao, do you really have long hair?"

Until this moment, Du Miaoshu looked at the little girl at the same table and suddenly found that the little girl was wearing an ancient-style long skirt, pulling the sleeves of the little girl like a curious baby, and then, when she saw the black hair of the little girl like a black waterfall, she jumped He jumped over and hugged his little deskmate, yelling.

"You go, I don't know you!" Le Yun, with a black hair, pulled open her stomach, grabbed the small backpack hanging on her left shoulder with one hand, and walked forward with her head held high.

The little deskmate turned around and ran away. Du Miaoshu was about to chase after her, but when she saw the handsome guy carrying a big backpack, she blushed in embarrassment, turned her head to catch up with the little deskmate, and put her arms around the big-breasted Xiaoluo who was shorter than herself. Li Xiao is at the same table and leads the person back to her home.

The little loli of the blue three gang carried a big backpack containing medicinal materials, followed behind the two girls silently, secretly twitching the corners of their mouths, the little loli's high school deskmate is so lively, it's rare that the little loli doesn't mind being noisy .

Du's house is far away from the street, almost marginalized. The house base area is quite wide, with more than 300 pings.

Because Du's father was not loved by his parents, the house he built in the early 90s was relatively poor and could not afford to build a bungalow. It was still a brick-wood mixed structure with tiles on top.

There are quite a few such old-fashioned houses around the Du family, most of which were built by the generation in their 70s or [-]s when they were young or passed down from their ancestors. Some families usually build new houses, and the old houses are used by their parents.

Du's father's house was the old homestead of Du's family. His parents built a new house for his younger brother on another street very close to the street.

The house is old-fashioned, and the layout is also in the Jiugong style. In the middle is the main room and a small dark room. The large rooms on the left and right sides are divided into two, and there are four rooms in total.

The first room on the right hand side of Du's house is used as a kitchen, the one inside is the couple's bedroom, the two rooms on the left side of the entrance are for the children, and the outer room is the daughter's boudoir.

Because the house site is relatively wide, there is an open space behind the house and the left-hand side where the house sits, which is enclosed to form a small yard. There are huts and livestock pens for keeping chickens and ducks at the back of the house. Plant some vegetables.

There is a road not far in front of Du’s house. To the left of the house is an old-fashioned old house like theirs. On the right is a beautiful small building separated by a two-foot path. Behind the house and in front of the road in front of the door are Two or three storey buildings.

Du's father moved a chair and sat under the dripping eaves in front of the house, pretending to be looking at the sun outside, staring straight at the road, while Du's mother cleaned the house and cooked it for tea The boiling water and the fruit have been washed, and I go to the door to look around from time to time.

The couple looked around for a long time, and saw their daughter coming out of the turn of the road with a girl in a white skirt in her arms, and they could hear the long-lost laughter of their own girl.

Seeing the girl came back, Mama Du was excited and happy, and hurried back to the main room, wiped the chairs again, and then ran to the door and stood there waiting.

The girl came with her at the same table. Father Du stood up and saw a young man in camouflage clothes following the two girls. He guessed that the man might be the bodyguard of the girl at the same table. He was a little restrained and didn't know what to do. it is good.

Du Miaoshu put her arms around the little girl at the same table, chattering all the way, asking why her hair grew so long in just a few months, who planted her clothes, like a little sparrow.

When I turned the corner, I could see my own house and my parents were waiting in front of the house, and happily introduced: "Little girl, turn to the right and go three houses ahead. The old house is my home."

He told his deskmate where his home was, and turned right along the curve of the road with his big-breasted little loli in his arms, waving his little hands at his parents: "Dad, Mom, my deskmate Le Chick is here."

Le Yun, who was forcibly hugged by her little belly in the same way as two brothers, wanted to throw her octopus-like little belly away several times, but that guy was super cheeky, and immediately pulled her claws away. Will stick, she simply ignored.

When the little belly told me where home was, I looked forward along the sloping road, and there were two adjacent old houses not far ahead, and a couple stood in front of one house, both in white T-shirts .

She had seen the parents with a small belly before, so she recognized them naturally, but when she saw the Du family couple, she couldn't help being surprised. Rounding up, it has only been four years since she graduated from high school, and the parents with a small belly look like they are ten years older!
When I graduated from high school, my father with a small belly looked old, but at least he had the appearance that a person in his fifties should have. I haven't seen him in just a few years. Du's father looks like a rare old man. Looking at his face, he is older than Grandpa Chao look.

Du's father's face is thin and dark, and Du's mother's face is also very dark. The couple's faces are more than 15 years older than their peers.

Their bodies are also very bad. According to the images scanned by the eyes, the hospital's treatment methods have failed. The lesion cancer cells on the liver lobes of Du's father are spreading rapidly. It will spread to the whole liver within a month, and then spread rapidly to the whole body .

Based on the current situation, Dad Du's life expectancy is only half a year at most.

Du's mother has been overworked for a long time, her body's muscle power is also rapidly failing, and she has problems with the central nervous system. She has suffered from insomnia at least three years ago, which is a severe insomnia.

If the human body is a machine, the bodies of the Du family and his wife are like those scrapped machines that have been repaired until they can no longer be repaired. They will be exposed to the sun and rain in the wild, and they will be broken immediately when they encounter any collision.

People are still on the road, so it's inconvenient to say anything. Classmate Le Xiao didn't yell so much that everyone in the village knew about it. He dragged his stomach and walked forward. It was really dragging. That guy stuck to her, and he was a drag.

Lansan scouted while walking, and it seemed that the residents in the area where little loli lived at the same table were of ordinary income, considered as grassroots people.

Du Miaoshu hugged her little deskmate and wanted to walk faster, because she was not sure, and she was afraid of hearing bad news, her feet didn't cooperate very well, and her legs were heavy.

When I finally walked outside the house, I pretended to be relaxed, squeezed out a smile, and dragged my little deskmate away from the road to the door: "Little girl, you know my father and mother, so I won't introduce them. I may not recognize you now."

Du's father and Du's mother waited anxiously. When they saw the girl brought by their own girl, they were stunned. This... this... that, is this girl really Shushu's high school deskmate? !
They remembered that Shushu's deskmate in high school was obviously a tomboy with short hair, and Shushu also said that her deskmate in college was still a tomboy.

Especially when the girl approached, Du's father and Du's mother were dumbfounded when they saw that they were so young that they looked like a little girl under ten years old.

When the daughter said that they might not recognize a certain girl, Dad Du came back from a trance, and said in a creaking voice: "Le...Hello, Miss Le, you took good care of my family in high school, and let my family get into the exam." University, we haven't thanked you yet, this time... I have troubled you again."

Du's mother also came back to her senses, she stepped aside nervously and panicked: "Le... little girl, come in and sit in the room, the one behind... you too."

"Uncle Du, you're welcome. Xiaotu High School and I take good care of each other. It's her hard work that got her into a good school. I dare not take credit for it."

Le Yun raised a bright smiling face: "Uncle Du, to be honest, this girl in your family is good at everything, but she always bullies me for being short. From the street to here, she touched my head 22 times. Can I trouble you?" she."

"Little girl Le, I touched your head a dozen or so at most. Are you exaggerating? Are you ashamed to sue for such a trivial matter?" Counting on every head, not cute at all.

"Ming people don't say dark words, you just touched it so many times, and now it's coming again, it's 23 times, touch it again, believe it or not, I will make you bald." Touching the head again for revenge, Le Yun Protecting his head with one hand, he jumped into the main room of the Du family with two sprints.

Le Xiaoniu threatened her ferociously, but Du Miaoshu was not afraid, and patted the back of the little deskmate's head fiercely, the child ran away, chased into the main room, helped move the chair, and sat down as the little deskmate, catching someone Touch both hands again.

Le Yun, who had her head rubbed brutally, glared at the beauty with her almond eyes, glaring fiercely.

The little deskmate stared fiercely, Du Miaoshu winked and snickered, seeing the handsome guy in camouflage clothes come in, she moved a chair and put it next to the deskmate, inviting the handsome guy to sit, and then rushed to bring a square table for two people In front of me, I went to make tea again.

(End of this chapter)

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