magic eye doctor

Chapter 1572 Medical expenses

Chapter 1572 Medical expenses

Du's mother was too nervous and unresponsive, and her daughter was not as fast as her daughter in everything. When her daughter took the basin from Miss Le, she hurriedly lifted the duck pot from the coal stove.

Classmate Du took the attitude of absolutely carrying out the instructions of his deskmate, and used the tongs that held the honeycomb peak to burn the paper on the stove first, and then burned the towel.

The paper was ignited by the honeycomb fire, and there was no peculiar smell when it burned. The towel was wet with blood, and only the dry place was ignited.

Nothing to do, Lan San dragged a chair and sat on it as a spectator.

Giving the basin to the little belly, Le Yun took the backpack and porcelain pot from handsome Lan, added water to the porcelain pot, and turned on the gas stove to cook medicine again.

Looking back, I saw my little belly baking towels, but without saying anything, I took out a porcelain bottle from my backpack, poured some powder and put it in the corner to dye the room, then sat by and silently watched my little belly struggle with the towel.

The smell of spices is very strong, diluting the pungent smell.

Classmate Du "grilled" with a towel, and burned it bit by bit. It took about 6 minutes to successfully kill the target, and then put the basin on the stove to roast.

The stainless steel basin transfers heat quickly and becomes hot quickly.

Classmate Le stared at the basin for a long time, until the color of the bottom of the basin appeared the color that can only be obtained by high-temperature moxibustion, and finally stopped.

When student Du heard that the heat was ready, he picked up the pot with pliers and put it outside the house, then poured boiling water into the pot with a pot, and covered it with a bamboo basket, so as to prevent someone’s chicken from jumping into the pot without knowing it and getting burned.

After disposing of the medical supplies, Du Miaoshu poured water to wash her hands, then washed her tablemate and her bodyguard's hands and face, and then reheated dishes and ate with her mother.

The mother and daughter stewed a local chicken, stewed pig's trotters, braised fish, fried pork ribs, and four side dishes, which were very rich.

The Du family's mother and daughter's craftsmanship is also good, and Lan San happily made a meal of the original farm food, very satisfied.

After lunch, because it was not time to pull out the needle, Le Xiao boiled the used medical needle in boiling water three times, and then put it into a glass bottle filled with medicinal juice to soak.

Du Mama Du Miaoshu really wanted to go to the main room, but she still suppressed her anxiety.

After the medicine boiled for about an hour and a half, Lexiao turned off the gas stove, took the pot to the main room, and mixed a bowl of medicine again for Dad Du to pour it down.

Dad Du was awake during the acupuncture and did not feel hunger or thirst. Miss Le went to eat, but he didn't move. The girl asked him to drink medicine, and he drank it without saying a word.

After feeding Papa Du and drinking the medicine, Le Yun pulled out ten needles again, and inserted a dozen more needles again, cleaning and disinfecting the used needles while observing.

About 35 minutes later, the power of the last bowl of medicine was drawn to the whole body, which also represented the completion of the last process.

Le Yun took out the medical needles in an orderly manner, retracted all the needles, and then disinfected Dad Du. When the blood gushed out from the needle holes, some sporadic blood spots splashed on the skin of Dad Du's chest. Disinfection is required.

After the third round of disinfection, Dad Du continued to lie down. She scalded her medical needles with boiling water, disinfected them again, and packed them in a glass bottle.

After that, I will sterilize Dad Du again, and then put away all the bottles and jars, and put them in cloth bags together with the porcelain pots that have been overwhelmed by the medicine.

After tidying up my medical tools, I scanned Du's father's body with the X-ray function of his eyes to make sure that he had achieved the desired effect, and smiled and said the long-awaited words: "Uncle Du, it's ok."

The little girl finally said that she could get up, Du's father got up quickly, turned his back to the little girl, and picked up the clothes beside the mat as fast as he could and put them on.

Du Miaoshu, who was staying in the kitchen, heard the words from her little deskmate, and quickly opened the door latch, opened the door and rushed to the main room: "Little girl, is the acupuncture work done..."

She ran to the main room, saw her father was getting dressed, rushed over happily, rushed to her father's side in a few steps, squatted down, her heart was shaking with excitement: "Dad, how do you feel?"

The girl rushed to the main room, and Madam Du also ran excitedly. When she ran, she felt like she was stepping on cotton, one foot was high and the other was low.

As soon as the clothes were put on, the daughter rushed over. While buttoning the clothes, Du's father replied, "I feel good. I used to feel tired. I often felt cramps around my stomach and wanted to vomit. Now it's gone. The feeling There's energy all over."

Du's mother, who hurriedly ran close, burst into tears when she heard what her wife said.

Du Miaoshu jumped up as if she had stepped on her tail, and rushed to the side of her deskmate, hugging the petite big-breasted little loli in her arms, tears streaming down her face: "Little girl, my dad is alright?" No? Isn't it?"

The little belly asked if the acupuncture was completed, Le Yun was going to answer, but the girl rushed to her father, so she didn't say anything, let the father and daughter talk, when the little belly jumped up and hugged her He stopped, stroking the head of his stomach: "Theoretically, it is cured, but the last few days are a period of susceptibility to infection. Once infected or some external stimulus is received, the area where cancer cells used to grow is prone to regenerate cancer cells."

"It's really cured?" Du Miaoshu was so excited that she ran [-] meters in one breath, her breathing was short of breath, and her hands hugging her little classmate were shaking.

Mama Du was also nervously waiting for the answer.

"Well, it's really cured." The little belly was too emotional, and it would be useless to say anything else, so it's better not to say it first.

"That's great, woo-" Du Miaoshu's tense heart suddenly relaxed, and she couldn't help crying.

The little belly started to cry again, Le Yun stretched out her little demon claws, decisively lifted the person aside, quickly got away, ran to the gate, opened the door and stayed outside, she felt that it was necessary to avoid it and leave the space for Du family.

Lan San also sneaked away wittily, and went to watch the scenery with little Lolita outside Du's house.

The little deskmate ran away, Du Miaoshu wiped away her tears, saw her mother, hugged her and cried,
Mama Du's nerves, which had been tense since her wife was hospitalized, finally relaxed, and she seemed to be collapsing. When the girl rushed over, the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

Dad Du had just put on his clothes and tidied up his sweatpants, when he heard a cry, he turned around and saw the two mothers crying together, his heart was sour, and he found that Miss Le and the handsome young man were not in the main room, so he hurried to crawl Get up and run to the door in a hurry.

He ran to the gate and saw Miss Le and the young man in camouflage standing under the eaves. He stepped over the threshold and greeted outside in three steps: "Miss Le, handsome guy, I made you laugh, the child's mother and Shu Shu These days, I worry about my illness every day, but I can't hold on when I hear the good news, and I neglected you."

"It's okay, we understand, let the mother and daughter vent their emotions." Lan San smiled gently, such a scene is normal, and they often couldn't help laughing or crying or jumping when they heard that their teammates had turned the corner.

The little girl's bodyguard was so considerate, Du's father felt even more guilty and invited someone to sit in the main room.

Afraid that her little belly would hug her and cry, Le Yun did not dare to enter the main room of Du's house for the time being. Re-infection or stimulation by carcinogens, the place where there were cancer cells before is most likely to be re-infected, leading to recurrence of liver cancer.

It is most likely to be infected within the first seven days. Do not go to dirty places, such as vegetable markets, garbage dumps, hospitals and other places.

Due to the serious loss of your body, the muscles of your body are aging very badly, and you must take care of it, because the effect of the medicine is still there after the acupuncture and moxibustion, and it will make you very energetic within three to five days, and that is also temporary, so, Uncle Du, you can’t If you want to be brave, you must pay attention to your body, and you must rest for at least three months before you can do less tiring physical labor.

You should also pay attention to the diet, eat light food, fasting all spicy and sour food, such as sour chili and sauerkraut, you can’t eat it, within one or two months, you must keep up with the nutrition, try to keep it for three or two days Stew chicken soup once, or stew fish soup to drink.

Uncle Du, in the future, you'd rather not drink or smoke, and don't drink the kind of low-quality wine made with alcohol, let alone smoke low-quality cigarettes.

In terms of life, I can’t save money. I eat pickles and sauerkraut all the time. The body can’t stand it. You and Aunt Du used to be too frugal, resulting in severe malnutrition, long-term overwork, too much mental stress, and weak body and nerves. If you want to save money now, if you suffer from serious and minor illnesses in the future, it will only cause a greater burden on your children. "

The little girl was explaining some precautions, and Du's father listened very carefully. When he heard the little girl talk about low-quality wine and cigarettes, he felt very sad. Is it because he smoked bad cigarettes and drank bad wine, which ruined his life? body, so you get liver cancer?
Because of the high pressure of life and wanting to save money, he smoked cigarettes for [-] yuan and drank the cheapest wine. Because he wanted to save money, when the children were not at home, he and his wife ate stir-fried sauerkraut with chili most of the time.

He couldn't hold back the question in his mind, and asked in a low voice: "Miss Le, my it because of tobacco and alcohol?"

"There are many factors that cause liver cancer. No one can determine which one is the cause. Tobacco and alcohol damage the body, coupled with diet, which leads to poor physical fitness and poor resistance, which provides a good environment for germs. conditions, being stimulated by external factors such as the working environment or air pollution, the probability of inducing liver cancer is greater than that of healthy people.”

Le Yun was worried that Du's father was going into the wrong place, so she explained it in particular, and then asked: "Uncle Du and Aunt Du's work itself is easy to come into contact with various bacteria. You have poor resistance, so you must take good protection to prevent your hands and feet from being stained with bacteria. Glass, All kinds of fragments puncture wounds, once they are punctured by something, they should be cleaned and disinfected in time to avoid infection."

In the main room, the mother and daughter, who were crying with each other, cried for a while, and when they heard the conversation outside, they also recovered from the trance, immediately wiped away their tears, and ran out of the main room in a hurry.

The mother and daughter didn't hear what the little girl said before, but only heard the latter part. Du Miaoshu was also very nervous: "Little girl Le, my mother... isn't she in poor health?"

Ask Mama Du if she is in good health?Le Yun didn't want to say it at first, but she was afraid that Du's parents would not pay attention to their health, so she told the truth: "Uncle Du and Aunt Du's body is like an aging machine, which may break down at any time. After this treatment, Uncle Du successfully passed the difficult time. During the infection period, if you rest properly, there will be no major problems for more than ten years.

Aunt Du has severe insomnia, neurasthenia, and malnutrition. Because she is too strict with herself in terms of diet, Aunt Du has a bad stomach and is at great risk of stomach or lung cancer.

Aunt Du, you really can't be harsh on your body anymore. According to your previous diet, every time you save a dollar, you may have to pay a thousand times the price in the future. "

"My mother... Is her health so poor?" Du Miaoshu took a breath, looked at her mother in disbelief, and found that her mother seemed to be older than a few months ago. Dark and thin, emaciated.

The daughter asked the little girl about her condition, but it was too late for Mama Du to stop her. Hearing what the little girl said was so serious, she believed it in her heart, but she was afraid that her daughter would be worried, so she quickly grabbed the girl's hand and comforted her: "Shu Shu , I am in good health, but occasionally I can't fall asleep because I think too much, and I don't often fall asleep, and my stomach is also very good, and I never have stomach pain."

Father Du's heart was heavy. He believed in Miss Le's diagnosis, but he was afraid that she would worry, so he could not let his wife listen to her, nor could he help him lie to his daughter. He could only keep silent.

"Mom, don't lie to me. Dad often said that he was in good health, but it turned out to be liver cancer." Du Miaoshu's eyes were so sore that she was about to cry, she swallowed back her tears, walked quickly to the tablemate, and pulled Xiaoluo Li's wrist: "Xiao Le, let's sit in the main room and talk, please explain the doctor's order in detail, and I will write it down."

"Okay." Le Yun turned around neatly, and entered the main room of Du's house with her classmates with a small belly.

Lan San, who was in the air, followed little Lolita's footsteps without making a sound, and Du's father and Du's mother hurriedly followed behind. The five sat down in the main room, and Du's mother brought fruit again.

In order not to make a mistake, Du Miaoshu took out her mobile phone and turned on the recording function to record.

For the sake of the patient's health, Le Xiao didn't hide it, and he couldn't cooperate with the Du family and his wife just because they wanted to save money. The places that should not be near are listed.

Du's father and Du's mother were dumbfounded. They said it was understandable that sauerkraut should not be eaten if it is too spicy.There are also saltwater fish in the sea that cannot be eaten, and there are several dishes that they have not remembered at all, and they may not know them at all.

Du Miaoshu recorded the doctor's order and asked seriously: "Little girl Le, how much is the medical bill for my dad's treatment? You have to tell the truth, even though I don't have any money now, I owe it first and pay it back later."

Du's father and Du's mother became nervous and pricked up their ears.

"Medical expenses, this is really not cheap," Le Yun spread her hands: "A lung cancer patient I cured before, the cancer also turned from the middle stage to the advanced stage, and the severity of the disease was similar to that of Uncle Du, because the patient's father and I have a little friendship, and the middleman who came forward to invite me to see a doctor is also my friend, so I only charged 400 million in medical expenses.

The cost of medicine for Uncle Du's acupuncture is about the same as that of medicine for the lung cancer patient, and the cost of medicine is about 380 million. "

"Three...three hundred and eighty...80?" Father Du opened his mouth and was almost out of breath, with bead-sized beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

"That's right, 380 million. This is just the cost price of medicinal materials. If it was someone I didn't know, I would have to charge about 100 million for hard work. If the patient was recommended by an acquaintance, in addition to the cost of medicinal materials, I would have to charge at least 20 About [-] yuan of hard work."

Le Yun shrugged her shoulders, with a helpless expression on her face: "The medicinal materials I use are all rare and rare medicines, and because the medicines are too rare, the cost price is also frighteningly high, so I personally don't accept patients, fearing that the medical expenses will be too high and be punished." People reported that I cheated money, and the patients who came to me for help were recommended by acquaintances, and acquaintances vouch for the patients."

Du's father opened his mouth, unable to speak, and Du's mother no longer knew where she was.

Du Miaoshu was also shocked by the astronomical figures and broke into a cold sweat.

"Actually, charging a million yuan for hard work is already very low." Lan San finally stopped being dumb: "Student Le received more than 1000 million hard work fees for a foreigner's medical treatment, yes, it's 1000 Ten thousand U.S. dollars, not 1000 million RMB.”

"Hiss-" Du's father and Du's mother gasped, their eyes almost fell off the ground, and they charge 1000 million for one treatment. My God, doctors make so much money!

"The number of 100 to 1000 sounds very tempting, but has anyone ever thought about the danger of little student Le collecting medicinal materials?" Lan San calmly stated: "Student Le went to Africa alone to collect medicinal materials. There are lions, leopards and tigers. The uninhabited grasslands and deserts where wolves and other animals are infested, and she has been to several virgin forests and northern deserts in China. She often stays outside for ten and a half months as a girl, and she may be in danger at any time.

It is impossible for her to do everything by herself. Some medicinal materials are purchased from herb collectors, or paid for by someone to collect them. no.

The family members of the foreigner who had been cured by Ms. Le were sympathetic to her hard work and thanked her, so they presented Ms. Le with a helicopter as a thank you gift. "

"Handsome guy, my dad...was frightened, and he didn't suspect Le Xiaoniu's big mouth." Du Miaoshu understood what Le Xiaoniu's bodyguard meant, and her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Ann, don't be nervous," Le Yun rubbed the head of her little belly amusedly: "I know that Uncle Du didn't mean that, the reason why handsome guy Lan said so much, and the reason why I told you the cost of medicinal materials is just to let you know Son, you can't understand too much now, maybe you will understand soon.

I'm guessing, sooner or later others will find out about Uncle Du's liver cancer. Others know that you are the ones who asked me to cure the cancer. You and I are high school classmates, and some people who want to be greedy will definitely flatter you. You guys, I beg you to help me find a doctor or something.

I won’t tell you the truth, what if you think that cancer treatment won’t cost you much, and you can’t save face, and promise others to help you find me, what will I do then?I charge according to my rules, and others can't afford it, or if others think they have been cheated, they will hate your family and me; "

Du Miaoshu understood in seconds: "I understand, Le Xiaoniu, what you mean is that if someone asks how much my father spent on cancer treatment, we can't pretend that it didn't cost much, but tell the truth and let others know that cancer treatment takes a lot of money." price."

"Yes, Little Belly is transparent at a little bit, extremely smart," before Little Belly could react, Le Yun smiled and rubbed her classmate's head with a smile: "Uncle Du is Little Belly's father, looking at me at the same table For the sake of my little stomach, the medical expenses are free this time, of course, one yard is worth one yard, and the money I borrowed from you must be repaid, the two cannot be confused."

"All... free of charge? Little girl Le, you don't charge for my dad's medical treatment. Where do you get the cost of your medicinal materials?" Du Miaoshu almost jumped up. The fee of more than 300 million yuan is free?Le Xiaoniu confiscated a penny of the hard work fee, but also paid it back?

"Just this time, don't be an example. Little belly, take good care of your parents. You and your younger brother should also take care of your health while studying and working hard. If you have anything to ask me for medical treatment, even if you are my only friend in high school, I will take care of you." He is stern and selfless, and will never charge less money."

Le Yun twitched the corners of her mouth, rubbed the dog's head of her classmate Xiaotong a few times, and said with a serious face: "Little belly, as I said before, I can't cure your father, I will jump into the Danjiang River myself, and it will be cured, you have to ask When I eat, don’t think that if you treat me to one or two meals, I will be dismissed. At least fifty meals to me will be enough.

If Uncle Du wants to find a job in the future, he must obtain a health certificate. Let Uncle Du recuperate for about a month, at least half a month before he can go to the hospital for an examination. It is best to go directly to the provincial hospital where you were hospitalized for a review. "

"Okay! I'll treat you to dinner. I will work hard to make money. I will treat you to famous dishes from all provinces and provinces in the future." Du Miaoshu's heart was burning, and tears rolled out of her eyes. Le Xiaoniu knew that her family was poor, so she didn't accept it. The cost of medicine and medicine is afraid of hurting her self-esteem, so asking her to eat is to make her feel better. The chick is so considerate, how lucky to have such a little deskmate!
Du's father and Du's mother finally came to their senses, moved and... guilty, they thought it was easy to make money as a doctor, but they thought it was too easy.

Le Yun knows how to coax children, but is not good at coaxing adults. She rubbed the head of her classmate with little belly, and when her mood stabilized, she took out a few packs of pills from her backpack and handed them to Xiaotong, asking her to supervise her dad to take them on time.

The explanation that should be explained was clear, and she rushed to the capital with her backpack. As for Du Ma's health problem, she didn't mention it for the time being.

Du Miaoshu also knew that her deskmate was going back to the capital, so she didn't keep her, so she asked her deskmate for a passbook number, and she would return the unused money to her deskmate another day.

The little girl was rushing to the capital to save people, so Du's father and Du Mamin's girl sent the guests off all the way to the street, helped stop an electric tricycle, and watched the car go out of sight before returning.

The family of three returned home with mixed feelings, sorrow and joy, and had to cry again. After crying, Du's father urged the girl to go back to the provincial capital to go to work.

Du Miaoshu: "..." Didn't it mean that the daughter is daddy's little padded jacket, she wants to be a caring little padded jacket, why dad always wants to drive her away?

Sad in my heart, I bought the high-speed rail ticket for tomorrow morning online and showed it to my father, so as to avoid being nagged.

(End of this chapter)

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