magic eye doctor

Chapter 1573 Unlucky Child Zhuo 7

Chapter 1573 Unlucky Child Zhuo Shiqi

Taking advantage of her duty as a bodyguard, Lan San didn't ask Little Lolita why she didn't help prepare the medicinal materials even though she knew that the housewife of Du's house was in trouble. When she left Du's house, she called Hei Jiu and told him to come back Then, he and little Lolita took the electric tricycle to the square to solicit customers.

They were closer to the square and arrived at their destination first. After waiting in the square for less than two minutes, the helicopter flew from afar.

It is hot in summer, and no one wants to go to the square to bask in the sun, and helicopters take off and land very conveniently.

Hei Jiu went to Shishi Airport to refuel, and then waited at the airport. He thought that it would take a long time for little Lolita to treat someone, and it might take a long time to return to Beijing at night or in the middle of the night. It was over in the middle of the afternoon.

He was naturally happy in his heart. He flew the plane to Fang County, where he picked up Little Lolita and Lan San, and took off without delay.

It takes more than six minutes to fly from E North to the capital by helicopter. Little Lolita’s small plane took off at about three o’clock in the afternoon and arrived in the capital after nine o’clock in the evening. The capital is full of neon lights, and the capital is as bright as day.
Pilot Hei Jiu drove the plane directly to the Military General Hospital.

In the Military General Hospital at night, there were not as many vehicles coming and going during the day, and the helicopter was parked on the parking lot in front of a complex building.

Yesterday, the wolf king who received a notification from Lansan that the little loli had left the customs sent two people to the hospital to stay on guard in the morning, and received a call from his teammates in the middle of the afternoon. They knew what time the helicopter would arrive, and they had already stayed in the lobby on the first floor of the building Waiting, seeing the plane coming and jumping outside, waiting for the plane to land.

Along with the wolf king in the army are several medical leaders from the Military Academy, Director Qin, Professor Lu, Professor Kang, and others. In fact, it was originally the weekend, and the senior professors and doctors were supposed to rest. The soldiers over there heard that Miss Le had left customs and came back to the capital to see a certain soldier. They didn't care about rest, so they went to the hospital in the morning to wait for the rabbit.

A group of medical lunatics looked at the hospital all day long, and sometimes went to see a doctor or do a minor operation. After waiting for a whole day, they finally came. It would be a lie to say that they were unhappy.

When the small plane came to a complete stop, everyone surrounded it, wanting to grab a good chance to brush their faces first.

Of course, it is impossible for someone else to get the first chance. After landing the plane, Hei Jiu opened the door and jumped out of the cockpit. A luggage backpack was handed out of the cabin before he went down the hanging ladder.

The two brothers stood beside the hanging ladder like two door gods.

Professor Lu and the others stretched their necks. They thought they would see a girl with short hair and a bright smile on her face as usual. Appearing in the cabin, everyone was dumbfounded.

That girl's face was that of Miss Le, and her smile was also the bright smile they were familiar with, but that face was too tender!
Also, what is that black satin-like piece of black satin that hangs down on the girl's back and slides down into the air as the girl bends down?

Watching the beautiful girl with fluttering long skirt and long hair moving down the hanging ladder lightly, Professor Kang and others suspected that they had seen a ghost.

Le Xiao, who had been nestled in the small plane for several hours, arrived at his destination, got out of the cabin, and the moment he breathed the air of the capital, he had a thought in his heart: the air is so bad!
The air in the capital smells like the cement floor has been exposed to the sun, and it also smells of suffocation. The air quality is really...not good, especially for those who have just returned from the Dongchen Continent, which is full of aura. It can be said to be quite bad.

Everything is good in my hometown on earth, but the environment is worrying.

As a human being on earth, Le Yun is also worried about the worsening and deteriorating world environment. According to the trend of global warming, if it is not stopped, with the endless greed of human beings for the earth, the human beings on the earth will sooner or later have to play. use up.

When he walked out of the cabin and got off the suspended ladder, he looked at a group of medical workers who were staring at him. He couldn't help but smile, and waved his paw happily: "Professor Lu, Professor Kang, Director Qin, Old Professor Li... Xiao Good evening, Professor Li and Director Xiao, long time no see, the professors are still in style."

"Good evening."

"Good evening, little girl."

Several medical workers were brought back to their minds by the crisp voice, smiles all over their faces involuntarily, staring at the girl who moved lightly in lotus steps, with mixed feelings in her heart, the little girl actually remembered each of them!

When the girl got closer, Professor Lu took advantage of his age and walked over in three steps, stretched out his hand and rubbed the little girl's head, and then stroked her hair tied with a silver headband: "Little girl, others You grow older after one year, how do you reverse the growth? Little girl, is your hair a wig?"

Hearing Professor Lu say "wig", Professor Kang and others also suspected for a moment that the little girl's long hair was a wig.

Not escaping the fate of being patted on the head, Le Yun quickly pulled away the old professor's hand, opened the fan to cover his head, and twisted his face into a bun face: "Professor Lu, if you continue to suspect that I wear a wig, be careful that I will take revenge and arrest you as an experiment." Little white mouse, make you a long-haired weirdo."

"Oh, is it real hair? Let me feel it again. It feels real to the touch. It's smoother than silk. I still feel incredible. It's only eight months, and your hair can grow so long. It's unscientific." Lu The professor knows well that little girls respect the elders the most, rely on the old to sell the old, and touch the little girl's head.

Professor Lu was playing with his hands, and Professor Kang and others ignored the soldiers and rushed forward to "test" whether the little girl's hair was real or not. They all smiled happily, as if they had found a treasure.

Four young wolf kings: "..." Wrestling, don't bring such a snatcher, okay?They didn't dare to touch the little Lolita's head, but a group of old fellows did things openly and aboveboard to the little Lolita's head and hair. Do they still want to be old?
If you ask the medical workers if they want to be ashamed, they will definitely roll their eyes, ah bah, brat, stay wherever it is cool, don't disturb their friendly relationship with the little girl.

The little girl was too tender, like a little child, Professor Kang and others instantly regarded her as the little girl next door, pushed the four young soldiers away, and surrounded the little girl towards the hospital building, joking as they walked Ask her what pig feed she ate, and why her hair grows so fast.

Le Yun obviously felt that the medical professors treated her like a child, so they all happily used her head as a model's head to test the hand back and forth.

The medical professors didn't know the little girl's sadness, and laughed so happily that when a large group of people walked to the elevator hall and waited for the elevator, the people who were waiting saw the professors all get out of the way and let them take the elevator upstairs first. .

The four young wolf kings carried the little loli's backpack and the small backpack in which she carried her belongings, and followed silently. They could occasionally see the little loli surrounded by them. Most of the time, their sight was blocked by the professors. Can't see the little loli, let alone get close.

Being isolated, they can't have any opinions. The professors and attending doctors in the hospital all hold the "power of life and death". They often do dangerous tasks, and they can't guarantee that they will not be injured. The doctors were subjected to "revenge" research-style treatment, and they could only turn a blind eye to the behavior of the professors who snatched the little girl away.

A group of people took the elevator up to a certain floor, then walked along the corridor, and turned a long way before arriving at the ward area dedicated to the sergeants. The medical professors swiped their cards before entering a ward, and then accompanied the little girl into the room where they were closely monitored. isolation room.

There are four beds in the closely guarded ward, and only one bed has a patient. The patient's face is bluish-white, similar to the color of green and white jade in Hetian jade, making it impossible to guess the person's age from the face.

The patient's head is pushed bald, and the scalp has the color depth of topaz in Hetian jade,
Various instruments and tubes are attached to the patient's body, and large and small instruments monitor the patient's vital signs.

After entering the isolation room, the professors quickly dispersed and surrounded the patient's bed. Professor Lu, Professor Kang and Director Qin were closest to the little girl, and accompanied the little girl to the bed, and introduced her to the patient's condition when she was first admitted to the hospital.

With just one glance, Le Yun recognized the patient. The person lying on the bed was one of the wolves who were frozen into an ice corpse in a certain winter, that handsome guy named "Catch Seventeen".

That time Zhuo Shiqi was frozen into a floating corpse, but this time he was not swollen, but almost turned into a poisonous person. His whole body was covered with poison, from the inside out.

Recognizing who it was, Le Yun stretched out her little paw, and touched Comrade Seventeen's bald head: "Unlucky boy, last time he turned into a floating corpse, this time it's a poisonous corpse, see you next time Could it be a zombie?"

"Puff—hahaha" Director Qin and several doctors who participated in rescuing a soldier who turned into a floating corpse laughed unkindly. Don't blame them for their lack of medical ethics. The little girl's description is too apt , really just right.

"Poisonous corpses and floating corpses are nothing, as long as they don't turn into dead bodies before seeing the little girl." Professor Lu narrowed his eyes with a smile. The unlucky boy is very unfortunate, but he shouldn't die when he returns to the little girl .

"Professor Lu is right." Professor Lu was right, and everyone had no reason to refute.

"Professors, you praise me too much. I am also a mortal, and I also have incurable diseases and people who cannot be saved." The professors regarded themselves as living Bodhisattvas, and Le Yun felt ashamed. Shouldn't they be disappointed when they meet someone they can't save one day.

"Let's not talk about anything else, can this unlucky boy be saved?" Director Qin cut to the point: "We are closely monitoring this kid's physical changes. There are many kinds of toxins in his blood. During laboratory tests, the toxin content often There was a change, we gave him all kinds of anti-drugs, but all ended in failure, and only you, little girl, gave Young Master Yan a sigh of relief for the detoxification pills."

"This unlucky guy is not only poisonous in the blood, but even the bone marrow is poisonous. The blood produced by hematopoietic cells is itself poisonous. No matter how many antidotes are given to him, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. In the current situation, eating meatballs is at best It can prolong your life by a month."

Le Yun looked at the scalp of Comrade Seventeen, and thought of the idiom "green and yellow" for no reason, and turned to look at the handsome guys who were little tails: "Handsome guys, you run fast, go to the nurse's station to get two sets of sample vials, I need to collect blood for research."

"Okay, let's go right away." Following the four young wolf men who were in the air, they were overjoyed to hear that little Lolita sent someone to run errands, and they all ran out.

Little Lolita didn't say that she was helpless, it meant that she could be saved!

As long as there is still salvation, nothing else matters.

The hanging hearts of the young wolf kings also fell to the ground. They were most afraid of hearing the words "prepare for the funeral" from the little lolita. Even though the little lolita has never said it so far, they are subconsciously afraid of that A few words.

The little girl asked someone to find the sample bottle, and when they ran out, the doctors in the blood tube department added: "We keep a stock of every sample we collect, and there are several copies of the blood sample we took at the beginning, and we will give you a copy later for comparison." .”

The professors are so cute, Le Yun gave a big smile: "The professors are too thoughtful, if you are free later, how about we go for a skewer?"

"Okay, okay, we're not busy."

"We rest today."

A group of medical lunatics were overjoyed. The little girl was so busy, she was willing to take time to have a supper with them. This was a way of showing face. Not to mention that she was not busy now, even if she fell down from exhaustion, she would get up again.

Doctors are not afraid of danger. They have saved lives and healed the wounded for decades. They are the cutest angels in white clothes. Le Yun also respects their love for medicine and pity for life from the bottom of their hearts, even though she knows the poison of catching seventeen like the back of her hand. , I also humbly ask the medical scholars what they have gained when they do the tests.

The medical scholars who have studied the physical condition of the patients will tell the data and speculations they have collected, and everyone will discuss them on the spot.

In the heart of learning together, Le Xiao gave some suggestions and opinions based on their observations, especially in the laboratory, giving hints and research directions.

After discussing for a few minutes, the young man looking for samples was holding four sets of sample vials and syringes, and a set of precision instruments including measuring cups, alcohol lamps and other instruments.

Seeing the equipment brought by the handsome guy, the corners of Le Yun's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything, although, a certain handsome guy took too many medical tools, so he won't need them this time, but he is so careful, he can't hit him.

The sample vials came, and they went to work. They took blood from Zhuo Shiqi's head, arms, belly, legs and feet, and also took blood from the venous tube for samples.

After collecting two blood samples, they packed them up and handed them over to the Lan San gang to carry them. Then they took their small backpack, took out a jade box, found a bag of pills, and fed one to handsome Zhuo, and the other pills. Give it to Director Qin: "This kind of pill can temporarily suppress the poison in the unlucky egg. Professor Kuo gives him one every seven days, and it can keep him from dying for three months."

"I will live up to the entrustment." Director Qin took the medicine bag in his hand and solemnly promised that the little girl entrusted them to feed the soldiers with medicine, so she naturally trusted them.

Professor Kang and the others were not jealous. The sergeants were mainly dealing with blood diseases, and Professor Qin was responsible for them. They were there to assist, and the little girl naturally handed over the medicine to Director Qin for safekeeping.

(End of this chapter)

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