magic eye doctor

Chapter 1574

Chapter 1574

The samples taken by the little girl from the patient hadn't been tested yet, so it was naturally impossible to give acupuncture and moxibustion treatment on the spot, so all the medical scholars hugged the little girl and left.

In order not to miss the opportunity to observe the little girl's acupuncture, Professor Kang asked as he walked, "Little girl, when will you remove the poison for him?"

"This kind of poison is a biochemical poison, and it is an enhanced version. Compared with the previous one, several minerals have been added. The poison penetrates into the bone marrow. It is difficult for ordinary acupuncture to force out the poison in the bone marrow. You need to use steaming to pull out the poison. It can only be arranged at Yan's base."

Le Yun also guessed that the professors wanted to watch, first explain the situation, whether they have time to watch depends on their arrangements, and then added: "At present, the time for acupuncture and moxibustion is undecided, and there are many types of toxins. I will do experiments first, and then I can confirm Which toxin should be dealt with first, and since Young Master Yan and the other two haven’t returned, I guess those three may also be doomed, so I’ll wait and wait until there’s news from those three before setting the acupuncture time.”

"Young lady, what do you mean Young Master Yan...may have been recruited?" The professors were shocked.

Lan San and his teammates were even more dumbfounded, it's not really what the little loli said, is it?
"Judging from the situation of this unlucky egg, the possibility is extremely high. This level of poison is not very easy to deal with. Even if it were me, I would not be spared if I did not carry a targeted antidote. Of course, I Even if I get the trick, the opponent can't do anything to me, but no matter when, I may not be able to kill the opponent, and running away is completely fine."

The biochemical poison is... hateful, even if it is her, if she encounters the biochemical poison, if she can't go back to the space to avoid it immediately, she may absorb the biochemical poison in the air, or get poisoned by sticking to her skin.

General plant poisons enter the body and will be swallowed and dissolved by their own cells. Biochemical poisons contain minerals, and the components are too complex. The body's detoxification function cannot automatically remove the toxins in the first place, and she has to use acupuncture or other methods to dissolve them. .

Le Yun hates biochemical poisons, and even more hates guys who use biochemical poisons at every turn. She really wants to find out those bastards and return them in their own way.

Professor Lu and the others were also worried about the other people who were traveling with the unlucky guy. They only hoped that they would be lucky and not be guessed by the little girl.

Blue, Three, Black, and Nine were even more anxious. The responders had already gone to the border, but they didn't send back any news. Could it be that the captain was really tricked and fell down in some unknown corner?
Everyone left the isolation room, unlocked the door, and had to swipe their card to enter the ward.

Taking the elevator down the stairs and out of the building, Le Yun turned around, took out her backpack again, and took out two packs of pills. When the professors moved away, she waited for the four handsome men to approach and handed the two packs of pills to them: "This is my retreat. The medicine newly developed by Shi, you send someone to send it to your captain, taking the blue medicine can prevent all kinds of drugs, take care of it for three days, ask people to remember it by themselves, don't fool yourself."

"Okay." Lan San quickly took the medicine and passed it to his teammates.

"Take off my backpack, and you guys go back in a small plane. I'll take a taxi to Xuan Shao's place after I've packed up the strings, and I'll be back at Qingda University tomorrow morning."

"..." The four wolf kings disapproved of Little Lolita's behavior of not bringing a bodyguard, and protested silently.

"Go, go, you guys, get out of here quickly. With so many of us around, can't you take care of the little girl? Hurry up and bring the little girl's luggage."

The four young soldiers refused to cooperate, and the professors blew their beards and stared angrily. Is this the capital?Could it be that someone still dared to rob the little girl?

What's more, the little girl is so fierce, she can kill people with just a little medicine, and anyone who doesn't have eyes and wants to rob her will be unlucky.

The professors really don't worry about the little girl's safety. If the little girl has no power to protect herself, girls all over the country will be in danger.

The four wolf generals also know that little Lolita doesn't need bodyguards, but, little Lolita has just come out of retreat, if they don't have personal protection, what will others think?
Lan San handed the things to Hei Jiu: "You guys fly back, I will drive the little beauty to Xuan's house, and then return to the station."

Le Yun curled her lips and didn't object anymore.

Little Lolita didn't disagree, and Hei Jiu and the others also agreed with Lan San's approach. They drove the car to the front of the building, transferred Little Lolita's lockbox to the car, handed the car keys to Lan San, and the three of them drove. Helicopter back to base.

Lan San also put the little Lolita's backpack in the car, and then accompanied the little Lolita to the street for supper with the professors.

Professor Lu and others haven't seen the little girl for a long time, and they are all in a good mood. They don't take a car when they go to eat skewers. They take a walk along the street. After walking for three stops, they find a restaurant in a large snack city and occupy a table. The heroic point string.

A group of medical workers are not afraid of getting angry. They ordered a lot of delicacies, enjoyed the skewers, and ate hot. Even with air conditioning, they were still sweating profusely.

After eating supper happily, a group of people walked back to the hospital. The professors were not in a hurry and let the little girl go first.

Before boarding the car, student Le Xiao dragged a large backpack, found a large bag of herbal tea, and presented a pack of herbal tea to each doctor before boarding the car first.

After receiving the medicinal tea presented by the little girl, a group of doctors, who were at least in their forties, laughed like children, clutching the medicinal tea like treasures, and rushing home.

Lan San is a very conscientious driver. He drove the little Lolita through numerous vehicles and fought with each other, crossed the streets, and sent the little Lolita to the four-sea visitor in Xuanjia's Tea Street. tea house.

It was nearly twelve o'clock when he arrived at the tea street. The shops in the tea street were basically closed, and the Four Seas teahouse was also closed. The door of the shared wall connecting the Xuan family and the tea house was open, and four young people from the Xuan family stood guard at the door.

Seeing the jeep that was about to stop at the teahouse, the youth of the Xuan family reported to the inside, and rushed to the jeep, waiting to pick up the luggage for Miss Le.

Miss Le had just returned home after leaving customs, Mr. Hua Jiayan called the Hua family, and the young master of the Hua family immediately called Young Master Xuan, and Young Master Xuan and others knew that Miss Le had returned to her hometown yesterday morning.

Hua Jiaxuan furniture was very happy to hear that Miss Le returned from the secret place. When Young Master Hua received the news, he set off from the place where he lived for the rest of his life to Beijing, and Lai was a guest in the other courtyard of Xuanjia Tea House.

Xuan Shao had no choice but to take him in for the shameless guy. He originally thought that the little girl would have to wait a few days before she could come to Xuan's house, but unexpectedly he received a message from the little beauty at nine o'clock in the evening saying that she would come to Xuan's house in the evening. He was overjoyed to be a guest at home.

The little girl was going to come to the other courtyard of the Xuan family, and the young master Xuan Shaohua ran to a teahouse in the outer courtyard to wait for guests. When the guards reported that the little girl was coming, he jumped up and blew away like a gust of wind.

Xuan Yi and Hua Yi, who never leave the young master's side, silently followed the young master.

The two handsome young masters of the ancient samurai family swirled onto the walking path like a whirlwind, and just floated to a place not far from the jeep to stand still, just in time to see someone coming out of the car sideways, did not see the face, only knew that it was a man in a retro dress girls.


An enlarged question mark flashed in the minds of the two handsome young men. I didn't hear that the little beauty met a new friend again. Who is this who sent the little beauty here?

Just as he was wondering, he saw the girl in the old-fashioned dress turn around, and at the same time, she also got out of the car, with a large black cloud of hair dragging behind her back.

"Little beauty?"

Seeing the girl's face, Xuan Shao and Hua Shao cried out in disbelief, and the four youths of the Xuan family were also stunned: "Little... little beauty?!"

This... is that really Miss Le?

Looking at the beautiful girl wearing an ancient half-arm dress with long hair below the knees, the six of them were dumbfounded, and their eyes scanned the beautiful girl's face over and over again. The face of a [-]-year-old girl is still tender? !
This unscientific!

The Xuan family youth stared at the little girl's hair and face as if looking at a monster, and wailed in his heart that it was unscientific.

"Xuan Shao Hua Shao, handsome guys from the Xuan family, good evening, the traffic is not very good, I'm late, I kept you waiting for a long time." Le Yun dragged a backpack out of the car, heard the change of heartbeat, twisted Turning around, smiling and greeting the handsome youths who looked stupefied, very happy, she can scare acquaintances wherever she goes, cool!
"Little beauty, you should look at her with admiration for three days. It really is so. I almost thought I was dazzled just now. Oh, I still find it unbelievable. Little beauty, your hair is so long." After being shocked, Xuan Shao walked forward After taking two steps, he reached out and took the big backpack from the little beauty's hand and stuffed it for his own guard.

"Little beauty is what people say that if you don't make a show, you will become a blockbuster. When you don't have long hair, your hair is shorter than boys. If you grow long hair, you will kill the so-called long-haired beauty. Little beauty, you will definitely attract girls when you go back to school like this." Public indignation." Hua Shao recovered from the shock, looked at the young girl who was so tender that she felt unbelievable, you said, what nutritional supplements can make people's hair grow to more than one meter in a few months? ?

The youths of the Xuan family came back to their senses and smiled very embarrassedly. One of them hugged the backpack, and the other went to pick up the suitcase that the driver helped to bring down.

For the reaction of a group of young people seeing the little Lolita, Lan San is no longer surprised. The little Lolita has changed so much that anyone who sees it will be surprised.

He got out of the car and helped little Lolita take out the suitcase, handed it to the young Xuanjia youths, nodded to everyone, got into the car silently, drove the jeep forward, and returned to the station by himself.

The youths of the Xuan family also unanimously agreed with Young Master Hua's words. The little beauty with such a tender face and beautiful long hair will definitely become the public enemy of the girls when she returns to Qingda University.

"It's okay, I have a beautiful elder brother to protect me at school." Le Yun smiled so that her eyes curved into crescents.

"Your brother is graduating soon."

"It's okay, I still have my little nephew, and my little nephew has three lovely roommates."

"I'm afraid that those four teenagers alone can't stand it."

"It's not that there are more, there is still a brat in Tantai's house."

"Haha..." Xuan Shaohua couldn't help but laugh, the little beauty had already made up her mind, and she wasn't afraid that others would be jealous of her beauty.

The little girl didn't have much luggage, so the youth from the Xuan family carried the luggage, followed the young master and Hua Shao, and surrounded little girl Le into the other courtyard, closed the door, and then went to the inner courtyard.

Entering the inner courtyard of the Xuan family, the youths sent the little girl's luggage to the upper guest room, and Xuan Shao entertained Young Master Hua and the little beauty in the main hall of the east chamber. Just the two guests, all three of them sat on the Luohan couch.

Young people bring the small tea stove to the hall, make tea, and serve fresh fruits and snacks.

Young Master Xuan and Young Master Hua smiled like the silly son of a landlord's family, Le Yun was particularly speechless: "You two are professionally responsible for helping me take the blame, and you are smiling so happily when you see me, I can't bear to look straight at you .”

"We are happy, just throw over as many pots as you want." Xuan Shao's face smiled into a blooming peony: "To be honest, little beauty, I really thought it would take three to five years or more for you to come back. The same idea, they are all waiting and watching, no one comes out to make trouble, and the opportunity you created for them was wasted."

Hua Shaozhu drank tea, smiled elegantly, anyway, if the little beauty needs someone to come forward to help with something, she basically chooses the Xuan family and the Hua family. Needless to say, there is Xuan Shao.

"It's okay, I'll come back next time. Although I came back a bit fast this time, just because I came back with such long hair and such an obvious change, those guys who want to make trouble must know it well and know that my retreat is true. Retreat to do research, next time I retreat, they will definitely seize the opportunity and take action."

Le Yun didn't feel that it was a pity, although she didn't know why the supposed eight years had turned into eight months, but she kept her long hair, and others would also be surprised when they saw her wildly long hair. I believe she is really researching something.

Xuan Shao and Hua Shao also agreed, and stopped talking about those disappointing topics for the time being, and asked curiously about the situation in the secret realm.

Asked about the secrets in the secret realm, Le Yun wanted to help her forehead: "About the secret realm, the timing is a bit inappropriate. I can't say many things. The time there passes faster than ours, about ten times faster..."

Before the little girl finished speaking, Young Master Xuan interjected: "Little beauty, wait a minute, according to what you said, the time elapsed in the secret realm is ten times that of the earth, doesn't it mean that you stayed there for eight years? Long?"

"Look at my hair, how can it grow so long in three to five years? Although my hair grows fast, I have kept it for about two and a half years. Of course, it refers to the natural growth rate. If I use hair restorer, it will be able to grow in about half a year. It's so long."

"Little beauty, you must have enjoyed yourself after staying in the secret realm for so long. I don't ask about the rest. Do you have the ingredients for the medicinal diet? Can you give me some of it?"

"Xuan Shao, go as you go, there is no one like you," Hua Shaozhu showed his face: "Little beauty, you ignore Xuan Shao, if you have any good medicinal ingredients, please give me first."

"Your surname is Hua, don't you..." Xuan Shao yelled, it's not kind for Master Hua to grab the priority!

Seeing the friendship between the two young men turn over, Le Yun grinned: "I was busy mining or looking for plants in the secret realm, or I was doing business with people, and I had a good time. I also collected a lot of good things. The headache now is that the magic weapon I was carrying was sealed when I left the secret realm, and I handed it to my seniors to help me find a way.

I only have a small collection of relatively common items in my talisman space, and I have some medicinal food. I will invite the handsome guy to burn a coal-fired stone vat later, and I will invite you to rub it tomorrow morning. "

While talking, he took out two square wooden boxes and gave them to Young Master Xuan and Young Master Hua: "This is the rosin ink I made by hand and the authentic Langhao brush made by a skilled craftsman. Kong will change some of the furniture in my house, and save the Four Treasures of the Study prepared for Mr. Yan and Mr. Yi, and not give them to them."

The square wooden boxes were carved with exquisite patterns, inlaid with gold locks and silver edges, and they were high-end treasures. Xuan Shao and Hua Shao were not polite, each holding a box, and opened it with great interest.

Inside and above the wooden box are two small rectangular boxes, neatly lined with well-made writing brushes, big and small, six pens in each box, twelve in total.

The barrel and hair of the brush are all exquisite.

Remove the pen case, and there is also a small compartment on the bottom. In the small compartment, there are ink strips painted with gold and color, and in the large compartment, ink ingots are neatly stacked. The faint scent of pine ink has a faint smell of jasmine.

"Little beauty, your ink-making skills can be applied for world heritage."

"This ink stick painted with gold is more beautiful than the treasures auctioned in the auction house."

When the two young masters saw the painted ink sticks, they quickly wiped their hands, and then carefully took them out to appreciate them. The more they looked at them, the more they loved them, and they were full of praise.

The youths of the Xuan family also came closer to admire, and they were full of praise for Miss Le's superb craftsmanship.

Classmate Le Xiao smiled and accepted the praise, took out two big boxes again, and gave a box to the Xuanjia family of the Hua family. It was also a calligraphy and a brush, both of which were harvested from the Dongchen Continent, a top-grade example. , it can be called the top grade on earth.

Hua Shao and Xuan Shao happily accepted the gift, and the youths of the Xuan family moved a gift from their own family to one side, and Hua Yi moved the gift from the little girl to the Hua family to one side for storage, and brought it back when the young master returned to the other courtyard tomorrow.

After the youths moved the box away, Le Yun threw out again, eight bamboo baskets were thrown out, four baskets were filled with fragrant smoked fish, and four baskets were filled with dark golden colored bad fish.

Those baskets are not the kind of baskets used in some places on the earth. They are so big that they are 1.2 meters high. It takes three grown men to hold them together.

Without the little girl's explanation, the youths of the Xuan family divided the eight baskets into two parts, one part was moved to the place where Hua Yi put the boxes, and the part of the Xuan family was piled aside, smelling the fragrance, they all secretly drool.

When the place became vacant, student Le Xiao brought out two jars of sauce: "Fish can be eaten at any time, if you can't finish it for a while, you must seal it up. If you don't want to eat cold food, put it in a steamer and steam it before eating. Don't eat fish with sauce. When you finish eating the sauce, please return the tank, and after eating the fish, please return the basket."

"Pfft", the youths of the Xuan family laughed out loud. Every time the little beauty gave something, she told them to return the container of things. Others bought the box and returned the pearls, but Miss Le returned the pearls for the box.

"Don't worry, we prefer the things in the baskets and vats, and we don't envy the vats and baskets." Xuan Shao leaned on his waist and laughed: "If you give more, we can also consider giving back double."

"You are so beautiful." Le Yun also smiled from ear to ear. There is no way, she really loves her baskets and tanks and tools and supplies. It is easy to make sauce and smoked fish, as long as there are raw materials, baskets and tanks are made. It's troublesome to get up.

Hua Shao couldn't close his mouth with a smile, Hua Yi and the guards of the Xuan family took the sauce jar covered with a layer of beige cloth away and put it aside, and refilled tea for the young masters in a hurry.

 Friends, I'm back!
  Acacia idiots originally planned to stay in the countryside until the sixth day of the lunar new year before returning to the county. I was shocked to hear that a new type of pneumonia has also appeared in my big Guilin. I even heard that two people in a neighboring village came back from the epidemic area. The village committee has started a comprehensive road closure. One day my hometown will also be affected and the road will be blocked and I won't be able to go back to the county, so I don't go to see relatives and friends, and I don't stay in my hometown for too long, so I hurried back to the county.

  Friends, no matter where you are, try to be okay and not wander around with foreign affairs. Let’s all be honest. We can’t contribute to the people in the epidemic area and the medical staff fighting at the forefront of the epidemic. We must also be considerate The difficulties of the people around us and the country, everyone should quietly protect ourselves, protect the health of ourselves and our relatives and friends, don't add chaos to the country, don't spread rumors, we have an obligation to be a good citizen with a conscience.

  Finally, I wish everyone health and happiness!Let us pray for the friends and compatriots in the epidemic area, as well as the medical staff and military police who are fighting at the forefront, and hope that each of them is healthy and safe!
(End of this chapter)

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