magic eye doctor

Chapter 1580 Farewell

Chapter 1580 Farewell
The beautiful boy who accompanied the boys to take pictures for a day, took the cutie back to the dormitory at the end of the show, and when he arrived at the dormitory downstairs, he carried the tired little pink dumpling up the stairs.

The brothers and sisters slowly climbed to the fourth floor, and saw a few pitiful little handsome guys squatting in front of the door, and saw them showing excited eyes like a puppy seeing its owner.

Looking at Brother Li, Brother Luo, Brother Xiao, Cai Xuechang and Chen Xuechang, and He Xiaoshiwu, several handsome and handsome men, and the pile of things they purchased, Le Yun lying on the back of the beautiful brother, looked at him speechlessly. Look at the sky, take the key to open the door and invite people in.

The six top students arrived in the afternoon, and squatted outside the little loli dormitory for an hour and a half. When the increasingly pink and cute little loli came back, they happily entered the girls' dormitory with their things. Sit in a row and be a qualified foodie waiting to eat delicious food.

The school masters were very smart, and no one mentioned inappropriate topics while waiting for the food. When they ate the smoked fish and bad fish that appeared for the first time, as well as camel meat, they all seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

The high-spirited school masters washed the dishes, and when they sat down to chat about their ideals, they immediately howled and complained to the little loli, saying that they didn't expect the little loli to come back so quickly, and they applied for overseas schools After studying abroad for a year or so, it is rare to see the little fairy, and I can't eat the medicinal food made by the little loli.

The top students said it was so desolate and miserable, as if going to study abroad was going to hell, especially Li Shao, Luo Shao and Cai students were the most yelling, almost crying out loud.

Most of the school masters who are friends with Chao Jiamei will go to study abroad in the second half of the year. Xiao Shao and Chen Shuyuan, like the beautiful boy, will go to European country Y to continue their studies. He Xiaoshiwu will go to American country M for further study.

Some of the beautiful boy's roommates and Li Shao's roommates also want to go abroad for further studies. The He family, He Xiaoshiliu, is also an example of overseas students. He Xiaoshiliu, like his fifteenth brother, is also going to study in country M.

He Xiaoshishi was too embarrassed to complain, but Li Shaoluo and the talented man didn't care about embarrassment, they howled aggrievedly, they actually wanted to hug the little Lolita's thighs and lose the golden peas, afraid of being shot to death by the beautiful boy, they could only cry I complained about my grievances. I knew that they would all go to Europe. I made a mistake in my choice!
Senior Cai and Brother Li's expressions of complaining were too...joyful. Student Le opened his big watery eyes and watched their performance with great interest. After waiting for a long time, Xueba was only thundering but not raining, so he asked leisurely: "Brother Li , Brother Luo, Senior Cai, what exactly do you want to express?"

Finally, he waited for a word that he wanted to wait for, and Li Dashao was refreshed instantly, and immediately looked eagerly at the juicy little pink dumpling: "Xiao Lele, we want to go to your house to play during the summer vacation, is that okay?"

"We promise to be a good boy and not cause you any trouble." Luo Shao and Xiao Shao also immediately assured that the world is so big and there are beautiful scenery everywhere. Before, they really wanted to travel all over the world. The place to go on vacation is Little Lolita's hometown.

"This request can be met. You guys have to go later. I'm going to make some small changes to some places in my house. I can wait for my house to be tidied up." After a long time, you just want to go to her house for vacation?Just go, they go, and it will be a little more labor for the family to engage in double robbing.

"Oh, that's it!"

The pink and tender little fairy agreed to go to Plum Village for vacation by herself, and the school masters were overjoyed. Wow, I can go to Plum Village for a pleasant vacation before going abroad, so happy!

The foodies persuaded Xiaotuanzi, and the beautiful boy didn't say anything, no matter what it was, as long as anyone could persuade Xiaotuanzi, he had no opinion.

He thought the top students were too noisy, so he stayed for an hour, and he and his friends disappeared. Of course, his friends went to rent a house, but he still went to the dormitory opposite to occupy a bed.

There are no foodies occupying the space, and the dormitory is quiet. Le Yun cleans up a little, spreads a vanilla mat on the floor, and then takes out a silk and a needlework basket from the space, cuts out the fabric, and makes clothes for her younger brother.

She bought a lot of clothes in Dongchen, including baby clothes. The clothes she sewed for her brother were all the size of the estimated brother's age when he was five or six years old, and they didn't fit right now.

The fabrics are all woven with silk embroidery, there are ready-made patterns, no need to embroider, just cut and sew, without too much thought, Le Yun sewed six sets of children's clothes in a row before it was time to turn off the lights in the dormitory.

When it was time for the school to turn off the lights, she didn't stay in the dormitory, but crawled back to her own space to meditate and sleep. The next day she still didn't get up at dawn to cook porridge, and only prepared one dish.

The beautiful boy took four little fresh meats to the girls' dormitory to have a nutritious breakfast, and the four little handsome men ate a loving breakfast and went to catch up with the class. Because they were close to the water and got the first month, they were strongly jealous of many Tantai brothers.

Le Xiao still went to take commemorative photos with the boys in Class [-] of the medical department's military training in the morning. She changed into a red dress, a flying fairy bun, and a different set of jewelry, which once again surprised the boys.

In the morning, the eight kings of the Chinese and Western medicine class also took leave to take a group photo with the boys in the military training class. They had already taken a lot of photos before, because the only thing missing was little loli.

The Eight Great King Kong also changed into the beautiful ancient clothes given by the little Lolita, and a large group of men in ancient costumes surrounded the little Lolita to take pictures, and tossed for a long time.

In the afternoon, Le Xiao followed the beauties to take commemorative photos with Brother Li and others. The next morning, he went to see off the boys in the medical department's military training class.

That day is already June 6th, and the 24th is the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is a public holiday with a three-day holiday. Most of the graduates who have completed the school leaving procedures will leave before the Dragon Boat Festival. Take time to go home to spend the holidays with your parents, and some will leave for work.

Most of the boys in the medical military training class also left school, some went home for the holidays, and some went home to spend the holidays with their parents before going to work.

A deep friendship was established during the military training, and now some of them work or go to graduate school first, and the Eight King Kongs also ask for leave, and Xiao Luoli sees off the classmates who left school first.

Parting is the most painful parting, because after parting, if not all the students are present at the class reunion, some people may really never see each other again in their lifetime.

When I was in school, I didn't feel that it was hard to leave. When I really wanted to leave, even the normally carefree boys were silent a lot and felt reluctant to leave.

No one wanted to take the school bus, so they all dragged their luggage on foot. A group of people walked from the dormitory area to the main school gate, took a group photo inside the school gate, reluctantly walked out of the school gate, and took a group photo again.

The beautiful boy drove the car to the outside of the school first, and moved the gift box to the square in front of the school gate. When the boys came out, he helped his sister give the boys a gift—a small yellow croaker made of gold, which means that from now on, he will become prosperous and prosperous, and his life Abundant, more than every year.

The small yellow croaker is not big, weighs one or two taels, is exquisitely carved, and is tied with a red string. It can be worn as a necklace, or attached to a keychain or a mobile phone as a pendant.

The boys accepted the gifts from the little Lolita and bid farewell to the Eight Great King Kong and the little Lolita one by one. The boys were all dressed in vintage clothes, bowed to each other at the end, and queued up to board the bus with their luggage.

The eight kings watched the bus that the students of the military training class took go away, feeling sad, this year they were the ones who sent the students off, and next year this season, they will be the ones who will be sent off.

Thinking that I have to graduate next year, that feeling is even more uncomfortable.

"Little Lolita, is the little yellow croaker you gave me pure gold?"

"Little Lolita, where did you order the gift, it looks so unique."

"Little Loli..."

When he was about to go back to school, the Eight Great King Kong remembered the graduation commemorative gift that little Lolita gave to the students in the military training class, and asked eagerly. Little Lolita gave each person a small yellow croaker, and he didn't know how much it cost.

"It's made of pure gold, about one or two weights, very light. I hired traditional silversmiths to make it. The craftsmanship of the silversmiths is undeniable. It's top-notch..."

The boys in the same class recovered from the low pressure of sending off. Le Yun smiled and Mimi answered every question. Don't ask her whether she is sad or not. Whoever asks her, she will want to hit someone.

To be honest, she is not too sad, although some people may find it difficult to meet again after parting, but this is the age of technology, the network is developed, as long as the friendship remains unchanged, you can contact each other with a phone call and a video, there is nothing to be sad about no?

Like her, she didn't feel sad when she parted with people in Dongchen Continent, even if she and those people might say goodbye forever, as long as she didn't forget them and they didn't forget her, even if they weren't under the same blue sky, as long as they thought of each other, The bottom of my heart is joy, and that is enough.

So, Le Yun is really not sad, as long as he has the heart, he can travel all over the world, not to mention that he is also a Chinese, as long as he wants to see each other, there will be a day when he will meet in the future.

After the little loli boasted about the workmanship of the little yellow croaker, the mood of the Eight Great King Kong became lighter. The little loli said that she also kept a little yellow croaker for them. The little loli had a graduation gift for them, and they had to study hard. Get some more scholarships and prepare a graduation gift for little Lori.

The Eight Great King Kong wanted to catch Le Xiaoliu to play, but Minister Li and others ran to the school gate to find Xiaoliuli to take a photo. They couldn't compete with the graduates, so they went back to study first.

A few handsome guys from Li Shaoluo caught the little loli and took photos for another day. It was not until evening that those top students packed their bags and went back to their respective homes to find their mothers.

The foodies either went home or went to spend the holidays with their mentors. Finally, no one snatched their little dumplings. The beautiful boy was the happiest. He followed the little dumplings back to the dormitory and became a happy foodie.

On the evening of the 24th, the last class/day class before the Dragon Boat Festival ended, and everyone was busy celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival. Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang went back to their home in the Science and Technology Park. Lost the little grandson again.

Wang Ershao was not sad at all, he stayed at school happily, and waited until the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival to have breakfast with his friends in the dormitory opposite, and then took Boge's car to go home.

The beautiful boy took Xiaotuanzi to Professor Wanqi's house for lunch. It was past ten o'clock when they arrived. Professor Wanqi's eldest son and younger son were all at home, packing up lunch in the kitchen.

The Wancheng brothers and their daughter-in-law were very happy to see the junior sister, and they talked with each other for a while before going to the kitchen.

It was the first time for a primary school student to accompany him to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. The old couple were so happy that they couldn't find the north. Mrs. Wang grabbed the little padded jacket and went upstairs to let the little boy try on the clothes she helped buy.

Le Yun wanted to run but couldn't escape. She became a fitting model in a very painful way. After trying on the clothes and having lunch, she was afraid that her teacher would catch her again to try on the clothes, so she hurriedly ran away with her beautiful brother.

(End of this chapter)

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