magic eye doctor

Chapter 1581

Chapter 1581
During the annual Dragon Boat Festival, people from all over China are busy celebrating the festival. The villagers of Meizijing Village also hang calamus, mugwort and peach branches in front of their doors as in previous years.

Brother Zhou and his companions did not go to work on the Dragon Boat Festival, and spent the holiday at home, because Liu Tong was not at home a few days ago, and he did not come back during the Dragon Boat Festival. What kind of tricks are coming.

Father Le knew that Le Shan's aunt was not at home, so he asked his uncle to have dinner at Le's house at noon in the morning, otherwise it would be so lonely at home alone.

My brother-in-law asked to go to Le's house for a dragon lunch, and Brother Zhou agreed happily, thinking that his mother lived in his brother-in-law's house all year round, and he couldn't always go to Le's house to eat empty-handed, so he swiftly grabbed the duck reserved in the morning and killed it. I'm ready to pack it up and take it to Lejia.

When Brother Zhou was killing ducks at home, Zhou Papi had just slaughtered an old female duck and plucked the feathers at the door first. After only a few pluckings, he saw a car driving to the ground. He had never seen the driver, but the passenger seat Sitting on it was Zhou Chunmei.

Seeing Zhou Chunmei, Zhou Bapi guessed that the person driving the car might be Zhou Chunmei's husband-in-law, that is to say, that person should have been the son-in-law of the old Zhou's family.

With an idea in his mind, Zhou Papi took a few more glances, and was stunned when he saw the person get off the car, so who... is really Zhou Chunmei's man?
It's not that he looks at people, or that he's too picky, so who is a little too old? To be honest, that person looks older than the current Yueqing.

Yueqing was under a lot of pressure in the past few years, and he was also getting old. In his thirties, he seemed to be in his forties, and in his forties, he seemed to be in his fifties. When his girl helped him recuperate his body, in his forties, he seemed to be in his thirties. years old.

The man who got out of the car looked like he was in his thirties, and, in the words of the handsome guys Lele knew, he had a "high hairline", or was approaching the level of "extremely smart".

After a few turns of my thoughts, seeing Zhou Chunmei also get off the co-pilot, Zhou Papi didn't want to pay attention to that unruly girl, turned around and went back to the house with the duck in his hand, then dropped his things, and immediately called his nephew Zhou Xialong after running to the house. a letter.

Brother Zhou was cleaning up the ducks when his cell phone rang, so he answered the phone first, thinking that his uncle had something to do with him, so he heard his uncle say, "Xia Long, Zhou Chunmei and her man are here, do you know?"

What?Brother Zhou was at a loss: "Uncle Ba, who do you think Zhou Chunmei is here with? Did you read it right?"

"I don't know if that man is your son-in-law. It's impossible for me to mistake Zhou Chunmei. The man's front relatively short, and he looks very smart."

Uncle Tang wants to say that someone is extremely smart, Brother Zhou also understands in seconds: "If Uncle Eight is right, it should be true, whether it is or not, I will go and pick up the old mother first, and I will hang up first, thank you Uncle .”

If Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao really came, we must find out what their purpose is.

Brother Zhou said something, hung up the phone, didn't even wash his hands, and immediately ran to Le's house, found his brother-in-law and sister and said that Zhou Chunmei was back, and he would pick up the old mother first. He and the old mother will come by themselves. If the two want to stay for dinner, they will not come.

Grandma Zhou was not very happy to go home: "Whatever they come to do, you just deal with it, tell me to go back and be a baby."

"Mom, I know you are impatient to see messy people, and I am also impatient. Help me deal with it today, and I will tell you the reason when the time comes." Brother Zhou had no choice but to speak softly to his wife.

"Okay." The daughter-in-law was too ambitious to stay home from time to time, but Grandma Zhou followed her home without embarrassing her son.

Brother Zhou went to the village road and took a look around, but he didn't see Zhou Chunmei. He entered the house and said in a low voice: "Mom, Chunmei and his man originally paid tribute to a house for father-in-law and mother-in-law. Liu Tong and Chunmei didn't know each other at all. Tell me that Liu Tong and Liu's family took the house privately. I guess Liu Tong will divorce me soon. She asked me for divorce fee if she wanted the house. When it comes to divorce, I can say that my son-in-law talked about the house, so that I can expose Liu Tong.

So, no matter what they come to do, if they want to stay and eat, let them do it, and you don't have to give too much face. "

Hearing that the man gave the woman's parents a house, Grandma Zhou staggered, and her face was extremely ugly: "No wonder the Liu family is rushing to marry Chunmei in the Liu family. It turned out to be that kind of idea."

The old man sighed: "Xia Long, if you and Liu Tong really can't get together, let's break up as soon as possible, leave early, everyone is good."

"Mom, I've thought about it too, just because I'm afraid I'll make you grow old. After the Dragon Boat Festival, you'll go to live with Xiaofeng's parents again. I'll settle the matter with Liu Tong myself, so that you and Xiaofeng won't be bothered." Zhou Brother was very surprised that the old mother didn't object to his divorce?
"Well, I didn't think about talking too much about you, but now that Liu Tong is thinking too much, don't hurry up and cut the mess quickly. In case Liu Tong does something... embarrassing, it doesn't matter if you are scolded as a pustule, just I'm afraid that Tianming will be so troubled that it will be difficult to find a partner in the future, our old Zhou family finally saw some hope, and we can't let Tianming be dragged down by his muddleheaded mother."

People live older and see a lot. Grandma Zhou thinks far ahead. His son is already at this age, and no matter how promising he is, he will not be able to achieve much. Tianming is like a bamboo shoot in March that has just sprouted. With a good future, she can't let people ruin the spark of the old Zhou's family.

"I understand, Mom, I'll take care of it." Brother Zhou nodded heavily, why didn't he think so?It doesn't matter if his reputation is bad, but he can't ruin his son. Yueqing was almost ruined by a woman before, but fortunately his girl won her back and helped him earn all his face back.

Grandma Zhou knew that her son was a good man, so she stopped talking, went into the main room, and went to sit with her big cattail fan to enjoy the cool air. She was very sad. Liu Tong and Xia Long could live together when they were young, why is life so good now? I can't live without it. Is it really what the old man said that money is easy to move people's hearts?
The car drove into the village ground, Zhou Chunmei saw Zhou Papi, and was thinking whether to say hello later, but found that Zhou Papi glanced at the car, turned around and entered the house, she was so angry, the uncle saw her turn around What does it mean to just leave?
She felt that she must have looked down on her, if it was Yue Yun, the old couple would have run out long ago.

Thinking of Zhou Papi's and his wife's attitude towards Le Yun, Zhou Chunmei was so angry that she simply pretended to have no elders, got out of the passenger seat, and went to help get gifts.

Li Yao got out of the car first and opened the trunk. He took out two ducks, two big carps, tobacco, alcohol, fruit, milk, and fresh meat cut on the street. He really couldn't handle it by himself and needed help.

Zhou Chunmei carried cigarettes, wine and a box of fruit, and led the way by herself. She walked along the village road for a while, and when she met three villagers, she yelled casually and walked over.

The villagers in the same village were stunned when they saw Zhou Chunmei. Zhou Chunmei really changed after she got married, and she felt a little rich and powerful.

Zhou Chunmei passed by with a flat yell, and they also fell down with an "um".

Zhou Chunmei didn't want to talk to the people of Meicun anymore, so naturally she didn't bother to talk. When she walked past Village Chief Zhou's house, she felt relieved, thinking that she had passed the barrier and would never meet Village Chief Zhou again. Who knew that she had just turned the biggest bend in the village road. , I saw Village Chief Zhou walking towards him carrying a net bag with several fish in it.

This time, she couldn't avoid it even if she wanted to. Zhou Chunmei saw the elder who was less than three meters away, so she bit the bullet and called out, "Grandpa Man."

?Village head Zhou didn't expect Zhou Chunmei to come back to the village, he was slightly taken aback, and replied with a straight face, "Well", he didn't ask "Send something to parents?" Who is that person behind her, walking forward on his own.

Zhou Chunmei didn't dare to ask Grandpa Zhou Man to make way for her, so she walked around a bit, and hurried away while the elder didn't ask her anything.

Li Yao was very surprised that Zhou Chunmei called someone "Grandpa Man", which was a very intimate name, but she only called it once, and it didn't look like a relative.

He didn't say a word at the time, and when he walked forward, he asked farther from the curve: "Chunmei, is that old man from the Zhou family just now? Are you related to your family?"

"Well, he's my grandpa's cousin." Zhou Chunmei didn't want to say too much, and she was afraid that she wouldn't tell the truth. After Li Yao found out, she thought she was dishonest and a liar.

"That's my uncle? Why didn't you say something just now, so that I can offer cigarettes to the old man." Li Yao was so angry that Zhou Chunmei couldn't understand what was going on in her mind, and she didn't even understand the most basic relationship between relatives.

"They don't like me all the time, why should I humble myself and respect my ancestors?" Zhou Chunmei was also angry, what happened to the relatives of the Zhou family, she was married, and she was the daughter-in-law of the Li family, so she just respected the elders of the Li family.

"It's no wonder that no one from the Zhou family went to send you off when you got married. It's only strange that your idea can be loved by the elders." Li Yao was so angry that he was about to smoke. No one will pay attention to it.

"I..." Zhou Chunmei was so angry that she wanted to curse, how could she be worse than others, and Li Yao thought it was her fault?It's obvious that those in the Zhou family don't like her, and they have been partial to Le Yun, the little short-lived ghost since she was a child.

Feeling wronged, she didn't talk to Li Yao, and walked forward angrily, because she was wearing high heels, and the road was a bit far away, and she was carrying things, walking panting, and only reached Zhou's house when she felt that she was about to die of exhaustion.

When the two were approaching Lejia, Lejia's wolfdog ran on the village road to look around, but didn't bark, and stood by Lejia's side, and didn't turn back to Lejia until he saw them walking past.

Li Yao followed, and when Zhou Chunmei entered the gate of the house, he followed, stepping over the threshold and shouting first, "Grandma, Dad, Mom, we're back."

He had never been here before, but his words were very friendly. People who were not familiar with him thought that his son and daughter-in-law had come back, and they would never have thought that it was a son-in-law whom he had never seen before.

Zhou Chunmei didn't take it seriously. Grandma was in Le's house, and it was useless to shout.

 Little cuties, Acacia was disconnected from the internet at [-]:[-] last night, and only now has the internet. Today’s update is late~
(End of this chapter)

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