magic eye doctor

Chapter 1582 Turn Your Face

Chapter 1582 Turn Your Face (2 More)

Grandma Zhou had nothing to do, so she turned on the TV, not to watch, but to make the house more noisy and lively.

Brother Zhou was still cleaning the fine fluff of the duck. When he heard the shout from the door, he recognized Li Yao's voice. The muscles on his face twitched, but he still pretended not to recognize who it was: "Who is it?" Ah, I'm at home, please come in."

Grandma Zhou has never seen Chunmei's partner, nor heard the voice, so she can guess who is here at this moment, and she doesn't respond, but she thinks about it in her heart. Listening to the tone of people's voice, the person Chunmei marries should be more clever.

She waited to see how good the son-in-law Liu Tong praised in every possible way was. After waiting for a while, following the knocking sound of high heels on the ground, Zhou Chunmei walked into the main room and called her father, and Grandma Zhou also took the opportunity to look at her granddaughter Well, to be honest, Zhou Chunmei has really changed a lot since she got married, she seems to have become... more stable.

He only glanced at his granddaughter, and then saw the young man following Zhou Chunmei. With just one glance, the old man had a question mark in his heart. Didn't Liu Tong say that Chunmei's date is a tall, rich and handsome man?
Zhou Chunmei came to the main room from the alley, and saw her father yelling "Dad" first when she was cleaning the ducks, and was about to drop the things in her hands, when she saw the grandma sitting in the main room, she was startled: "Grandma... grandma?" Why is grandma at home?

Li Yao was in the back. When he came to the patio, he saw his father-in-law squatting next to the water machine. He called him "Dad" after being affectionate, and immediately said, "Dad, you sit first, and Chunmei and I will clean up the ducks later."

Before he could say a word, he heard Zhou Chunmei calling grandma, and hurriedly turned his back to look up into the room, saw the old lady sitting against the wall, trotted forward two quick steps, put the things against the wall, and put his hands in the Wiping the sweat off his sleeves, he took out a cigarette and handed it over: "Grandma, I am your grandson-in-law Li Yao, grandma, please smoke."

"I haven't seen it, I don't know it, and I don't smoke." Grandma Zhou stared at the young man, her stern face didn't ease in the slightest, and she wanted to scold Liu Tong's ancestors for eight generations. Are Liu Tong and the Liu family still human?

Liu Tong has been advocating how good Chunmei's partner is, now look, what is tall, rich and handsome?Tall ass, handsome ass!
The young man looked shorter than Xia Long, and his age was clearly not in his twenties, but in his thirties. The young man's face looked older than Yueqing's now, and the top of his forehead was bald.

If such a person is called Gao Fushuai, Meicun can find twenty or thirty of them.

No wonder Zhou Chunmei didn't bring a date back home before getting married, and Liu Tong has been secretly obstructing Zhou Xialong and Zhou Tianming and his son from investigating Li, and even let Zhou Chunmei get married in Liu's family. The father and son disagreed when they saw the real person,

The Liu family and Liu Tong took advantage of the man, so they didn't care what the other was like, they felt that the other was rich, so they always kept Zhou Xialong and his son behind the scenes, and arranged for Zhou Chunmei to get married, and they reaped the benefits. He didn't think about Zhou Chunmei.

Grandma Zhou was full of anger, and stared at her granddaughter coldly: "Zhou Chunmei, you actually chose to marry at your grandmother's house. Your grandmother's house is your mother's house. What are you doing back to Zhou's house now? You are giving the Zhou family's face to you. Liu Jiacha, you don't have the elders of the Zhou family in your eyes, don't call me grandma in the future, I don't have a granddaughter like you."

"Grandma..." Grandma called her by her full name for the first time, and grandma still denied her granddaughter in front of Li Yao. Zhou Chunmei was flustered and angry, and she was so wronged that tears rolled in her eyes: "Grandma, it's my father and my mother." If you agreed to marry me at my grandmother's house, how could you blame me..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Brother Zhou exploded, cursing "Curse that guy next door!", jumped up and rushed to fuck the guy in the alley, cursing as he ran, "You fucker, the person you're talking to never You didn't tell me when you met with the parents of the man's family, and when you discussed getting married, you didn't tell me personally, you didn't even tell me that you and the Liu family agreed to get married in the Liu family, it was your mother who would let you know I didn't know you were going to get married until I became an old man.

I would go to Liu's house to give you a marriage, but because you are my seed, I raised you, and I can afford to kowtow to your mother when you get married, otherwise, I would never enter Liu's house the gate.

When you got married in the Liu family, the man's family discussed with the Liu family how much dowry to give, I don't know at all, but when you got married in the Liu family, all the dowry gifts from the man's family went into the pockets of the Liu family, I didn't even see half a dime, Now you say in front of Lao Tzu that Lao Tzu let you get married in the Liu family, you can even say such heartless words, I will kill you today, you are a liar! "

Brother Zhou originally wanted to endure it, but when he heard Zhou Chunmei shirk his responsibility, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. While cursing, he rushed to the corner behind the gate and picked up a piece of bamboo used to drive chickens and ducks away from the main room , rushed back to the upper hall, and swept Zhou Chunmei's leg with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

When the old lady of the Zhou family said that she didn't know her, the smile on Li Yao's face froze. She just froze for a moment, then squeezed out the softest and most sincere smile, took the cigarette back and stuffed it into the shoulder bag she was carrying, cleverly Helping Zhou Chunmei's grandmother to squeeze her shoulders.

If another person pinched her shoulders, Granny Zhou would naturally not refuse. When she was scolding Zhou Chunmei, young men came to show her hospitality, and she just felt disgusted. If anyone really respects the elderly, he should have come when he was in love with Chunmei. The Zhou family visited Zhou's elders, but he had never been to the Zhou family from dating to marriage, and now he came here to make an afterthought, what did he want to do?
The old man didn't like it, so he didn't even look at the young man when he scolded Zhou Chunmei, and immediately covered his shoulders with a big cattail fan so that the young man could not squeeze his shoulders and beat his back. , did not mean to calm down his son at all.

Li Yao offered cigarettes to the old lady and was rejected without face, and wanted to squeeze the old man's shoulders to show his favor but was blocked back, so he felt that the matter was serious. From the reaction of the old lady, it can be inferred that the situation is N times more serious than he imagined. It can also be seen The Zhou family was very concerned about Zhou Chunmei getting married in the Liu family.

The Zhou family minded Zhou Chunmei's marriage at the grandmother's house, which also showed that the Zhou family was very dissatisfied with the Li family's way of marrying at the Liu family. The old lady did not recognize her granddaughter Zhou Chunmei, and naturally she would not recognize him as a grandson-in-law!
Seeing the problem from the old lady's reaction, Li Yao's brain turned rapidly, thinking of a way to save him. He hadn't thought of any way to solve the predicament, and his father-in-law was also furious. He didn't have time to think about other things, and immediately ran to his father-in-law , while trying to explain: "Dad, Dad, there must be something wrong in this..."

He wanted to explain, but saw his father-in-law rushed to the corner, picked up a two-finger-wide piece of wood, turned around and ran, his thinking couldn't keep up with the natural reaction of his body, so he immediately dodged to the side, so as not to collide head-on with his father-in-law .

He got out of the way, and Brother Zhou, who was copying the bamboo slices, passed him like a gust of wind, and beat Zhou Chunmei's leg with the bamboo slices. Red marks.

Zhou Chunmei was afraid of her father at home, and was frightened by his father's scolding. At that time, her legs were weak and her brain couldn't turn around. Pian's leg was pumped heavily, and the pain was transmitted to the brain instantly, and he let out a scream of "ah".

After eating a bamboo shoot sandwiched with meat, Zhou Chunmei responded naturally when she was in pain - she wanted to bend down to cover her legs, but the bamboo slices came again with a gust of wind, and she was hit again, the burning pain It also cleared her brain, she cried out, turned around and ran away.

Brother Zhou was very angry. He never showed mercy when he hit someone. He spent a lot of effort. He hit his daughter twice, and he ran away. The anger in his chest was still alive. He cursed at the same time: "You heartless white-eyed wolf, you got married in Liu's house, and you made me look bad. I will pretend that I never gave birth to a daughter like you. You still have the face to come here and tell nonsense. I beat you to death today... ..."

Li Yao, who took a few steps out of the way, thought his father-in-law was just pretending, but he didn't expect his father-in-law to come for real. When Zhou Chunmei was beaten, his brain froze, until Zhou Chunmei let out an earth-shattering cry and ran outside. Still chasing him, he finally woke up from his stupor and immediately went after his father-in-law.

He ran slowly, and he caught up with his father-in-law when he reached the gate. He wanted to grab the bamboo slices, but just as he grabbed his father-in-law's arm, his father-in-law slammed back hard to knock him away, and chased him out of the gate with the bamboo slices.

Zhou Chunmei was hit twice when she was running away. When she ran out of the gate, she thought her father would not be chasing her, so she slowed down, turned her head and looked back, and saw her father chasing him, holding a bamboo piece and sweeping over again, she screamed out of fright. With the sound of a pig howling, he fled desperately towards the village office building.

Brother Zhou, whose eyes were red with anger, chased him outside the gate, and beat Zhou Chunmei endlessly with a bamboo piece. He failed, and continued to chase angrily, cursing while chasing: "There's something wrong with getting married at grandma's house!" , you have to have the courage to bear the consequences. From the day you got married in the Liu family, the Liu family is your natal family. If you let me be poked in the back, I have the right to pretend that I have never raised a daughter like you, and never come back again. ..."

Li Yao was knocked away with great force, ignoring the pain in the place where he was hit, chased out the gate, chased his father-in-law again and hugged his father-in-law to prevent him from chasing him again, and didn't care about the sweat on his face, dragged his father-in-law back to Zhou's house .

Brother Zhou originally wanted to chase and punish Zhou Chunmei fiercely, but was hugged by someone like Li, unable to chase him any more. He was still furious, but he still hadn't lost his mind, and was "dragged" to move halfway.

The place where her leg was hit was burning with pain, and her father was still chasing and beating her. Zhou Chunmei ran along the road in a panic, stumbling, and ran extremely unsteadily. Unable to bear the pressure any longer, he broke off with a "boom".

The heel broke, Zhou Chunmei couldn't brake enough, she fell suddenly, her knees and hands wiped the ground, and the bag also rubbed against the ground and a piece of skin was worn off. She moved her arms and legs, and was so painful that she couldn't get up for a while. Sitting and howling.

(End of this chapter)

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