magic eye doctor

Chapter 1583 The power of manure

Chapter 1583 The power of manure

Li Yao dragged his father-in-law to the gate of Zhou's house, and saw Zhou Chunmei running and sitting down. He didn't have time to take care of her, so he hurriedly dragged his father-in-law into Zhou's house.

The only solution for now is, of course, it is more important to appease the father-in-law first, as long as the father-in-law's fire is held down, nothing else will matter.

Although it was the first time he saw the head of the Zhou family, he could see clearly that the Zhou family was ruled by his father-in-law Zhou Xialong, and his mother-in-law couldn't manage the family at all.

He used to think that his mother-in-law was the head of the family, and he spent a lot of effort to please her, but now it seems that all his efforts were in vain, and now the only priority is to appease the father-in-law who is the head of the family.

In order to calm down his father-in-law, Li Yao dragged his angry father-in-law into Zhou's house, took a chair for his father-in-law to sit in the main room, and begged for forgiveness in a low voice: "Dad, calm down, all mistakes are my son-in-law's fault." Wrong, it's my son-in-law who didn't think carefully, please give my son-in-law a chance to explain..."

Cooperating with being "dragged" home, when he arrived at the main room, Brother Zhou had a dark face and didn't sit down. He stood there holding the bamboo piece, and glared at someone Li aggressively: "Okay, you said it was your fault." , I will give you a chance to explain and see what flowers you can come up with."

The son chased and beat Zhou Chunmei, but Grandma Zhou didn't try to persuade her. When the son was dragged back by the young man, she still didn't make a sound, sternly, and shook her fan by herself.

After finally dragging his father-in-law back to Zhou's house, Li Yao dared not express his temper to the still angry father-in-law. Hearing his tone eased, he quickly and sincerely admitted his mistake: "Father and grandma are not satisfied that Chunmei married at grandma's house. It should be, this was originally against the rules. When my parents and seniors were discussing the marriage, they also greeted the bride at the Zhou family according to the custom. The mother-in-law and grandmother said that the father-in-law felt that the Zhou family was too far away from Zhu County, so Chunmei was in the Liu family. The Li family felt uncomfortable. Tuo originally did not agree, but it was the mother-in-law and Liu's uncle who repeatedly assured that the father-in-law also agreed.

Moreover, the mother-in-law and the uncles and grandparents of the Liu family also said that Dad, you spend more time away from home and less time at home, and grandma can't afford to worry about that when she is old. You and grandma will leave Chunmei's affairs to Grandma Liu Grandparents and uncles are in charge, and Chunmei will also be taken care of by the Liu family after she gets married.

Although our family felt that it was a little inappropriate, thinking that it was my father-in-law's intention, we decided to welcome the relatives at Liu's house according to Liu's uncle and grandparents. Our family really didn't know that it was not your father-in-law who made Chunmei marry in Liu's house. It means that anyone who knows, even if he knows it the day before the wedding, will come to the Zhou family to welcome the bride according to the wishes of his father-in-law and grandma.

The reason for the current result is also the negligence of the son-in-law. The son-in-law did not ask his father-in-law for verification. This is my fault. Dad and grandma should be angry.I must learn the lesson and discuss everything with my dad in person in the future. "

"Speaking is better than singing." Mr. Li said it sincerely, Zhou Ge didn't show any face: "You really have the heart, you would come to Zhou's house to visit your future father-in-law and grandma as early as when you were talking to Chunmei, But do you have it? You didn’t come at that time, but when you were discussing marriage and the parents of both sides were going to meet, when did you and the Li family think of your father-in-law?
You didn't think of the father-in-law when you were talking about Xiang, and you didn't think of the father-in-law when the two parents met. You can ask, is there anyone like you who hasn't seen the father-in-law until the day they get married?

If you are from other provinces, I can give you a reason, but your family is in a neighboring county, what is the big deal, what is the big difficulty, so that you and Chunmei have been talking for nearly a year. Take a day off to meet Lai Jiudao and meet his future father-in-law? "

"..." Li Yao was momentarily speechless when asked.

"Even if you have something big to hold you back, you can't come to Meicun when you and Chunmei are talking about someone, even if I used to work outside and have little time at home, and it's the first month when you are discussing marriage, can I still not be at home? "

Brother Zhou continued to send out the "soul" question: "Even if I am not at home often, you may not meet when you come, so you will not call to discuss a time to meet? But do you and your family have one? Did you call me? Have you discussed anything? Have you ever told me that you and Chunmei have settled down and want to get married? Have you ever thought about asking my opinion?"

"I..." The smile on Li Yao's face could no longer be maintained, and she tried to defend herself: "Dad, I..."

"Don't say you ever thought about coming," Zhou Ge cut off someone Li's words: "Don't say Chunmei and Liu's so-and-so say that you don't need to ask me as an excuse. If you really have a heart, you won't listen to the Liu family's ideas. You and the Liu family have the same grievances. It's just that the Liu family is richer. It's also a face for your family to go to the Liu family to meet your relatives.

You and your family used to recognize the Liu family as Zhou Chunmei's natal family, and now the Liu family will be Zhou Chunmei's natal family. If you have something to do or go away, you go directly to the Liu family and don't come to my house again. Zhou Chunmei has nothing to do with my family except Zhou Chunmei. I am not like Zhou Chunmei Of course, she doesn't have any son-in-law, let alone relatives like your Li family.

What I want to say is this, you take what you brought and go from my Zhou family to the Liu family to express your filial piety to the Liu family. My family does not need your fake attention and care. "

Brother Zhou finished speaking angrily, threw the bamboo slices, and stuffed a few things into Li Yao's arms: "No matter how poor I am, I won't owe you this little thing, and I won't go to your Li family to beg for food even if I'm so poor. Take it away, take it away, take it away, looking at the fake faces of you and the Liu family is disgusting."

The father-in-law was still furious, and even showed signs of severing the father-daughter relationship with Zhou Chunmei. Li Yao suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he didn't care about other things. It's my fault, I shouldn't have believed Uncle Liu's words and didn't come to Zhou's to meet the parents.

I wanted Jiudao to meet the elders at first, but it was the Liu family who stopped me. The Liu family knew the situation of my family. I am relatively old, divorced before and have children, and I knew Chunmei from the Liu family. Uncle set up a line, Liu's uncle and mother-in-law said that if my father and grandma saw me, they would definitely not agree to my dating with Chunmei, and asked me not to see Zhou's parents first, and Liu's uncle and mother-in-law communicated with father-in-law and grandma .

I was divorced and had children with me. It was too difficult to find a girl with yellow flowers as a wife. I didn't want to blow up the good things again, so I listened to Uncle Liu's words, and I kept procrastinating from seeing my father-in-law and grandma. This is all because of me. wrong.

If I married Chunmei and caused enmity between my father-in-law and Chunmei's father and daughter, it would be my fault. I didn't come to Zhou's house to meet the elders before we got married, and I didn't ask your opinion in person. It's all my fault. If you want to call You can scold me, I have no complaints. "

Mrs. Li suddenly knelt down, Grandma Zhou and Mrs. Zhou were taken aback, a man's knees are very precious, kneeling on his knees to his parents, Mrs. Li actually knelt down and admitted his mistake?

The mother and son were thinking that if Li could do this, he should really want to live with Chunmei, he was reliable, and they probably wouldn't have to worry about Chunmei being bullied at Li's house in the future.

However, the next moment, I was stunned when I heard Li's words poured out like beans in a bamboo tube. Was Li divorced? !

Li is not only divorced, but also has children?
Moreover, the uncle of the Liu family also knew that Li was divorced and had a child, and he matched Chunmei and Li. The Liu family obviously did not feel bad about selling it because Zhou Chunmei was not from the Liu family.

Grandma Zhou was so angry that she couldn't speak. No matter how stupid Chunmei was, she was also a girl from the Zhou family. The Liu family even sold the girl from the Zhou family for a bride price. Are they still human!

Brother Zhou was so angry that there was a fire in his heart, and he wanted to send out, but he couldn't, and it was blocked in his chest, making it difficult to breathe. At that time, his hands and feet were shaking, and he almost gritted his teeth: "Okay! The Liu family is all good!" Yes! The girl was not born to them, and they don't feel bad at all for selling my Zhou family's girl. "

The expressions of the Zhou family's mother and son were obviously wrong, as if they were extremely angry, Li Yao asked cautiously: "Dad, I don't quite understand what you said, my family is asking to marry Chunmei..." The Li family is marrying the Zhou family. The girl came in to be a daughter-in-law, not to buy it, so why did the Liu family sell the girl from the Zhou family?
"You still have the face to pretend you don't understand?" Brother Zhou was so angry that his eyeballs turned red, and he stared at Li: "Your family and the Liu family have discussed welcoming the bride at the Liu family, and all the betrothal gifts have been sent to the Liu family. , It all went into the pocket of the Liu family, the Liu family sold my girl from the Zhou family to make a fortune, and you still pretend to be stupid in front of me, you, you are talking about you, you are not a good thing like the Liu family, you get out of here!"

At the end, Brother Zhou was so angry that he burst into thunder and shouted: "Get out, get out of Zhou's house for me, go to Liu's house to meet your relatives, if you dare to enter my house again, I will break your dog legs! "

Grandma Zhou, who was so angry that she couldn't speak, saw her son holding a bamboo piece and was about to explode. She was afraid that he would kill someone like Li, so she immediately got up and ran to catch her son: "Xia Long, beating this kind of person will make your hands dirty." , this person and the Liu family are shit eaters, go to the latrine and pour them with a bucket of shit."

"Well! Mom, I'm fine. You sit down, and I'll scoop up the dung!" Zhou Ge, who was shaking with anger, was held by the same trembling hand of the old mother. In teaching the children, Zhou Chunmei was taught so wrongly that she didn't even know that she was sold by the Liu family.

She hates Liu Tong even more. Chunmei is the flesh that fell from Liu Tong's body. She even partnered with her natal family to sell her own daughter.

Brother Zhou felt even more ashamed of his old mother. During the years when her old mother raised Chunmei, Chunmei was very well-behaved. Later, Liu Tong personally raised her. Liu Tong and Wu Lingling got mixed up, which also led to Chunmei being spoiled.

Feeling ashamed, Brother Zhou endured the anger of wanting to kill Li and the Liu family, threw the bamboo slices, turned around and rushed to the livestock room behind the house to fill up manure.

Li Yao was stunned by the news that the Li family had swallowed all the betrothal gifts that the Zhou family had given to the Zhou family? !How is this possible? Didn't the Liu family's uncle say that he was just going through the motions, and that the gift money and the like were only handed over to the Liu family for a while, and then they were all handed over to Chunmei's parents?
When I heard that my father-in-law was going to throw shit on me, I was startled and frightened. I got up and begged the old lady: "Grandma, I made a mistake. I admit it. I really don't know how my mother-in-law and Liu's uncles will handle the bride price." Yes, it’s my fault that I came back today to make dad and grandma angry. I’ll talk to dad again when dad and grandma get angry. Ah, I'll leave right away, and I'll come back to visit you later."

Fearing that his father-in-law would splash him with feces, Li Yao didn't dare to stay any longer, turned around and ran in a hurry, rushed out of the gate of Zhou's house, and ran along the hardened cement road towards the entrance of the village.

Li Yao saw Zhou Chunmei was still sitting on the cement road, ran over in a hurry, saw that she was still wiping her tears, and hurriedly pulled her up: "Get up, hurry up, Dad and grandma are going to pour shit on us. "

"Woo-" After Zhou Chunmei fell to the ground, her knees and hands were bruised, she was in pain and wronged, she sat and cried, but she didn't remember when she was pulled, and when she heard that grandma and father were going to spoon manure, she was so frightened. There was a scream, and he stood up all of a sudden, regardless of the pain.

She wanted to run, but one of the heels broke. The shoe was high on one side and low on the other, and she almost fell down again. Fortunately, she was pulled by Li Yao and she still staggered.

"The heel is broken, take off your shoes, and run quickly, or Dad will come soon." Li Yao noticed that Zhou Chunmei's heel was broken, and hurriedly urged her.

Zhou Chunmei was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes, she had no idea, she followed Li Yao's words, took off her shoes and held them in her hand, and ran while crying, afraid of being splashed with feces, and when she ran, she couldn't resist the burning pain from the wound on her knee, Weeping and running.

At this time, Zhou Chunmei couldn't be left behind. Li Yao ran with him. After running for a while, he looked back. The first time he didn't see anyone chasing him, but the second time he saw his father-in-law chasing him from behind the house. He didn't dare to look back, and urged Zhou Chunmei to run quickly.

Hearing that her father was chasing her, Zhou Chunmei was so frightened that she ran away, stepping on the concrete floor with bare feet and panicking, and ran forward with all her strength.

Like frightened birds, the young couple ran desperately, and did not dare to stop after running through the bend. They also met a few villagers on the road, and before they had time to see who they were, they ran to the village office out of breath. The floor of the building, rushed to the side of the vehicle, unlocked it, and climbed into the car.

After finally running to a safe place, Li Yao didn't dare to relax, fearing that his father-in-law would come after him and scold him, causing people in Meicun to know that his father-in-law wanted to sever ties with Zhou Chunmei, making it difficult for him to come back in the future. Wiping off his sweat, he started the car and left Meicun first.

Zhou Chunmei sat in the driver's cab still frightened, panting wildly while holding the door handle, when the car drove out of Meicun and walked along the street towards Zhuxian, she looked in the rearview mirror and didn't see her father chasing her, her beating heart calmed down a little.

Li Yao drove away and left the administrative center of Jiudao Township. His beating heart slowly calmed down. He drove back to Zhu County without further delay.

However, when they were halfway there, the Liu family called.

The call came to Zhou Chunmei's mobile phone, and it was Zhou's wife who asked when Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao would come to Liu's house for the holiday.

Zhou Chunmei's knee was bruised and she was kicked out of the house. Feeling aggrieved, she received a call and cried and complained: "Mom, where are you? Li Yao and I are home. Only grandma and dad are here. Dad is angry. , kicked us out..."

Mrs. Zhou was waiting for the girl and her son-in-law at her natal home. She waited and waited for no one, so she called to ask, but when she heard that Chunmei had returned to Meizijing, she was kicked out of the house. , was kicked out by your father?"

"Well, mom, how did you tell my dad that I got married at my grandmother's house? Why are dad and grandma so angry? Dad said he didn't raise my daughter... woo woo..."

Zhou Chunmei burst into tears, and Mrs. Zhou's heart beat wildly when she heard the girl ask about where she got married. I feel very embarrassed, and I will be fine when my anger subsides. Are you still going back to grandma's house? If you don't, we won't wait for you..."

Zhou Chunmei was stupid and couldn't tell the point at all. Li Yao didn't bother to ask his mother-in-law and Liu's uncle how they communicated with his father-in-law. He took Zhou Chunmei's mobile phone and said that he would not go to Liu's for dinner, and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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