magic eye doctor

Chapter 1584 The aesthetics are crooked (2 more

Chapter 1584 The aesthetics are crooked (2 more

Because of being kicked out of the house by her father, Zhou Chunmei didn't dare to protest when Li Yao robbed her phone. She just sat there without speaking or crying.

From the little information from his father-in-law, Li Yao also deduced that the Liu family must have swallowed all the gifts from his family. He had a very bad impression of the Liu family, and he didn't want to give the Liu family any more face. He refused to go to the Liu family for the Dragon Boat Festival, and drove Take the route home.

When Mrs. Zhou called, everyone in the Liu family was there, except of course Liu Jiagui's eldest son, Liu Xie, who was one year younger than Zhou Chunmei. He didn't even get three books online during the college entrance examination. , I am now in college, and I will graduate in a few days.

Liu Jiagui's youngest son, Liu Bo, is one year younger than Zhou Tianming. He passed the college entrance examination on the 24th this year. With a score of less than 250, he still has only one way to go to a junior college.

The young and the old in the Liu family waited for Li Yao and Zhou Chunmei to bring the Dragon Boat Festival gifts back to the Liu family for the festival. They got impatient, so Liu Jiagui urged his sister to call.

After hanging up the phone, Grandma Liu saw that her daughter was looking bad, and asked, "Xiaotong, what is your son-in-law talking about?"

"Mom, Chunmei and her husband have gone back to Meizijing Village. Zhou Xialong is still angry about Chunmei's marriage in Liu's house and kicked them out." Aunt Zhou's expression was extremely unnatural: "Li Yao... can't say that he came to Liu's house. Now, from the tone of voice, I'm not very happy."

Hearing that Zhou Xialong kicked Zhou Chunmei out of the house because Zhou Chunmei was married in the Liu family, several adults in the Liu family felt guilty, and immediately pretended to be stupid, stopped asking, and talked about what to eat for lunch.

Sister-in-law Zhou was even more guilty, pretending that she didn't know about Li Yao and Zhou Chunmei being kicked out when she returned to Zhou's house, she decided to stay at her mother's house for a few more days, so as not to become a punching bag for Zhou Xialong's anger when she went back.

Zhou family
The son went to the livestock room to look for dung. Grandma Zhou originally wanted to sit down, but when she saw Li got up and said a few soft words to herself, she ran away, and followed to see.

The old man chased to the door and looked around. When he saw that Li was dragging Zhou Chunmei away, he stood inside the house and stopped looking up, lest Li find out that he thought he loved his granddaughter, and then ran back endlessly to get close to her. .

Brother Zhou ran to the short house behind the house to look for a urine bucket, found it, and was about to scoop up excrement in the latrine, when he heard what Mr. The sound of footsteps, guessing that someone from Li had slipped away, but he still stood still.

He stood and waited for a while, hearing the sound of footsteps getting further away, and then slowly ran to the village road to look around, and saw the backs of Li and Zhou Chunmei running away like bereaved dogs.

Watching her back and running for a long distance, Brother Zhou ran to see his old mother, and when he reached the door, he saw the old mother standing in the alley, and hurriedly comforted him: "Mom, you two idiots get out of here. The dung is still more powerful, and the dung is still powerful." If they didn’t come, people would run away in fright, in the words of the handsome guys in Lelejia, ‘No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of being bitten by dogs, and no matter how good you are, you are afraid of dung splashing’.”

Grandma Zhou was in a panic at first, but she couldn't help laughing when she was teased by her son's naughty words: "That's true, dogs and manure are the best, and no matter how naughty people are, they are afraid of being drenched in manure."

"Yes, yes, the crops and flowers are all dependent on dung. It is good to have big dung. Next time, dare to come and splash again."

"Everyone is gone, but the things are still there. Do you want to chase them and send them back?"

"I don't give it away, I ate something. Anyway, it's a girl who has been raised by the Zhou family for more than [-] years, so I can afford such a little thing."

"what ever."

Grandma Zhou has no objection, she brought her granddaughter from newborn to four or five years old with a handful of shit and urine, and she took so much trouble, the Li family married Chunmei, and she really could afford to send something.

The unpleasant guy left, Grandma Zhou didn't go to Le's first, she took the Dragon Boat Festival gift from Mr. Li, some things were put away, and the fish were raised in basins.

Brother Zhou continued to deal with the duck, cleaned up the dissection, made it clean, closed the door, carried the duck, and went to his brother-in-law's house with his old mother.

Dad Le killed the duck in the middle of the morning. When the uncle picked up his mother-in-law, he and Zhou Qiufeng didn't eavesdrop on when Zhou Chunmei would come back, so when Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao returned to Zhou's house, they really didn't know.

Zhou Qiufeng's father didn't know when Zhou Chunmei returned to Zhou's house, but when Brother Zhou cursed loudly, they heard it and still didn't go to rescue him.

Zhou Chunmei didn't respect her grandmother and father, and chose to marry at her grandmother's house. She had to be taught a lesson so that she could understand the principles of life.

The Le family and his wife didn't bother with the Zhou family's affairs, and Mr. Yi Laoyan naturally wouldn't be too busy, pretending not to know.

When the mother and son of the Zhou family came over, no one asked, Dad Le took the duck brought by brother Zhou with a smile and put it in the refrigerator first, and then went to the kitchen to boil the old duck soup at about the same time.

Lejia's Dragon Boat Festival starts on time at twelve o'clock, because Lele has stored medicinal food before going to the capital, and four medicinal dishes are heated for lunch, so the Dragon Boat Festival is particularly rich.

Le's family enjoyed the Dragon Lunch, and Chao's in the capital also enjoyed the Dragon Lunch. Both Chao Yi and Chao San were on vacation, and they flocked to Chao Er's villa for a reunion as usual.

The eight members of the Chao family ate the Dragon Lunch and waited happily for Xiaofentuanzi. They waited until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and they finally brought him back.

When the only elder brother of the Chao family showed up with a juicy little guy, the eight elders who had long been eager to see through rushed forward and snatched away the little fan. hair, the men were chirping with ideas.

For the first time at this moment, the eight heads of the Chao family reached a 100% consensus on the aesthetics, opinions and hobbies of dressing up the pink dumplings. Dress up as the most beautiful little fairy and princess in the world.

The elders were full of enthusiasm and high spirits, the beautiful young man was sweating coldly watching him, and sat silently in the air, he didn't dare to say anything to protest, for fear that expressing his opinion would cause the collective dislike of the elders, so he could only wish Fen Nen Nen Good luck to my cutie.

Being caught by a group of parents doing something on his head, Le Xiao had no choice but to cry, so he acted as a model with a bitter face, letting the elders toss his head.

The ladies of the Chao family worked together for more than an hour. After several unremitting efforts, they finally combed the hairstyle of the little powder dumpling. All of them were very satisfied with the freshly baked little fairy.

The beautiful boy looked at Xiao Tuanzi dressed up by the elders, he was dumbfounded, knowing what his family's elders have made Xiao Lele into?
The ladies of his family gave Xiaotuanzi a mountain-like bun, and wore a lot of jewelry, such as flower crowns, hairpins, hairpins, and flowers all over his head.

There are only four pieces of Buyao. The most beautiful one is a phoenix Niaobuyao made of gold, a bit emerald and inlaid with gems. There is a hollow ruby ​​in the phoenix's beak, and a string of Hang nine rows of colored beads.

The appearance of Xiaotuanzi dressed up by the elders can only be described as - bejeweled, gorgeous and luxurious!

For the first time, the beautiful boy had doubts about the aesthetics of his parents. His parents obviously didn't like extravagance before, but today they changed their style and turned Xiao Lele into a gorgeous version of a rich little princess!

Before the beautiful boy of the Chao family had time to express his opinion, the elders of his family joyfully put a luxurious gold collar around Xiaotuanzi's neck, took the little guy, carried the camera, and happily went downstairs to take pictures. Beautiful photo.

Although I suspect that the parents' aesthetics are crooked, and the beautiful boy is not outdated, he ran downstairs and joined the ranks of taking beautiful photos. The parents dressed up Xiao Lele too gorgeously, so gorgeous that it looks tacky. Isn't there a saying "Great vulgarity is elegance", so this is elegance.

None of the eight elders of the Chao family felt that their little dumpling was dressed in a vulgar way. They only felt that they were extravagant and had the noble temperament of an ancient royal princess. Even the old man Chao thought it was very good, and thought that the little granddaughter was beautiful and elegant.

The eight parents, who were in a beautiful mood, took countless photos until the sun went down and the light was dim before they reluctantly returned to the second floor. They happily decided to change Xiaotuanzi to a new pattern tomorrow and continue to take beautiful photos.

Le Yun: "..." What can she say?She is also very helpless.

When Le Xiaoluoli and countless people were enjoying the Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Ju's family of four was still eating free imperial food at the police station in Jiudao.

The policemen who were involved in the accident in Jiudao were very caring. Out of humanitarianism and the custom of hospitable people in Jiudao Township, they also gave each of the detained four members of the Wang family a local-style zongzi, so that they could also live a happy life. During the Dragon Boat Festival, I hope that love can influence that family, and when they go out, they can change their past mistakes and behave well, so as not to add chaos to society.

The four grandparents and grandchildren of the Wang family who had been imprisoned for several days stayed in the small room every day, bored and bored, and they were almost moldy. Wang Ju talked nicely to the police every day, saying what he knew was wrong and what. A look of repentance.

It's a pity that no matter how hard he tried to pretend to be miserable and repentant, he still couldn't change the period of detention.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the family of four also had lunch in the small black room. After noon, Wang Ma's detention period expired and she was released.

When Wang Ma was arrested, she was a suspected drug addict. It was not until the test results came out the next day that she was officially identified as a drug addict, so she was formally detained. Because she had a history of drug abuse within six months, she was only sentenced to seven days of detention.

About to be released, Wang Ma didn't feel relaxed, but was trembling and fearful. She had never read a book, had no education, and couldn't read big characters before. Later, she often watched TV, and only then could she recognize some of the simplest characters, but she never wrote alone. Too far.

At home, relying on men and children, she used to be very aggressive and violent in the village in the village, but now she is in another province, and she is not familiar with the place of life. Can only suffer in vain.

Fearing that she would be retaliated when she left the police station, Mama Wang didn't want to go out, and she was afraid of the old man, so she took all the money that the old man and his grandchildren had put together, took the old man's mobile phone and some of his own luggage, and was sent to the pick-up place by the police , Frightened first take the car back to province C to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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