magic eye doctor

Chapter 1585 I Can Still Go

Chapter 1585 I Can Still Go
Du Miaoshu, a classmate with a small stomach, returned from home to the provincial capital to work for a few days, and then it was the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. She also had a rest. On the Dragon Boat Festival, she went back to school to spend the holiday with her younger brother, and also packed her belongings by the way.

Du Qiwen and his elder sister are studying in the same university, and the siblings don't meet every day. When the elder sister goes to practice, they see each other even less. He doesn't know what his elder sister is up to, and he still doesn't know that his father went to hell.

The news of Du’s father’s liver cancer has not yet spread. Only his company’s staff know about it. The neighbors only know that he was hospitalized for a while. When he returned home, he went to visit one after another. Du Erye still pretended that he didn't know anything.

Mama Du took care of her husband at home for the time being, and did not report until July, because others didn't know what disease her husband had, and she didn't tell it.

Du's father was no longer sick, he was happy and joyful, and the Dragon Boat Festival was also very happy.

The couple of the Du family looked happy, and the neighbors also agreed that it was not a serious illness for Du's father to be hospitalized before, so they didn't ask more.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, countless people passed away happily or busyly. When the day passed and the night ushered in, the night passed and it was a new dawn. Still working as always.

When the people of Huaxia Kingdom were busy celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival, Hei Jiu and his teammates secretly searched for the team leader and the team members traveling with the team leader in the virgin forest on the southwest frontier.

Several team members who had rushed to the border when they received Zhuo Shiqiu being sent to Beijing for rescue had searched for half a month in the border area, but found no trace. The new antidote elixir arrived and formed a six-member team to secretly enter the virgin forest of the neighboring country to search again.

The teammate who came first had searched some areas close to the national border along the notes left by the captain and others, and had reached the triangular area where Huaxia, Myanmar, and India and Afghanistan were intertwined.

When Hei Jiu and others arrived, they continued to search deep, but found nothing for several days.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Hei Jiu and his teammates had a busy day and continued the next day.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Hei Jiu and others did not disperse their actions, lest they be defeated one by one by secretly lurking opponents due to the dispersal of personnel.

When a small team sneaked into the jungle until mid-morning, they found a mark that only they were familiar with in a hidden place, and it was still quite new. The visual mark was left within a day or two.

After searching for many days, they finally found the traces left by their teammates. A group of wolf kings felt relieved in an instant, and immediately searched along the direction of the marks.

The six-member team searched for a long time along the direction indicated by the mark, but found nothing new. It was not until near noon that they found the mark again and chased it wildly again.

The young wolf kings chased after the mark recklessly, and found the mark for the third time in the middle of the afternoon. The mark was very new, as fresh as it was engraved that day, and the direction was towards the national border.

Hei Jiu and the others were overjoyed, and chased them as fast as they could. They didn't rest until dark, and continued to sneak around to find their teammates at night.

It is more dangerous to move at night, but fortunately, it is in the primeval forest, the forest is dense, even with a flashlight, the light cannot penetrate.

Hei Jiu and his team sneaked under the stars and the moon, searched all night, and arrived at the area near the national border at dawn. When the sun rose, they found it again beside a river—the traces of human beings who had passed by not long ago.

The young wolf kings searched along the traces, determined the direction and tracked again at a high speed. After chasing in the middle of the morning, they also crossed the national border and returned to the land of their own country. Finally, they found the captain and the other two teammates who had lost news for a long time!
When Hei Jiu and his team found their teammates, they saw a man carrying a man on his back, with an equipment bag on his chest, and on a half-mountain slope scattered with rocks in the border area patrolled by frontier soldiers. Carrying a teammate on the ground, just one person and two teammates climbed the hill with difficulty.

The wolf kings among the soldiers who finally found the captain, when they saw the difficult and slow climbing figure carrying two teammates, their originally excited mood fell into a deep valley in an instant——the two who were taken away may have already become fierce. More good luck less!

Because they were still far away, and only saw figures, it was hard to tell who the only remaining teammates with mobility were, but they must have been recruited, because the straight-line distance between them and him was less than 500 meters away. , That teammate hasn't found out yet.

The six people with a heavy heart immediately ran to the bottom of the hillside and quickly climbed up until they had climbed more than a hundred meters. Someone stepped on a loose rock, and the rock collapsed and rolled down.

Rolling stones hit stones with a crashing sound.

Yan Xing was carrying a teammate on his back, holding the team member on his shoulder with his left hand, and holding the steel gun tightly in his right hand, trying to maintain vigilance and climbing the slope.

He has not supplemented the food that can provide nutrition to the human body for twelve days. He only relies on water and chewing a little edible plant stalk every day to maintain his life, and his physical and mental strength have reached the limit.

Due to the exhaustion of physical and mental energy, I was already unable to do what I wanted to do. I only supported myself with a belief and climbed uphill with my teammates on my back. As long as I climbed over the mountain, there was a border guard post on the other side of the mountain. As long as I climbed over the mountain, I was safe.

He tried his best to maintain vigilance, but all the functions of his body had become dull, and his vigilance was greatly reduced. He didn't notice the person chasing from behind, until he heard the muffled sound of the stone hitting, Yan Xing's nerves subconsciously Feeling tense, he suddenly turned to wait and see.

When he turned around and saw a person climbing up the hillside, he immediately squatted down and raised his gun to aim.

The young wolf kings who climbed up looked at the person climbing up the slope one after another when the stone was rolling. When they saw the person who turned around and squatted down in an instant, all the young people knew what that action meant, and immediately shouted: "Captain, Nineteen twenty-five, we're here to take you home!"

When the familiar voice sounded, Yan Xing, who squatted down and was ready to shoot, was stunned for a moment, then stood up all of a sudden, the hand holding the gun drooped, staring down fixedly, two bean-sized tears burst out of his eyes.

Those two teardrops rolled down the man's face, probably the last bit of water that the human body could accumulate, and when it slipped down, no more tears appeared.

The six youths shouted out their identities and ran up as fast as they could, leaping over the rocks and the occasional weeds, and within a short time climbed to the hillside about a few hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain.

When they got closer, the six recognized that the person with their teammates was the captain himself, and shouted "Captain", while climbing and jumping up the hillside, leaping and jumping, and finally ran to the captain's side.

When they faced the captain, the hearts of the six youths were in pain like a knife. Their beautiful captain, who was said to be so handsome, turned blue at the moment, and it was obvious that he had also been poisoned by the biochemical poison!
The captain is very thin, his face is as thin as a horse's. His dark and thin face is covered with large and small scratches. On the right side of his stubble-covered chin, there is a long cut from the corner of the mouth to the ear. The scab has scabbed, it should not have been treated well, and some places have become cavities.

The captain's eyes have no whites, only a red color, and the black pupils seem to be covered with a layer of fog, with a faint blue tinge, and his arms around his teammates on his shoulders and the hand holding the gun are also scratched all over the place. The old and new scars of the injury, the hand, the skin is black and blue, so thin that only the raised veins can be seen.

"Captain..." Seeing the emaciated captain, the six young wolves felt sore in their hearts and their eyes were moist. They immediately rushed up to hug the teammates carried by the captain, helped the captain take away the weapon, and untied the people and the people on their backs. The equipment bag he was carrying.

When the person carried by the captain was taken over, it was discovered that it was Liu Shijiu, and the ones carried by the captain were No. 25, Xiao 25, and the faces of Nineteen and No. 25 were also blue.

He took Liu Jiujiu over, sniffed and touched his chest, and found that his breath was very weak and his heartbeat was also very slow.

Hei Jiu immediately reached into his bosom and took out the small bag hanging around his neck and stuffed in his inner pocket, quickly opened the bag and took out a bag of pills, pried open Nineteen's mouth, stuffed the pills in, and gulped it down again. Sip of water.

When Yan Xing saw his own people coming, he stood still, his limbs were stiff, when his teammates picked up Nineteen and Two Five, his tight nerves finally loosened, his legs became weak, and he fell backwards .

Standing beside the captain, No. 34 had sharp eyesight and quick hands, supported the captain with one hand, then quickly took off his backpack, and put the captain on his back to carry it.

"I...I can walk by myself..." Yan Xing was still reluctant to be pulled up on his back, "You... hurry up and send them back to rescue them, they took pills six days ago... ..."

The captain's voice was hoarse and dry, and the young wolf kings were so sad that they almost burst into tears.

"Captain, stay here!" No. 34 hugged the captain's legs and said in a choked voice, "Captain, little loli is back, please hold on, as long as you return to the capital, you will be fine, you must hold on!" Go!"

Yan Xing, who was being forcibly carried on his back, was about to collapse suddenly, his gloomy eyes flashed: "Little Lolita is back?!"

"Yes, little Lolita is back. She returned to Jiudao on June 6th and has already rushed to the capital. Zhuo Shiqi is no longer in danger of life. Little Lolita asked us to bring her newly developed detoxification pill to meet you. .”

"Captain, don't worry, it's all right!"

Hei Jiu opened another bag and fed another kind of pill to his teammate Shijiu, stood up and took an antidote pill and stuffed it into the captain's mouth, then gave the captain a nutritional pill, and then turned around and fed his teammates two pills. Five and nineteen take detoxification pills.

They were worried that Erwu and Shijiu would not be able to hold on, so they crushed the pills and fed them. They each fed three crushed detoxification pills and let them take another one in their mouths.

After feeding and taking medicine, each person carries a wound number, and the others carry equipment bags and are responsible for protection work.

Hearing that Little Lolita was back, Yan Xing was suddenly overjoyed, and didn't try to push himself to say that he could still go, quietly took the pill in his mouth, and honestly asked his teammates to carry it.

Even if nineteen and twenty five were given antidote pills, the young wolf kings didn't delay and rushed to the border guard point as quickly as possible because their complexion was very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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