magic eye doctor

Chapter 1586 Miss you very much (2 more

Chapter 1586 Miss you very much (2 more

The mountains at the junction of Huaxia, Myanmar and India are called Savage Mountains in Myanmar. Most areas are still undeveloped and uninhabited, and they are still virgin forests.

The border areas are all remote, and communication is inconvenient. Hei Jiu and others tried their mobile phones but failed to find a signal.

The mountain was a bit high, and the young wolf king alternately carried his teammates on his back to climb the mountain. After changing hands three times, he finally climbed over the ridge, went down the other side of the mountain, and walked for more than ten miles before finding the border guard station.

The soldiers stationed at the border guard point were also very shocked when they saw a small detachment with the wounded, and immediately greeted them first.

The reason why the border guards did not find a small team performing missions at the border was because their first stop in the morning was the first patrol from the direction they came from, and both sides missed it perfectly.

Hei Jiu and his teammates made a phone call at the border defense station, contacted someone to meet them on the way and arranged to buy air tickets in advance, and hurried on the road without stopping.

Its place is the closest to Bingcha, the most remote place in Province Z. A team of wolf kings headed towards Bingcha, and met the armed policemen on the way in the middle of the afternoon. The capital of province Z.

They ran starry night, rushed to the airport before the earliest flight from the capital of Province Z to the capital took off, and successfully boarded the plane.

Before boarding the plane, Hei Jiu contacted the left-behind personnel in the capital and asked his teammates to contact Little Lori to say that they had found the captain and were rushing back to the capital with the three wounded.

Lan San and others who stayed at the base and waited for the news received the news that Hei Jiu and the others were on their way back to the capital, and hurriedly asked Little Lori for help.

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Chao's parents and elders were on vacation, and Le Xiao stayed at Chao Erbo's house. Although she was caught tossing her hair every day, she still had a good time and planned to return to school on the morning of the 28th.

When the handsome guy Lan called the target person's mobile phone, not long after Chao's family had finished breakfast, Le Xiaoluoli was being grabbed by the eight parents to discuss what hairstyle to do.

Le Yun, who was temporarily rescued by the phone, connected and immediately asked, "Handsome Lan, did you find the other three unlucky guys?"

"..." Lan San was speechless, silent for a second, and replied in a tone of great admiration: "Little beauty, you are really good at predicting things, as you predicted, our captain and the other two are They got hit, the two...severely poisoned and stunned, and the captain was also seriously injured."

"I guessed it. It would be an accident if the three of them are safe and sound. When will they return to Beijing?" Hearing the handsome guy's feedback, Le Yun was quite calm. Mmm, this result is normal. As for the reason and reason, I can't say for the time being. ,

"I'm taking a plane at the airport, and I'm expected to arrive in the capital around twelve o'clock, little beauty, whether to send him to the hospital or bring him back to the base, we will follow your orders." Little Lolita didn't mean to be angry, and Lan San asked for instructions immediately Where is she undergoing surgery to detoxify? Regarding medical matters, they will follow what little Lori says, and they will never make their own decisions.

"Take people back to your base, take back the handsome guy who is in the hospital, and then send a truck capable of transporting goods to Xuan Shao's teahouse. There is a large item about four meters in size to be loaded;

In addition, set aside a room that can be sealed in your camp as a spare, the minimum requirement is about [-] square meters, and then allocate some manpower to dig a few bags of soil and prepare firewood or charcoal for the fire. I will talk about the rest when I arrive. "

Le Yun talked about the main things that need to be prepared. As for other small objects and some items, let's go to the venue first.

Lan San turned on the external voice, and his teammates were also clever. He immediately turned on the phone to record what Little Loli said, and when he hung up the phone, all the young wolf kings quickly split up, four of them went to dig mud and carry firewood, and one went They drove a truck to Xuanjia teahouse to pick up little Lori, some people went to the room where Yun needed surgery, four people drove to the hospital to pick up Zhuo Shiqi, and a team of people went to the airport to wait for the pick-up.

The wolf king arranged everything neatly and quickly.

Someone came to snatch Xiaotuanzi, Chao's father was in a bad mood, waited for the pink girl to hang up the phone, and muttered softly: "Lele Xiaotuanzi, are you going to contribute again today?"

"Yeah, the cutest person is injured, I have to go to work to shine, Dad Chao, don't be sad, I won't be busy, you can help me braid my beautiful hair."

Looking at the gloomy expression on Chao's father's face, Le Yun hurriedly comforted the parents who have a glass heart. There are female parents who can't afford to be hurt, and parents who like girls with long hair can't afford to be hurt. She was tossing her hair Can't cry, can't let them toss their hair and have to appease the elders, it's too difficult for her!
"Xiao Lele, you are busy with your work. It's important." Mrs. Chao understood the righteousness and stopped playing with the pink little dumpling. Their little dumpling is a little angel, and they can't help or hold back.

San Jun and his wife also unanimously agreed that Xiao Tuanzi would not cut her hair for the time being, and it would not be too late to dress her up later.

The elders are well aware of righteousness and don’t need to do ideological work by themselves. Le Yun happily climbed back to the room on the second floor of Yue, packed her luggage, packed a big backpack and a small backpack for household belongings, went downstairs, and went to her private small warehouse Holding a box.

The beautiful boy took on the important task of escorting his sister to the tea street, drove the car into the yard, helped the little cutie pack the luggage, then stuffed the little dumpling into the passenger seat, helped fasten the seat belt, and then got into the cab by himself and drove away from home.

The eight patriarchs of Chao's family sent the car out of the yard, opened the door, looked back to admire the beautiful photos taken yesterday, and discussed how to make an album.

The beautiful boy drove his beloved car and sent Xiaotuanzi to Sihailaike Restaurant in the tea street as quickly as possible, helped Xiaocutie take the luggage out of the car for her, then got in the car and left.

Xiaotuanzi is doing big things, he can't be an assistant, and he is determined not to hold back.

He has a clear position on himself, the handsome young man is not sloppy in doing things, and he drives out of the tea street very neatly, and then returns to the second uncle's house.

The youths of the Xuan family who were doctors of tea in the tea house saw a long-haired little beauty wearing a half-armed apricot-colored Hanfu suddenly approaching, and rushed to welcome them into the inner courtyard. They wanted to call the young master, and the little beauty said she was here to move some Things, leave immediately, and they will not call the young master back to the other courtyard.

In the other courtyard of Young Master Xuan's house, Le Xiao is as familiar as he is at his own home. He went to the main hall of the upper room to move out of the space the things he had predicted that he would need. Lots of stuff, even a big shell, a few planks.

Miss Le brought out a bunch of boxes and baskets containing smoked fish, and the youths of the Xuan family were not surprised, but when they saw a huge shell, they were stunned.

The shell was some kind of fan-shaped mollusk, with a length and width of more than three meters, and a visual thickness of more than half a meter. The shell was gray and white mixed with dark red, giving it a strange beauty.

"Little beauty, is this shell synthetic?"

The young people looked left and right, and felt that it was very unscientific. As far as they knew, the largest shell on the earth was a giant clam, but it was not that big.

"Natural green products that are guaranteed to be fake." Le Yun smiled and threw out another bunch of things. The shell was the most common scallop shell in the ocean of Dongchen Continent, but it was enough to dominate the earth. It was about three years old. More than 9000 years.

The youths of the Xuan family: "..." They thought that what the little beauty said might be true, but they had no evidence to prove it.

Miss Le moved the things that needed to be taken out of her private space magic weapon, and the youths of the Xuan family did not hesitate, and quickly acted as porters to move the things out.

The smoked fish is not sealed, and it is easy to get dusty. Le Xiao took out a dozen pieces of coarse cloth to cover the top. The bamboo basket she brought out was slightly larger than the baskets commonly used on the earth, and it only needed to cover the surface.

The handsome Xuanjia youths carried the goods one after another. On the fifth trip, Yan Shao’s brother arrived at the teahouse in a box truck. Because there was no parking space, the Xuanjia youth parked his family to occupy the space. The car moved away first.

Lan San personally came out to pick up little Lori, parked the car, quickly opened the door of the rear compartment, and helped carry the goods into the car.

The handsome guys from the Xuan family transferred all the lighter items to the truck, and finally lifted the giant shell. Even if each of them could carry three or two hundred catties, it would be difficult for several people to lift the big shell .

Lan San was also startled when he saw the shell-shaped objects carried out by the youths, and went to lend a hand, and worked together with the handsome guys to push the heavy big thing into the truck compartment.

The youth of the Xuan family loaded the little girl's luggage into the car, and then went to drive the car. After the little girl boarded the truck, the truck started to leave, and hurriedly occupied the parking space again.

The beautiful long-haired little lolita is tender and has body fragrance on her body. When she is not talking, she sits there like a Guanyin, which puts a lot of pressure on people. Lan San feels like a big leader sitting beside her , Maintain a high degree of vigilance at all times, highly concentrated mental power, and dare not be distracted at all.

It took nearly an hour from the tea street to the garrison base. Lan San drove the whole journey with a sense of mission. When the car drove into the gate of the base, he felt a sense of relief.

The car went through several strict checkpoints to enter the key guard area of ​​the base, and then circled east and west before arriving at the camp.

Lan San didn't take little Lori to the medical building, but went directly to the canteen area and stopped in front of a one-story house next to the canteen building.

Thirty or so wolf kings in camouflage uniforms were already waiting there, and they greeted the truck with eager eyes. When the car arrived, a group of wolf kings swarmed up, scrambling to open the door of the passenger cab, and they all shouted "little boy" in surprise and excitement. Beauty, you are back." "Little Lolita, you are finally out of the customs."

The soldiers looked excited. From their expressions and heartbeats, it could be seen that they were in a turbulent mood. Le Yun was also full of joy. He threw a backpack out and waved his paws happily: "Hello guys, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much." , I am relieved to see that you are all well."

The Wolf King has already seen from Hei Jiu Lan San how little Lolita has become tender and has long hair. When the car door opened and saw her turn her head to look, he couldn't help being stunned. Little Lolita looked even pinker than in the photo Tender and more juicy!
When a backpack was thrown from above, the wolf king regained consciousness in an instant, and stretched out his hands to catch it at the same time. Several people joined forces to support the backpack, holding it like a treasure.

Hearing the soft and clear voice of the little loli again, everyone's heart was ups and downs, the little loli said that she missed them!Little Lolita also cares about them!

"Little beauty, we miss you very much too!"

"I miss it very much, I miss it very much."

The hardest part of the young people's hearts softened into water, their eyes shone brightly, and they responded happily.

"I guessed it, you must be very worried about me, worried that I will be killed by myself, now you can rest assured, I will go home alive and kicking." The reaction of the handsome guys is the most sincere expression of emotion, Le Yun smiled Grinning his small mouth, he flew lightly to the ground.

Little Loli landed lightly, her apricot skirt embroidered with exquisite patterns fluttered like a butterfly dancing, revealing a pair of embroidered shoes, small and cute, her long hair fluttered in the air like a piece of black silk cloth, when she landed and stood firmly, the black silk Her long hair fell vertically, and then stuck to her back peacefully.

Rao had seen little Lolita's long hair countless times, and had prepared herself to a certain extent. At this moment, when she stood in front of her in real life, the young wolf kings were inevitably amazed.

Lan San, who was half a beat behind, looked at the brothers who were dumbfounded by the little loli, and let out a tiger roar: "What are you doing in a daze? Come here quickly to unload the luggage."

The wolf kings were shocked, and they suddenly came back from the amazement. Their faces became hot with shame, and their ears were hot. They rushed to the rear of the car like a swarm, shouting "coming" and "coming" to resolve the embarrassment.

At the end of June in the capital, the sun was shining brightly.

The faces of the youths in camouflage clothes running in the sun were full of bright smiles, so relaxed and joyful. Although the skin on each face was tanned red and dark, it did not damage their heroic spirit. dazzling.

Looking at the cute handsome guys, Le Yun's heart was touched. If she came back a few months later, those few people must be helpless. Presumably, the handsome guys I saw couldn't have such bright smiling faces.

Fortunately, she came back in time. Zhuo Shiqi, who was lying in the hospital, and the three wounded who were about to return to Beijing could be saved as long as they had breath when they saw her. Their teammates didn't sacrifice, so they didn't have to suffer A pain of life and death.

She was carrying the cross-shoulder bag hanging in front of her, and moved unhurriedly. Hearing the yelling of the handsome guys after the door was unlocked, she couldn't help shaking her head. These cutest people are protecting their home country. At that time, the bones of his body were as hard as iron. When the armor was removed, he was actually a group of innocent children.

I don't know the wolf king who is defined as a "child" by the pink and tender loli. When he saw the neatly arranged items and the shell in the truck, he kept wowing. One of you said the shell was so big, and the other said what it was. , like watching a big show, the scene is lively.

Lan San is the follower of the car, knowing which places are going to be moved for surgery and which are the personal belongings of the little girl, and directs the brothers to unload the goods.

The young wolf king moved the shells first, and after moving for a while, he felt that manpower was hard to shake. He silently drove a small desktop forklift used in the warehouse, and moved the large shells to the forklift for transportation.

Lan Sanma sneaked up to little Lolita and asked her to go to the operating room they prepared to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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