magic eye doctor

Chapter 1590 Most afraid of being demolished CP (2 more

Chapter 1590 Most afraid of being demolished CP (2 more

After treating the wounds of the handsome guys lying dead, there was still some distance before dawn, Xiao Le packed up his belongings and put them under the eaves, turned off the lights, and sat at the door to meditate.

Hei Jiulansan and his teammates didn't feel sleepy even if they were driven back to the dormitory. They forced themselves to close their eyes to sleep, and no one fell into a deep sleep. Almost all of them were light sleepers, usually waking up around five o'clock.

Hei Jiu woke up before five o'clock, got up lightly, packed up, waited until dawn, picked up the clothes he had prepared for the captain and Shi 79 [-], and tiptoed out of the dormitory, trying to drive away quietly. To the canteen warehouse.

However, he wasn't the first one. Last night, the dozen or so people who were assigned to be little Lolita's assistants also sneaked out of the dormitory early and waited outside.

All the young people, like ballet dancers, left the dormitory area on tiptoe, then trotted, and then ran fast, rushing to the cafeteria area at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint.

The handsome young people hurried to the warehouse of the cafeteria, and saw little Lolita sitting at the door. She sat cross-legged on the ground, as solemn and kind as Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The dawn just broke, the air in the morning is still good, and the apricot color is like the warm sun appearing in the eastern sky, warming the heart.

The sprinting men immediately changed to walking on tiptoes, and then saw the little Lolita opened her eyes and stood up lightly. They immediately ran forward and said "good morning" cheerfully.

The music rhyme that I am practicing, I listen to all directions, and I know everything about the movements in the handsome guys' dormitory area, because I don't want them to be stressed, so I just sit still.

"Morning." The handsome guys were full of enthusiasm, and she also rolled her eyes with a smile: "Those four unlucky guys are fine, you carry them back and let them rest, because they have toxins all over their bodies, I drained part of their blood, They need to replenish blood, the poison enters the bone marrow, damages the spinal nerves and bones, and also needs a large amount of calcium, zinc, phosphorus and iron.

Their brain-central nerves are also damaged, and they are not suitable for mental work in the near future. The optic nerves are also affected to some extent, and they should not overuse their eyes. It is generally recommended to rest for more than four months. ...Oh, another item should go without saying, anyway, they are single and don't have girlfriends. "

"Pfft—" A group of men listened to the doctor's order left by the little Lolita. They were originally highly concentrated and listened attentively. When they heard the last paragraph at first glance, they understood it in seconds and burst out laughing instantly.

The handsome guys who burst into laughter were instantly so shy that they didn't know where to look, all of them blushed, and their shy looks were also very cute.

"I'm going to take a shower first, and treat the waste water like last night." The shy looks of the handsome guys are so cute that Le Yun is too embarrassed to tease them, and flashes away with a backpack full of belongings.

Hei Jiu asked the brothers to carry the four wounded, and he personally sent the little loli back to the dormitory, lest the bastards in the team frighten the delicate little angel because they didn't expect that little loli would have any indecent reaction.

He was ready, and he was still far away from the dormitory area, and immediately howled loudly: "The little beauty is here, brothers, pay attention to your image!"

In the dormitory area, hundreds of wolf kings are also in the process of getting up in the morning. Hearing Hei Jiu's yell, they are stunned for a moment, then rush around in an instant, grooming themselves, and busy putting on their training uniforms Yes, wash your face and brush your teeth, immediately straighten your back, look at each other to see if there is anything wrong,
After a short period of turmoil, the men who had washed up first tidied up their appearances and rushed to the lobby of the building where the bosses lived to wait for little Lori.

Hei Jiu notified all the staff, he was quite embarrassed, his ear tips were burning, he pretended to be calm, and accompanied little loli into the dormitory building, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw a group of handsome guys neatly packed.

The handsome young man smiled brightly when he saw the little loli, who didn't show any signs of fatigue after staying up all night, and was still in good spirits, and brushed his face happily.

Le Yun smiled and said good morning to the handsome guys, walked to the dormitory reserved for her by the handsome guys, opened the door, and entered the dormitory by herself.

Hei Jiu sent the little loli to the dormitory room, and immediately ran to the cafeteria warehouse. On the way, he met the brother who was sending the captain and the others back to the dormitory. Take out the water spoon and scrub it, because there are still embers in the stove belly, pour a few buckets of water into the shells first, so as not to burn the shells.

Hei Jiu took a few brothers to pack all the things that needed to be disposed of into a pickup truck, and transported them to the wilderness to dig a pit and dump them in for burial. When they finished disposing of the waste and returned to the dormitory, they found that little Lori hadn't cleaned up yet. They hurried to go to the dormitory. Take a shower and change clothes, then gather together and wait for the little loli to have dinner together.

Classmate Le is not hypocritical and intentionally let handsome guys sit on the bench, it is really... really slow, before with short hair, you can take a shower and shampoo in 5 minutes, but with long hair, it takes at least 10 minutes.

Because the weather was too hot, her hair and clothes were soaked in the water vapor of the medicinal soup, which had a strange smell. She needed to wash her hair carefully and wash it several times to get rid of the smell. After taking a bath, the water stains on her hair After wringing, it took more than half a year.

Her hair was dry and couldn't be tied up. With her long hair loose, Le Yun walked out of the dormitory with her backpack in her hand. She felt apologetic when she saw the handsome guy who was still sitting motionless waiting for her.

The young people looked at the little Lolita who came out of the bath, their eyes widened, and the little Lolita became more juicy!
The little Lolita changed into a white dress with a sleeveless top and a sky blue half-arm gauze dress, with a blue belt tied around her waist, the belt was knotted on the left side, and a silk ribbon and jade pendant hung on the right side. .

Little Lolita's skin was originally fair, but it was set off by the clear sky blue and white, which made her skin as creamy, as delicate as a flower, and as lovely as Yuxue.

The wolf king dared not breathe for fear of breaking the cute doll.

"Handsome guys, it's time to test your speed. Whoever runs to the cafeteria first, I'll treat him to jelly beans." The handsome guys looked dumbfounded, and Le Yun ran away with a backpack.

"Oh, little beauty, wait for us."

"Little beauty, you are not kind."

"How can you do this."

The youths who came back to their senses instantly exploded, like tigers out of the cage, roaring and running.

They rushed out of the dormitory building like a swarm, and ran all the way. However, even with all their strength, they couldn't surpass the little Lolita. They watched the little Lolita fly into the cafeteria like a butterfly.

"The pills are gone!"

The young people were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe, and they rushed into the cafeteria hall in groups, looking for a place while shouting whether they could start again.

Last night, Lan San and six teammates sat at the same table with Little Lolita for dinner, and it was Black Jiuyi's turn for breakfast. The seven of them quickly took their seats at the table where Little Lolita was sitting, sat down for a while and went to serve the meal.

The chef in the canteen turned on a small stove for the little girl again, and made a casserole of chicken soup.

Hei Jiu and his brothers were still picking up meals, when a Harley motorcycle rushed to the entrance of the cafeteria at a galloping speed from the road in the direction of the entrance of the camp.

The biker wearing a helmet braked, got off the bike, and set up the motorcycle in one go, then took off his helmet and threw it on the bike, rushed into the cafeteria like a hurricane, and yelled loudly throughout the hall: "Little beauty, Brother Liu! I'm coming!"

The wolf kings in the cafeteria or taking meals or sitting: "..." Wow, why did Team Liu come here?Every time that guy is on vacation, he usually doesn't go to his heart to brush his face. He should also go to his own camp when he returns to the base. Why did he come here?
They were about to explode and deny that little loli was here, but Liu Shao's eyes were sharp, and he saw the beautiful little loli sitting in the restaurant at a glance, flying over like stepping on a hot wheel: "Little beauty, brother this morning! I just heard that you came to the base, ouch, these guys are not kind, you came here to play, and they didn’t even notify me, my brother’s heart was hurt.”

Handsome guys: "..." Oh my god, I really want to throw that talkative Liu out!

"..." Le Yun looked at the handsome guy who was rushing towards the nest like a baby swallow, blinking his eyes with a half-smile, with a naive expression on his face: "Handsome Liu, did you just come from Geng's house? Sister Tian Jun Feel good?"

"Thank you, little beauty, for your concern. Aunt Tian is in good health and always smiles every day." Liu Xiangyang replied happily from the bottom of his heart, and took a few steps to the little girl's table, and sat down on the seat opposite her. .

"I can guess it just by looking at you." Le Yun smiled brightly as he watched Handsome Liu bluntly grabbing a seat, and handsome Hei Jiu who was walking quickly.

"?" Liu Xiangyang heaved a sigh of relief as he sat on the bench. He looked at the little loli seriously, and saw the beautiful girl in Hanfu, her eyes were as wide as copper bells. Damn, little loli really changed like what the third uncle said. Get more juicy and more pink, hair...

Just as he didn't know how to describe the little Lolita's hair, he suddenly sensed murderous aura, turned his head, and saw a young man standing less than two steps behind him staring at him with murderous aura, and immediately his face was bright again: " Yo, isn’t this black brother, why are you staring at me?”

Looking at handsome Hei's posture of preparing to fight with handsome Liu, Le Yun happily took out the fan at Bie's waist and swished it open, gently shaking the precious fan, waiting for the next article in leisure time.

"Liu Dui, move your hips and sit in another seat." Hei Jiu was holding a cup of chicken soup, and there was only one thought in his mind: If Liu Dui doesn't leave, should he go to spoon a bowl of cold water to give him a bowl of "spiritual" chicken soup, or Dragging Team Willow outside for three hundred rounds?
"Brother, it's fine for me to sit here, so I don't need to change it." Liu Xiangyang pretended to be stupid, so he didn't want to move his hips. If he moved, he wouldn't be able to sit at the same table with the cute little loli.

"Handsome Liu, if you don't want to be dismantled as a CP, you'd better find a higher place." Le Yun didn't think it was a big deal, and gave Handsome Liu an inscrutable look. In the scene where force was almost used, it is estimated that handsome Liu is really occupying the seat, and there is a 50.00% possibility that handsome black will drag him out to chat.

Hei Jiu was debating whether to give someone Liu a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, but the little loli made a noise, but didn't say anything, just poked someone Liu with a knife.

"Aww!" Liu Xiangyang understood instantly, tearing down the CP, wouldn't that mean that if he robbed someone of his position, he wanted to chase after his wife, and these bastards would trip him up?
His daughter-in-law hasn't written her horoscope yet, but she can't stand the brats messing around. In order not to be dismantled CP, Liu Shaomiao persuaded him, stood up with a smile, and stretched out his paw to pat the black-faced brother on the shoulder: " I just sit for a few seconds and talk to little Lolita, I won't grab your seat."

Hei Jiu thought hehe, if you weren't afraid of being demolished, would you move your butt?Someone Liu moved Wei An's body away, he didn't bother with Liu Shao, he put the chicken soup in front of little Lolita, and sat down by himself.

Knowing the current affairs is a hero, and with the lessons learned from the past, Liu Shao did not grab the seat at the same table as Xiao Lolita, but found a table that was not full to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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