magic eye doctor

Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591

Handsome Liu is looking for another job by himself, Le Yun smiles with starry eyes, Handsome Liu is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid that someone will tear down his CP with Miss Geng.

Young Master Liu is a well-known chatterbox, so he took a meal and sat down to eat, while he ate, he asked the little friends of the brother team if there was anything wrong with Little Lori coming to the base, and if he could help In a busy place, the mouth never stopped.

He babbled endlessly, and the young wolf kings quickly picked up the smoked fish pieces made by Little Lolita and wrapped them in sauce before talking slowly.

When Young Master Liu belatedly discovered that the smoked fish was a medicinal diet, the bowl of sauce had already been divided up. He only ate a piece of smoked fish that was two fingers wide.

After the meal, Liu Shao quickly cleaned the dishes, and went to the little loli to brush his face. Knowing that she was going back to Qingda soon, he cried like a dog in secret. I won't let him eat, and I won't be able to eat smoked fish!

Le Yun pretended not to see handsome Liu's unlovable face. She stayed at the seaside of Dongchen Continent for more than [-] years and made a lot of smoked fish.

To be honest, if only the number of people in Yan's base is considered, even if one person eats a catty of fish, the smoked fish in her hand would not be enough for the entire base to eat for ten years!

There are so many medicinal meals, how can I eat them all at home, not to mention that there are a lot of fish in the rivers and lakes of her star core space, and there are a lot of ingredients, so she doesn't need to hold them or let go. She plans to take out some to supplement nutrition for the soldiers in the future.

Handsome Liu and Handsome Yan are good brothers, and they have helped her a lot. Naturally, it is impossible to lose him and members of his camp. However, she will not tell him now, so let him get tangled up first.

Looking at the foodie's expression of having something to eat but not being able to eat, Le Yun was in a good mood. She rested for a while, tied up her hair, brushed her teeth and washed her face, went to get a big backpack, got in the car and was sent to school by Lan San .

Little Lolita wasn't playing at the base, and Young Master Liu also got on his motorcycle and hurried back to his own camp to report.

Lan San drove little Lolita away from the cafeteria building, Hei Jiu and his brothers acted immediately, first moved little Lolita's toolbox into the warehouse for storage, and then allocated manpower to carry her tools to Little Lolita's private house. Items to take home.

Lan San drove out of the gate of the base, but did not go back to the direct route of Qingda University, and instead went to the immigration management agency where the passport was issued.

There were many cars parked outside the governing body when they arrived.

At the end of June, almost all provinces across the country have released their results for the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination. Many wealthy families choose to take their children on a trip to see the world. The number of people applying for passports has increased compared to before the summer vacation.

Zhuang Xiaoman waited at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, saw the team's car coming, hurriedly stepped forward to greet the little Lolita, and Lan San accompanied the little Lolita into the certificate hall, took the green passage, took pictures first, and filled in the information while waiting for the photo to be printed .

Little Lolita's passport still has more pages, because she used to have short hair, but now she has long hair, and her appearance is different. In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, she simply changed her passport and updated her photo in advance.

Zhuang Xiaoman greeted the office in advance, and the speed was very fast. The photo was printed, and the documents were handed over to the clerk, and it was completed in less than 10 minutes. The freshly baked passport was returned to the owner together with the old passport and other documents.

When printing the photos, Le Yun also printed some extra photos for backup. When the new passport was delivered, she put the information into the backpack and happily waved her paws with Zhuang Zhuang.

Little Lolita got a new passport and had nothing else to do. Lan San drove straight to Qingda University and sent Little Lolita to Xuebalou before get out of class ended at noon. He returned to the base without stopping.

Classmate Le Xiao crawled back to the dormitory, and saw the beautiful young brother waiting for him to return in his dormitory, dropping his luggage, like a cheerful bird pounced on the beautiful brother's back as a sloth.

The beautiful boy went back to Qingda University in the morning, went back to the rental room, and then went to the cute dormitory to wait. As soon as the little naughty came back, he came to act coquettishly, and he carried the petite little girl on his back: "Our Xiaotuanzi is so happy today, isn't he? Did you pick up ingots on the way?"

"I didn't pick up money, but I saved the four cutest people. I feel that I have made a contribution to the country, so I am very proud." Lying on the back of the beautiful brother, Le Yun happily acted like a coquettish bag.

"Lele is a little angel who saves lives and heals the wounded. She is amazing, and my brother is also proud of it." The beautiful boy carried the cutie into the kitchen, washed his hands, took the bowls and chopsticks, and served the dishes to the small living room.

Le Yun clings to the beautiful elder brother and refuses to let go, waits for him to arrange the meals, slips down to the ground, goes into the bedroom and brings out a jar of bad fish and a jar of sauerkraut, unsealed, put a plate of each for lunch.

The cute little dumpling is a treasure chest, and he often takes out good things. The beautiful boy takes it for granted. He eats a good meal, tidies up the small kitchen, and puts sauerkraut and sauce in small glass bottles with the little dumpling. There are more than [-] bottles of sauce in total. Several bad fish, smoked fish.

It was delicious, put it in a box, moved it downstairs and loaded it into the car before class, the beautiful boy drove, and took his sister to the medical department.

Before the brothers and sisters arrived at the medical department, the bell for the first class in the afternoon also rang.

The students were in class, and there were very few people walking around the campus. The beautiful boy drove to the medical department in a hurry and stopped at the Academic Affairs Building. The brother and sister took out the packed bags from the box in the trunk and went upstairs to visit Professor Wancheng's office .

Professor Wan Teng waited until the little brother and sister arrived, and caught his primary school student Ke Ke's head vigorously. He "forced" her to agree to make him a jar of sauerkraut during the summer vacation because of the unequal treaty before letting her go.

Touching her bald head that was almost slapped, Le Yun wanted to cry, and yelled unwillingly: "Professor, if you bully my head again, I will sue my teacher."

"Xiao Le, you're gone, you're not a child anymore." Being threatened, the corners of Professor Wan Teng's mouth twitched, the little guy was getting cuter and cuter, and he couldn't control it.

"Professor, you should be prepared to be mobbed by your colleagues. I will take my sister and escape." The beautiful boy was afraid of being caught by other professors, so he took Xiaotuanzi and immediately escaped.

As soon as the two brothers and sisters left, Professor Fu arrived after hearing the news, and rushed to Professor Wanqi's office to get a gift from Xiao Le.

Seeing Lao Fu, Professor Wan Teng wanted to flip the table. His elementary school students often gave small gifts to the teachers. Why did Lao Fu's students never give him gifts?

He also taught in the class led by Lao Fu and Lao Zhai. No matter whether it was the favorite student of the two or other students, he was not presented with the teacher's thank-you ceremony. The primary school students he taught always had a teacher's thank-you ceremony every year, and Lao Fu and Lao Zhai all got a share. , comparing the two, he lost a lot.

No matter how much the old professor felt sorry for the medicated food made by the elementary school students, he couldn't take it for himself, so he reluctantly gave him the part of Lao Fu. He didn't want to see Lao Fu's satisfied expression again, drive people away, and take gifts to give to everyone. Colleagues and several leaders of the medical department.

The gifts for Xiao Lele's teachers were handed over to Professor Wan Teng. The beautiful boy drove to the school's office building and asked Xiao Tuanzi to wait in the car. He sent the small gifts for the school leaders to each office.

After delivering the presents, the beautiful boy took Xiaofanzi back to the dormitory, and happily accompanied his sister to study. In the evening, he called the four little fresh meats from the opposite dormitory for dinner, and at night he went to the opposite dormitory to occupy the bed of Wang Erxiao.

The next day, when the beautiful boy went to work on him, Le Yun combed herself with a double ring bun, dressed up beautifully, and ran to the medical department to report.

The student Xueshenle, who had been missing for N months, finally showed up. Not only did she become a beautiful girl with fluttering long hair, but she was also more pink and tender than before. The students of the medical department were blown up, and they took countless pictures of the theology exam Bale little lolita A forum for posting beautiful photos.

The beautiful photos of Little Lolita Kagura wearing Hanfu from the Medical Department spread at an incredible speed. The managers of the School Hanfu Lovers Association and the Publicity Department of the Medical Department found an opportunity to intercept the beautiful pictures of Little Lolita Leli and put them on the portal page, and the click-through rate also increased. Section by section explosion.

Ban Bao’s little lolita is amazing. The Eight Great King Kongs in the 16th grade Chinese and Western clinics are very proud and have a headache. Whenever the little loli stands or sits, there will be people around. They have to protect the little loli. Not to be taken advantage of, but also caught as a messenger to ask them to help deliver the love letter, how hard it is for them!

On the first day of Little Lolita's official appearance in the medical department, it started with a stunning way, and ended with the Eight King Kong protecting Little Lolita like bodyguards protecting stars and escaping.

In the evening, the Eight King Kong went to the little Lolita's dormitory for dinner, and couldn't help complaining to the beautiful boy. Then, after eating a delicious meal, the King Kongs came back to life again, expressing that they would definitely protect the little Lolita unscathed, so that the beautiful boy could rest assured.

The beautiful boy smiled warmly, sent the lively boys away, went to the dormitory opposite, and asked Xiao Lele to open the love letters she received. Xiao Tuanzi was so charming that he received more than [-] love letters on the first day he officially showed his face.

The next day, student Le Xiao wore a high-knot-style single snail, and continued to be a good student. At the end of the day, he once again harvested a pile of love letters.

And in the evening, the beautiful boy also "met" classmate Xiao Ou on the way back to the school tower. Comrade Xiao Ou caught Xiao Chao and followed him to the girls' dormitory as a guest. When the beautiful little girl came back, he poured out the bitterness .

The beautiful young man was as quiet as a fellow, with a smile on his face: "Comrade Xiaoou, my sister's hair will never be cut, and there are a lot of picky requests from above, don't make things difficult for them, let them take down my sister's name That’s it, anyway, my Xiaotuanzi has never thought about becoming a professional athlete, and it’s not that he has to go to the Olympics.”

"..." Comrade Xiao Ou was like a swan strangled by his neck, poking at the beautiful boy with his eyes wide open: "I think, the problem is that people won't let them withdraw. They asked me to be a lobbyist, and I also took what they asked me to say." I’ve said it all, you just pretend you didn’t hear it, and let’s go through the motions.”

Want to withdraw your name?

Hehehe, what a beautiful idea!
Xiao Le is a rising star who has broken the world record in track and field. The sports world is secretly watching her. If she does not participate, it is tantamount to handing over the world champion. Other track and field athletes who are interested in competing for the Olympic championship will set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Xiaole was also listed on the People of the Year list in a certain magazine, and his popularity is gradually rising in some expensive circles in Europe and America. The Olympic Committee also hopes that Xiaole will participate in the competition, so as to bring traffic to the Olympics.

So, whoever wants to remove the name of classmate Xiao Le will be outraged by the public. Whoever really does that will be denounced by thousands of people and spurned by thousands of people if it is exposed one day.

The pretty boy also knew some of the twists and turns, so he didn't make it difficult for Comrade Xiao Ou. Comrade Xiao Ou was pressured by his superiors to go through the motions. As for the words that Comrade Xiao Ou said, he also heard from his left ear and out of his right ear. Xiao Le Le's long hair is still there.

Little Le Xiao doesn't care much, anyway, it's good for anyone to ask for advice on cutting hair, she should do whatever she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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