magic eye doctor

Chapter 1592 There is a chapter to talk about later (2 more

Chapter 1592 I have something to say later (2 more

Night and day are intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, we will usher in the new calendar of July.

Every July is also the hottest season in the capital.

When the sun rose a pole high on the first day of July, Young Master Yan, who had slept peacefully for three days and three nights, finally woke up. It took him a long time to see things when he woke up, and he saw the familiar ceiling, tables and chairs And odds and ends, knowing that I was lying in the dormitory.

The dormitory is a safe place. Yan Xing lay down and thought about everything before he fell asleep. He slowly got up and sat up. Seeing that he was wearing a short sportswear, he tried to get out of bed and walk around.

Try to move your limbs, except for fatigue and weakness, there is no other discomfort.

Moving around, opening the cabinet to look at the mirror in the cabinet, seeing my own bald head and pale face, as well as the white bamboo film on my face and the big and small holes, I am very...depressed.



Words that were close to my own image flashed in my mind, and I was very sad. No wonder the little loli called him ugly.

Thinking of little Lolita, he looked at his arms and legs again, checked several times, Yan Xing found out the clothes from the closet, went to the bathroom to take a bath, looked brand new, packed a few more sets of clothes, packed the necessary items into a backpack, and left the dormitory with his luggage .

He was discovered only after leaving the dormitory building, and the team members drove him to the office building. The wolf king in the office building saw the captain "alive" and screamed in surprise.

The handsome guys cheered for a while, and a clever ghost ran to the tool room to help find a wig for the captain to wear.

Yan Xing dragged his weak limbs into the office, explained the work matters, discussed for about an hour, arranged the affairs of the team, and sent them out of the base to Qingdao University in a car driven by Lan San.

Young Master Yan's car caught up with the rush hour at noon, and was stuck on the road for a long time. It took a lot of hard work to break out of the encirclement, and it was already after one o'clock in the afternoon when he climbed outside the gate of Qingda West Building.

Under the scorching sun, the car that entered the Qingda University Park crossed the avenues and arrived at the Xueba Building. The handsome guy who drove the car took the captain's luggage out of the car, and drove away in the car. You must hurry up, in case the little girl sees it. The captain is angry and wants the captain to return to the original car. He will be very embarrassed, and he doesn't know who to listen to.

Young Master Yan, who didn't understand his brother's thinking, watched the car run away in a hurry, and was so depressed that he didn't help him go upstairs?

No one helped him, no one helped him carry his luggage, so he could only carry his luggage and climb the steps with difficulty.

It's not that he's pretending to be weak, it's that he's really weak. Now he's climbing the stairs as hard as an old man climbing a mountain, and his feet feel heavy like lead.

He dragged his heavy legs up the stairs one step at a time, and when he reached the second and a half floors, he stopped for a rest, so that he was seen by the two boys who went up the stairs, and he took the initiative to ask if they needed help.

The young students were kind and friendly. Yan Xing deeply felt that the sacrifice he and his teammates made for the national emblem on the hat was worthwhile. He thanked the boys for their kindness and worked hard to be self-reliant.

He struggled to climb to the fourth floor and was exhausted. He took a rest before moving to the door of the girls' dormitory. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door nervously.

In the dormitory, Le Yun stood upside down in a strange posture, scanning the book with concentration, heard the knock on the door, and instantly came out of a state of high concentration of thinking, a light scorpion turned over and landed, fully dressed, floated to the door and opened the door .

Stretching out his head, what came into view was a Yanren like a stone sculpture. That handsome man who was once tall and beautiful and radiant in whatever clothes he wore now had a dull face covered with Band-Aids. His eyes were open and bloodshot. eyes, wearing a long-sleeved gray-blue shirt, standing at the door sweating profusely.

Yan Ren wore a wig to cover his bald head, which looked much better than the bald head with scars on his face. However, he had scars all over his face. At first glance, he would never have guessed that he was the Yanguan Jingdu The beautiful Yan Shao, a rising star from a wealthy and powerful family.

Looking at that guy and seeing her eyes shining, Le Yun couldn't help swallowing the words she wanted to piss him off, and twitched the corners of her mouth: "Come in."

Knocking on the door, she was dumbfounded when she saw a head protruding from the room. Where did little Loli find a little sister who looked so similar to her?
The little girl who came out to look at her looked exactly like Little Lolita. Her face was exactly the same as her identical twin sister. The little girl was younger, like five or six years old, pink and soft.

Little Lolita is also white, tender and cute, soft and tender, but not as young as this little girl. If he didn't know the age of Little Lolita, he would think that the little girl was Little Lolita's daughter when he saw the little girl.

It wasn't until Little Lolita's familiar voice sounded in his ears that he came back to his senses, and stared at the pink, tender, soft girl in shock. This seemed to be Little Lolita?
Yan Xing, who couldn't believe it, stared at the pink little girl in a low voice, glanced over and over again at the bun on the top of her head and that face, and called out tentatively: "Little Loli?"

"Let's just say, your eyesight is normal, you will definitely be blinded by the appearance of this little classmate." Yan Ren's stupid look also succeeded in pleasing Le Yun, and he turned around with a bright smile, making Yan People enter the dormitory by themselves.

It was the tone of the little loli who spoke correctly!Confirming that the soft and cute little girl who is more pink and cute than a baby is the little loli he is familiar with, Yan Xing's heart is filled with sour bubbles, the little loli grows more tender and cuter, but he is getting older The world is full of malice towards him!

When little loli turned around, he saw her long black hair hanging down to her knees, and he was speechless in shock. This... little loli went to the secret realm for eight months, but how could her hair grow so long?

There must be hidden secrets in that secret place!
In an instant, Yan Xing thought of some secret of time, space and time, and came back to his senses. He hurriedly picked up his backpack, followed the door frame and followed into the dormitory, and then closed the door.

Except for the lack of some books and the addition of a fresh-keeping box in the refrigerator, little loli's dormitory has not changed, and the impression is still simple and clean.

Yan Xing heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't see the young man from the Chao family. He stared blankly at the back of little Lolita walking towards the small kitchen for a second, threw his luggage aside, and moved to sit by the table.

He didn't know what to say, so he stared at the little Lolita. The little Lolita was wearing a light blue dress with a heart-shaped collar and a red collar embroidered with beautiful cloud patterns. The sleeves were as long as There is a lavender cloth belt around the elbows and waist, a thin strip of cloth on the right side, and a jade pendant on the skirt.

She wore a single bun on her head and several kinds of jewelry, all of which were beautiful without being cumbersome. Most of her hair was loose and hanging down her back, like a black waterfall, dazzlingly beautiful.

As eye-catching as her hair is half of her arms exposed from the sleeves, the pink is as tender as tender lotus root, and each wrist wears a jade bracelet as white as mutton fat.

The appearance of the little loli is just like the Nine-Heaven Xuannv descending to earth, so beautiful that people can feel their eyes full of beauty when they look at it, and the world is picturesque.

Appreciating the little Lolita's every move, Yan Xing's body remained motionless except for the moving eyeballs, turning into a statue.

Needless to ask Yan if he had eaten, Le Yun also knew that he just woke up today. After waking up, he didn't eat anything except drinking water. He simply walked into the small kitchen, rinsed the pot head with clean water, and turned on the induction cooker to boil the water.

After boiling water on the stove, I returned to the bedroom, took out a piece of stewed hog leg meat from the space, and dug out a piece of camel meat and a handful of green vegetables from the refrigerator, and went into the small kitchen to put the meat Cut into small pieces.

When the water boils, then blanch the vegetables, keep the soup of the blanch vegetables, and find two pieces of hand-dried ramen noodles from the counter and boil them in the water.

It only takes two minutes to make hand-made dry ramen. Le Yun put the camel meat into the pot and boiled it for a while. After the noodles are boiled, take them out and put them in a bowl. Then add seasonings and mix well. Take out the hot camel meat and put it on the surface of the noodles, then spread the hog meat and green vegetables, and drench the noodles with noodle soup.

I made the simplest bowl of green vegetable and meat noodles, took out a pair of chopsticks, took the bowl to the small living room, and put it in front of Yan who was staring greedily and with reddish ears: "I didn't cook at noon, you eat the bowl Pad your belly."

Little Lolita didn't hate him, didn't attack him, and he didn't say he was hungry, but Little Lolita even took the initiative to cook noodles for herself. Yan Xing's excited heartbeat accelerated, and he stared at the fragrant noodles in surprise: "It's really good for you!" mine?"

Le Yun has traveled for dozens of years and came back to see that people in their 30s and [-]s think they are children, especially Buddhists. Yan, who is not jealous and his IQ is obviously not online, sits opposite him: "Eat. Isn't the handsome guy in your team not good enough?" Did I tell you that your blood sugar is a bit low and your blood is not enough? Why don’t you just stay in the army to rest after waking up, and run outside without eating, so you don’t have to worry about passing out suddenly somewhere.”

Little Lolita cooked noodles for herself, and Yan Xing moved the bowl closer to herself with sweetness in her heart, picked up the chopsticks, and prepared to eat. Little Lolita asked herself, and answered honestly: "Did they tell me According to the doctor's orders, I came to you in a hurry, so I didn't bother to listen carefully."

"Let's eat the noodles, we'll talk later if we have something to say." A certain foodie was so hungry that his intestines were growling, and he was honestly a good baby.

"Yeah." Little Lolita was considerate, Yan Xing's heart softened, and he lowered his head to eat the noodles.

The noodles made by Xiao Luoli are delicious, better than the ramen dry noodles she made at Chao Erye's house before. The noodles are strong and have a particularly good taste. The meat has two flavors, each of which is better than the ones she made before. Meat medicated diet is more delicious.

Yan Xing wanted to eat slowly, and be a gentleman, the noodles were so delicious that he couldn't control his hands and mouth, and soon the bowl of noodles would bottom out.

The amount of noodles is quite sufficient, and he also drank the noodle soup and was full.

"Delicious!" After eating and drinking enough, looking at the pink and tender little loli, Yan Xing was so embarrassed that the tips of his ears became slightly warm, and thanked in a low voice: "Thank you!"

Alas?Yan was so polite, Le Yun looked at him in surprise, this guy used to eat everything in a way of "I'm not full, I still want to eat", today he didn't express the meaning of eating and drinking, and said for the first time Thank you, Mr. Yan's self-cultivation is really as the ancients said, "Scholars will meet each other in three days after farewell".

Looking at Yan Chihuo who was blushing after being glanced at by him, he stopped staring at him to study, and went to wash the dishes first, cleaned the pots and pans, washed his hands, went into the bedroom again, and found a bunch of bottles from the space storage The cans were carried in a wooden box to the small living room and sat next to the yoga mat.

"Come here and lay the corpse yourself, and I'll change your medicine." To be honest, she really didn't want to care about that bastard's face, but unfortunately, who told her to have a heart of a Bodhisattva, the Buddha must see the scars on his face and feel that the scars are I am challenging my medical skills.

Little Lolita came out of the bedroom with a box in her arms. Yan Xing guessed that maybe she was going to change her medicine. His eyes lit up with excitement. Hearing the order, he hurriedly ran to the pile of books and checked the distance and position with his eyes. , sit on the ground, and then lie down on your back.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Le Yun conveniently stuffed the little yellow duck that she used to pad her elbows into someone in Yan as a pillow, and when he lay upright like a corpse, she knelt behind his head and tore off the band-aid on his face.

Yanren slept for a few days, most of the wounds on the cheeks were scabbed, some were very shallow, and if you didn’t look carefully, you could hardly find its traces, some were longer, deeper, or scabbed or peeled off. Rapid recovery.

His physical function is affected by the toxin, and his recovery ability is greatly reduced. If it were changed to the past, with the special medicine she prepared with Lingzhi in Dongchen, all the scars on his face, except for the longest one, would have been long ago. No trace could be found.

In Le Yun's eyes, Yan Ren is now a fragile vase that needs to be handled with care. She is afraid of hurting his fragile heart, so she doesn't laugh at him. She does dust removal and sterilization on his face and then applies medicine to him , while applying medicine and doing facial massage.

Little Lolita is too gentle, Yan Xing smelled her unique body fragrance, his nerves naturally relaxed, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and soon he fell into a deep sleep.

He slept very deeply, the kind of deep sleep that would not wake up even if there was thunder, and because of natural deep sleep, his muscles and nerves were relaxed, and his sleeping face was very peaceful.

"I'll go and sleep in seconds, you'll enjoy it." Le Yun was stunned, this guy was too lazy, and fell asleep before the medicine was changed.

Yan Ren fell asleep, what else could she do?
Not to mention seeing with the special function of the eyes, just seeing his tired appearance with the naked eye, as long as he is not a hard-hearted person, he will not have the heart to wake him up and kick him out of the house.

Resignedly, Le Yun blew his beard and stared at the soundly sleeping guy for a while, and continued to give him a facial massage resignedly to let the ointment be absorbed quickly.

Anyway, Yan fell asleep, so she was not in a hurry. She applied medicine and massaged him over and over again until his face's ability to absorb the ointment reached saturation, and then applied medicine to his entire face, and put a bamboo film on his face to prevent dust. .

Looking at the handsome Yan who looked like he had put on a mask, Le Yun pursed his lips silently without smiling, tightened the medicine bottles one by one, put the box aside temporarily, washed his hands, and sat down to scan the books.

She was worried that if the beautiful young brother came to the dormitory early in the evening, Yanren didn't wake up, and was frightened by the appearance of Yanren's face covered with white bamboo membranes. Books found in the hands of some graduates.

Young Master Yan probably got used to the smell of little lolita, or little lolita has the magical power of calming the mind. He slept very deeply and steadily, even if the class bell rang again and again, there was still a dormitory not far away. The whistle from the district playground did not affect his sleep quality.

He slept soundly, Le Xiao couldn't help being jealous, why didn't she have such a good life as him?No matter where she is, it is almost difficult for her to sleep deeply. Whether she is sleeping during the day or at night, she will wake up automatically when there is a little noise around her.

Handsome Yan slept like a dead pig. While she was jealous, she also sympathized with his hard work. She guessed that he must have not closed his eyes for a long time when he was working outside. When he arrived in her dormitory, he felt absolutely safe before he dared to sleep at ease.

Not wanting to destroy Yan Ren's trust in him, Quan regarded that handsome guy as a clinical experiment subject for his own drug testing, and observed his changes at any time.

The powerful effect of the special medicine is very powerful. About an hour later, the absorption capacity of Yan Shao's face increased again, and he digested the ointment bit by bit. His wounds are healing at a speed of every second and are developing in a good direction.

Three hours after he fell asleep, the ointment on his face was absorbed.

Le Xiaoluoli massaged him a few times again without making a sound, and then applied a layer of ointment and bamboo film on him. Because it was almost evening, she washed her hands, cooked rice, and prepared dough for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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