magic eye doctor

Chapter 1594 The Truth

Chapter 1594 The Truth (2 More)

Yan's head drooped like a frost-beaten eggplant, and Le Yun's head was full of black question marks. She didn't say anything that pierced people's hearts. Why did Yan people look like they were hit by a huge blow?
To be honest, she didn't quite understand what Yan was thinking. Looking at his pitiful expression and the eyes of a hurt puppy, she couldn't even swear, she stretched her arms and slapped someone on the head : "Where are you thinking? Do I blame you for not doing things well?"

Little Lolita leaned over, the scent was overwhelming, Yan Xing was stunned, and when he was touched on the head, he was pleasantly surprised at first, then pouted in frustration: "It was agreed that we would destroy the scum, but you are back on your word."

"I don't let you do it because your identities are no longer suitable for doing those things. If you guessed correctly, you and your people have been targeted. Once you make a move, it may bring great bad influence."

A certain guy was worried about a little thing, and Le Yun was also drunk, so he changed his paw to a knock, and rewarded him with a stir-fried chestnut: "It feels like your IQ is not online, you should just recuperate."

"My IQ is above the mark, and I haven't become stupid." Yan Xing hugged his head and argued unwillingly: "We are very cautious in doing things, and it is impossible to be exposed. How do you judge that we are being targeted? Obviously no one Let's do it."

"Who said no one shot?" Le Yun itched his hands, wanting to beat Yan Chihuo, who was becoming more and more like a bear boy: "According to my observation, Zhuo Shiqi had three needles on his body, and the two handsome guys you brought back had four needles on each. One or five pinholes, do you know what that means?"

"Wait," Yan Xing shuddered, sitting upright, murderous intent reverberating in his heart, and his words were murderous: "You mean, the poison of the three of them was injected, not smell contact or skin contact? "

"Yes," Le Yun nodded her head: "Clinical studies and blood tests have shown that some kind of special drug remains in their bodies, at least it is a drug that you cannot resist. They were first stunned and then injected with poison. You He investigated carefully or later asked where they were found, and disappeared for a few days in between.

Professor Qin and the others also gave me a blood sample of a sacrificed frontier soldier. I compared the soldier's blood sample with Zhuo Shiqi's blood sample. They are regarded as experimental guinea pigs, that is, they are experimental subjects for testing poisons.

It can also be speculated that the other party threw out the experimental subject after confirming that it was hopeless.From this, two possibilities are drawn. One situation is purely a duel between the guardians behind the scenes between countries. The opponent can test the medicine and eradicate the dissidents by catching the frontier fighters, so they catch you as experimental guinea pigs;

In the second case, I suspect that there are special Jianghu organizations in the country involved in the operation, and it is even possible that those people are not our personnel in the first place, but indirect visitors who have infiltrated the ancient repair world of our country.

There are two possibilities here, one is to test whether I am really in retreat, if the news of my retreat is false, then once your people have a poison that the hospital cannot solve, I will definitely appear; if I didn't show up even if your manpower was damaged, which shows that I am really retreating.

The second possibility is that some people who have infiltrated the ancient martial arts world are afraid of your identity, so they try every means to lure you to the frontier, and then get rid of you quickly, and get rid of you. Both the official and the ancient martial arts world think it is normal No one digs deep into the sacrifices between duels, and there is no possibility of their vests being picked off, and they can rest easy in the ancient repair world. "

Yan Xing believes in Little Lolita's judgment. How did the border guards get poisoned? There may be errors in the information he collected, but 79, [-], [-] are the people he took with him, in which areas they disappeared, and where they were found , he knows it all.

He knows better than anyone else the process of the border reconnaissance mission and what happened. Originally, the four of them were together. Because they found some clues in Savage Mountain, considering that Ten, Seventy-Nine, Two-Five are not supernatural beings, let them lurk on the border. Go find out on your own.

When he went deep into the mountains for more than ten days, he returned to the border and found that Shi 79 [-] was not waiting at the agreed place. He said that he had found something, and he also entered Savage Mountain to investigate the situation, and he sneaked into Savage Mountain again.

He searched for Zhuo Shiqi in the direction where Shijiu and the others went for a few days before he found Zhuo Shiqi. At that time, Zhuo Shiqi was in a deep coma. Go find the other two.

The second time he entered the mountain, he followed some traces into a valley and then lost his way. At first, he thought it was a normal way of getting lost, but later he found something different. There should be a psychedelic array in that valley.

He still knows a thing or two about ordinary formations, and based on what he has learned to find the way to life, he obviously felt that he had found a way to get out of the magic formation several times, but in the end, the way forward was inexplicably blocked. , and finally went back to the original place.

He felt that the person who set up the formation must have been watching secretly at that time, and every time he walked in the right direction, he would immediately change the formation, trapping him in the formation and unable to get out.

The reason why he was trapped in the formation should be to divide him and the team members into zero. They arrested his people for experiments, and they didn't let him go until the experiment was almost done.

The reason why he was let go was because he was also poisoned. They thought he was hopeless, so they let him back, let him and his teammates go home and died of poisoning, and then no one could find out what happened to them during the mission. what.

They hung up without knowing why, and no one asked any more. Those behind the scenes can naturally continue to do evil without being noticed.

Walking out of Migu, he found Liu Shijiu and Xiao Erwu at the foot of another mountain not far away, and immediately led the two to evacuate. On the way, he also had a confrontation with a group of armed groups. Return to the territory of their own country alive.

Thinking of being trapped and being played around by others, Yan Xing's chest burst into anger, his face was distorted and deformed in anger, and his teeth creaked: "Very good! They'd better make sure that I won't catch their little tails for the rest of their lives. Once caught , I must have peeled off their skins!"

Looking directly at Le Yun, who is eating Yan, and looking at that bastard with a stern face, showing a look of wanting to eat people, the temperature in the room seems to have dropped a few drops, shrinking his shoulders in fear, the angry Yan It's terrible!

Not wanting to be affected by the cold air he released, he stretched out his little claws and patted his head in a "friendly" way. Feeling that he was not sincere in patting the wig, he took off his wig headgear, and happily touched a round The bald head: "Comrade, pay attention to civilized language, talk about me in front of my classmates, who do you want to take advantage of? Are you trying to spoil my classmates? If my classmates are unhappy, tell my brother Jiamei Say you have bad manners and uncivilized speech, be careful of my elder brother Mei to clean you up."

Surrounded by the refreshing body fragrance, Yan Xing's brain reaction was a bit slow, and he didn't realize that the wig had been taken off by the little loli until his head was touched several times.

Just as she was about to protest, she accused him of uncivilized speech, Yan Xing's back tightened "whoosh", and she turned her head away at once, then reacted instantly, lowered her head, and put her head in front of little Lolita, and put on the last With an amiable smile, he made a flattering discussion: "Little Lolita, I didn't mean to take advantage of it. I just cursed an uncivilized common phrase in a hurry. Don't tell your brother about such trivial things?"

"Are you afraid of my elder brother Chao?" Yan Ren brought his bare head, Le Yun's little paws were itchy, and Xiao Mimi put her hand up to touch it again, the bald head felt very touching!
"Your brother... is very cruel, and it doesn't pay to kill people." Yan Xing murmured cautiously, afraid that little Lolita would say that he was speaking ill of people behind his back, so he immediately added: "I mean your brother is very cruel to his enemies. Cruel, I didn't say that he is cruel in nature, don't get me wrong."

"To be soft to the wicked is to be cruel to the kind. If you are not cruel to your enemies, you won't be eaten to the bone?" Le Yun felt that her brother was completely right to be cruel to the enemies. If you treat you, you may not be merciful, and it may wipe out your entire army. Unless the enemy is an ordinary competitor, there is no such thing as a sworn enemy.

"..." Yan Xing twitched his lips secretly, what could he say, in the little Lolita's heart, her brother's farts are good, and the bad things others say are all slander.

When she noticed that little Lolita was staring at her, she immediately put aside her distracting thoughts and got back to the subject: "Little Lolita, our reconnaissance mission in the border area failed, but what does it have to do with Slaughter? These are two different things."

"It seems to be two different things, and it may be the same thing in the end." Le Yun touched Yan Ren's bald head again, calmly withdrew his claws, and made a serious analysis: "I don't like the scum of the Wang family, you know, others I must know that, others can also imagine that it is inconvenient for me to do it myself, it is possible that you will do it for me, maybe I have been ambushing there for a long time, waiting for your people to take action.

I met with Young Master Xuan, and I also talked about Wang Zhaza. Young Master Xuan said that someone got involved, but he gave up halfway for some reason, and I haven't found any clues of the suspicious person yet.

The people involved in the process may be some people from the ancient repair world. Of course, it is not ruled out that Huang Mouchang's family did it.

No matter what the situation is, you are not suitable to be the executioners of the scum. If your people are discovered long ago, once the whole process of action is recorded by someone, and then tracked to your base camp, the enemy is in the dark and you are in the open. There will be many innocent victims. "

"We...really can't help with anything?" Yan Xing was not reconciled. He clearly said that it was their food, but the duck flew away from his mouth. He really wanted to carry a 40-meter machete to chop up some scum.

"Who said that your people don't move, you can't move scum, you can still keep an eye on them. I know their every move, so I can easily plan when to attack."

In order to make the handsome guys feel better, Le Yun will not hurt their fragile hearts, and let them continue to be scouts when they have real value: "Actually, Wang Zhaza's side is not the point, those people are just trying to blackmail them." For some money, in my opinion, Huang Mouchang is the most serious problem.

Mr. Huang's master has disappeared from the ancient cultivation world, and his whereabouts are a mystery. I suspect that the old bull nose may be hiding in Huang's house, and it will attack my family secretly if it has the opportunity. "

"I can't rule out that possibility. Did your family tell you about your uncle and grandpa? I'm still checking the files of the staff at the post office and administrative department of Jiudao Community. There is no target at present and it is still being screened. "Yan Xing also agrees with little Lolita's thoughts, the Huang family is a hidden five-step poison, and it may bite at any time.

"My dad said that you should check it when you have time. Also, you are a patient now, so you should use your brain and eyes less, and go back to recuperate obediently if there are no other important things."

Little Lolita drove him away again, Yan Xing was so depressed that he touched his bald head, as if awakened from a dream, he stared eagerly at the fragrant little Lolita: "Little Lolita, do you have any hair restorer? Look at my bald head, it affects my appearance, can you give me some hair restorer?"

It's hot, and the bald head is cool, what kind of hair restorer do you want?Le Yun stared fiercely: "Men Yan, don't push yourself too hard. I spent so much medicine and didn't ask you for medical expenses. You still have the face to ask me to make hair restorer? Do you feel uncomfortable that I didn't beat you up?"

Little Lolita suddenly turned his face, Yan Xing took two steps back in a jerk, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she hadn't used force, put on the wig and slapped his chest weakly in a frightened manner: "Oh, you scared me to death !"

"What the hell, try pretending to be weak again? I'll let you recover faster so you can get down to business. What about you, you've got a little bit of a human face, and you'll come to brush your face right away. I won't hate you, I'll show you some color. And opened a dyeing workshop."

"I was wrong, I was wrong," Little Lolita's almond-shaped eyes widened, and she looked like she was about to use force. Yan Xing was frightened, and admitted her mistake honestly: "I'm not going to make a fuss, don't get angry. I'm here to invite you Change the medicine, and ask again... Did your wish come true during this trip to the secret realm, and did you find countless medicinal materials in the secret realm..."

He was afraid that little Lolita would get angry and clean himself up if she disagreed with him. He spoke in a low voice, and the last sentence was like a mosquito humming. He was afraid that little Lolita would say that he was spying on her privacy, and he was even more afraid that little Lolita would misunderstand that he wanted to cheat. her harvest.

"The medicine is changed, so get out of here quickly." Le Yun was so angry that she thought... Kicking people, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. For one thing, he was as honest as a quail, simply... able to make people's blood pressure soar several notches in an instant.

Knowing that asking about the harvest in the secret realm might make little loli angry, Yan Xing muttered to himself, carefully observing the little loli's face, she was cute with upside-down brows, but those beautiful almond eyes were sharp, like knives The cold light.

He didn't dare to die anymore, he adjusted his wig silently, got up dejectedly, and pretended to leave: "Little Lolita, I... I'm going back."

"Be quick, don't be a mother-in-law." Yanren procrastinated, clearly not wanting to leave, but also wanting to eat and drink.

"..." Yan Xing's heart was so congested that he couldn't breathe, and little Lolita really wanted to drive him away!
(End of this chapter)

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