magic eye doctor

Chapter 1595

Chapter 1595
Yan Xing wanted to hang on and not leave, but he had just annoyed little Lolita by committing his own death, and taking up space might make little Loli even more angry.

His heart was bitter, worse than eating raw bitter gourd. If he had known, he would not have inquired about little Lolita's gains. However, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

Stepping back and forth, he walked to the door, dragged the door open, and stood outside the girls' dormitory. Little Loli didn't call him, so he had to help her close the door.

He stood at the door wanting to be the gatekeeper, but the door of the girls' dormitory "clicked" and locked firmly. It was conceivable that it was Xiao Luoli who closed the door to death from the inside.

Yan Xing, who was abandoned outside the door, had no choice but to accept the reality, and moved into the dormitory opposite the door step by step, holding the computer he carried to work.

He is quite obedient, he doesn't use his eyes and brain for a long time, he takes a break every few 10 minutes, when it is noon, he smells the aroma coming in from the window, guessing that it is little loli cooking, he silently I hope that little loli will take pity on him as a sick patient and ask him to beg for food.

The reality is cruel, no!

Young Master Yan silently dug out the flour from the boys' dormitory by himself, baked two pancakes and ate them, and went about his own business silently.

The owner of the girls' dormitory, which is opposite to the boys' dormitory, doesn't think Yan is a delicate flower that needs to be pitied. She sends him away, scans books happily, cooks for herself at noon, and scans books in the afternoon.

By 04:30 in the afternoon, wash rice and cook rice, and start cooking at five o'clock.

The beautiful boy returned to Xuebalou at [-]:[-], and he didn't find Yan Shao in his sister's dormitory. He was quite satisfied. Yan Shao knew that it was good to avoid suspicion. If he dared to stay in the cute dormitory all day, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to bear it. Do not dislike.

No one snatched his little cute girl, the beautiful boy was in a happy mood, and went into the kitchen to help Xiaotuanzi.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Wu Shao, Brother Tantai, and Ren Shaofeng, Duan Shaowang and Er Xiao came to Xiao Luoli's dormitory as guests. They had an appointment.

Taking advantage of his younger age, Tantai Xunyang pretended to be tender and wanted to cling to the little fairy, but the little loli disliked him for growing fast after eating pig feed, and was so sad that he complained to the beautiful boy.

At least it's a girl, she clings to little Lolita like a clingy bug, and is the only winner among all the handsome boys.

A few up-and-comers of Guxiu had fun in the little loli dormitory, eating even more happily, and didn't leave until it was almost time to turn off the lights.

There was a guest in the little loli dormitory, and his junior brother and friends went to the little loli dormitory without calling him. Yan Xing turned into a lemon extract, which was so sour, and silently made some food to fill his stomach.

The Fourth Young Master came back from the loli dormitory, and seeing that Young Master Yan was still there, he didn't ask any questions, and calmly did whatever he should.

The next day was Saturday, and the beautiful boy did not go home because he was about to graduate.

Le Xiaoluoli stayed in the dormitory to study hard, while Yan Shao also stayed in the junior brother's dormitory to occupy a lot of land. Every morning, he watched the Chao family brother go to the opposite dormitory for breakfast and dinner in the evening, but he had no choice.

On Sunday night, when the beautiful boy went to Xiaotuanzi's dormitory for dinner, he also brought Ren Shaofeng, Duan Shao, Wang Ershao, and when they returned, they helped little Lolita carry two boxes to their dormitory. The boxes contained little Lolita's personal belongings. Store it at the teacher's mother's house and wait for the next semester to move to the dormitory, so that Wang Erxiao can take it back someday.

When Chao's elder brother and the four young men came back and saw the two wooden boxes, Yan Xing knew the truth. Little Lori might not stay at school for a long time, and would leave school early within a day or two.

The arrival of a new dawn also enters the seventh day of July.

Classmate Le didn't invite the little boys from the opposite door to have a meal in the morning, so he and Brother Chao finished the reserved portion of herbal bread and camel meat, tidied up their belongings, locked the door and went downstairs with their luggage.

The beautiful boy sent little Lolita to a certain building in the faculty dormitory area, and when Comrade Xiao Ou, who had been tidied up like a dog, came downstairs, he handed his sister to Comrade Xiao Ou and went to the school research institute by himself.

Coach Ou was reprimanded by the beautiful boy thousands of times, sent the guy away speechlessly, and drove the girl who looked like a fairy to the designated hospital for a physical examination.

The little girl sits in the passenger seat and doesn't speak. She is very cute and docile. Professor Ou couldn't help but want to pat her head several times during traffic lights or traffic jams.

Comrade Xiao Ou led the little girl to the hospital after all the twists and turns. It was almost ten o'clock. Like an old father, he led the little students to have a physical examination one by one. After all the required examinations, it was almost time. At noon, happily took the little guy to a restaurant.

Finally had the opportunity to invite classmate Xiao Le to have a meal. Coach Ou was very happy. He went back to the hospital to wait for the experience report of several projects. After getting the medical examination form, he did his best and sent Xiao Loli to the base of Young Master Yan. .

When Comrade Xiao Ou took little Lolita to experience, Young Master Yan also brought his own luggage back to the base, and he took the school bus out of the school, and then took a taxi.

Young Master Yan returned to the base relatively early, and immediately brought the little Lolita's belongings onto the plane with his hands, and was ready to send the little Lolita home at any time.

When young master Yan was secretly preparing to send little loli back to Jiudao, Mrs. Zhou, who had been in Zhu County for several days, also wandered back to Meicun.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Mrs. Zhou didn't stay at her mother's house, but went to live in her own house in Zhu County. The furniture in the house in the county is all high-end furniture, not to mention how comfortable it is.

She purposely stayed for a few more days, and didn't go back to Plum Village until she thought it was suitable for her to go home. She thought that if she went back a few days earlier, Zhou Xialong might get angry at her, and if she went back a few days later, there would be no woman to care Zhou Xialong was so busy with housework that he definitely couldn't bear it. When she went back, Zhou Xialong would only be happy, and worried that she would go back to her mother's house so often that no one would take care of her, so naturally he wouldn't attack her.

Feeling that she can be tough now, Mrs. Zhou is not worried at all that Zhou Xialong will quarrel with her, what are she afraid of? If he dares to quarrel, she will go to live in Zhu County and see who is the most anxious in the end.

Sister-in-law Zhou, who felt that she was over the top, wandered away with the mentality of not caring about Zhou Xialong, and returned to Plum Village with the mood that I would go back when I was happy.

From Zhuxian County to Meicun, she changed several times by car, and it was past eleven o'clock when she returned to Meicun. As soon as she stepped into Zhou's house, she saw Zhou Xialong sitting in the upper room eating watermelon. She pretended not to notice, and carried her clothes The bag goes to the next house.

Brother Zhou, who was holding a piece of watermelon and gnawed on it, went down to the house when Liu Tong glanced at him and ignored him, and asked with a smile on his face, "Are you willing to come back?"

Zhou Xialong took the initiative to talk to herself, and Mrs. Zhou felt that he was tired of doing the housework and gave in. In order to do whatever she wanted in the future, she ignored the man, walked to the steps between the patio and the upper room, and walked down.

Liu Tong ignored him, Brother Zhou didn't let her go, and said slowly: "Why, living in the house in Mingxiu Community, North Street West Road, Zhuxian County is not comfortable, which makes you, an expensive wife, feel bad. Come back to show your face?"

That sentence was like a bomb dropped. When Liu Tong heard the words "Mingxiu Community, North Street West Road", he felt as if he had been electrocuted. Just drop to the ground.

She turned around stiffly, panicked and raised her voice to embolden herself: "What did you say? I just stayed at my mother's house for a few more days, and you wanted to quarrel with me right after you came back, didn't you?"

"Hehe, natal family?" Zhou Ge sneered: "Mingxiu Community, North Street West Road, Zhuxian County, Room 8, Unit 01, Building [-], the house that Li Yao honored his father-in-law and mother-in-law for the elderly, you thought it was yours, and it was yours gone?"

"Om!" Like a thunderbolt on the top of the head, Mrs. Zhou's ears buzzed, her eyes widened, and a layer of sweat suddenly appeared on her face. Zhou Xialong actually knew?
"If Li Yao doesn't come to Zhou's house during the Dragon Boat Festival, I don't even know that my son-in-law has honored my father-in-law's house." Brother Zhou threw away the eaten watermelon, stood up suddenly, and walked towards Liu Tong with a green face: "You Liu family are really good. You sold my Zhou family's girl and kept me in the dark. Liu Tong, you're back. Let's settle the score first!"

Zhou Xialong's face was frighteningly dark, Liu Tong was terrified, his legs trembled, and he stepped back, stepping back to the courtyard area: "You... what do you want to do...?"

"What are you doing?" Brother Zhou was furious: "You and your natal family thought I was a fool and sold my girl from the Zhou family. I will break your dog legs today, and then drag you to the Liu family. How dare the Liu family To betray my girl, I will of course smash the Liu family, and then break the legs of that bastard Liu Jiagui!"

"Zhou Xialong, do you dare to beat me up? Divorce, we are divorced, we can't live through this day!" Zhou Xialong showed his vicious face, and Zhou's sister-in-law was so frightened that her liver was shaking. It can be seen that saying that she wants to break her brother's leg is definitely not a scare.

"Sold out my girl from the Zhou family, received a lot of gifts, filled her pockets and wanted a divorce? It's a good idea! I won't let you break your arms and legs, I'm not a man." Zhou Xialong was so angry that his chest hurt. Sure enough, Liu Tong had already thought about it, and he must have already found a suitable next family, so he just waited to extort money from him to live a happy life.

"Zhou Xialong, let's get together and break up, don't be impulsive, let's talk—" Zhou Xialong is getting closer and closer, Liu Tong is really afraid that he will maim her, if she is maimed, she will have to be tied to him for the rest of her life Together, they are bound to be tortured.

Her girl married a wealthy family, she is the mother-in-law of a rich man, and she will enjoy the rest of her life, how could Zhou Xialong ruin her happiness for the rest of her life?

Liu Tong was frightened, so he took two steps back and mustered up the courage to negotiate terms: "Zhou Xialong, if you beat me up, you will also go to jail, and we will divorce... peacefully, you only need to pay me another 20, and I will Regardless of the family property here, they have nothing to do with each other after divorce..."

"Liu Tong!" Liu Tong's reaction matched his guess again, Brother Zhou was so angry that he let out a roar.

The bursting sound was like a broken silver bottle, deafening.

Liu Tong was so frightened that his soul almost flew out, his legs were weak, and he could only stop by holding on to the wall, trembling: "If I want less, make up... I have 15..."

Brother Zhou stood at the place where the upper house was connected to the courtyard, and stared at Liu Tong with murderous eyes: "You are pretending that I don't know how much the house in Zhu County is worth? The price of that house is 30 yuan. It is said that when it is sold, someone will come to buy it. I have half of the property rights. You have taken my share, and you want me to pay you back? You didn’t wake up, and you still want me to cut off your leg and make you suffer. Will you wake up?"

"...The house is mine, and my son-in-law gave it to me!" Zhou Xialong wanted to fight for the house in Zhu County, but Mrs. Zhou yelled loudly to embolden herself. The house belongs to her, so no one can grab it!

"Call Li Yao and ask Li Yao, is the house for you alone or for your father-in-law? Do you think the house is yours if it is recorded in your name? Didn't you read what Li Yao's transfer contract says?" Brother Zhou was gloomy. Mori looked at the woman who had shared the same bed for more than [-] years. For the house, Liu Tong even sold her own daughter. Doesn't her conscience ache when she lives in that house?
"..." Mrs. Zhou was so guilty that cold sweat broke out layer by layer on her forehead: "We divorced, and I can also get the house of the Zhou family. We swap, I don't want the house of the Zhou family, you don't want bamboo The half of the house in the county."

"You have a good idea! The house site of the Zhou family was left by the ancestors, without your share. The house site of the new house is the Zhou family's ancestral property. My sister paid [-] yuan to build the house, and my mother sold a piece of forest for [-] yuan. , That mountain was also raised by my parents. Without your share, we only paid [-] yuan to build the house. This [-] yuan is the property of the two of us. If it is divided equally, you only get [-] yuan.

If you want to divorce and fight for my Zhou family's property, you haven't woken up yet, do you think I'm stupid?I won't get divorced, I'm going to break Liu Jiagui's dog legs today, and turn Liu's family upside down. Liu Jiagui, who grew up eating shit, and his parents dare to sell the girl I raised, don't pay me three or four hundred thousand. The Liu family can't think of peace! "

Zhou Xialong refused to divorce. Mrs. Zhou was dumbfounded. Seeing Zhou Xialong leaving, she panicked: "I only want 10, and you pay me [-]. I want a house in the county seat, and I will have nothing to do with your Zhou family in the future."

"One hundred thousand?" Liu Tong only wanted to get a divorce, and Zhou Ge felt a dull pain in his heart: "You took a house worth 30 in Zhuxian County, and you want one hundred thousand in compensation? Who do you think you are? You probably don't know that there is a The law says that if one of the husband and wife conceals property or transfers property, the property will not be distributed during divorce. Otherwise, you can file a lawsuit and ask the court to judge, and see if the court finally awards the house to me or to you .”

"Zhou Xialong, what exactly do you want?" Liu Tong broke down and cried, Zhou Xialong refused to divorce, did he want to find an excuse to beat her up and drag her to suffer with him?
"If you really want to get a divorce, it's not impossible," Brother Zhou said the conditions word by word: "You and your brother earned a hundred thousand dowry by selling spring plums, half of that money is mine, and half of the house in Zhu County is 15 for the maternity room. The calculation is 20 yuan. From the Zhou family's side, if you sue the court, you can pay up to 10 yuan. Then, you still pay me [-] yuan.

If you are reluctant to spend the money in your pocket and write a contract to sever ties with Zhou Tianming, no matter whether you live, grow old, get sick or die, you don’t need Zhou Tianming to take care of you, and you don’t want Tianming to take care of you, then the 10 yuan is to buy out the mother-child relationship between you and Tianming. "

Zhou Xialong let go of his agreement to divorce. Liu Tong was overjoyed and stood up excitedly. When he heard that he mentioned the bride price again and asked her to pay 20 yuan in compensation, he shivered again, asking her to pay for it?
She divided the 7 yuan gift from the Li family, and took the other [-] yuan from her brother and parents. Li Yao was filial, and gave red envelopes to his father-in-law and grandma Chunmei when he met his parents and discussed the marriage. They were [-] yuan each, and she kept it all secret. She had more than [-] yuan in her hand.

With more than [-] private money in your pocket, do you want her to take it out?Isn't that cutting her flesh?Mrs. Zhou would never be willing to use her own money to compensate Zhou Xialong.

Zhou Xialong said that she would not lose money and asked to sever the relationship between mother and child. She was stunned and severed... relationship with her son Zhou Tianming?
(End of this chapter)

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