magic eye doctor

Chapter 1597 Handling

Chapter 1597 Handling
Since bringing Little Loli's two helicopters back from the pier, Lan San and his teammates have tried to drive them and are familiar with their performance, so he has no technical problems in handling them.

The fuel capacity of the small plane was limited, so I refueled on the way, entered Province E and went to Shishi City to replenish enough fuel before flying to Jiudao, and arrived at the destination at eleven o'clock in the evening.

The light was not good at night, so Lan San didn't stop on the ground in front of the village office building, but drove to the central administrative area and landed in the square of the township administration.

The township officials all rested, and the guards on duty were relatively calm when they heard the voice and watched the helicopter descending slowly, guessing that a little girl from Meicun might be back.

The helicopter landed smoothly, and Lan San quickly jumped out of the cockpit, and then walked around the nose to the door of the cabin. After the little girl opened the door and got off the plane, he went into the cabin to pick up the luggage trailer and personal luggage backpack with several fresh-keeping boxes. Put the luggage on the plane first, and wait until tomorrow morning to carry it.

Yan Xing is a sick person, but he is not so weak that he is helpless. He carries his own luggage and backpack, and Lan San manages the backpack with equipment.

After Lan San locked the plane, he rushed to the township government guard to give the guard a pack of cigarettes and the capital's famous roast duck for supper. It was hard work for him to help look after the small plane, and he would come back tomorrow morning to remove it.

The doorman readily accepted the young man's kindness to treat him to a supper, helped open the door and sent the three guests out, then locked the iron door and happily acted as a night watchman.

At [-] o'clock in the evening in the village, most people have already fallen asleep soundly, and all the shops on both sides of the township street are closed. At a glance, except for the street lights that have not been turned off, there are almost lights in the building area.

The two handsome men accompanied little Lori through the deserted streets, into Plum Village, and then through the dark villages to the direction of Lejia.

The lights in the north building of Lejia are on, pointing out the direction for those who come back at night. The three people are still far away from Lejia. The big wolf dog heard the footsteps and ran to the village road to sniff and look around. Smelling a familiar smell, he ran away meet.

The black dragon galloped more than 200 meters away to meet the young lady, screaming and hugging her thighs. As for the other two humans, sorry, he selectively ignored them.

Le Yun picked up the wolf dog and put it under her armpits, and ran home, trotting all the way to the outside of the North Building, saw her father and Aunt Feng who came out to look around, and rushed over to have fun.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng hugged the girl who threw himself into his arms, patted her head and face, looked over, snatched the girl's luggage and backpack, said hello to the two handsome men, and took the girl's hand back home.

The couple were not sure when the little padded jacket would come back, so they didn't tell the three old men and Le Shan. The three old men and Le Shan worked and rested on time and fell asleep.

Afraid of waking up the three elderly people, everyone spoke softly. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, prepared a supper. When the little padded jacket came back, he brought the supper to the table and asked the three of them to eat something before going to bed.

Yan Shaolan smiled like a fool, after eating supper, she hurriedly washed her face and brushed her teeth, and went to the room on the second floor where the host helped clean up for a good sleep.

Back at her home, Le Yun was in a particularly good mood. She put the food in the fresh-keeping box into the refrigerator before going to sleep. After a half-night sleep, she got up to make breakfast before dawn, and when her younger brother wanted to get out of bed to wash up, he ran out to give a surprise.

Le Shan held the tooth cup and wanted to fetch water and brush his teeth. When he saw his sister, he couldn't believe it at first, so he put down the tooth cup, ran over, and hugged his sister's leg: "Sister, sister, sister..."

The baby brother is cute and soft, Le Yun lifted his brother up and then caught him, and kissed his tender face a few times: "Le Shan didn't expect to see her sister when she woke up, didn't she?"

"Yeah, I'm so happy to see my sister is back. When did my sister come back?" Le Shan hugged her sister's neck like a koala.

"I came back late at night. At that time, Leshan fell asleep, and my sister didn't call you. When I got up in the morning, I gave Leshan a little surprise. Leshan should wash his face and brush his teeth to practice exercises. My sister will make breakfast."

"Okay." Le Shan smiled until his eyes glistened. After being put down, he ran to pick up the tooth cup, squeezed toothpaste and water to brush his teeth.

The younger brother is self-reliant in everything within his ability, Le Yun turned back to the kitchen with peace of mind, and made pancake rolls that everyone loves.

Although Mr. Yi Laoyan didn't know that the little girl would come back at night at first, they knew about it when she returned home. They didn't show up at midnight. Have breakfast in the North Building.

Grandma Zhou fell asleep. I really don't know when Xiao Lele will return home. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that smiling face that smiled like the sun, and my mood was also bright.

There is a girl from Lejia who cooks breakfast early, and everyone eats breakfast happily.

Just after dinner, Lan San and Yan Shao went to move the small plane, and they also took Lejia's unshed electric tricycle to the floor of the village office building, so it was convenient to transport things.

When Young Master Yan arrived at the village office building, he was waiting there, and was also seen by Zhou Papi and his wife and several nearby villagers, and they knew that Xiao Lele had come back last night.

The two handsome guys went to help with the luggage, and Mr. Yi Laoyan rested first, and then went to supervise Xiao Leshan's study when he had time.

Grandma Zhou went back to feed the chickens, ducks and pigs. Le Yun and her father and Aunt Feng finished the housework together and sat down to discuss her decision to change some furniture and decorate the second floor.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, had no objection at all. Xiao Lele said that he was going to give away those ordinary beds, wardrobes, and some retro furniture, and the couple had no objection.

No matter what Xiao Lele wanted to do, they were all supportive. Xiao Lele said that he wanted to ask Dalian if he would accept their furniture, and Lele's father immediately called Chen Dalian.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Chen Dalian and Brother Zhou also finished the work on the house they took over the past two days.

He and his wife and children were still eating, and received a call from Yueqing. He heard that Xiao Lele came home and wanted to tidy up the house and was going to give away the few unused beds and the new wardrobe. He asked if his family would mind. I don't mind asking him to go to Lejia to pull furniture.

The newly purchased beds after the completion of the second floor of Lejia North Building have not been used and have been shelved for a long time. Only quilts and mats have been placed in the wardrobe, and the furniture is almost intact.

Chen Dalian didn't hang up the phone, and immediately asked the mother-in-law and the child what they meant. He didn't mind the second-hand furniture, not to mention that Lejia's furniture hadn't been moved at all, it was no different from the new ones.

Sister-in-law He is also very willing. They moved back to Meicun from Chong C City and built a new house. They don't have a lot of money, and there is no furniture on the second floor. The simple bed and the wardrobe are foldable cloth wardrobes costing more than 100 yuan.

When their girls heard that they were going to get a new bed and a new wardrobe, they all raised their hands in agreement.

The family members agreed, and Chen Dalian gave Yueqing a promise, saying that he would go to Le's house to move the furniture after dinner, hung up the phone, ate quickly, and ate breakfast as quickly as possible. The couple asked the girl to feed the chicken at home, and they went to Music home.

Father Le hung up the phone and happily asked the little padded jacket for credit: "Lele, Big Face and they will come to move the furniture later!"

"Dad, you've worked hard." Le Yun leaned over with a smile and gave her father a slap on the face: "Dad, I'm going to change some of the furniture in the south building. I'll ask Grandpa Zhou Man what they like later. I don’t like it, I want to give it away anyway, and I also give an antique bed and wardrobe to the two girls of the Chen family, so that the big-faced uncle and the others can take it away at once, so as to save the trouble of running back and forth when it is available. Lou help me."

"Okay." After receiving a sweet kiss from his own girl, Le's father narrowed his happy eyes, jumped up and happily went to work as a porter.

My sister gave my father a sip, and Le Shan leaned over to give my sister a sip, and I grinned.

Le Yun hugged her younger brother, walked to the south building with the two elders and the elders, handed the younger brother to Mr. Yi Laoyan to take him upstairs to study, and then took out all the items in the wardrobes of several rooms with his father and aunt Feng first. Put the kitchen, remove a top chest and arhat bed from the room facing east on the south side of the first floor, and put them under the eaves.

After moving the two pieces of furniture out of the room, the father and daughter went back to the second floor of the north building, opened a room to be used as a granary, and moved the three beds in it to the living room on the second floor, and then carried them down.

Zhou Qiufeng was responsible for taking out the quilts and mats from each wardrobe, packing them in bags first, and then moving them to the warehouse for storage.

Le's father and daughter moved two beds downstairs, Chen Dalian and Mrs. He borrowed a tricycle from a member of the Chen family and drove to Le's house, and the couple immediately joined the ranks of moving furniture.

Zhou Qiufeng also helped, and the five moved the wardrobe and bed to the floor. Father Le first asked Chen Dalian to pull the Arhat bed and the very antique wardrobe, which also indicated that it was a gift for the two girls of the Chen family.

Xiao Lele presented their children with antique furniture. Chen Dalian and his wife felt warm in their hearts, and they didn't pretend to be polite and said nonsense. They happily moved the bed into the car and put a set of wardrobes. many.

The couple of the Chen family brought the bed and the wardrobe to their home first. When asked by the villagers on the way, they didn't hide it, saying that the girl from the Le family gave their girl a set of furniture.

The furniture that was going to be moved downstairs was transported downstairs, Le Yun went to the third floor first, and saw the younger brother practicing horse gait in the living room and the two elders sitting cross-legged on the ground opposite, wiping sweat silently, the two big brothers stared at a young man Aren't they afraid of causing psychological pressure on their children when they practice qigong?
Of course, she just thought about it, and didn't feel that it was bad. She walked into the living room calmly, squatted down beside her younger brother, and performed a standard horse-stance squat, the difficult kind of squatting with the top and bottom at a right angle of [-] degrees. horse step.

"The little girl has something to do with us?" Elder Yi smiled brightly when he saw the little girl in an ancient dress and gaiting.

"Yes." Le Yun folded her hands flat on her knees, didn't move her body, just nodded her head: "I'm here to discuss with the two elders. According to the physique of the two elders, I have prepared a set of materials and materials for the two seniors. Your physique is very compatible with the bed, so come to ask the two elders for their opinions, if you would like to change the furniture."

"Let's change it if you say so." Old Yan smiled and agreed with Mimi. The little girl said that it was furniture for their physique, so it must be excellent.

Ant also agreed: "Change, it must be changed."

"Well, the new furniture is expected to arrive by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I plan to clean up the furniture today to make room for it. You will have to work hard later to pack up your belongings and put them in my brother's room. I will also wrong you tonight. The younger brother’s room will be used for a while. The bed in my younger brother’s room will also be changed, but it will not be given away, and it will only be moved to the first floor.”

"It's okay, it doesn't matter where you sleep, girl, you have something to do, we'll clean it up later." Mr. An was afraid that the little girl would take the job of teaching his apprentice, so he immediately drove her away.

Le Yun didn't linger, went to the room prepared for his younger brother, carried a bogus shelf, went downstairs gracefully, and put the shelf in the room facing east on the north side of the first floor, and then without saying a word, put the Arhat in that room The bed and the top box were also removed and stacked under the eaves, and then went to the second floor to move a few pieces of furniture that I didn't plan to give away.

Le Shan adhered to the principle of holding one's breath while practicing kung fu. When her sister came, she insisted not to speak. When her sister left, she didn't tilt her head, and kept a straight posture.

His performance also won the admiration of the two elders. The little doll is very young, with strong willpower and concentration, but the plastic is top-notch.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng took the cows and went to work in the field because the girl didn't have to help herself.

Mrs. Chen Dalian and Mrs. He brought a cart of furniture to the door of the house. The girls and sisters of their family watched happily. They heard that the bed and wardrobe were given to them by Sister Lejia. They jumped up happily and ran to the room. Hurry up. Remove pillow mats from the bed.

The husband and wife felt sour when they saw the child. The child is very sensible and knows that the family's financial conditions are not good. They never ask for beautiful things. They also want the best for the child, but their ability is limited.

Xiao Lele said verbally that letting children see antique furniture every day can cultivate children's respect for traditional culture. In fact, she also knows the situation of his family, so she specially gave their girl a set of beautiful furniture.

Miss Lejia is a good child. The husband and wife kept their emotions in their hearts and worked together to lift the wardrobe out of the car and into the girl's room. After putting it in place, they lifted the simple bed outside and then carried the Arhat bed. The old-style bed was a little big, and it took some work to get it into the house.

The two little sisters happily laid out the coolness and pillows on the bed, happily climbed up to lie down, and happily opened the closet to look at it. The two sisters separated you and me, and went to transfer their clothes to the new closet .

Mrs. Chen Dalian and Mrs. He unloaded two pieces of furniture, and then drove to Lejia.

When Lexiao was moving the furniture, Lan Sanhuang went to Jiudao Administrative Center, greeted the guard, and drove away the helicopter.

The administrative staff of Jiudao found the small plane in the morning. Although they were surprised, they did not lose their composure. They heard from the guard that it belonged to Miss Le, and they were secretly surprised. The small plane was obviously not the same model as the previous two planes. Could it be Le My girl has another helicopter?

Lan San moved the plane away from the administrative center and parked it on the ground of Meicun,
The villagers who had nothing to do went to watch the fun, and found that the plane looked different from the previous ones, and asked curiously who it belonged to. They were shocked when they heard that it belonged to Miss Lejia. Miss Lejia has three helicopters?
Zhou Papi and his wife looked at the sky silently. Does Xiao Lele think that hitting others is not enough?Since there was nothing to do at home, the couple helped the handsome guy to carry the goods on the plane.

Village Chief Zhou ran to the village office building by ear, saw two handsome guys he was familiar with, and greeted them with a smile. Those who broke the merits also helped as porters.

Someone helped, and quickly transferred the things from the plane to the electric tricycle. Lan San drove in front. Zhou Bapi, the village chief, heard that Xiao Lele was going to renovate the second floor, so he also went to Le's house to watch the trouble. They walked with handsome Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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