magic eye doctor

Chapter 1598 Preliminary Preparations

Chapter 1598 Preliminary Preparations
Village Chief Zhou and others wandered slowly to Le's house, just in time to see Chen Dalian pulling the furniture, so they also went to lend a hand and helped carry the bed and wardrobe onto the car.

Lan San drove the car outside the gate of the south building of Lejia, and moved the items in the car to the kitchen of the south building. Little Loli said that after changing some homes, she would do a big cleaning of the refrigerator room in the north building. Therefore, the items brought back are temporarily placed in the kitchen of the south building.

Le Yun knew which furniture she was going to give away. Many of the antique furniture in the south building were made by the master of Ayu Fang, and out of respect for those seniors, she couldn't give them all away. She gave the red sandalwood for her younger brother. The furniture and a set of furniture made of old jujube trees on the second floor remain.

The red sandalwood furniture was placed in the north room facing east on the first floor, and the old sour jujube furniture was placed in the south room. She moved the reserved items from the second floor to the first floor. When the top box was assembled, she heard the voices of Grandpa Zhouman and others, and hurriedly Some ran to the North Tower to greet the old people.

She acted coquettishly in front of Aunt Papa, then slipped to Village Chief Zhou, hugged the old man's arm, and smiled with beautiful white teeth: "Grandpa Man, you came here at the right time, and I was thinking that I would consult with you later. Here's a thing, when you get old, I don't have to look around for you anymore."

"What do you want Lele to do with me?" The little boy was dressed like a fairy, and he didn't mind the smell of sweat still sticking to him. Village Chief Zhou felt sweeter, happier than drinking honey.

"I'm going to change the furniture. I only keep two sets of ancient furniture in the south building, and give away all the others. I thought I'd call you, Grandpa Papi's house, Uncle Youde Youliang's house, and Uncle Liu Lu's and Uncle Zhang's house later to ask you guys." Like it or not, if you don’t dislike it, move one back.”

"I like it, Lele, I have one." Aunt Pa sat next to Xiao Lele, lovingly stroking her black hair. When she heard that Lele's furniture wanted to be given away, she immediately reported the number and Xiao Lele bought it. The furniture looks comfortable, and if she wants to give it away, she must collect a set.

"Of course my family also wants one." Village Chief Zhou couldn't be ungrateful, so he hurriedly decided on his share first: "Lele, help me choose a set for Papi and I, and I'll give it to those families later. Call them and tell them. Lele boy, if no one likes you, what will you do?"

"If you don't like it, I'll discuss with you again. Doesn't the village office building have a reception room? Moving a set to the village office building reception room also shows that our village attaches great importance to culture, doesn't it? I'll consider giving the rest to the village. Some of the poorer elderly people or donate a few sets to the school.”

"Xiao Lele, don't give the furniture to other people. It's like saying that the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders. Let's sell it domestically first, and then export it if we can't finish it." Zhou Papi discussed with a smile, and Xiao Lele's If you really want to give away the furniture, there are not too many sets in his house.

"Grandpa Man, Grandpa Papi, let's go, let's move your furniture downstairs first."

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhou Bapi, the head of Zhou village, stood up happily, striding out, and Aunt Papi walked behind with a smile and her arms around the delicate baby.

Yan Xing was more conscious, he couldn't carry heavy things, so naturally he didn't try to be brave, and asked Lan San to help, he was responsible for transporting the things on the car to the house.

Lan San followed the little loli and the old man to the second floor of the south building of Lejia to look at the furniture.

Le Yun helped the two grandfathers of the Zhou family choose furniture, recommended a jujube bed and a beech Arhat couch to Grandpa Zhou Man, and recommended a birch bed and a camphor wood Arhat couch to Grandpa Zhou Papi.

Originally, Xiao Le was going to change the bed and the couch in the living room, and the top box cabinet in the guest room could be kept. Seeing that Zhou Man’s grandfather, Zhou Papi, also likes antique furniture, he decided to give them a set of top box cabinets for each of them. , a Taishi chair, and two round drum stools.

Zhou Bapi, the head of Zhou Village, readily accepted Xiao Lele's suggestion, and started to help carry the furniture. Lan San helped. He was so strong that he could carry an arhat couch and run away by himself.

Five people, three men, two women, old and young, moved the same household items downstairs, and first placed them in a corner of the ground in front of the North Building of Lejia. After moving them twice, Chen Dalian and his wife returned.

Le Yun called the handsome guy Lan San, and went to move an arhat couch suitable for the living room and a piano stand that could be used as a piano and a desk, and took a washbasin stand for a basin and gave it to Chen Da Uncle face.

Mrs. Chen Dalian and Mrs. He could take the furniture home with another trip, but Miss Lejia sent a few more pieces of furniture, took the bed and cabinet home to unload, and then went to Lejia to bring back all the other items Family.

They knew that Zhou Papi, the head of the village, would also pull the furniture. The couple unloaded the goods and put them in the main room of their house first, and then drove to Lejia to help. When they turned back, the Zhou brothers' furniture was also moved to the ground.

Zhou Bapi transported his own furniture first, and the village chief Zhou called Cheng’s brothers Liu Lu Zhang Poluo and told them that Xiao Lele wanted to give away some furniture from the new building, and asked them if they liked it, and if they liked it, they would move it. Put it back on.

Those who received the call readily expressed their liking, and immediately went to Lejia. When they hung up the phone, no matter what they were doing, they quickly let go of their work.

Liu Lu was not at home, so he asked his mother to go to Le's house to pick up the furniture, and then called Zhang Poluo, asking them to help his mother with their family affairs.

Cheng Youliang originally wanted to go to a village who was planning to build a house to see if the job could be answered, and he immediately turned back after answering the phone, while Zhang Poluo was watching the rice fields and researching how he could double grab one day, so he rushed back to the village in a hurry.

The buddies who were good friends ran to Le's house one after another, seeing the girl from Le's family waiting for them, they moved in unison, they all touched the little girl's head first, and then talked to the village chief and two handsome guys with a smile.

"Some furniture is on the third floor, Le Shan is still studying, please wait a moment." Le Yun took the watermelon that was frozen by her father and cut it up for the guests to eat.

Zhang Poluo and the others were not in a hurry, they sat down and ate watermelon, because Lejia's electric tricycle was also vacant, so they first helped Village Chief Zhou pick up the skin and deliver the furniture.

The buddies ran twice and got it done, and then realized that they didn't see Zhou Xialong or Grandma Zhou. Anyway, Xiao Leshan didn't finish class for a while and slipped to Zhou's house. Heard that Zhou Xialong had gone to the county seat. They also agreed that if Zhou Xialong heard that there was work, he would go and see first.

They only waited for more than ten minutes, Leshan dismissed get out of class, ran downstairs and stuck to her sister as a leg pendant.

Le Yun hugged her baby brother, and led her neighbors up to the second and third floors of the south building, and asked them to choose furniture for the living room and the two rooms on the third floor.

After the little girl left, Mr. Yilaoyan asked Xiao Leshan to stride by himself, and they returned to the room to tidy up their clothes and belongings as quickly as possible, and moved them to the room prepared for the little doll. Mabu practiced calligraphy again, and rested when the time came.

The two elders went downstairs, allowing the neighbors to admire the furniture freely.

There are eight rooms in the south building, and the items in one room are left untouched. The owner left a set of Suanzao wood arhat bed and couch, and gave a set of furniture to Chen Dalian, and Zhou Village chief brothers moved out a set of beds and couches. , there are three beds, and there are two wide arhat couches that can be used as a seat or as a bed, making a total of five beds, one of which is a canopy bed.

Grandma Liu Qi liked the canopy bed, so she chose the furniture in a room on the east and north side of the south building, and gave up the other items to others.

Because the quality of the furniture does not exist which is good and which is bad, it is only the difference between the third floor and the second floor, and they are all buddies.

Mrs. Chen Dalian and Mrs. He helped Liu Lu's family move furniture. Zhang Poluo and Cheng's brothers sent a piece of furniture home first. Their wives packed up the work and went to Lejia to carry the furniture.

There are only three sets of top boxes, and Cheng Youde's family did not choose a top box. The living room of his house is wide, so he chose an extra Arhat couch.

Lan San and Xiao Luoli only helped people move the furniture from upstairs to downstairs. Cheng Youliang and the others were all young and middle-aged and strong, and they moved it quite quickly.

So, in less than half an hour, except for the furniture left by the owner, all other items in the south building of Lejia were taken home by the new owner.

Lan San looked at the evacuated building, sweating. When the furniture was brought back, he helped assemble it, and now he helped send it away. Is this what people say that there is a beginning and an end?

Little Lolita didn't give him time to feel emotional, and caught him to help move the cabinets and desks from the west-facing north room on the third floor. Except for the bed, all other items in the room were moved to the north-facing room on the first floor. East room.

Afterwards, Le Xiao handed over his younger brother to Mr. Yi, first carried the wooden sofa chair in the living room of the north building to the inner room on the north side, and then went to the south building to move a narrow arhat couch for three people to the living room of the north building.

After placing the furniture properly, move out electric drills and other tools, turn off the main switch on the first floor, move the TV and table out of the living room and put them under the eaves, drill holes on the north wall to install feet, and hang the TV and voltage regulator on the wall.

After completing a project, go up to the second floor, turn off the main switch on the second floor, and remove the lighting lights above the windows in the three rooms.

Le Xiao used the room facing east on the south side of the second floor as his own study. He needed to focus on decoration. He did not plan to use electric lights. He also removed all the lighting tubes and switches, but kept the wires and stuffed them into the wire box to hide them.

The other two rooms and the living room were refitted with chandeliers, the switches were kept, and the layout of the wires was re-adjusted. The length of the original wires was enough, so there was no need to change them.

After completing the second rectification project, go to the granary and find a cloth to cover the grain. Since the third floor needs to be insulated, the granary can’t fall down. There is no need to install additional ceilings.

Afterwards, with the assistance of the handsome guy Lan, student Le Xiao worked on the two doors of the study room, removing the doors from the living room to the room and from the room to the balcony and the original wooden door frame.

The next step is to measure and mark the positions where the wall holes need to be drilled in each room, and then find tools to connect the electric drill wall holes. Not only the wall holes for the ceiling are drilled, but also the wall holes for the curtain rods are completed at one time.

After the wall holes are drilled, the last step is to clean up the walls, ceilings, windows, and floors of each room.
The pre-renovation work on the second floor is ready, and it’s still early at noon. Classmate Le boiled a pot of boiling water, first soaked the black dragon’s kennel and supplies, washed it and exposed it to the sun, and then boiled a pot of medicinal soup for the black dragon to bathe and kill Deworming.

The weather was relatively hot, and Happy Dad Zhou Qiufeng returned home from work at 10:30. When he got home, he felt that the little padded jacket and the little jacket were smiling very happily. The smiles of the two handsome men and the two old men were also very strange. Quietly ran to the south building to check and found that the furniture on the second floor was gone, the corners of his eyes twitched, so what, Lele gave away all the belongings so quickly?

The young couple looked at me and at you, and finally understood why the handsome guys smiled so weirdly. They must have thought that Xiao Lele sent them away because they were afraid that they would feel sorry for the furniture. It would be painful for them to find the furniture missing when they came home.

(End of this chapter)

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