magic eye doctor

Chapter 1599 Chapter Family

Chapter 1599
Xiao Lele gave away all the furniture. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, said that he didn't feel sorry for him, that was a lie. After all, the furniture cost hundreds of thousands. However, they were not stingy people who cared about everything. just fine.

So, the couple wandered around and went back to the North Building to cook and prepare lunch dishes. Their little padded jacket was bathing Heilong and killing insects for Heizi. They didn’t have time to eat at noon, and they also used heroes. Useful place,

Grandma Zhou went home to help feed the poultry and cooked a pot of pig food. When it was almost time for lunch, she didn't need the girl to call, she went to Le's house to eat by herself.

Zhou Bapi and Aunt Pa took the furniture from Lejia back to their home, first "retired" the bed they were using, did a big cleaning, and then replaced it with an Arhat bed, a narrow Arhat couch, a round drum stool, and a flower table in the living room on the first floor , the beauty couch is placed in the living room on the second floor.

The couple tidied up the house, cooked a meal early, and enjoyed a delicious meal. After lunch, they sat on the exquisite arhat couch and rubbed their teeth. When they were gossiping, they saw Zhou Xialong and Liu Tong entering the village one after the other.

Aunt Pa observed for a while, and whispered to his wife: "Look, isn't there something wrong with Xia Long and his wife?"

"What's wrong?" Zhou Bapi stretched his head to look at it, and he had the same meaning - there was nothing wrong, the couple's arms and legs were all there, obviously they were fine.

"In Lele's words, it's a woman's intuition, or sixth sense, that there's something wrong with those two people, giving people a weird feeling." Aunt Pa couldn't tell what was wrong, anyway, she just felt that the couple was weird.

Zhou Papi: "..." I believed you!
My man obviously didn't believe it, so my aunt stopped chattering, wanting to know if I felt right, and just asked my sister-in-law in a day or two.

Zhou Ge and Liu Tong, who came back from Zhu County, entered the village and went straight to the house along the village road.

Because of the impact of the divorce, Brother Zhou didn't sleep very well last night. After getting up in the morning, he washed himself and went to the street to eat breakfast.

Liu Tong lived in his own house. Because he got rid of Zhou Xialong, he no longer had to worry about Zhou Xialong robbing him of the house. He was in a particularly good mood. He had a good night's sleep, woke up very early, and changed into the high-end clothes the girl bought for him. , tidy up in a decent manner, and go through the formalities of relocation.

She also didn't want to leave her household registration in that rural corner of Meicun, she could only feel at ease after moving her household registration into a new house, so she was more active than Zhou Xialong, and arrived at the household registration management unit before going to work.

Brother Zhou arrived about ten minutes late, and when he arrived, the staff was also preparing to start the day's work mode.

In the past, it required a lot of procedures to relocate, but now you can relocate online, which greatly provides convenience and saves a lot of trouble for the general public who need to relocate.

Liu Tong needs to move his household registration from Fangxian County to Zhuxian County. It is a cross-county relocation. First fill out the application form for household registration, and hand over the required documents to the staff, and the staff will accept it according to the process.

Moving the residence online also requires a process. Fortunately, there were no setbacks. It only took an hour to get the result, and it was done in one go. There was no need to report to the police station where the residence was moved out.

After getting the brand-new household registration booklet, Liu Tong couldn't suppress his happiness any longer. He read and looked happily, and saw that he was the head of the household, and the satisfaction was overwhelming.

Brother Zhou took back his household registration booklet, and was genuinely relieved when he saw that the remark of moving out was stamped in the remarks column of Liu Tong. He divorced Liu Tong, and her household registration also moved out. - She was having a bad time and wanted to turn around, so there was no excuse for pestering him.

If Liu Tong's household registration has not been moved, if something happens in the future, she will have to argue, or if she does something like a monster and someone finds him, because her household registration is still in Meicun, it will be too much for him to take the blame. trouble.

The fate of husband and wife is over, and each has its own household registration from now on, and the two parties have nothing to do with each other, everyone is good.

Brother Zhou let out a deep breath, and looked at the happy woman: "Liu Tong, your clothes are still at Zhou's house. If you want them, you can move them out today. If you don't, I'll go back and find them all and throw them away. Don't blame me then." You were not notified."

"Hmph, I will take my things away." Liu Tong raised his chin proudly: "Zhou Xialong, remember what you said, you don't want Chunmei to raise you, if you can't survive in the future, come beg me He Chunmei won't take you in either."

"I will give you the same words. If you can't live on in the future, don't think about turning back. You walked out of the Zhou family's gate for glory and wealth, and you are not eligible to re-enter the Zhou family's gate. You sell your sons and daughters. Someday Chunmei will not support you anymore. Thinking about asking Tianming to take care of you until the end of your life."

Brother Zhou fought back not to be outdone. Although his family is not rich, he still has land. As long as there is no catastrophe, as long as he is willing to endure hardship, it is no problem to support himself.

Liu Tong doesn't have any property, nor does she have a job. Even if she keeps a sum of money in private, it will be spent one day. If she doesn't find a job to support herself, it's hard to say what the future will be like.

Brother Zhou didn't bother to remind her, and took the lead out of the certificate hall.

Someone in the hall heard the phrase "sell your children and sell your daughters", whispered, and looked at the woman with color in their eyes.

When he found others pointing fingers at him, Liu Tong turned blue with anger, turned his head and glared at the meddling passerby, and hurried away.

She didn't want to see Zhou Xialong, but she was a little reluctant to part with some of her clothes. Chunmei bought her several sets of good clothes, and she only wore them once or twice.

Reluctant to part with the clothes and don't want to pay for the fare himself, Liu Tong gritted his teeth and followed Zhou Xialong's footsteps.

Brother Zhou left the Public Security Bureau and went to the street to find a taxi and charter a car back to Jiudao. He got in the car and saw that Liu Tong also got into the car, so he didn't care too much.

The customer chartered a car, and the taxi took the shortest route. It took less than three or more minutes to send the customer to Jiudaoxiang Street. At the destination, the customer paid the taxi fare, and he went to Jiudao Street to pick up customers.

Brother Zhou paid the fare and walked into the village in a straight line with his luggage on his back. Because the sun was bright and dazzling, he saw the helicopter on the ground, but he couldn't see if Zhou Bapi's house was there, so he didn't look much and hurried on his way. .

Walking straight all the way, because everyone was eating or resting at noon, there was no one on the road, Brother Zhou arrived at home quietly, opened the concealed door and entered the house.

He didn't open the kitchen door, but opened the living room door first, went into the bedroom to put away some things, and let Liu Tong go in to pack her clothes and items, while he supervised.

Zhou Xialong guarded himself like a thief, Liu Tong was so angry that his face turned into a pig's liver, he opened the closet to find better clothes, and went upstairs to the girl's room to get the combination box and luggage that the girl didn't want Take your luggage downstairs.

She packed a suitcase and a backpack full of clothes and shoes, and even packed her newly bought pillows and two four-piece bedding sets.

Brother Zhou didn't even blink his eyes when Liu Tong packed those daily necessities. Seeing that she had packed it, he took the key back from her hand.

Liu Tong didn't want to give the key to Zhou Xialong at first, but in the end he threw it to him. He carried his backpack and suitcase and walked without looking back. When he walked out of the gate of Zhou's house, he found Zhou Xialong following him. Waiting for him to lock the door, hand him the bag.

"Just help me carry this." Because thinking that everyone would have nothing to do in the future, even if Zhou Xialong was asked to carry things, Liu Tong never thought about being pleasant.

"We don't have any relationship anymore, and you still want me to send you off? Do you mean I feel too good about myself? You are cheap, but I am not cheap," Brother Zhou sneered when he saw that the woman wanted to ask him to help carry the luggage With a cry, he passed the woman and went straight to Lejia.

"..." My own thoughts were completely wrong, Liu Tong was so ashamed that his face was bloodshot, he felt aggrieved, and almost cried out, the one-night husband and wife Bai Yeen, he will not lose a piece of meat as a gift, it is necessary So unfeeling?

Zhou Xialong passed her mercilessly. She didn't want to be called cheap by Zhou Xialong again, so she dragged the lockbox and luggage and fled.

Brother Zhou walked through the village road, walked to the building of Lejia, and saw the big wolf dog coming out to greet him, patted the big dog's head, walked into the hall of Lejia in three steps, and received the attention of everyone.

Not long after the Le family had finished eating, Zhou Qiufeng, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, saw his brother coming, and asked, "Brother, have you eaten yet?"

Brother Zhou just greeted the two handsome guys, picked up his nephew, and replied: "I just came back, I haven't eaten yet."

"We just ate, and there is still food. I'll help you warm up the dishes. You can eat something." Zhou Qiufeng put down his work, washed his hands, and immediately put the pot on the stove, poured a bowl of vegetables into the pot, and put a handful of vegetables .

Brother Zhou was not polite, he hugged his nephew for a while, then handed Leshan Leshan to Xiao Lele, and went to eat in the kitchen of his brother-in-law's house by himself.

After warming up the dishes for my brother, Zhou Qiufeng washed the dishes again, brought the dish water to the house, mixed the pig food to feed the pigs, and cleaned the bowls and pots after my brother had eaten.

Brother Zhou ate something and went to sit outside. After his sister finished her work and sat down, he said business: "Xiaofeng, Yueqing, I want to take our mother back to live in this afternoon."

A black question mark appeared in Le Yun's mind: "Uncle Zhou, did some gossiping woman gossip again? You don't have to worry about it, son-in-law Ichiro, my father is grandma Zhou's son-in-law, grandma Zhou is at our house with her son Home is no different."

Father Le also nodded unanimously. Xiaofeng didn't want to remarry at the beginning because she was afraid that she would not be able to take care of her old mother if she married far away.
Xiao Lele has a beautiful heart and a beautiful heart, Brother Zhou's eye sockets are hot: "No one gossips, if it's like before, I won't be afraid of others gossiping when my mother is in Le's house, now..."

Brother Zhou stopped talking halfway, and Dad Le asked with a question mark on his face: "What's the matter now?"

Zhou Qiufeng also couldn't figure out why, Le Yun's brain turned a few times quickly, suddenly thought of something, opened her mouth in surprise, it couldn't be what she thought, could it?

Grandma Zhou frowned when she heard her son say to pick her up, and now she guessed something, and asked in a deep voice, "Xia Long, did you and Liu Tong... have a falling out?"

"Well," the old mother guessed, and Brother Zhou no longer concealed it: "I divorced Liu Tong yesterday..."

Before he finished speaking, Le's father Zhou Qiufeng jumped up in shock, Le's father stammered and couldn't speak smoothly: "Li... Li?"

Although the uncle and his mother-in-law quarreled occasionally, it didn't get to the point of divorce.

Why did you suddenly get divorced?

The news came so suddenly that Dad Le's brain almost froze.

Zhou Qiufeng was shocked at first, then fell silent.

Lan San also roughly guessed the reason for Brother Zhou's divorce, looked at Little Lolita, and found that Little Lolita was acting so stupid, so he also pretended to be stupid.

"Well, I'm leaving," Brother Zhou admitted without any pressure: "Liu Tong and her natal family are too bullying. They manipulated Chunmei's marriage and corrupted all the gifts. The husband's family originally gave it to Yue. My parents had a house worth over [-] yuan, and Liu Tong also took it privately, and I found out that Liu Tong didn't want to divide the house equally and get a divorce, so they left."

"...It's that simple?" Papa Le's mouth was so big that a watermelon could be stuffed into it.

Mr. Yi Laoyan is very calm, why don't you just get a divorce? If you leave, you will leave. Of course, if it is a disciple of their family or teacher, if someone is at fault and divorces, they must break the boy's legs and teach him to be a good person .

"It's that simple," Brother Zhou smiled wryly, "Yueqing, you don't know how dark Liu Tong's heart is. She took the house for herself and asked me for 20 compensation."

"20 compensation, a house, God!" Father Le was almost stunned.

"Of course I can't be fooled. My son-in-law's filial piety is half of my house, and I should have a copy of the bride price. If you want to get a divorce, you must first give me half of it. On the Zhou family's side, my mother and sister get money for the house." It was built, and she and I only paid a small amount of money. If we want to compensate her, even if we sue to court, the compensation will be at most one hundred thousand.

So, after all, if she wanted the house, she would have to compensate me about 10 yuan. Liu Tong was reluctant to pay for it, and bought off the mother-child relationship with Tianming with [-] yuan. "

Brother Zhou spoke lightly, and Dad Le's eyes stared into a pair of copper bells.

Zhou Qiufeng felt sorry for her nephew Tianming, if Tianming knew that his mother would rather sever the relationship between mother and child than hold on to the money, he would be so sad.

Grandma Zhou had already been mentally prepared. When her son really got divorced, she still felt very sad. However, she also took it lightly and didn't collapse or faint.

"Then I'll go back. With my old bone looking after the house, you can feel at ease outside. Xia Long, find someone who is suitable. We don't ask too much. It doesn't matter if there are children or not. As long as the woman is kind-hearted, she can Just live with you steadily."

Grandma Zhou had already thought a lot about it, and she put forward her opinion at that time, and arranged it properly: "I will talk to your Aunt Man and Eighth Aunt another day and ask them to help you find out. They have a lot of connections and are well-informed."

"Mom, I just got divorced. I started looking for it just after the divorce. I don't know how others scolded me." Brother Zhou's face changed color. Isn't the old mother too... Open-minded?
"I just asked about it secretly, and I didn't ask you to get someone married right away," Grandma Zhou glared at her son, "Let's say something that makes Yueqing unhappy, if Yueqing didn't marry Qiufeng, that woman didn't know when she came later. How much nonsense, similarly, if Liu Tong wants to turn back one day, you are not married, and you can't make it clear, I have to learn from Xiao Lele and cut off the road for you as soon as possible. "

Father Le, who was treated as a negative teaching material, silently acted as an ostrich, he couldn't hear it, he couldn't hear it, he didn't hear anything...

"Yeah, Grandma Zhou is indeed Grandma Zhou. You are always right. Love is not a business. Brother Tianming's mother actually abandoned her family and children. She is heartless and ungrateful. There is no need for Uncle Zhou to help her back. Besides, Uncle Zhou is only four years old. In his early teens, it’s the best time of his life, so young, it’s right to find another partner, you don’t see other people’s husbands in their 70s and [-]s wanting to play with someone.”

Le Yun nodded her head, admiring Grandma Zhou's wisdom very much, she should not stop being disturbed by it, and what should be broken should be broken, everyone is good.

Then, he yelled again: "Ah, I didn't expect Grandma Zhou to go home to live. I gave away all the furniture today. Grandma Zhou, the only thing I can give away now is this Arhat bed in the main room. Your boss If you don’t dislike it, move it back and put it in the hall.”

Xiao Lele yelled and yelled, and Grandma Zhou's dull heart was swept away in an instant, and Mimi asked with a smile: "Are you willing?"

"It's worth it," Le Yun opened her eyes wide, with a cute and docile face: "The reason why I kept a few pieces and didn't give them away is because the person who helped me build the furniture is an old master craftsman, and it is difficult for ordinary people to hire them even if they have money." They, the furniture they helped me build, I have to keep a few pieces as souvenirs, I still have a bed of this style, so this one can be given away."

"Okay, Xia Long, just help me move this sitting bed back." Grandma Zhou narrowed her eyes, the gift from Xiao Lele must be moved home, not to mention that her son has just divorced, which means Dismantling the bed, someone will send a bed to the family immediately, which is a good sign, maybe Xia Long can find a new partner this year.

"Okay, Mom." Brother Zhou was overjoyed. The old mother was in a good mood, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Grandma Zhou said she would go home when she got home, and she went back to her room to pack her clothes. Zhou Qiufeng also went to help, because it was so close that she could go home to pick up anything she needed at any time, and she didn't have much luggage, so she packed it in a bag.

Because Grandma Zhou is a lady, Old Ant Yan always let the old lady sit on the Luohan bed, and they sat on stools. Grandma Zhou went to pack the clothes.

Le Yun hugged Guaibao's younger brother, waited for Grandma Zhou to come out, and sent the old man back home.

Zhou Gele's father carried the furniture to Zhou's main room, and then went to help the old mother clean the room, lay new straw, wash the mat and take it upstairs to expose it to the sun.

Zhou Qiufeng helped the old mother put the clothes into the closet, and told the old mother to stay there for a night or two if she wanted to go there, and then ate watermelon at her mother's house, and then went home with Yueqing and a pair of children.

When the Le family returned home, they went to tear down the curtains in the south building, clean up, wash the curtains, and were busy.

I gave the Arhat couch in the main room to Grandma Zhou. Le Yun first set up some chairs and benches to sit on, and handed her younger brother to Yi Lao. She went to the inner room in the north and dismantled the bed, and then went to the refrigerator room to dismantle the bed. .

The handsome guy Lan San came forward to help, and the two quickly removed the bed, and then moved it to the second floor of the livestock room where the cattle and pigs were kept, and packed the bedding in the closet and put it in the room facing the north and west. Please also go out of the wardrobe in the refrigerator room, and put it in a place called "Baoxia" where there is a mill behind it.

With the help of the handsome guy Lan, Le Xiao simply moved the items in the refrigerator room to the main room first, and did a big cleaning, scrubbing the shelves clean, and waited for the room to stand for three hours before moving the items back into the refrigerator Room, rearrangement.

Some places are reserved for tools that have not been taken out. Finally, the cabinet under the eaves is also moved into the room and placed under the window on the west side. It is also good to have items in the cabinet in the future.

There is no bed in the refrigerator room, it is very wide, and there is no bed in the room, it is convenient for Ant Laoyan to get anything. Step into the refrigerator room.

(End of this chapter)

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