magic eye doctor

Chapter 1600 I Believe in Your Evil (2 More

Chapter 1600 I Believe in Your Evil (2 More

Liu Tong was ashamed in front of Zhou's house, dragged his suitcase and hurried forward half a step, passed the building of Le's house, couldn't help turning his head secretly, Zhou Xialong went to Le's house, he would definitely tell people about the divorce, I don't know if her mother-in-law and Zhou Qiufeng will come out to keep her.

Looking back a few times, I didn't see anyone from Le's family coming out to look. I was so angry that my heart ached. A group of ruthless people. She and Zhou Xialong had been married for more than [-] years and divorced. Zhou's family didn't even come Keep it, you have no conscience!
Liu Tong, who was so angry that her liver hurt, rushed forward full of anger, walking, and met a villager who went to see Tianshui when she could, she passed by as if she hadn't seen it, and walked to the ground of the village office building , Seeing the plane on the ground again, I suddenly realized that it looked different from the previous planes.

Seeing the helicopter, he guessed that it must be related to Lejia's short-lived ghost. Liu Tong became even more angry, turned his head, dragged his luggage out of the village, went to find a car, and chartered a car back to Zhu County.

When Liu Tong passed the ground in front of the village office building, he fanned his aunt's eyes sharply, and then found his wife who was squatting on the Luohan couch: "Look, Liu Tong."

Zhou Bapi, who was sleepy, was pushed a bit, and he sat up in a jerk, and the sleepy bugs all ran away, stretching their heads to look back and shrinking their necks: "Isn't it Liu Tong, why did you wake me up?"

"I said before that there was something wrong with those couples. Look, Liu Tong came out with things so quickly, doesn't that mean there is something wrong?" Aunt Pa wanted to pat his wife's head, but why was he so slow in responding.

"?" Zhou Papi had an expression of "I believe in you", and looked out a few more times. Thinking about it, what the mother-in-law said seems to be quite right, why don't you ask?
He wanted to go to Le's house to inquire about the situation, but he was also worried that the hosts and guests of Le's house were taking a nap. If he went, he would disturb others, so he stayed at home and waited until the sun was not so strong, and went to Brother Man's house with his wife to invite the couple. When people wander around, they go to Lejia to play.

They went for a walk to Le's house. Miss Le and the two handsome guys had just moved the things from the kitchen in the south building into the refrigerator room in the north building.

The two elderly couples in the Zhou family didn't see Grandma Zhou, so they asked Zhou Qiufeng about her aunt, and Zhou Qiufeng honestly confessed that her brother and sister-in-law divorced, and her old mother went home to live.

"Ah?" Zhou's cousins ​​and husband and wife opened their mouths and could swallow a few duck eggs. Zhou Xialong...divorced?

No one thought that Zhou Xialong would divorce Liu Tong. After the aunt was stunned, he suddenly realized: "I said, seeing the couple return to the village from outside, I always felt that something was wrong. It turned out that they were divorced."

Zhou Papi looked up at his mother-in-law with the eyes of a big shot, what the mother-in-law said about a woman's intuition is really fucking accurate, I really believed her evil!

Grandma Zhou Man had to accept the reality and asked the reason. She heard that it was Chunmei's marriage that led to the divorce, and she was extremely sad.

He also heard Qiufeng say that her mother wanted them to help her find out if there were any suitable candidates for her brother, so she immediately became interested and told the known candidates for the election.

The two sisters-in-law really know some gossip. They know that there are divorced women in nearby villages, and the reason for the divorce is mostly heard. .

In the past two years, Grandma Zhang has been so worried about finding a wife for her son. It seems that a dozen of them have failed. People look at people like Wu Lingling, and some women look down on the Zhang family, think everyone in Zhang is mean, or think Zhang Ke is a mother who has no idea.

Grandma Zhou Man also often heard gossip about Mr. Zhang, so she also knew about some divorced young women nearby.

Several old parents at the parent level discussed for a while, and decided to investigate carefully and discuss after finding out the bottom line. They sat at Le's house for a while, and then went to Zhou Xialong's house.

Brother Zhou recruited his uncle and aunt, stayed for dinner at night, called his brother-in-law's family, and also invited guests from Le's family. Mr. Yi Laoyan and the two handsome guys declined because of their identities.

There were guests at home, and little classmate Le didn't go, and sister-in-law Le Shan and Big Wolf Dog didn't go to Zhou's house either, and had a delicious meal of medicinal food at home.

Because the little girl came back, Mr. Yi Laoyan was also on vacation, so he rested at ease. They just didn't deliberately meditate at night, but they fell asleep soon after falling asleep.

Yanda Shaolan handsome guy turned off all the cameras in the afternoon because of the little Lolita, wondering if someone brought something at night, and wanted to stay awake, but he fell asleep and fell asleep before he knew it.

Classmate Le took his younger brother back to his bedroom on the first floor, climbed back to the palace house in the space, took his younger brother and the little fox Xiao Huihui to sleep on the oversized agarwood bed, slept until one o'clock in the morning, quietly got up, and slipped out The space goes back to the room of one's own home.

After listening for a while, she fell asleep from the breath analysis of both the human and the dog. She was relieved, and lightly put away the mats and pillows on the bed on the shelf, rolled up the straw and bundled them up, removed the bed and carried it to the Put it on the ground, and take a carved shelf out of the storage.

The newly replaced bed is an ivory bed made from the teeth of the demon-level elephants and monsters in Dongchen Continent. Disassemble.

That animal tooth was obtained by a man with a non-human jade spirit in a certain secret realm. It is said that he picked it up casually. It is said that the tooth was buried in the soil for an unknown number of years, and it was probably washed out by water. Reddish-brown, not only pretty but also aura, pick it up and throw it into the storage container,
The non-human handsome man has various collections. The tooth has been in his hand for nearly a million years. Later, Le Xiaoluoli asked him to help him carve some things. Among them, he used various materials to build a bed. He found that the little girl liked it. Monster Ya, took out his collection, and carved several beautiful gum beds for her to enjoy.

Because the god-level elephants and monsters have lived for millions of years, and their teeth have been buried in the ground for many years. Many areas have been infiltrated by other elements. The teeth are no longer ivory, but very close to the material of tree jade. The reddish-brown area is carved, and no one will believe it is the gums.

The gums not only have fences at the back and the head and tail of the bed, but also a pillow fence in front to block the pillows. There is also a foot in the middle of the front and rear, and a foot in the middle of the head and tail of the bed. There are eight feet in total, enough to bear the weight of the bed.

Straighten the bed, spread a jade slab on the bed as a mat, and put a beautiful jade pillow.

After changing the bed in his own room, Le Xiao went outside the building and carefully studied the surroundings of the building again to make sure that none of the handsome guys turned on the camera in private to take pictures. The bed in the guest room on the first floor, some household items for the refrigerator room, and more than [-] boxes containing various items were transferred from the storage to the floor for stacking.

The two beds are also canopy beds with detachable top cover and pillars from the main body of the bed. The pillars and top cover are removed, put on the main body of the bed first, and then covered with a piece of red cloth.

Then go to the south building, quietly open the door and enter the living room on the first floor, transfer another batch of items from the storage, then go to the second floor, put the furniture planned for the room on the third floor and the furniture in the living room on the second floor to the living room. The furniture of the three guest rooms was also placed in the room, but of course they were not assembled.

Move the furniture out, close the door, and then go back to the living room of the north building. On the south wall of the main room, place two arhat couches with Kang tables for two people and three people for three people, and a flower table between the two couches. On the north wall are four single Arhat beds, also known as throne seats.

Then put a long wooden table in front of each Arhat couch in the south, and put a round stool under the table, because my younger brother is small, and it may not be safe to sit on a round stool. In addition, put a table for my precious brother Official hat chair.

The furniture in the living room is all yew wood over 5000 years old. Because the pattern of yew wood is easy to recognize, even if it is recognized by someone who knows the goods, they will not be able to guess the age of the tree.

Considering various reasons, Le Yun only put a few pieces of furniture in for the time being, slipped back to the room, then went back to the space to carry her brother out, and slept on the gum bed for half the night.

For his renovation business, Le Xiao got up extra early, changed into a short-breasted outfit, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Ant Laoyan got up very early. When the two old people went from the third floor to the first floor, they looked at the piles of items and opened the door at a flying speed to leave the south building. They also saw the items piled up in front of the north building and floated into Lejia. He saw the new furniture in the living room, and went into the kitchen, looking at the little girl with deep eyes.

Yan Lao knew that the little girl must have transferred those items from her magic weapon. He knew the truth, but he couldn't say it, and had to pretend to be surprised.

The little girl turned a blind eye to her, and Mr. An couldn't hold back anymore, and yelled angrily: "Little girl, did you put tranquilizing incense on Mr. Ben last night?"

"Old Ant, it's rare for you to get a good night's sleep. In order to let you catch up on sleep, I added some Shenanxiang to the tea I made for you last night. How about it? After sleeping until you wake up naturally, isn't it extraordinarily refreshed?" Cool."

Mr. Ant jumped out to make a fuss, and Le Yun blinked his big eyes with a smile: "Mr. Ant, do you want to have some of the medicinal food I cooked up for breakfast?"

After confirming that she was given Anshenxiang, Mr. Yi gritted his teeth. He really believed her!
Blowing his beard and staring at him was useless, and complained sullenly: "Little girl, you really think that I dare not beat you up, do you? You are so scared that I will never drink the tea you made again. "

"Oh, that's fine, I won't make tea for you in the future. The medicinal teas I make are also limited, so save your share and give it to Lao Yan."

Yanlao burst into laughter, Antlao wants to fight with the little girl?Whenever he didn't lose, he just didn't have a long memory.

Mr. Ant, who was completely defeated before the fight started, gave up helplessly: "Tell me, what did you want to ask Mr. Ben to do just now?"

"I want to work hard and you always help move the outer shelves into the refrigerator room. The blue cloth strips are placed on the south side, the north side is red, the blue cloth strips are placed on both sides of the west window, and the other shelves are placed in the middle, with marble ones. Put the two shelves at the outermost places, and then help me move the boxes and fresh-keeping boxes with red paper into the refrigerator room."

In order to do something for others, she has to do the whole thing. It's so difficult for her!

Deeply aware of my own difficult music rhyme, I sighed for a while, and there was no one in front of my eyes, and immediately added: "Mr. Ant, thank you for your hard work. First move the box with a circle drawn on the red paper into the house. I'll have to get the ingredients to make something delicious."

The two elders, who had already flown out of the house with lightness skills, immediately looked for the boxes designated by the little girl, put them in the refrigerator room first, and then moved the shelves to the refrigerator room one by one according to the signs designated by the little girl.

When they were porters, the big wolf dog got up, went to the bathroom first, and hugged the young lady's thigh when he went downstairs.

Young Master Yan and Handsome Lan spread out mats and laid the floor on the second floor. They had a good night's sleep. When they woke up, they heard voices from downstairs. They tidied up in a hurry and ran downstairs. Since she didn't want them to see who gave her something, Little Loli gave them tranquilizers.

The two handsome guys ran to the door and saw a lot of things. They carried the wooden board upstairs in silence. , all the boards are assembled and relatively large.

When carrying it, the two realized, oh my god, it's so light!

They thought it would take two people to carry a bundle of wood up, but in fact a bundle of wood weighed about thirty to thirty kilograms, which was incredibly light.

So, the two handsome guys finished moving the things almost at the same time as the two elders.

Little Lolita didn't say where the other items were moved, and the two young men washed their faces and brushed their teeth, and acted as good babies in the main room.

After the two elders finished their work, they waited for the little girl to take her brother out, and they took him to wash and practice.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng slept very deeply and didn't wake up until dawn. When he tidied up and arrived in the main room, he saw a handsome guy with a smile on his face. When he saw the beautiful furniture, he turned to look outside the gate and saw the piled items. He said no for a long time. speak out.

The young couple stood for a while, and after being blown by the morning breeze for a while, they finally came to their senses. They quickly tidied themselves up and went into the kitchen to help their little padded jacket. They didn't ask a word about the furniture or anything. The most sensible and female-controlled patriarch in history.

There are strict-tongued parents at home. Don’t ask yourself a hundred thousand reasons. Le Yun is in a good mood. When breakfast is almost ready, she goes into the refrigerator room and opens the marked box. From the wood-inlaid jade box Take out a stuff called "pheasant" in Dongchen Continent, return to the kitchen and put it on the steamer to heat it up.

When it was almost time for dinner, the two elders took the baby back to the North Building of Lejia.

Le Shan ran to the kitchen and hugged her sister's thigh. His sister held her in one hand, and handed the breakfast tray to her parents with the other hand to set the meal.

Ant Laoyan remembers the medicinal food that the little girl said, and sat down early, and because there is no round table in the living room, they also want to know whether the little girl will move the table in or share the meals.

The two handsome guys also asked if they wanted to move a table in. Classmate Le held his younger brother in one hand, and lifted the long table in front of the outer seat with his hand and moved it to another table, and put it together again, and put it together in seconds. A table of eight immortals was set up.

The long table is usually a single table and does not take up too much space. If necessary, it is combined into the Eight Immortals table, which is convenient and practical. Like the crescent table, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people.

Everyone: "..." This is really a good idea!

Everyone sat down one by one, the two elders sat on the Luohan couch, the Le family and his wife sat opposite the two elders, the two handsome men lowered their heads, the Le family siblings sat on the side facing the kitchen, and Xiao Leshan sat on his hat chair, exactly eight people.

When the breakfast was served, the two elders and the two handsome men were really disappointed. There were hand-made ramen and dumplings made by Lejia girl, and there was a delicious chicken dish.

The aroma fills the house.

The steamed chicken tasted different from the previous ones. It could be eaten, but I couldn't tell the specific difference.

The old and the young ate until their stomachs were full, and Le’s father, Zhou Qiufeng, was willing to let the girl suffer and let the girl sit and rest. As a result, the couple slowed down a little, and the job of washing dishes was taken away by the handsome blue guy. They just fed the chickens and ducks and pigs.

Classmate Le Xiao packed a dumpling and handed it to his younger brother and big wolf dog to send to Zhou's house.

Anyway, I divorced Liu Tong, so I don’t have anything to worry about anymore. Brother Zhou slept very well when he got home. Grandma Zhou didn’t sleep well at night, and she was confused for a while after tossing and turning. When she woke up in the morning, she saw her son was already making breakfast. I am even more convinced of my determination to find a companion for my son as soon as possible.

When Xiao Leshan and the big wolf dog brought dumplings, the mother and son were about to make breakfast. Brother Zhou accepted the food from his nephew, kissed the little guy a few times, patted the dog's head, and let the two brothers go back.

Watching little Leshan walk safely across the village road with the dog in his arms to the building of Lejia, Brother Zhou returned to the room with a loving breakfast and reported to the old mother: "Mom, Lele asked Leshan to bring the dumplings, which are still warm , eat it in the morning or save it for lunch?"

"Let's eat it in the morning. It's all about eating anyway."

"Well," Brother Zhou responded with a bowl of dumplings, thought for a while and asked, "Mom, Lele is doing renovations today, should I help?"

"Lele's decoration requires bed and furniture. You just got divorced. If you go there, it's easy to get angry with others. Don't go this time."

"I think so too." Brother Zhou was also afraid that it would be unlucky for him to go, and the old mother agreed, so he didn't go.

(End of this chapter)

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