magic eye doctor

Chapter 160 You are good people

Chapter 160 You are good people
Liu Dashao was a little chatty sometimes, and his temper was a little bit detached from time to time. When it comes to work attitude, that's the best thing to do. He said he would leave immediately, but of course he did what he said. Backpack, bring the guy who eats by himself, go downstairs and get on his car, dudu rush to the school gate, and rush to the high-speed rail station.

Major Yan sent Young Master Liu away and saw that it was just after four o'clock. He could have gone to attend a class, but he didn't have that kind of elegance. Staying in the dormitory was boring. After thinking about it, he went downstairs and drove for a walk.

The personnel of the logistics department will transport the moon cakes to the various playgrounds at [-]:[-]. Everything is ready, and they will be distributed at [-]:[-]. Each battalion queues up to receive it.

The instructor of the first class of the medical department was not there, so four representatives were sent to line up with Mr. Li, and the other students were eagerly waiting for the moon cakes.

The security sent Instructor Han to Xicao Wai Avenue and drove back to the Security Section to return to his orders.

Han Yuntao's heart was empty and uncomfortable, but he had nowhere to express his sorrow. When he saw the pile of students in the distance from a distance, his dead heart slowly began to feel it. The sun, looking at the distant sky, gave birth to the trance feeling that "the past is empty, but it is still like a dream".

The noise of the students was in his ears. He seemed to hear it, but he didn't seem to hear it. He stood for a long time, and his scalp became hot before he walked. He walked very slowly, and his steps could no longer be as majestic as before.

Getting closer and closer to the group of students, Han Yuntao's nerves were also tense one by one, and his muscles were tense little by little, but his steps were firmer and stronger than before.

The students in each class were very calm when they saw Instructor Han passing by; Instructor Han passed through several classes and was getting closer and closer to the first class of the medical department.

"The instructor is back."

The boys in the medical department were lying on the lawn crookedly, when they saw an instructor in camouflage uniform approaching, they recognized it was instructor Han, and immediately turned over and got up.

"Instructor, you are back."

"Instructor, Mr. Li took the class leader to collect moon cakes."

Seeing the instructor approaching, the boys smiled and hurriedly reported the situation, lest the instructor say that they were lawless and that they didn't train to play.

But after saying a few words, everyone was stunned for a while. The instructor's face was not very good, it looked like a serious illness, and the state was very bad.

"Instructor, your face doesn't look very good, is there any discomfort?"

"Instructor, are you not feeling well?"

"Instructor, take a rest if you're uncomfortable, we'll train by ourselves in a while."

"Instructor, sit down and rest."

Seeing the wilted look of the instructor, you guys expressed your concern with every word, and hurriedly gave the instructor a seat on the most lush green grass.

"It's okay, I was affected by the family affairs." The students smiled at each other, and Han Yuntao felt sour in his heart. These students were very close to him from the beginning, probably because he was not only an instructor, but also graduated from Qingda University, an alumnus and a senior. , so make them feel more friendly.

But he, after all, lived up to their expectations. It was he who tore the relationship they had built up with his own hands. The crack was so wide that even if he tried to mend it, he couldn't mend it.

If these boys knew that he was planning to break the little girl's hand, how would they look at him?

He guessed that once the boys knew the truth, everyone's eyes would look nothing but hatred. After all, the boys loved the only little girl in the class so much.

Han Yuntao sat down. There was soft grass under his butt, but he felt like a steel needle, which made him restless and uncomfortable.

Hearing that something happened to Instructor Han at home, the boys immediately comforted him that everything would be fine, and asked the instructor if he wanted to take a leave of absence, drink water, etc.

The more the boys cared, the more guilty Han Yuntao felt, and he was almost ashamed.

After resting for about seven or eight minutes, Teacher Li came back with the students, and the representatives sent out happily rushed to the class pile with bags in their hands.

"Ow, moon cakes!"

"I'm hungry just thinking about it!"

The boys swarmed up and formed a large circle, waiting for the moon cakes to be delivered.

When Teacher Li saw Instructor Han coming back, he smiled and asked the students a few words, and hurriedly went to help him. He also had remedial classes, and he also went to see if those classes had picked up moon cakes.

Every year, the young people give out mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The school leaders, teachers, staff and students of all walks of life have a share. Generally, there are four, and four kinds of different tastes. The teachers and school leaders are boxed, and the students are in bulk.

Of course, the instructors also have them, and they are also in boxes. Earlier, they were sent to the place where the instructors held a meeting. In order to avoid embarrassment, they were also distributed in bulk at the military training site, just like the students.

There are four kinds of mooncakes, and each bag is usually [-] pieces. It was packed by the school staff a long time ago. When the number of students in each class has a fraction of the number, they will take a few from the bulk box and add them to the bag.

Guan Yunzhi and three classmates divided moon cakes, and sent them to the instructor first, and then in the order of sitting and so on, one moon cake of each flavor.

The moon cakes were distributed to each person, and the people who distributed the moon cakes also took their own shares first, and finally the little Loli's. The boys shared a bag and helped the little Loli to pack the moon cakes.

"Little Loli didn't come today, should we help her deliver it after class?"

"Do you know where Little Loli lives?"

"I know, I live in the Zhuangyuan Building."

"Then do you know where you live?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. Standing downstairs, Hedong's roar promises to call people out."

"I'll go, be careful someone throws tomatoes and eggs on you..."

"Actually, the leaves of tomatoes and vegetables are not scary, but I'm afraid that someone will throw water on their feet..."

When discussing how to send moon cakes to Little Loli, everyone spoke enthusiastically and laughed together. They only knew that Little Loli was assigned to the Zhuangyuan Building, and they really didn't know which floor or room they lived in.

When Han Yuntao heard the mention of the girl's name, his nerves tensed involuntarily, holding his moon cake as heavy as a mountain.

"Come on, don't talk about it. Little Loli will watch the party with us at night. We can bring her there."

The classmates went further and further, and Guan Yunzhi couldn't help interrupting the endless nonsense.

"Hey, Little Loli will go to the party tonight? Why don't we know?"

A few students from Dai started making trouble again.

"Little Loli sent a message to the group at noon."

"Little Lolita has a hand injury, shouldn't she rest?"

"Little Lolita said that she would sit and watch the party while watching the party. It's not that the military training requires walking around and shaking her arms. Of course, this kind of group activity needs to be together, so she will go at night."

"Well, collective action, the whole class is happier together."

The boys were very excited in seconds. Little Loli couldn't join them in military training. They also deeply regretted that if Little Loli didn't participate in the evening party watching the party, they also felt normal. If she was willing to watch the party with them, They are happier.

The boys who were in a good mood gave a bag for the instructors to put moon cakes in, and the rest of the people shared a bag for ten people, and put the moon cakes in it for easy storage.

When the boys were discussing around the little girl, Han Yuntao's hand holding the moon cake loosened, loosened and clenched. He slowly adjusted his emotions and started training. He did not practice personally, and let the squad leader take charge, he was on the sidelines.

Yan Shao first went to the West Playground for a walk, and then walked around the street of life. He walked slowly to the Zhuangyuan Building, and went upstairs with the milk and fruit he just bought. During the new military training, the old students In class, the whole building was quiet, especially quiet. He tried to keep his footsteps as light as possible to avoid making too much noise.

The window in the corridor was open, and I could smell a faint medicinal smell. The higher the medicine, the stronger the medicinal smell. Yan Xing climbed to the fourth floor in one breath.

Le Yunwo was guarding the medicine in her dormitory, and while concentrating on scanning the book, her whole mind was startled by the rhythmic sound, she put the book back on the writing table and ran to open the door.

She couldn't think of who it would be. At this time, Brother Chao was in class, the boys in the military training class were in military training, and the instructor, Professor Wan Cheng, was not in the school. There were people visiting at this point, which was very suspicious.

He ran to the door of the dormitory, opened the door, looked out, and saw a handsome man who was as tall and straight as a green pine, with a smile that could kill narcissus in shame, with a slight smile, as handsome as a spring sun. Black line on the head: "Why is it you again?"

The closed door was opened, and Yan Xing saw the owner, the little loli's casual shirt and denim shorts, her legs and arms were as white and tender as jade, the bruises on her wrists were still obvious, and her right wrist was sticking to a lump like gray. The yellow-brown ointment is like a broken patch nailed to the white silk surface, which greatly affects the appearance.

"In order to express my concern for the minors in the country, I came to visit, does my hand still hurt?" Seeing a surprised face, Yan Xing's smile gradually deepened, and he lifted his feet and walked to the girls' dormitory.

For some people who need a gentleman, in the face of a little loli, you have to do it first. If you don't take the initiative and don't be thick-skinned, she will definitely close the door to see off guests.

After dealing with him several times, Yan Shao was well versed in Xiao Luoli's behavior, and also borrowed Liu's method, insisting on being steadfast and shameless.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. I said handsome Yan, it's class time, right? You won't be absent from class, right?" When she met a familiar guy, Le Yun had to admit defeat. With a back like a mountain, she is very speechless. You said, she just suffered a little injury. Does she need a serious visit?
Yan Xing's eyebrows flashed, and she was quite surprised. Little Loli didn't call him eunuch this time. Does it mean that his constant efforts to gain goodwill began to take effect, and Little Loli was gradually changing her attitude towards him?

Even if it's a change of name, it's a good start. He was full of joy, and happily replied: "I didn't miss class. I have business to do this afternoon. I'm asking for leave. I'll come to see you after I'm done."

"Oh." It was an office job, and Le Yun couldn't be bothered to say anything. Oh, she understood.

Yan Xing put the milk and fruit near the refrigerator and saw some green vegetables. She couldn't help but look back at Little Loli. She was fractured and her right hand was not suitable for strenuous activity. Even when she came back from buying vegetables and wanted to cook, she was really restless for a moment.

The weather is too hot, the air conditioner is on, and the ventilation is constantly humidifying. The smell of medicine from the small kitchen is still relatively strong. The smell of medicine is better than the smell of medicine boiled by others. It feels very clear, and it smells peaceful. .

"Are you making medicine?" He dropped the things and went to the small kitchen by himself: "Where's the knife? I bought a coconut, and I'll peel it."

The familiar guy, can you stop being too free?
Staring at the tall and straight back running towards the small kitchen, Le Yun really wanted to kick people. Is it because she is too good at talking, so Yan is more and more casual, treating her site like his own garden and doing whatever she wants What are you doing?
Depressed in my heart, I simply ignored him and let him find it by himself.

Finally got a chance to sneak into Little Loli's small kitchen, Yan Xing looked at it quickly, the kitchen utensils were cleaned, and the kitchen counter was bright and clean.

The small kitchen smells like home. The kitchen utensils are in order. The electric casserole cooks things. Occasionally, a little white gas emerges from the vent on the lid, and the smell of medicine slowly diffuses into the air.

He also found the kind of "medicine" that Little Loli said that makes food delicious. There are six bottles of medicine in mineral water bottles, and two empty bottles, which are put together in the place where you put oil, salt and other seasonings.

Because the air conditioner was turned on and the door to the balcony was closed, he didn't dare to blatantly go to the balcony for a stroll. He took out the cleaned kitchen knife from the kitchen cabinet and returned to the living room ding ding dong dong.

Yan Xing felt very ashamed when he saw Little Lolita sitting quietly at the writing desk, admiring her every move indifferently. He, a big man, even trespassed without permission in order to see the owner's small kitchen. ,what a shame!
Ashamed in his heart, his ears were hot, the tips of his ears were hot, and they burned crimson for a moment, and he didn't realize it. With a calm face, he sat on the floor, untied the fruit bag, and put the apples and pears aside. , take out a coconut from another bag and chop the skin with a knife.

There was a handsome guy who was completely familiar with cutting fruits on his own territory. Le Yun was also deeply drunk, too lazy to reason with him, so he picked up the book and continued to scan.

Yan Xing chopped off the outermost skin of the coconut with a chomp, took a peek, and the little loli turned around and ignored her. Comforting Little Loli: "Little Loli, the deeds of the surname Han have been revealed, you don't have to worry about him being bad towards you again."

"Huh?" Concentrated on the music of the book, he interrupted the scan in surprise, turned his head sideways, and stared at the handsome young man in surprise: "Are you going to expose him?"

"Well, such moths can't be tolerated in the army. Report it to the superior, and the superior will send someone to investigate." Yan Shao said lightly, as if the weather was really nice today.

"However, that kind of thing needs evidence. I can't say enough words. How can you win the trust of your superiors?"

"The fingerprint on your wrist is the best evidence. The technician can use the fingerprint to infer how much force he used and what technique he used. In the afternoon, the investigators from the military department arrived, and the surnamed Han also confessed. "

"..." Le Yun pondered, their speed was really fast, they shot so quickly, which surprised her.

"Little Loli, you don't have to feel guilty, it's not you who hurt him, it's him who hurt you, some people can be forgiven for their mistakes, and some people can't be forgiven, we can't condone such people to do evil, letting him do nothing means supporting him to do evil, not to do that If the black sheep are found out, I don't know how many potential talents will be destroyed by his hands in the future."

"I didn't say I was going to forgive him forever."

"Xiao Chao told us later that you forgive that person and don't want to pursue it."

"I want to solve it by myself. I forgive him the first time, and I can forgive him for the second time. It doesn't mean that I will continue to forgive. I quit twice.

"You solve it yourself?" Yan Xing raised his head in surprise, eyebrows frowned slightly: "You are still a student, how can you solve it yourself?"

"It's simple, if he uses his work to plot against me again, I can counter plot against me, or I can avoid its edge first. The ancients said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and I can save it and take revenge later. Let others help you get revenge when you are in trouble, don't you think?"

"Don't make trouble, do you think others will give you that long?" Yan Xing shook his head amusingly, Little Loli is too naive, small things may be put aside, some hatred, if you want to let go, others may not be willing to give it to you time.

"Ah?" Le Yun was stunned: "You mean he wants to kill me? Does he have a grudge against my family?"

"He has no grudge against you, he was bought."

"Someone bought him to hurt me? Impossible, I didn't offend the big man, right?"

The more Le Yun thought about it, the more wrong she got. She jumped up and ran to the side of Yan and sat down with a flattering smile: "Brother Yan, can you tell me who is behind the bribe?"

"That person only sent a message to the surnamed Han. After that, he probably destroyed his phone and card. Liu Xiangyang went to check it out. I believe he can always find clues."

"I feel like I'm in danger, what should I do?" Le Yun looked up at the sky sadly. Who did she offend? Why would someone buy the instructor to kill her?

Little Lolita's eyebrows were tangled up, her face was tangled up, and her worried appearance made people want to touch her head. Yan Xing resisted the urge to rub Little Lolita's head, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, preliminary. Decide that you are not the main target, just a random target."

"What do you mean?" Le Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly brightened, and he felt like there was still some secret inside.

"Spying behavior." Little Loli's bright eyes are so cute, Yan Xing's heart softened slightly, and she explained in a soft voice, "The investigation team found something from his mobile phone, and found out the traces of espionage operations. Spies use him to hurt you, the purpose is to create some unrest to achieve their goals, a failed spy operation will not have a second operation on the same random target, which is easy to expose."

"That is to say, because of the trivial incident of my injury, you followed the vine and found the spy?" Le Yun's shocked mouth opened into an O, God, how unlucky she is to become a random target of the spy?

"Well, I'm still wronged for the time being. You don't know what to do. This matter cannot be announced, and even the surnamed Han will not be transferred for the time being. Let him continue to serve as a military training instructor until the military training is over."

"Hey hey, don't feel wronged, don't feel wronged," Le Yun smiled with crescent eyes: "Brother Yan, you and Liu Shuai are good people. When you find out the bad guys and avenge me, I will invite you to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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