magic eye doctor

Chapter 161 Abduction

Chapter 161 Abduction
Yan Xing was shocked when he received the good person card. The good person card is a good thing and a big killer. Sometimes receiving a good person card is happiness, and sometimes it means that he has no luck with happiness.

He is not sure whether the good person card that Little Lolita sent him represents a complete change in his understanding of him, whether he thinks he is a responsible and manly man, or whether he praises him superficially, and uses "you are good people" when he is actually ready. They blasted far away.

Yan Xing restrained the doubts in his heart and observed calmly, the strange little loli smiled brightly, and the tender goose-oval face waved with a bright and bright smile, like picking up a treasure, lively and lovely, innocent evil.

"It's a matter of words, you said you wanted to invite me and Xiangyang to dinner." He couldn't tell the difference between the true and false expressions, and at any time, Little Loli's expression looked very real.

"Of course, let's invite you to eat your favorite dishes." Isn't she a stingy person?If Brother Chao is asked to help her take revenge, it may leave a message for Brother Chao and be easily attacked. Brother Liu and handsome Yan are soldiers. They will come forward to report and investigate, clean up the people who hurt her, and remove the worms. To help her out of her anger, she did what she said about inviting people to dinner.

"Do you know what kind of food we like the most?" Yan Xing was stunned, they were not picky eaters, at least they were never picky eaters in front of Xiao Luoli, Xiao Chao and others every time they ate.

"Liu Shuai's favorite meat dishes are pork belly, green vegetables are rapeseed, followed by lettuce; Yan Shuai, your favorite meat dishes are pork belly and pig's trotters, as well as celery, pumpkin leaves, and flowers. Because the dishes are not complete, only observed These, am I guessing right?"

"It's basically right, how did you guess it?" Yan Xing was shocked, how did she measure it so accurately?
"It can be seen that when there are a variety of dishes to choose from on the table, everyone subconsciously chooses their favorite dish first. I have observed it several times. Every time there are multiple dishes, the two of you will be the first Those are the kinds of food you eat, and it can be roughly inferred that it should be one of your favorites."

"Anyway, you've seen it, it's okay to reveal more. Besides pork belly, Liu Xiangyang's favorite food is pig scalp, chicken feet, and chicken liver, and vegetables are also added with old pumpkin; my favorite food is chicken neck. , pig intestines, snails, green vegetables, loofah, lotus root. I don’t particularly like the others, they are optional, don’t pick them up.”

"You're revealing yourself, you don't want me to invite you to dinner to make your favorite food, right?" Le Yun stared, she basically had the green vegetables that Liu Shuai liked, but she didn't have the lotus root that Yan someone liked to eat. .

"No, you can do whatever you want, as long as you have one or two favorites." Of course, it's best to be able to cook all their favorite foods. No, they don't force it, as long as every dish you cook adds something that can change the taste. Just a delicious herb.

Yan Xing absolutely refused to admit that he wanted to ask Little Loli to put his favorite dishes on one table, for fear that Little Loli would turn the table in anger, and hurriedly lowered her head and shaved the coconut shell.

"Hum, it's fine if you don't. If you dare to make this request and make that request, my aunt will invite you to eat out."

"I didn't say anything, and you didn't hear the words I added." Yan Xing recklessly confessed, knowing that Little Loli was moody, and she turned her face when she was unhappy. If she knew this, he wouldn't say it. What kind of dishes she cooks, what do they eat, if you talk too much, you will almost never get any delicious food.

Handsome Yan didn't pick and choose, but Le Yun complied. She wanted to read a book, but she rolled her eyes and kicked a certain handsome boy's shoes: "Oh, handsome Yan, let me ask you something. , if you and Liu Shuai go to the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, can you also go to places that are not open?"

"Well. Yes. Generally speaking, within the country, except for encrypted and confidential places such as aerospace design and production workshops, which require several verification procedures, general confidential places can be unimpeded."

"Hahaha, thank you, when the military training is over on the weekend, I will ask Liu Shuai to lead the way to a place in the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens."

After getting the result she wanted, Le Yun was in a wonderful mood. She got up cheerfully, and Sa Huan'er ran to the writing table and continued to nibble on her book.

Yan Xing was stunned. Little Loli asked him for some questions, but she turned away and asked someone Liu to lead the way. This is what people say, "the bride leads the matchmaker into the room and throws it over the wall"?
Little Loli jumped back to her writing desk, he saw his eyelids twitching three times, and pouted his lips resentfully: "I can take you in too."

"You ask too much, please lead the way, you may blackmail me or tell me about conditions, Liu Shuai is optimistic and cheerful, and said that he asked me to find him if I had something to do. very happy.”

Yan Xing was depressed, he was much more reliable than Xiang Yang, how could he not be trusted?Besides, he didn't ask or coerce her, and he would be happy as long as he invited him to a meal, but he was too embarrassed to say it, so he lowered his head and peeled the coconut in a muffled voice.

He wanted to talk to Little Loli, and seeing that she was reading so seriously, he was embarrassed to disturb her, so he slowly peeled the coconut, and looked at Little Loli every once in a while, still wanting to talk.

After peeling a coconut, the little loli ignored herself. He chopped the skin of the second coconut, got the second coconut fruit, and peeled the last coconut shell.

After peeling three coconuts in a row, Little Loli seemed to have forgotten him, which made him quite nervous. She packed the chopped coconut husks, went to get a bowl, Punch a hole in the fruit, connect the beverage tube, pour out the juice, and gently bring it to the little loli.

He was afraid of scaring people, so he stepped on the catwalk, wearing leather shoes, he couldn't walk silently, at least the sound was very soft, so light that it could be covered by the "sand" sound of turning over the book.

She moved to the small writing table. Little Lolita sat upright, her back was straight like a javelin, her shoulders were flush, and she didn't lean to one side. She put her hands flat on the table and held the book. It has nothing to do with her either.

Yan Xing gently put the juice on Little Loli's left hand, turned around silently, walked lightly to the place where the coconut was played, took a knife to cut the coconut, divided the coconut into two, and then peeled the pulp.

Her eyes didn't look around, but Le Yun's perception was sensitive, and she could tell what handsome Yan was doing from the sound perception. When he brought the coconut juice, she didn't say anything. She continued to read the book, finished part of the book, took the time to drink the juice, and finished a bowl. Throwing the bowl aside, frantically scanning the book.

"Brother Yan, there is no soup to drink tonight." According to her observations, Brother Yan probably tasted that soup was more nutritious than other dishes. One share, handsome Yan takes one share, and the remaining half is shared by others.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have something to eat." Yan Xing was shocked and overjoyed that Little Loli didn't drive him away.

"There is no chicken neck or large intestine either."

"It's ok."

"There is no snail lotus root either."

"Just don't go hungry."

"Don't pick?"

"I've never been a picky eater." Yan Xing curled his lips aggrievedly. He has never been a picky eater, okay? Every time he eats everything, he only eats some of his favorite foods, and he never dislikes others. dishes.

"Good boy." Le Yun put down the book, unconsciously, it was past [-]:[-], and it was time to cook.

"..." Yan Xing was speechless, Little Loli was not yet an adult, he was about to run three, okay?A little boy said he was a good boy, how could this taste be described by a 囧 word!
After holding it in for a long while, until my face was red and my neck was thick, I finally said, "I'm 27 years old, so I'm not a child anymore."

"I guess it's close to ten, which means that you are a whole year older than me, a proper uncle-level old handsome guy." Le Yun jumped off the chair and walked towards the rice cooker secretly.

After observing for so long and so many people, she has almost mastered the law of calculating a person's age from the various auras on a person's body. The ages of Handsome Yan and Handsome Liu are 90.00% accurate to her estimated age.

In the same way, in the future, we can calculate the age based on the halo of people, animals and plants, and we can also guess the age of the object based on the halo of the object, so as to judge whether it is ancient understanding, and it is ancient understanding of that era.

I have to say, that was a major discovery.

For this reason, Le Xiao was ecstatic. When he was groping for the door that day, he rolled around on the lawn in the space and ate a big watermelon to celebrate his discovery.

"I..." Yan Xingyou's resentment was beyond words. He was born 12 years earlier. That was not something he could choose. In fact, 12 years older is not too big. He is in the most beautiful years of his life. How old is he? ?

He wanted to protest, but in the end, he thought about it. He didn't care about the little girl's faults, so he wouldn't be serious with her. If he was serious, he might have no part in dinner.

For the sake of food, the old handsome guy is the old handsome guy.

For the sake of food, Yan Xing decided to sacrifice his personal emotions, fulfill his physical and spiritual needs, and be a tolerant and tolerant gentleman.

"If you are not convinced, you can argue, or you can tear up."

"Will you get angry if you fight with you?" Little Lolita is so reasonable, she even allows people to argue, and if anyone disagrees, she will tear it up?
"I am not angry."

"Really?" If you're really not angry, you can consider cutting it.

"Will you cry if you lose?" The girl's cry was terrifying.

"I'm not angry, I won't cry, at most I won't invite you to dinner."

"...Forget it, I'll take it." Yan Xing almost choked on his saliva. After talking for a long time, he always threatened people with food, so he couldn't chat happily.

"Can you not always ask for a meal as a precondition?" He thought about it, but he was still a little dissatisfied. Would Little Loli dare to suppress him without eating?

"Okay, you catch the bad guys, help me out, I'll send you a pennant to express my gratitude." Thank you for not having to eat, okay, if you want it, please have a meal, she has to use space vegetables, which are expensive and out of stock Is the good thing good, she still has to invite someone to dinner.

"...You don't need the pennant, let's go to the countryside and invite you to dinner." Yan Xing had an epiphany of self-inflicted abuse.

"So, inviting me to dinner is my best thank you. If I don't like this method, I can negotiate. I'm a good girl in the new era. I'm reasonable, magnanimous, and won't be hard on others."

"There's no need to discuss, it's such a pleasant decision." Yan Xing's spineless and unscrupulous cowardice, the little Loli can do whatever she wants. Who told her to make delicious food, they can't do it themselves, it's actually a treat to eat. It is the most precious gift of thanks. It would be even better if you could eat a few more meals.

Of course, he was afraid of being issued a good card, so he didn't dare to say that he hoped Little Lolita would have more meals. He could only wait for Mr. Liu to come back to support Mr. Liu's shameless rubbing of rice in various ways and have a few more meals. , to make up for the aggrieved feeling that he was always choked speechless.

He succeeded in making a certain Yan succumb to his lustful power. Le Xiaoxiao was in a good mood. He took small steps, carried his small hands, and held his head like a proud little rooster. In the place where the rice cooker was discharged, I took the inner pot, and then went to the small kitchen with three steps.

Looking at Little Lolita's stern and glistening walking posture, Yan Xing stared at a pair of dragon eyes, feeling very helpless in her heart, Little Lolita is... stunned, right?
After thinking about it, it seems that since he was trying to win the confession and leniency, he automatically admitted to the little Loli that he was a soldier, admitted that he was Zhang Jin, apologized, and then bombarded him with what he liked. It's pleasing to the eye to treat him like an ordinary person. Although the process was a little tortuous, it gradually improved, and now he doesn't take much precautions against him. In front of him, he also shows a proud child who gets his wish, and he thinks he should be very quick. You can keep the clouds open and see the sunrise.

After sorting out the details and changes, Yan Shao couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. The old people said "sincereness is the result of gold and stone." Disgusting him like a fly, he sincerely repented, and was slowly accepted by Little Loli unknowingly.

Giving your sincerity may not necessarily win your sincerity, but one thing is certain, that is, if you want others to be sincere, you have to give sincerity.

Sincerity is the spirit, and the gods will always live up to the sincerity, let alone people, as long as the sincerity is full, they can finally get what they want.

The hard work pays off, and the relationship between her and the little loli is developing in a positive direction. Yan Xing is also very pleased, and quietly smiles as the little loli is busy. She took the rice, washed the rice, and preferably bottled mineral water. Put it back into the rice cooker shell, seal it with a lid, connect the power supply to adjust the time, and every action is so easy-going and brisk.

The little loli was as happy as a little butterfly in the spring, cooking rice, squatting down and turning over the vegetables, Yan Shao's eyes suddenly lit up, there was a loofah!
The handsome and romantic young man has a happy smile, his eyebrows are picturesque, as beautiful as the bright moon, and his voice is mellow and warm like an old wine: "Little Loli, you pick out the dishes you want to cook at night, and I'll wash them."


Le Yun seriously thought about what to eat in the evening, but was interrupted by a cold sentence. She glanced sideways with her almond eyes and saw a handsome face rippling in the spring breeze. The handsome and handsome man smiled like a warm peach blossom. Light.

Seeing that smiling face, she couldn't help curling the corners of her mouth, hmm, a handsome guy is a handsome guy, no matter how he smiles, he is so beautiful, fortunately, she is not the kind of face control who can't tell the difference between the south, east and northwest when she sees beauty, otherwise she will definitely be punished by him. Beauty temptation.

Lowering his eyes, he looked at the green vegetables he had spread out, and his eyes fell on a long loofah. He suddenly realized that the man was so blooming, so he saw a loofah that he liked to eat.

The amused classmate Le quietly raised the loofah, and as expected, handsome Yan's dragon eyes became bright, and there was a faint greedy look of coveting.

She silently suggested two more things, and then twisted the little cabbage and a zucchini to the handsome guy's feet, and calmly discussed: "Eat these two at night, do you have any opinions?"

"!" Yan Xing looked at the two kinds of green vegetables thrown at his feet, and looked at the other selected loofah, celery, eggplant, and lettuce.

He only confessed to himself not long ago that he likes to eat loofah and celery, and now Little Lolita excludes those two from dinner, which is clearly intentional.

"No opinion." The sadness in his heart turned into a river, and Yan Shao kept his face calm, pretending to be very happy to agree with Little Loli's decision.

Looking at a handsome guy who didn't dare to express his opinion, classmate Le laughed secretly, deliberately turning a blind eye to his frequent glances at loofah and celery, and went to the kitchen with cilantro and cabbage.

Yan Xing: "..." He wanted to ask the little Loli to cook the loofah to eat, but who will tell him how he should reason with the cruel and domineering little Loli?How can I negotiate with the strange little loli to convince her to cook his favorite dish?
The pretty little Lolita walked into the small kitchen carrying the vegetables and slowly cleaned it. Young Master Yan only saw a little of her back. He looked at the little Lolita, the loofah and the celery lying on the side dejectedly, and sighed sadly, alas, Under the eaves of the little loli, people must not stare at the good things they love but can't eat.

Feeling helpless in my heart, I peeled off my coconut pulp and plucked out a few pieces. After thinking about it, Lombok overflowed a little: "Little Loli, are you interested in going to the ghost market antique market to buy gadgets? ?"

"Hey, are you talking about the ghost market?" Le Yun dumped the greens and pumpkins and started washing the cabbage. Hearing the ghost market, her eyebrows lit up, she turned off the faucet, and jumped to the door of the small kitchen to inquire about the news: "As far as I know, the capital There is only a ghost market in Daliushu Hutong, and there is only one Wednesday a week, where else is there?"

The opportunity is coming!

Successfully arousing the interest of the little loli, Yan Xing showed a wicked smile, and his tone was still as usual: "The ghost market in Willow Hutong in Kyoto is authentic on Wednesday, and there is also a morning market in Panjiayuan on Saturday and Sunday, which is not an authentic ghost market. I'm talking about the ghost market in T City, which is close to the capital. There are only two days on Thursday and Friday, starting at [-]:[-] p.m.

"It's too far, there are many people during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the accommodation there is very expensive, and there is no subway in the early morning. I'm still sighing and sighing. I might as well consider going to the morning market in Panjiayuan."

T City is close to the capital and is also a municipality directly under the central government. Because of its particularity, its prosperity is comparable to that of the capital, and it is also the most important economically prosperous city in China.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, there are huge crowds of tourists, and crowding the subway to T City can also squeeze out a layer of people. Moreover, every Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and May Day holiday, the restaurants, hotels and hotels in T City and the national capital are full, not to mention lack of money, Even if you have money, you may not always be able to book a room.

It's done, it's almost done!

Hearing Little Loli's regretful tone, Yan Xing was overjoyed. He just knew that the subway was not crowded during the holidays, and the accommodation there was not easy to arrange. Otherwise, he would not have said it.

Secretly delighted in his heart, he showed his calmness as usual: "I will go to the ghost market in T city in the middle of the night tonight. If you want to play, I will take you there, take you back, and have a companion on the way."


A string of question marks flashed in her mind, Le Yun was full of doubts, handsome Yan is so friendly and enthusiastic, will he coax her into the car in the name of piggybacking, then stun her, and take her to sell?
"Are you going to knock me out and throw me halfway on the road if you don't agree?" She didn't want to ask him directly if he would sell her medicine to the illegal zone.

Even if he doesn't sell her, in case he gets unhappy, he deliberately takes him to a remote corner and throws her on the road, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, and there is no ghost at all, in case there is no signal again In the place where she called Tian Tian not, she called the ground not working, who should she turn to for help?

The conspiracy theory is wrong. However, Le Xiaoxiao couldn't help but start a little conspiracy theory. Didn't the propaganda and education film say, don't talk to strangers, and also beware of the male friends and relatives you are familiar with from the opposite sex. avoid being violated.

Is he so distrustful in Little Loli's eyes?

Yan Xing stared, and after a long while he said, " terrifying do I have? Or in your mind, I'm the kind of gentle scum with no military discipline like the surnamed Han?"

"Tell me about a certain instructor. It is necessary to be careful, especially if you are a person with supernatural powers. If you get angry, and you get angry and throw a group of fire and destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, it will also be a sin for me to hang up. devil."

"..." Yan Xing really wanted to beat someone up, how insecure was this little loli that made everyone think so badly?
In an instant, he could only sigh, and it was no wonder that Little Loli didn't trust him. The experience of being kidnapped and seriously injured on the way to middle school caused her a deep psychological shadow. They met for the first time. It's really not very good. Now there are national defense students who challenge her against her, and then there are people surnamed Han who want to hurt her. They come down again and again. The impression of the soldiers on her is not very good. She has a heart of defense. Inevitably.

For a moment, Yan Shao couldn't help but want to laugh. Little Lolita had the heart to take precautions before it happened, and she said it outright and quick, which is really cute.

I was relieved, and my tone was light: "If I was really the kind of person without principles, I would have thrown a fireball to set you on fire when you beat me in Shennong Mountain, and I still need to wait until now."

"Yes," Le Yun thought about it and felt reasonable, and grinned: "Speaking of which, I really want to thank you for your kindness of not killing a lot of adults."

"No thanks." Yan Xing's brows and eyes were gentle: "You are a girl, a protected minor, how dare I leave you, let alone set you on fire, if you don't point my acupuncture points and make me think about it Amitabha Buddha. No nonsense, are you going?"

"I want to go, I'll think about it." Le Yun rolled her eyes, ran happily to the place where the vegetables were placed, twisted the loofah, opened the refrigerator to get the meat, and proposed to go to the kitchen together.


Yan Xing's eyes lit up, and it became a success. Little Lolita was willing to cook his favorite dishes, proving that he succeeded in abduction.

(End of this chapter)

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