magic eye doctor

Chapter 1606 Do it if you can (2 more

Chapter 1606 Do it if you can (2 more

Sister-in-law Liu and sister-in-law Hu were observing the grandparents of the Wu family, and Mother Wu was completely dumbfounded when she knew that the person wearing the ancient costume was the little short-lived ghost of Meicun Le.

The little short-lived ghost... seems to be more developed!
The life of the little short-lived ghost's family is good, which shows how miserable the Wu family is. After the incident of beating her girl was exposed, all ordinary people in ten miles and eight villages poked the Wu family's backbone in the back, saying that the Wu family had lost their conscience, so they were punished. Nemesis.

My family's life is so hard, it's all caused by Le Xiao's short-lived ghost!Mother Wu stared at the bejeweled, high-spirited little short-lived ghost, and she was so angry with hatred that she didn't dare to show it.

Hu's sister-in-law and Liu's sister-in-law looked at the grandparents of the Wu family, and stood around watching Xiao Lele and Zhang Jing fight. I can’t come out anymore, oops, I think you were Wu Lingling’s baby bump back then, eating delicious food and drinking spicy food every day, and dressed beautifully, why do you look similar to me now, your skin is old and rough, is it your father’s side? Did you spend it without giving money, or the Wu family withheld the money, making you unable to even afford cosmetics?
I remember that two years ago, the Wu family went to Lejia and said that it was a trivial matter to pay Lejia 30. The money must have been given by your own father. The Wu family did not lose money, and the Wu family would not be greedy for all the money. Bar?
If this is the case, the Wu family is going too far. There is no reason to sell Wu Lingling to someone as a mistress, greedy for money from the Huang family, and treat their illegitimate daughter harshly. "

Sister-in-law Liu's mouth was fast, like a cannonball, and she talked a lot, and successfully attracted the gossip of the people nearby.

Mother Wu originally knew that a man in ancient clothes was a Le Xiao short-lived ghost because she heard her granddaughter talking to a man in ancient clothes, and tried to pretend that she did not exist. After a series of words, his face changed drastically.

Wu's mother, who was extremely angry, turned her head to look at her grandson, and shouted at the people: "What are you talking nonsense, woman? My family's affairs have nothing to do with you. I want you to meddle in my own business here. Talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart."

The woman from the Wu family reacted fiercely, and Sister-in-law Liu burst into laughter: "Oh, from what you see, I guess you are right, you are really greedy for the money given by Zhang Jing's father's family, so I poked your heart Son, you are so nervous."

Mother Wu was panicked at first, but she looked at her granddaughter again, and saw her looking at her with strange eyes, she panicked: "Xiao Jing, don't talk nonsense, how could grandpa, grandma and uncle be greedy for your money, your father and he ...he didn't give any money at all..."

"Hey, it's wrong for you to deceive your own granddaughter like this," Le Yun couldn't listen anymore: "You said you didn't corrupt your granddaughter's money, what did you use to make up for the tax that your eldest son escaped? 50, do you have that much money?
You old couple feel sorry for your son and grandson, and you are reluctant to sell your granddaughter's grandson's house. You used the money your granddaughter's father gave her to fill the big hole of your eldest son's family, and you kept it from your granddaughter. This is too wicked.

From this point of view, Wu Lingling is also a bit pitiful. She sold herself to your family in exchange for so many benefits, and in the end she was ruined and went to jail. You used the benefits she got for decades to live a good life, and in the end you were greedy for pornography. If Wu Lingling knew in prison that your family was so ungrateful and treated her daughter like that, she wouldn't know if she would scold you white-eyed wolves. "

Le little short-lived ghost came out halfway, Wu's mother was so angry that her liver was about to explode, and she couldn't control it anymore, she yelled: "Little short-lived ghost, you shit-stirring ghost, you're going to die! Why didn't you talk to the Le family? The old thing dies as soon as it falls like that, so if you are killed by this disaster, it means that nothing will happen..."

"Your mother's fairy banban, it turns out that you already knew that Wu Lingling pushed my grandfather down the mountain, and you must have known that the Huang family had a feud with my family, so your family helped the Huang family to kill my family, right? ?”

The old woman was so angry that she slipped her mouth, Le Yun immediately sensed something was wrong, turned around and took a step to the vegetable stall, leaned forward, and reached out to grab the old woman's skirt.

Before catching the old woman, her fingers flickered again and again, and a few traces of true energy touched the meridian in front of the old woman, and then her hand grabbed the old woman's clothes.

He grabbed the lapel of the old woman from the Wu family and lifted it vigorously, lifting the man with his feet hanging in the air like a chicken.

With another arm retracted, the old woman was raised in front of her. The other hand creaked the fan, stretched out a palm and slapped it. If there is a reason to do it, if there is a chance, hit it!
Mother Wu had just cursed a few words, but was shocked by the little short-lived ghost, her voice stopped abruptly, and she stared at the little short-lived ghost in fear, did she say something wrong?
Seeing the little short-lived ghost staring fiercely at her, Mother Wu's heart pounded, and then the little short-lived ghost appeared in front of her eyes. She was so frightened that she wanted to retreat, but before she could retreat, she was picked up by one hand , and his neck was strangled by his own clothes.

Not being lifted up, both feet dangling in the air, frightened like a cat that was suddenly lifted up, its limbs were stiff, and it dared not move.

Her face turned pale all of a sudden, and when she was slapped on the face, she exclaimed: "No, no, I don't know, I don't know anything, it's none of my business..."

"How dare you lie in front of my aunt? Your family killed my grandfather and almost killed me, and now you still want to pretend that it has nothing to do with you? Look at what retribution has happened to your family, how dare you swear to God? Don’t you really know that when thunder strikes, don’t your family panic?”

Le Yun slapped the old woman's left face, waved her hand and slapped the old woman's left face again, and slapped her hands twice again.

After being slapped in the ears and strangled around the neck again, and hearing the little short-lived ghost say that the Wu family had suffered retribution, Wu's mother collapsed, incontinent to urinate, and cried loudly: "I don't know, I don't know, it's the boss!" I didn't do anything with the old man's idea..."

Le Yun had already guessed that the Wu family must know that the Huang family had an enmity with the Le family, so the Wu family unanimously helped the Huang family lose the Le family. The Wu family!

At the beginning, she was still too soft-hearted, so she only gave the Wu family father, son, mother and son a medicine to cut off their children and grandchildren, and did not give them the poison that could not survive or die!
Getting angry, he raised his hand and slapped the old woman's palms again. When he smelled a foul smell, he stretched out his hand, quickly put the old woman back in place, and retracted his hand.

"Everyone in your family is devoid of conscience. You and the Huang family partnered to kill my grandfather. Don't try to run away. I will settle accounts with you at any time. Even if you die, I will dig your graves." You dragged the corpse out of the coffin and flogged it."

Hate, Le Yun wanted to eat the meat of the Wu family. The whole family conspired with the Huang family to kill others, and pretended to be nothing. In the end, they brazenly ran to the Le family and told her that the dead cannot be resurrected, and the whole family is a beast!

Mother Wu was put down, rescued from the panic of dying, clutching the front of her clothes with both hands, panting heavily, and at the same time stepped back a few steps, looking at Le Xiaoshougui in horror, fearing that she would come and strangle her neck again.

The girl in ancient clothes looked like a green onion, and the petite and lovely girl suddenly became angry, and grabbed the old woman with one hand and lifted her up. That scene was so shocking that others were dumbfounded.

Yan Xinglan and the other three were stunned for a while, but they also pretended to be stunned and didn't stop them. They were the bodyguards of the little loli, and they were protecting the little loli from getting hurt, not stopping the little loli from getting hurt. people.

The two handsome guys didn't stop them, and Sister-in-law Liu and Hu, who realized it after a while, also pretended to be deaf and dumb, and never tried to persuade them.

Zhang Jing was dumbfounded when she heard Liu's sister-in-law say that the Wu family was greedy for the money her father gave her. Seeing her grandma's reaction, no matter how stupid she was, she knew there was something wrong. Her father's family definitely gave her a sum of money. Grandma and uncles and aunts swallowed it in private.

Thinking that the money that originally belonged to her was swallowed up by the people she regarded as her reliance, and she still detested herself everywhere, Zhang Jing was angry and hated, hated her mother's relatives for being cruel, and hated herself for being helpless.

When she saw her grandma being picked up by Le Xiao short-lived ghost with one hand, with eyes like seeing a ghost, Le Yun could actually lift a person? !
Hearing that Le Yun dug up the old account again and said that she wanted to find her to account for Huang Shishi's beating, Zhang Jing was terrified, and watched her grandma being slapped by Le Yun, the more she watched, the more frightened she became, Le Yun waited Won't you grab her and beat her up?
When Le Yun threw her grandma back, she took two steps back in fright.

She just backed away a little, and saw her grandmother clutching the skirt of her neck and panting heavily, her feet unsteady and about to fall, she hesitated for a moment, but still reached out to support her grandmother.

After Wu's mother was frightened, she took a few more slaps, but her mind cleared up, and she also knew that she accidentally lost control and provoked Le Xiaoshougui again, so she panicked.

Being supported to stand firm, thinking of her granddaughter, she felt even more frightened. She grabbed her granddaughter's hand and cried, "Xiao Jing, grandpa and grandma really didn't take your money. Your father really didn't give you any money. Your father only paid for your mother. I gave a sum of money to compensate Zhang Ke during the divorce, but I didn’t give you any money... Well, if your father gave you the money, your grandparents are really greedy for your money, so why would they spend such a hard life..."

"That's not necessarily true," Mrs. Hu said quickly, and took over the words smoothly: "Someone from the Huang family has been involved in the bureau to eat the state food, and all his money came from corruption, and the money given to you is naturally stolen money. You swallow it How can you dare to spend money openly and extravagantly? Of course, it is well covered, and on the surface it looks like you are too poor to sell your iron, and it is a show for others to watch and make people sympathize with you."

Mother Wu cried and explained to her granddaughter that the granddaughter didn't say anything, and someone came to make trouble again, her chest was swollen with anger, she turned her head to look at the woman who spoke, her face was contorted, that damned woman, crazy woman, she must die!

"Look at this, I've hit the mark again, right? Hey, the Wu family is broken from the root, the old and the young are all bad!" Stared by the old woman as if she wanted to kill someone, Mrs. Hu can't help it. Don't be afraid, shake your head and sigh, the Wu family is just a nest of rotten eggs, commonly known as a nest of bad guys,
"..." The woman stabbed the knife into the heart of the heart, and Wu's mother was so angry that the veins on her forehead bulged, and the hand holding her granddaughter trembled like an electric shock.

Grandma grabbed her hand very hard, Zhang Jing felt the pain, but the heart was more sad than the pain, grandma's reaction showed that what Aunt Liu and Aunt Hu said was true, her father had given her money, but she was The grandfather's family stole it behind their backs.

Grandpa, grandma, uncle and aunt swallowed her money, and it was superfluous to dislike her. Grandpa and grandma loved their grandchildren, so they kept it from her and pretended to love her.

Zhang Jing's heart was cold, and she opened her mouth a few times before making a sound: "Grandma, I believe that grandpa and uncles didn't take my money. Those women deliberately sow discord and want us to turn against each other. I won't be fooled." , Grandma is not angry anymore, it is not worth being angry for irrelevant people."

Mother Wu, who was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, felt a stone in her heart fall to the ground when she heard her granddaughter's words. She grabbed her granddaughter's hand and cried excitedly: "Xiao Jing, it's good that you are not fooled. You are educated and know a lot." Grandma can rest assured if she can tell who is good and who is bad."

"Grandma, let's...let's go back, it's...too hot." Grandma's expression changed from expression to joy, and Zhang Jing felt cold in her heart. It was summer, but it felt as cold as winter.

"Yeah, let's... stop selling vegetables and go home." Wu's mother calmed down a little, and smelled the smell of urine, looked at her crotch, and found that she had peed in her pants, panicked with embarrassment, and immediately squatted down , Pick up vegetables and put them in the basket.

Sister-in-law Hu, sister-in-law Liu and the people nearby all moved aside, smelling the stinky smell of urine, and did not step on the old woman of the Wu family again. She jumped over the wall when she was in a hurry, just a few steps, and if she stepped on it too hard, she would jump over the wall in a hurry The fuck guy hits people, there are many people on the street, the guy doesn't have eyes, and he is easy to get hurt.

After beating up a woman named Wu, Le Yun felt a little better. She stopped chasing and beating her. There were passers-by on the street watching her. Enough is enough. A few slaps and scolding are fine. With people's tendency to sympathize with the weak, if passers-by feel that the Wu family is pitiful, she will be indebted.

The fish stall owner saw the excitement, and hurriedly put the fish into a net bag and weighed it.

The vendor praised the fish, and Lan San nimbly grabbed a bag of fish and put it in a plastic basket that he dragged to moisten it.

Classmate Le gave the money, and seeing his younger brother reaching out for a hug, the younger brother took it from Aunt Hu's arms and hugged him.

When his sister was quarreling with others, Le Shan followed Aunt Hu quietly. When she was fine, he clinged to her, hugged her neck, kissed her a few times, and comforted her in a childlike voice: "Sister is not sad, I will definitely Grow up quickly, I will protect my sister when I grow up."

The heart-warming younger brother is so cute, Le Yun gnawed on his younger brother's tender face, and his face blossomed with a smile: "My sister has the ability to protect herself, and my sister can protect herself, and she can also protect Le Shan and her parents, Le Shan Don’t rush to grow up, you can grow up normally, you can eat as much as you need, it’s wrong to eat and drink too much to grow up fast, you will gain weight by eating and drinking too much, and getting too fat is also a disease .”

"Well, I grow normally." Le Shan nodded his head, eating and drinking violently is not a good thing, he listened to his sister, eat as much as you should.

Zhang Jing just wanted to go far away as soon as possible, squatting down to help pick up vegetables, heard the voice of a baby-like child, raised the stage to look at Le Xiao short-lived ghost, and saw her hugging a beautifully dressed little girl. My child, clenched her fists fiercely. If the mother gave birth to a boy for the Zhang family, even if Zhang Ke's father knew that she was not a child of the Zhang family, he would definitely not divorce his mother!

Little Lolita paid the money and hugged the little doll and left without looking back. The two neighbors of Le's family were teasing little Leshan, and Yan Dashao and Lan San also dragged the trailer and quickly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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