magic eye doctor

Chapter 1607 Eavesdropping

Chapter 1607 Eavesdropping
Le Xiaolong-lived ghost passed by, Wu's mother's tense nerves relaxed, but she also heard people around pointing at her, saying things like "He has no conscience, he deserves to be punished" and "Shameless". Can't hold my head up.

She was afraid of hearing worse words, and even more afraid of being mentioned about the embarrassing thing about peeing her pants, so she hurriedly picked up the vegetables and stuffed them into the basket, rolled up the cloth paper spread on the floor, picked up the household items, and left in a disheartened manner.

Zhang Jing followed her grandma into the crowd with her bag and sun umbrella, but her mind never stopped. For a while, she remembered what Aunt Liu said about how old she looked, and for a while, she remembered those people who said that her grandpa's family swallowed her The money my father gave me reminded me of my grandma's flustered performance.

Wu's mother just wanted to get away from people as soon as possible, and Zhang Jing also wanted to leave quickly. The grandparents and grandson walked left and right in the crowd, because Wu's mother had a smell, and many people moved away when they smelled it. They walked relatively smoothly and quickly. Soon out of the market.

Wu's house is a bit far from the street, and she could sometimes take the bus for business operations, but because Wu's mother peed on her crotch, she didn't have the face to stop the car and walked by herself.

Zhang Jing held up an umbrella to help grandma shade the sun.

The grandparents and grandsons hurried towards home, because it was still early, they met many people rushing to the street, and the grandparents and grandchildren tried their best to avoid people.

Wu's mother and granddaughter hurried to the intersection leading to the entrance of the village. The villagers smelled something and looked at them, and Wu's mother was so ashamed that she ran away.

Running all the way back to Wu's house, Wu's mother entered the courtyard, ran to the eaves and threw away a load of baskets, without even caring for her breath, she went into the house to change her pants.

Wu's father was sitting in the hall smoking a cigarette. Seeing his mother-in-law coming back so soon, he thought the business was good. When he found that the basket was almost full of vegetables, he asked the granddaughter who brought the umbrella into the house in surprise, "Xiao Jing, why did you call off work so quickly?" Already?"

"Grandpa," Zhang Jing called an elder, entered the room with an umbrella, stood first, and explained in a low voice: "Grandma and I were selling vegetables, and we met Le Yun's short-lived ghost, and we quarreled again, and Le Yun beat grandma." A few ear handles..."

"Why does the little short-lived ghost beat people again? It's too bullying!" Father Wu was so angry that his heart was trembling, and Lingling was already in jail. Why should the surname Le continue to bully people endlessly?

"Grandma scolded Le Yun for being a short-lived ghost, and Le Yun said... saying that grandpa, grandma, uncles and mother joined forces to harm the Le family and killed the old man... Le Yun and the people in Meicun still father gave me the money, and my grandparents and uncles took it all for themselves..." Zhang Jing secretly observed his grandfather's face, deliberately pretending to be scared, and tremblingly explained the reason.

Father Wu was originally furious because his mother-in-law was beaten, but when he heard that Le Xiaoshangshou said that he and his family partnered to harm Le's family, his heart was agitated, and his anger disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Le Xiao short-lived ghost...does she still want to settle the old score?
Father Wu was very flustered. When he heard his granddaughter say that the people of Meicun said that the Wu family had embezzled her granddaughter's money, his expression changed suddenly, and he explained in a panic: "Xiao Jing, what they said was nothing. The Huang family was under the watchful eye at that time, how dare you give you money, the Huang family really dares to give it, and we dare not collect it for you, for fear of dirty money."

Zhang Jing observed her grandpa's expression, and her heart was more chilled than seeing her grandma's expression. Grandpa always had this expression when he did something guilty. Therefore, her father's family must have given her a sum of money as compensation. Grandpa and uncles She felt that her father had fallen, and the Huang family would not care about her, so she swallowed all the money!

Being deceived by her closest relatives, Zhang Jing's hatred in her heart is no less than the hatred for Le Xiaoshougui. Leshougui took revenge on her, and even her grandfather's family bullied her to be helpless. No wonder the uncles will suffer retribution!

Resentment in her heart, Zhang Jing didn't show it, and squeezed out a smile: "I understand, my grandpa and grandma loved me since childhood, how could they swallow my money? The people in Meicun just want to sow discord and make trouble in our family. Jump, they watch the fun."

"Hmmmm, Xiaojing is a college student, her brain is more flexible than ours, she can see clearly, we used to be better than others, others were jealous of us, now we are in trouble, others want to watch the fun, wish we could make noise, have a fight It's up to you." Wu's father secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Xiao Jing was not found!
"Well, I understand, grandpa, I'm going back upstairs to write a cover letter." Grandpa and grandma's reactions were similar, and Zhang Jing felt uncomfortable, so she reported and walked towards the stairs with her umbrella and bag.

The granddaughter looked as if she really didn't take what others said to her heart, and Father Wu was relieved, how could he disagree, and watched the granddaughter go upstairs, and heard the footsteps all the way to the third floor, the whole person seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden Wipe away the sweat.

After taking a few breaths, cold sweat dripped from his back unknowingly. He sat down again, found that the cigarette had gone out, lit it again, took a few deep breaths, and managed to calm down.

When I went upstairs, Zhang Jing eavesdropped. My uncles and aunts were not at home. I climbed to the third floor and opened the door. I put down my things first and turned on the computer. Then I took off my shoes and went downstairs quietly with bare feet. There is a cat on the stairs downstairs.

Mother Wu ran back to the room, looking for clean pants in a hurry. When she heard her granddaughter talking to the old man, her heart jumped into her throat. It wasn't until the old man agreed with her that the skin on her back was loosened. open.

Quickly changed into clean trousers, went out from the side door of the room, went to the bathroom to fetch water and washed it, and then returned to the main room.

Seeing the mother-in-law's appearance, Father Wu didn't see any scars on the mother-in-law's face, and scolded in a low voice: "You are stupid, knowing that the little short-lived ghost is not going to deal with our family, you have told you to hide when you see her? When you bump into someone and scold someone, do you think she didn't come to the door, or that no one beat you, and you feel uncomfortable, don't you?"

"I... didn't scold her. It was the little short-lived ghost who quarreled with Xiao Jing first. The people in Meicun said that we were greedy for Xiao Jing's money. I was so angry that I scolded her. Who knew that the little short-lived ghost was so fierce and dared to beat people in the street. " Mother Wu felt wronged, it was obviously the little short-lived ghost who took the initiative to provoke her.

"Are you a stupid pig? There's nothing the little short-lived ghost can't do. She wants to trouble us even if she has nothing to do. Whatever you say is her reason for trouble. No matter what she says, you can't pretend that you didn't hear it?"

"The little short-lived ghost said that we used the money from Xiaojing's father's family to pay the boss's taxes, as if he saw it..." Mother Wu was even more wronged. If the little short-lived ghost hadn't stabbed her family's weakness, she would naturally Don't panic.

"So what if she's right? She has no proof. Could it be that she will go to the Huang family to ask if the Huang family gave Xiao Jing a sum of money as compensation? Even if someone wants to ask for proof, they have to ask the Huang family to confirm Account, the Huang family is almost in decline, and it's too late for them to avoid trouble, how can they admit it?
No matter what others say in the future, don't say anything. If you don't say it, others can only guess. If you curse, you are guilty.In the future, when you see the Le family hiding by themselves, don’t fight against them if you can’t provoke them. We can’t deal with the little short-lived ghost, and someone will always punish her. "

"I..." Wu's mother was so ashamed by the scolding, she turned her head and went back into the room angrily, lying on the bed and sulking.

Zhang Jing, who was eavesdropping by the cat in the stairwell, heard the conversation between grandparents and grandma clearly, felt sad, and shed tears uncontrollably.

It turned out that her father really left her a sum of money, but her grandfather and uncles embezzled the money behind her back.

Grandpa and grandma always say that grandchildren and granddaughters are all the same, saying that her mother went in, and grandpa and grandma are protecting her, and no matter how hard it is, she will be able to provide for her to finish college. She is also grateful to grandpa and grandma for their kindness.

However, who would have thought that the closest person is also the most ruthless person.

If the grandpa's family told her the truth and lent her the compensation that her father gave her to fill in the hole for her uncle, she would understand, but they kept hiding and deceiving her.

Especially grandpa and grandma, on the surface they still pretended to love her, saying that they would send her to finish college even if they said nothing, she was really touched, thinking that grandpa and grandma were really good to her, thinking that she would be rich in the future Be filial to your grandparents.

The most hateful thing is the aunts and uncles, who obviously spend her money, but still dislike her for living for nothing, think she is a fool, and accuse Sang openly and secretly.

The aunts hated her, and grandpa and grandma pretended to protect her. Grandpa and aunts sang good faces one by one and bad faces the other, deceiving her around.


feeling bad.

Thinking of losing the protection of her mother and father, her grandfather's family showed a greedy face. Zhang Jing felt even more uncomfortable than knowing that she was a wild species. She didn't dare to cry and covered her mouth. Tears were like broken beads. A bunch of drops.

Tears kept gushing out like water that had broken a bank, blurring his eyes and covering his face.

Zhang Jing, who was bent over her waist, wiped away her tears after hearing what her grandpa and grandma said, went upstairs lightly, returned to the room on the third floor and closed the door, couldn't control it anymore, and threw herself on the bed and cried.

Even when she returned to the third floor, she still didn't dare to cry loudly, fearing that her grandparents would suspect her if they heard her voice, and secretly tried to torture her with her aunts, forcing her to leave Wu's house voluntarily.

She will not leave the Wu family until she finds a job. What's more, the aunts and the whole family spend her money, and she owns the food and lodging at the Wu family.

Zhang Jing cried for a long time until she shed her tears. She got up and washed her face. When she looked in the mirror, she found that her skin was really as old and rough as Aunt Liu said.

Unexpectedly, I thought of Le Yun's short-lived ghost's tender face with fair skin like a peeled egg. He gritted his teeth with jealousy. Why is Le Yun so lucky to have such a good father and grandparents?
It's alright for Le Yun to have grandparents and father who love her so much, but she also has such a good brother and teacher!

Originally, she might have a good life, but it was all because Le Yun's mid-autumn festival phone call that year was ruined, and now she has nothing!

Le Yun was the chief culprit who caused her misfortune. The grandfather's family took advantage of the benefits brought by her mother, and finally embezzled her money, causing her even greater misfortune.

Hate, Zhang Jing hated Le Yun, and also hated grandpa, grandma, and uncle. The hatred felt like boiling water was boiling in her heart, and her eyes were burning red.

She turned her head and left the washing room, went back to the room and sat in front of the computer. When she wanted to find a company to send her resume, she paused again, staring at the computer for a long time, and quickly searched for some information she was looking for.

After searching for a long time, I silently wrote down some things, and then deleted my web browsing records from the browser, and then I found a suitable job for myself.

In the morning, Father Wu looked at his granddaughter’s expression as if he didn’t take other people’s words to heart, but he was thinking about it. When it was almost noon, he saw his granddaughter coming downstairs to help cook and do some odd jobs. It looks the same, and I am completely relieved.

The daughters-in-law of the Wu family didn't know what happened to their niece and mother-in-law. It was still you who didn't like me, and I didn't like you, and they were picky about their niece.

After shutting herself up for a long time, Zhang Jing had an idea in her mind, turned a blind eye to the faces of her aunts, and continued to be a "poor little girl" who needed to be supported by her grandfather's family.

(End of this chapter)

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