magic eye doctor

Chapter 1612 I am relieved (2 more

Chapter 1612 I am relieved (2 more

Old principal Yin saw the draft handwritten by Le, and was amazed by the beautiful regular script. He held it for a long time and couldn't put it down. Because the copy was distributed to everyone, he reluctantly returned the manuscript to Le.

Village Chief Zhou also had a copy, and he read it with his hands in his hands, his brow dripping with sweat. There were many characters in the draft written by Xiao Lele that he couldn't read!
The members of the township leadership group also broke out in a cold sweat secretly because they did not recognize the draft for many times. For the sake of face, no one said anything, pretending to study it seriously.

Not to mention the township leaders, even the school leaders, not everyone can recognize all the traditional Chinese characters in the draft.

Principal Yin carefully studied the agreement written by Le, who was a liberal arts student, even though most of it was written in traditional characters, he seemed to have no pressure, and nodded frequently while watching, saying "yes" and "makes sense".

After reading the draft, ask the rest of the school: "Do you have any questions, or anything to add?"


"We have no opinion."

The school leaders unanimously expressed that they had no opinion, felt a little bitter, could not read some words, and did not fully understand certain provisions of the draft, but they could not speak out!
"We have no objections here, and we can sign it by handwriting two more official documents. Student Le, do you have anything else to add?" All the representatives of the school had no objections. The old principal Yin was very pleased. Fang Fang's donation, if the recipient has any opinions, it can't be "a dog bites Lu Dongbin - doesn't know a good heart".

"I am a villain first and then a gentleman. Everything I want to say is in the agreement, and there is nothing else to add." Le Yun reached into her sleeve again, took out and took out two paper rolls again, and untied the binding thread , spread out the manuscript paper.

Seeing everyone's surprise, the pretty and sweet girl smiled brightly, and spit out words like pearls: "I have prepared three manuscripts. If the school leaders have no objections, please sign the draft I wrote. This is my copy." The original paper is special paper, and the ink is also special ink. Some kinds of plants are added to the paper and ink raw materials, which are different from the paper and ink on the market. The important thing is that the anti-counterfeiting is first-class, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone who wants to change something privately to make a fake by copying."

"Little girl ghost spirit." The old principal Yin was startled at first, and then cursed dumbfoundingly. The little girl not only thought of writing a gentleman's agreement, but also made anti-counterfeiting preparations for the paper and ink of the contract, in order to prevent villains from playing tricks. A ghostly little girl, practical and cute.

The school leaders were sweating.

Le Yun smiled and showed the other two manuscripts to the old principal and others.

The old principal Yin checked it and passed it to the school colleagues and third-party township leaders for verification.

The school leaders and the township leadership team checked it, and sent the original manuscript back to the old principal Yin.

The old principal Yin gave the original manuscript to Le, and the school reception staff brought a signature pen, ink, and paper towels to Le, and at the same time gave Le and the township leaders the passbook for the teacher's moral award for verification.

After Village Chief Zhou delivered a message to the school, the school went to the credit union yesterday afternoon to open a new account in order to save the money for the teacher's moral award.

One of the requirements for student Le to donate bonuses is that the bonus must have a separate bank account, and it is only used for bonus distribution. The school is not allowed to embezzle the money for any other matters without permission. reasons, must be communicated with the donor and written permission must be obtained.

After checking the school's account number, Le Yun showed the passbook to someone Yan and handsome guy Lan San to check.

Lan San took out the handheld computer from the bag, logged on to the bank website to check the bank account number to make sure there was no problem, and the passbook was returned to Classmate Le.

Depositing and dismantling is indeed not a personal property, not afraid of being swallowed by others, Le Yun spread out the three manuscripts, reached into her sleeve again and took out a cloth bag, from which she took out two seals and a box of homemade ink pads.

"..." The two leadership teams who were on the sidelines no longer knew how to describe their feelings. The reporters were all amazed. Didn't the little classmates change from Hula A Meng?
Little Le Yun, who didn't care what others thought of her, picked up the signature pen and swiped on the manuscript. First, she filled in the empty bank account number with the school's bank account number, and then signed.

At the end of the line of donors in each agreement, leave two characters written in a pen and ink, then open the seal box, take the ink pad on the hand and press it on the name, and then press the name on the name with the finger ink pad Fingerprints.

After signing and depositing by himself, he handed the three documents to the school leaders.

Old Principal Yin took the lead in signing his name behind the school representative column, and then stamped his handprint, and other personnel signed and stamped it one after another, and then stamped the school's official seal.

Then, as third-party witnesses, the representatives of the township leaders signed and testified, and also affixed their official seals.

At this point, the agreement for Le to donate the school teacher’s morality award has officially come into effect. The donor, the recipient, and the notarized third-party personnel each keep a copy of the contract. After that, the township government and the school will scan and save the contract in the computer. Electronic file, backup.

After signing the money donation agreement, Le Yun took Lan handsome boy's handheld computer to log in to the bank, and transferred 600 million from the ICBC card to the school's teacher's moral award account.

The transfer of huge amounts of money originally required 24 hours of verification time, but Ms. Le registered with the bank, except for her account. Transactions of large amounts can be transferred to the account in real time.

Little Lolita completed the on-site transfer, and within 5 minutes, the mobile phone linked to the school's bank account received a text message saying that a sum of money had arrived.

The vice-principal in charge of management checked the information and hurriedly announced: "The money donated by Student Le has arrived, a total of 600 million yuan!"

As soon as he reported the number, the school leaders of Jiudao Junior High School glanced at him, their eyes were full of shock, so what, can you say it again, how much is it?

The township leaders headed by Li Xiangzhang were also stunned. The vice-principal just said 600 million? ?

Yesterday, Mr. Le, the head of the village, mentioned the amount of funding when communicating with them. It is said that Mr. Le’s total funding for the school was more than 300 million. Now, only one teacher's moral award is 300 million!
The heartbeat of the leaders in the village quickened, wondering if they were hallucinating.

The executive vice-principal reported the number, only to realize it belatedly, his face became extremely exciting, he stared at the phone and looked at it, and counted tens of millions silently several times, swallowed his saliva, With a feeling of trepidation, he reaffirmed the number he said: "It's 600 million, I read it right, the bank should...not be wrong."

"That's right, it's 600 million." Noticing the strange expressions of those big bosses, Le Yun affirmed that the number reported by the vice president is true: "As long as there is no corruption and embezzlement problem, this fund is enough for just an award. , properly allocate a part of the deposit for a fixed period, and the annual interest is also very considerable."

"Xiao Le, isn't this too much? It will cost a lot to build a library and a teaching building, as well as books and teaching materials. The total cost will be at least two or three million, and the total will be nearly ten million, which will cause a lot of money for yourself Pressure?"

The old principal Yin looked at classmate Le worriedly. It is a good thing that it is a good thing for a small classmate to care about education, but if it causes her a financial burden, how can he bear to see her bear the shackles of financial burden for this.

"It's okay, I have a net worth of several hundred million anyway, and there is no financial pressure for a cash transaction of less than one hundred million. When it's really short of money to spend, at worst, I can throw a few rough emerald stones and exchange them for hundreds of dollars in minutes. Wan, you can rest assured, old principal, I will not wrong myself."

The old principal is still the same old principal, always considerate of other people's difficulties, never accept others' kindness for granted, let alone kidnap others morally.

"In this way, I can rest assured. It is good for you to be caring, and you must do everything according to your ability." The old principal Yin was a little relieved. She is proud, donating millions to anyone at every turn, no matter how much money she has, it is not enough to spend.

"I will, thank you." Le Yun's heart warmed. Others wished to get a penny from the sponsor, but the old principal reminded her to do what she could. This is the magnificence of a truly caring teacher.

The school representatives also knew that Le was willing to subsidize the school's education, mostly because of Mr. Yin, and they would never talk too much, and only acted as escorts.

The funds for the teacher's morality award were in place, and he talked about details such as the start of the project, and Xiao Le left and went home.

Old school Yin and Li Xiangzhang wanted to stay with the little classmate for dinner. They heard that she was still decorating the house these few days. If she had something to do, they didn't try hard to persuade the little classmate to stay and sent the little classmate to the car.

Dang Le took her younger brother, bodyguards, boarded the sports car with Village Chief Zhou, and left the school gate. Old Principal Yin and the township leaders went back to the reception room to screen construction companies together, and dinner was served around twelve o'clock.

A group of people ate the burnt marinated fish made by Le Tong, and they were successfully bribed. If they didn't want to go back to report, the reporters didn't want to leave. Of course, they left anyway, and rushed back to the county after lunch. ri or city.

Little Lolita left the school, returned to Xiangjie Central Street, took a detour to Jiudao Primary School for a walk, and then went to a shop on the street where the bus parking area of ​​Xiangjie was to pick up the courier.

The wooden retro palace lantern chandelier she ordered for the second floor in the north arrived in Jiudao yesterday afternoon. It should be the courier collection point in Jiudaoxiang Street that came with the bus back to Jiudao yesterday afternoon. She texts.

After getting the courier, I went to the two shops that run the door for a walk, and then returned to the village. After a few trips, I returned to Lejia. The chandeliers are installed before eating.

(End of this chapter)

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