magic eye doctor

Chapter 1613

Chapter 1613 A Thousand Mistakes Are My Fault

Village Chief Zhou had nothing to do. He had lunch at Le's house at noon, and then wandered slowly back to his home for a lunch break.

Not long after his old man left, the door owner on the township street delivered the doors she ordered to Ms. Le's home, all of which were anti-theft doors.

Le Xiao also doesn’t like the plywood or solid wood doors in the store, especially the plywood is bonded with adhesive, she doesn’t like it even more, and would rather use a steel-skinned anti-theft door.

The two east-facing rooms on the first floor of the north building each have two doors, the two west-facing rooms have only one door, one door for the kitchen, and one door leading to the stairwell, and one door leading to the backyard from the stairwell. There are nine doors in total.

Little Lolita removed two doors from the study room on the second floor. The two doors could be used for the kitchen and the opening leading from the living room to the stairwell. A total of seven doors were ordered.

With all the decoration materials ready, Le Xiao took out the toolbox, rolled up his sleeves and started working to change the door.

Yan Shaolan and the three handsome guys are acting as assistants, and the two are purely handymen. The little loli can do whatever she wants, absolutely not pretending to be smart.

Father Le and Zhou Qiufeng also work as part-time workers, lending a hand when they need help.

Ant Laoyan always showed his face during the meal, and climbed to the second floor to study without delay after eating; his sister was busy, and Le Shan and Wolf Dog stayed in the main room to watch TV.

Le's house is installing the door, bang bang bang bang, making a lot of noise, Brother Zhou is always wondering, he doesn't know what Xiao Lele is doing again, so he goes to his brother-in-law's house to have a look.

As soon as he arrived on the village road outside Lejia's house, he saw several doors lined up on the ground in front of Lejia's door like a row of garlic. Lele was carrying a guy and was tearing down the door facing the outside of the house on the north side. The handsome guy He and his brother-in-law and sister are working as assistants.

Brother Zhou had the urge to cover his eyes, deeply feeling that God must be sleeping when Lele was reincarnated, so he got the gender wrong and let Lele give birth to a daughter, but she had a heart and a heart like a man's. Strength, Lele is commonly known as a female man!
"Brother, what's the matter?" Zhou Qiufeng asked naturally when he saw his brother standing on the village road next to the eaves of his house looking at his side.

"No, I heard some noise from your side, let's take a look." After the peek was discovered, Brother Zhou walked up to the roof of Le's house, watching Xiao Lele show off his ambitions as a carpenter.

Father Le smiled at his uncle, and continued to wait to be a handyman. When Le Shan heard his uncle's voice, he ran outside from the main room, hugged his uncle's thigh, and asked him to play with him.

The little nephew turned into a clingy bug, Brother Zhou was so happy, he picked up the little cub and sat on his neck, carrying the little nephew like a crowd.

Classmate Le Xiao had quick hands and feet, knocked and knocked, and dismantled a door intact, and then dismantled the wooden door frame.

The door frame was dismantled and then repaired, and then a new door cover and door were installed. After installing a set of doors and windows, repeated tests, to confirm that there were no defects, and then to remove another door.

Brother Zhou watched Xiao Lele install the two doors of the outer room on the north side of Le's house, put down his little nephew, and went to work on the village office building by himself. He and a few buddies contracted the painting work on the second floor of the village office building , I have done half a day's work in the morning.

Le Xiao took helpers to dismantle and reinstall several wooden doors on the first floor. It took nearly three hours to complete the work, and then mixed cement slurry and poured it into the door casing to fill all the gaps and completely stabilize the door casing.

Miss Lejia was doing renovations on the first floor, and often made loud noises, but Mr. Yi Laoyan was not affected at all, and entered a state of ecstasy. The night covered the earth and the living room on the second floor was dark.

The two old people had a meal of medicinal food, and then went to the third floor of the south building early to feel it. They really raced against time and cherished time like gold.

Student Le Xiao is not worried at all. She told the two elders about the stakes yesterday. In order to prevent them from being possessed by demons, she suggested that they have enlightenment once every six months. The truth of speed is not speed will not be addicted.

Therefore, instead of persuading the two elders, she made a pot of tea for the two elders with special love, and asked them to take them back to the bedroom to study and drink tea slowly. She and her family enjoyed life happily.

When resting at night, first test the brightness of the chandelier in the living room on the second floor. There are three places for lighting in the living room, only one chandelier is installed, and there are three energy-saving lamps in one palace lantern.

The brightness of one lamp is enough, Le Xiao is still on the second floor with the ladder, let his younger brother play in the study, took two wooden decorative palace lanterns and hung them on the ceiling of the living room reserved for the top of the chandelier.

After installing the decorative lights, she called Yan Chihuo to wait for the medicine in the living room. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands, then went back to the study to get the medicine bottle and went to the living room to help him apply the medicine.

Little Lolita finally remembered that he was still a sick patient, and after a few days of being Yan Xing who was an invisible man in the air, the resentment he was full of disappeared in an instant, and he obediently sat on a throne in the living room as a handsome man.

When little loli came from the study with a medicine bottle, the handsome young man sat upright, with little joy hidden in his long eyes, and asked softly: "little loli, will my face recover if I take the medicine again? Already?"

"It's a good idea," Le Yun stared angrily, "The scar is so deep, so wide and so long, and I want to recover after taking two medicines. You think I have magic, and it will be healed by saying 'Ba la la little magic fairy' what?"

To be honest, she has collected countless elixir in Dongchen Continent. The injury on Yan's face is really not a problem. If he uses the few elixirs on hand and applies them to his face twice in the form of ointment, it will really make him recover. Beautiful appearance.

However, she is determined not to do that.

Yan Chihua is too thick-skinned, and he is a good young man with a red heart towards the party. He used to know that she had pills, but always wanted to cheat her.

Knowing that she has countless elixirs in her hands, Yanren must have no scruples about going out on missions, just hoping that the results are not in the process, and then come to her for treatment every time he gets scars all over his body.

In order to prevent her elixir from being wasted by Yan, Le Yun resolutely and decisively diluted the elixir several times to slow down the scar removal effect.

The little loli yelled at herself again, Yan Xing was cowardly, especially when she was glared at by the little loli, she couldn't be more cowardly, her voice became weaker by an octave: "You go into the mountain tomorrow, and the next time you take the medicine, you have to wait until you come back gone."

"What are you doing with your bare hands, you can't wipe it off yourself?" Le Yun wanted to kick someone down the stairs, but it was better to ignore Yan Ren, every time talking alone can always make people's blood pressure soar in seconds, Destroy her little fairy image.

"You mean to bring me the medicine bottle?" Yan Xing's whole body was full of energy, and the little loli gave him the medicine bottle, so he could save some for himself and keep some for later use.

"Do you want to steal my little classmate's ointment again?" Le Yun unscrewed the lid of the jade bottle, dipped her fingers in the ointment, and was about to give Yan the medicine to smear her face. When she saw Yan's face glowing, she knew what he was thinking , she just haha, the idea of ​​playing her plaster, it should be cleaned up.

"No, no, no, I didn't want to take it for myself, but... I thought I could apply a little more on my own, and maybe I could get better sooner." After being punctured, Yan Xing turned into a frightened little quail, and immediately became honest.

"Sure enough, you haven't applied Fangjiewa for three days. You are so beautiful! You are not a doctor, so you know better than me how much medicine to apply? I haven't given you medicine for a few days, do you think that Because you came to Plum Village, I am angry and let you hang out, right?" Le Yun was so angry that she slapped Yan Ren on the head, this guy deserves to be bothered and beaten. I want to use it to practice sandbags.

"..." After being slapped by the little Lolita Phoenix Claw, Yan Xing became even more cowardly. He curled up his neck like an owl and muttered softly, "Isn't it?"

"What a head, do you think that everyone is as narrow-minded, small-hearted, vengeful, and preoccupied as you are? When I treated you that night, I used medicine for several hours in a row. Your body's muscle energy absorption function has reached the limit. Saturation state, you need to wait a few days before you can apply the medicine again. You are a big man with more eyes than a sieve, and you use the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman. I knew you were so bad. Kick you down, let you stay in the capital obediently as your ostrich, and come to my house to eat my medicinal food to get back at me, what's the use of you as a broken bodyguard?"

Yan Xing, who was so bullied into an ostrich, drooped his head, feeling so sad and disgusted again!

Unwilling to be reconciled, she defended herself weakly: "I'm not broken, I'm obviously a complete person, I'm not narrow-minded, I don't know medical skills, you didn't tell me, how could I know so much, I thought you wouldn't give me a break when you were angry. It's normal to take medicine."

"It's still my fault after all, isn't it?"

"No, no, all mistakes are my fault, you can't be wrong, I have scars on my face, broken skin, I'm a broken bodyguard, I eat a lot, I'm an idiot, I... start tomorrow Eat a little less, I will try to do more and talk less in the future, no, I will shut up now."

Just as he was talking, the little Lolita stared at her beautifully, Yan Xing immediately shut up wisely, a man who knows current affairs is a hero, and the little Lolita has signs of using force again, in order not to be beaten, it is best to act wisely as a mute .

Yan Chihuo became quiet by herself, only then did Le Yun withdraw her gaze from staring at someone, no matter how much she dared to chatter endlessly, acupuncture points, let him watch the night with the black dragon in the living room at night!
Elegantly moved a few fingers of his right hand, and applied ointment to Yan Chihuo. Apart from the longest scar on his face, there were still a few scars and marks on his face, which were relatively shallow. However, that guy's skin was so white that people couldn't ignore it. .

Le Yun put on a face, and applied the medicine to the Yanren over and over again. After applying the medicine five times, he applied another layer of ointment, covered it with a bamboo film, and told him again: "Lie down like a corpse at night, don't be biased. Which side sleeps on the face of the medicine, the medicine is wiped out, the effect of the medicine is not up to the requirement, and I will beat you up tomorrow morning."

Little Lolita has her own deodorant, which also has a medicinal scent. The fragrance is tangy. Yan Xing dare not even move, let alone pant. The little loli yelled at her when she opened her mouth, and she kept nodding her head.

That little head looked like a chick pecking at the rice, Le Yun suppressed her smile, tightened the cap of the medicine bottle, and then went to wash her hands.

The young lady helped her ex-partner's boss to apply the medicine. The black dragon stuck to the young lady's feet. The young lady wanted to go out, but followed, and followed after the young lady returned to the living room after washing her hands.

The big wolf dog is attached to the little Lolita as a leg pendant, and he can still get the caress of the head. Yan Xing secretly threw countless knives at the black dragon, afraid that the little Lolita would see him while sitting in the living room and think he was dissatisfied, so the little Lolita went to wash his hands , He went back to the bedroom to sleep first.

The captain was named by the little lolita and left to apply the medicine. Lan Sanma went back to the guest room first, changed into pajamas and lay on the bed to enjoy the refreshing feeling of the jade mattress. Grinning cheerfully, the little loli is the captain's nemesis, and the captain's fight with the little loli has always been "Confucius moving - all books (lose)".

Their captain has a typical child's temper. He knows that if he provokes a little girl, he will get angry, but he always refuses to change after repeated admonitions, like a brat who won't get itchy if he doesn't beat him for three days.

The captain came back with a feather, and Lan San immediately pretended to be asleep, but he didn't hear anything, he fell asleep!
(End of this chapter)

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