magic eye doctor

Chapter 1614 A bit bad (2 more

Chapter 1614 A bit bad (2 more

Even though the little Lolita gave him a bad meal, because the little Lolita applied the medicine on himself, Yan Xing was in a very good mood, and he had to be upright when he slept. He really stood upright and didn't turn over all night.

He had no dreams all night, he woke up naturally when he slept and found that it was dawn, he heard the small sound from the kitchen on the first floor, guessed that little loli was making breakfast, and got up quickly.

When washing, carefully wet the bamboo membrane with wet water, then peel it off, clean your face, appreciate your beauty in the mirror, and find that the scars are much shallower, feel refreshed, and clean the bamboo membrane. Put it on the table in the main room on the second floor to dry.

Make yourself look like a dog, go downstairs, go to the little Lolita to brush your face, after brushing your face, and Lan San who will go downstairs later will take Black Dragon to morning exercises.

Ant Laoyan studied the plaque for two days, and he said that he had gained something, but he couldn’t say what he had gained. He said he hadn’t gained anything, which was obviously wrong, because the little girl said that the plaque contained great wisdom, and he couldn’t be addicted to it. , They are not greedy, and as before, they take up the task of teaching Xiao Leshan.

After breakfast, classmate Le gave Yan Chihuo a bottle of medicine to apply the medicine himself every night, pack his luggage, carry a huge backpack, and enter the mountain from the back of the village to start the trip to Shennong Mountain.

Little Lolita went to the mountains to do research, Yan Xing and Lan San were fine, they drove Lejia's electric tricycle to the village office building, and moved the children's sports car, a few boxes, and a motorcycle from the helicopter cabin to the South Building of Lejia , temporarily on the first floor.

Before the little loli needed to be decorated, the motorcycle took up space, and it was too troublesome to move them around frequently when moving back to Lejia, so I let them stay on the helicopter for the time being. After the little loli finished the decoration work, the things can go home.

Nothing else, the two handsome guys have the opportunity to be rich and idlers, take a walk in the village with the wolf dog, walk around, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Le Xiao entered the big mountain behind the village and climbed over the mountain in the direction of Shennong Mountain, picking mushrooms and some plants.

When the little Lolita was wandering in the deep mountains, Mi Luo, who was adventurous in the Amazon rainforest of Baguo, known as the kingdom of football, went through untold hardships and finally escaped from the tribal human civilization that still retains ancient customs in the edge of the rainforest. The district has come to a modern civilized city.

Milo, who has a beautiful face in a prosperous age, has been playing hide-and-seek with others in the rainforest for more than two months. He has almost turned into a wild man. His handsome face is covered with stubble, which hides his beauty. Rather shabby, like a bum.

Carrying a travel backpack, the handsome Milo looks like a hiker. When he walked out of the rainforest, he wanted to find accommodation and charge his mobile phone in the human settlements on the edge. However, those human settlements are ancient tribal peoples, without electricity and language barriers .

Unable to communicate with the tribal peoples, Milo the vagabond had no choice but to embark on the trip again by himself. It took two days and traveled to several places. He successfully found a modern civilized town with electricity and communication. Recharge, take a shower by yourself, and then shave your beard clean.

Take care of yourself and admire in the mirror. Although he has lost weight due to staying in the primeval rainforest for too long, and looks malnourished, he has not suffered any serious injuries or disfigured. He is still a man with a prosperous life. A handsome man with a beautiful face.

Satisfied with his state, the beautiful man Milo smiled at the handsome man in the mirror and said, "Dude, you are so handsome", and returned to the hotel room refreshed, and checked that the charging capacity of the mobile phone reached a certain level. Quantity, start.

Turn on the phone, there are multiple phone calls and email messages, and the first time I found an email message from a child from the East, I was so happy that I flew up: "Ah, Xiao Lele sent me an email, this is really good news. !"

Happily whistled a few times, Milo ignored other emails and phone messages, and read the emails from the child first. The child said that she had finished her research work, walked out of the "little black room", and came into contact with human civilization again.

The child asked about his health and how he was having a good time. She also said that she was very happy when she saw the birthday presents that Mr. Farley and his friends gave her, because she was busy with things for the time being and had to wait for the truffle digging Ji only went to Yi country to thank him face to face, first ask him to help convey his thanks.

Looking at the date, I found that the time when the child sent me an email was [-] days ago, I almost jumped, ouch, the child has been home for so long, he played in the rainforest and did not reply to her email, is Xiao Lele angry?

Reminiscent of the child's unhappy puffy cheeks, Milo smiled happily, and then read the second email Xiao Lele sent to himself, which was a handwritten thank you letter for him to forward to old Mr. Ferrari.

The handsome young man immediately sent the thank you email sent by the child to old Mr. Ferrari, and attached a letter saying that he was on an adventure trip in the rainforest. Before the mobile phone was out of power and signal, he did not see the child’s email. Now he just opened the mobile phone to log in to the mailbox. Sir excuse his late message.

After forwarding the email to old Mr. Ferrari, Milo called the kid, wanting to give him a surprise, but he was splashed with cold water—the kid’s phone was turned off!

"Shut down, shut down..."

Holding the phone in his hand, Milo was thinking sadly. He hadn't seen the child for so long and wanted to make a call to hear Xiao Lele's voice, but he couldn't get in touch?
This mood is... a bit bad.

The child sent an email to himself, but he didn't reply for a long time, is he in the same mood now?
Mi Luo looked up at the sky with his mobile phone in his hand, and he stopped again. He hadn't replied to Xiao Lele for so long, or he bought a Muppet Airline to express his apology to the children after he went back?
After thinking about it, he felt that his idea was quite feasible.

Just do it!

He decided to go home or see a beautiful puppet gift on the road and immediately bought it for the children, so that Xiao Lele would be happy.

After deciding what gift to give, Milo was in a good mood, and replied the email to the child, telling the child what he was doing, and explaining the reason why he hadn't replied to the message for twenty days.

Not long after he sent the email to the child, he received a reply from old Mr. Ferrari, read the reply email from old Mr. Ferrari, and then dealt with the private message sent to him by others. He took his personal things and went to the town to find something to eat.

The old Mr. Ferrari knew the news on the day Miss Oriental Doctor finished her research and returned to the capital, because the little doctor didn't take the initiative to contact them, and he didn't bother.

He was very happy when he received the handwritten thank you card from the doctor lady forwarded by Miro. It turned out that the doctor lady replied to them after returning to the capital and saw the gift. The doctor lady was very happy, indicating that their gift was right.

Alessandro, who was in a good mood, returned the message to Miro, couldn't hide his excitement, and called a friend to have a drink.

(End of this chapter)

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