magic eye doctor

Chapter 1615 Jealous

Chapter 1615 Jealous
Le Xiaoluoli was happily collecting plants in the mountains. When night fell and the sky and the earth were dark, she changed to a flying flight. She flew over the tall mountains and valleys from above the tree tops, and flew to the deepest mountains in the Lantianmen area of ​​Shennong Mountain. canyon.

Fly to the destination area, climb back to the star core space to organize items, pack some items that need to be taken out of the space, and pile them all in one place.

She was busy for half the night and rested for half the night. In the early morning of the next day, she took the two little beasts to pick tea for two hours, and then made a hot spiritual food in the kitchen in the palace wooden house.

After having a delicious spiritual food breakfast, the little fox waved his paws to send the little girl away, and he and the little monkey went back to the busy work of taking care of the space.

Returning to the natural world from her secret garden, Le Xiao went into the woods to pick fresh and tender plants,

When Little Lolita was a savage in the mountains, Miro, who rested for a day in a small town with modern human civilization, rushed to the capital of Brazil with his luggage, then transferred to country M, and then returned to Europe from country M .

Also on this day, Li Yubo and Young Master Li's research project was finally successfully completed, and he and his classmate Chao Yubo, a young and beautiful boy, returned home with their luggage on their shoulders.

The beautiful boy actually finished his research homework as early as the ninth day, because Li Shao was the only graduate who was left behind. Li Dashao pulled the hair out and the boys cried and said that it was terrible to be alone in school. The hard-boiled one insists that Fa Xiao wait for him to leave, the beautiful boy is pitiful Fa Xiao, and stays at school to be Da Li's company.

The beautiful boy who was forced to stay in the school was not idle. He helped his lovely girl to find a bunch of books. Sometimes he ate in the cafeteria with Wang Erxiao and Bada King Kong. After finishing his work, he packed his luggage Items, happy home, ready for vacation to E North.

On the second day after the beautiful boy returned home, Qingda University entered the exam week. At the same time, most colleges and universities in the capital and the whole country also entered the exam week before the summer vacation.

When college students were busy taking exams, Le classmate ran wildly in the mountains, until sunset on the 15th day, he ran from the deep mountains and old forests to the previously selected pick-up contact point to call Lan San to pick him up.

Little Lolita was not at home, and Lan San and Yan Shao couldn't live the life of "there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate", but because of the pressure from the mountain without Little Lolita, they let themselves go every day, and their days were so happy .

After the little Lolita called to tell her to pick it up, Lan San reacted, rushed to the village office building, boarded the plane, and flew the small plane to Shennong Mountain.

Young Master Yan drove Lejia's electric tricycle to the village office building to wait, the big wolf dog accompanied the little baby to the village office building to wait for his sister, and Yi Laoyan also went out for a walk when he had nothing to do.

The 15th was Wednesday, and the owner of the anti-theft window began to refit the windows of the village office building in Meicun on Tuesday afternoon. The security window was only made in the middle of the morning on the 15th, and it was almost finished in the evening, and he was still working.

The walls of the rooms on the second floor have been repainted twice, and the diatom mud will be repainted for the last time after the anti-theft safety windows are installed and the doors are replaced.

Lan San drove the small plane, and with the help of the navigation, rushed to the appointed point with ease, landed on the natural mud road, jumped out of the cab, and ran towards the little loli.

Little Lolita is wearing a long-sleeved camouflage jacket, her hair is braided and coiled on her head, wrapped in cloth, and wearing a straw hat. She is standing at the intersection of a deserted road leading from the dirt road to the mountains. There are some bags and bags piled up beside the road Plants tied together.

"Little beauty, I'm coming." Lan San who was rushing forward, saw the little village girl wearing a straw hat, and brushed his face happily.

"..." Le Yun looked at the sky, such a big plane is coming, such a big person, can she not see it?
The handsome blue guy who was afraid that she wouldn't see him was left speechless, pointing to the things piled up: "Handsome guy, you've been recuperating for a few days, you must have a lot of strength, I'll leave these to you,"

"Okay, no problem at all." Little Lolita saw herself, and Lan San stroked... her hand, rushed to a pile of items, picked up a stuffed woven bag and ran away.

"Handle with care, that kind of bag is jelly fruit." The handsome guy carried the bag like a tiger and ran away, Le Yun picked up two handfuls of green grass and scattered his feet and ran, passing the handsome guy, and ran to Small airplane.

"Understood." Lan San smiled brightly, the jelly is fruity, and there is another jelly to eat.

Le Yun climbed into the cabin first, spread a layer of grass on the deck of the cabin, put down her backpack, and went down to carry the luggage.

Lan San carried the first generation jelly fruit to the cabin, put it on the grass, and went to the side of the road to carry things. There were three bags of jelly fruit, four bags of cantaloupe, four bags of cucumber, six bags of watermelon, two bags of pumpkin, one bag of beans and one bag of eggplant. There were also three big bags of mushrooms, two big bags of roots, seven bundles of fresh plants, one of which he knew, wormwood and thistles.

The two of them worked together to carry the items onto the plane. Little Lolita gave handsome Lan two cantaloupes. Lan San took the melons and wiped them on his clothes a few times, and they killed them in a few mouthfuls.

After eating two crunchy melons, Lan San boarded the cab full of energy, flew to Meicun with little loli, and landed safely on the ground of the village office building in Meicun.

It took about four to ten minutes for the helicopter to come and go. The store that made the anti-theft window also installed the door on the balcony on the second floor. Village Chief Zhou was inspecting and saw that Xiao Lele had returned. Ask Xiao Lele if he has time, and if he has time, he can go upstairs to check the quality of the project.

The plane stopped, and Leshan and the wolf dog rushed to the small plane. Before the man and the wolf dog ran to the plane, they saw their sister coming down, and rushed to use it as a leg pendant.

Le Shan hugged her sister's leg tightly, and called "Sister, Sister" in a childish voice.

Le Yun touched the dog's head with one hand, and hugged the younger brother who wanted to be a pendant with the other: "Shanshan calls my sister so sweetly, is there something wrong? Do you want to ask my sister for help?"

"No, I'm very good." Being picked up, Le Shan hugged her sister's neck, clinging tightly to her sister, kissed her face a few times, blinked her big eyes, and looked nervous: "Sister said You love your brother the most, right?"

"Yes, elder sister loves younger brother the most." Le Yun kissed her younger brother's tender face twice, staring at her baby brother with a smile, waiting for him to see if there is any problem, judging from his expression and tone of voice, there must be a reason for the incident.

As soon as little loli came back, she was taken over by Lejia's little baby, Yan Xing silently opened the door of the helicopter, and moved things with Lan San.

Ant Laoyan went to help the young people unload the goods, and the village head Zhou also enthusiastically stepped forward to help.

"Is my sister's favorite younger brother?" Le Shan raised her head, hugging her sister's hand harder, as if she was afraid that her sister would run away.

"Of course, my sister's younger brother is called Le Shan, and Le Shan's older sister is Le Yun, and my sister loves Le Shan the most. Why does Le Shan ask this question?" Le Yun guessed who must have said something, let the baby brother There is a sense of crisis, which makes the younger brother feel that the elder sister's favorite brother is not him.

"Sister, Dad said that uncle and grandpa want to come to our house. Uncle's family has a little brother. Brother Mei said that the brother of uncle's family is also sister's younger brother. My sister has another younger brother."

My sister said that her favorite brother is herself, Leshan grinned happily, and talked about her worries. My sister has another brother, what should I do if I don't love him?He loves his sister, loves his sister very much!
"Oh, Leshan is afraid that my sister will not love Leshan if she has another younger brother, right?" With a sense of crisis, at such a young age, she knew to act first to win her promise, a ghost elf.

"Well. My brother loves my sister the most." Le Shan hugged her sister's neck and resolutely refused to let go.

"My sister loves Leshan the most. Don't worry, no one can take away my brother's position in my sister's heart. No matter how good my sister is to other brothers, Leshan is the brother who loves the most and loves the most."

"Sister is the best!" Le Shan grinned contentedly.

Lejia's little milk doll is acting like a baby, and the five elderly and young people who are unloading the goods are speechless. The children are too smart these days, and even the older children know how to be jealous!
Yan Xing felt bitter in his heart, Lejia's little milk boy had the opportunity to compete for favor, but he couldn't even find an excuse to compete for favor, this life is too bitter!

Village head Zhou waited for the Le family sister and brother to finish talking, and then told Xiao Lele about going upstairs to check the anti-theft window.

The shopkeeper was still on site, and it was also suitable for inspection by the way. Le Yun carried her younger brother and Grandpa Zhou Man upstairs. At the safety door between the stairwell and the balcony, she pointed out two hidden flaws in the area where the doorposts were installed.

The girl from Lejia pointed at the key point and was organized. The store owner was also convinced by it, and wrote down the suggestions on how to rectify it, and I will revise it tomorrow.

Classmate Le walked through the door with his younger brother in his arms, and then inspected the safety windows of the balcony, the glass windows and anti-theft windows of the three rooms, and pointed out four unqualified locations.

The store was convinced and said that it will be rectified or reinforced tomorrow.

After confirming that there were no other safety hazards and areas that needed rectification, a group of people went downstairs, and the shop owner who made the safety window also returned home from work. Village Chief Zhou and the Lejia siblings walked for a while and then parted ways.

Little Lolita went to inspect the safety windows of the village office building, and the two elders and two handsome men transferred the goods from the helicopter into the bucket of the electric tricycle, and went back to Lejia first.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng has already returned home from work. He saw a pile of items brought back by the handsome guys, and unloaded them. All the bags of plants were moved to the kitchen on the first floor of the south building, and the fruits and vegetables were moved into the refrigerator room and poured out. , Spread the ground.

The two handsome guys took a few cucumbers and washed them. Just as they were about to cut the cucumbers to make cucumber salad, the little Loli came back with her brother and wolf dog.

Father Le thoughtfully handed the girl a towel to wipe off her sweat, and washed a plate of cantaloupe for the girl and the elders to eat. Then he said cautiously that his grandparents wanted to bring their grandson to stay in Plum Village for a few days during the summer vacation. disagree.

"As long as they don't mind that we have a large family, they can come if they want." Le Yun doesn't mind a few more people. Brother Chao and the others have to use the steamer to steam rice every day after they come. A few more people just add a few more pairs of chopsticks thing.

"Hey!" The little padded jacket didn't object, and Dad Le happily went to call the old uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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