magic eye doctor

Chapter 1616 Ant Old Foundation Establishment (2 more

Chapter 1616 Ant Old Foundation Establishment (2 more

Chen Kang has recognized his nephew since returning to his hometown in the first lunar month. He is in a good mood when he returns to Shonan, and he has been paying attention to his nephew's house. Not long after his niece and granddaughter came back from retreat and research, he also received a call from Chen Dalian. He called his nephew a few days ago to express I want to see what my niece and granddaughter mean.

After receiving the reply from his nephew, Chen Kang knew that his little niece and granddaughter had come back from the mountains, and he was not against him going to Lejia. After finishing, hurry home and go to North E.

After the phone call with his uncle, Le's father happily ran home and told the little padded jacket that his uncle would come after his grandson finished the exam.

Le Yun said calmly that she knew, let her younger brother play with the big wolf dog, found out clean clothes, took a shower, washed her hair, dried her hair, washed her clothes and hung them to dry. Find out the medicinal tools, clean them and drain them.

The little cotton-padded jacket was not at home for a few days, Zhou Qiufeng killed a chicken to make soup at night in order to replenish the girl's body, and also heated up some medicinal food.

Le Shan always clings to her sister, sits next to her when eating, and follows her when she goes to the kitchen in the south building. She doesn't sleep with her parents at night, but sleeps in her study by herself.

Ant Laoyan had a good night's sleep. When he got up in the morning and passed by the main room on the first floor, he saw a mountain of cages and a dozen jars lined up in the living room on the first floor. He was in a bad mood. The little girl gave them a second night. Soothing incense!

The old ant was so angry that he knocked on the kitchen door angrily, and after knocking once, he said "I'm busy", and yelled, "Little girl, believe it or not, I'll catch your brother and beat him up?"

"You are always free." Le Yun sat in the kitchen and slowly beat the plants in the medicine pestle, especially kindly suggested: "Slapping people is easy to hurt your hands. There is a pair of leather whips in the Duobao Pavilion in the main room on the third floor. You keep whipping my brother."

"Stinky girl, I don't feel at ease. If you want to push me into the fire pit, my old man won't be fooled. Little girl, write this account down first, and I will settle it with you later." Old Ant blew his beard and stared at the door, but he was helpless.

"There was good wine among the things delivered last night. I was thinking of waiting for a few days to buy you a drink, but you kept a black account. In order to prevent you from drinking and forgetting, I will not invite you to drink."

"Little girl, my old man didn't keep any black accounts. My old man said that after you finish your work, we can sit and drink tea, and talk about how to teach my young apprentice to study." Hearing that there is good wine, There was a blazing light as bright as a kilowatt lamp in Old Ant's eyes, and he immediately turned the direction of the wind.

"Old Ant, where's your face?"

"The face is where the face is." For the sake of the apprentice and the wine, the face, the bones, all go to hell.

"you win."

"Hahaha, little girl, you are busy, my old man is going to teach the young apprentice morning exercises."

The little girl didn't care about it anymore, Yi Laoxin happily strode out of the main room in the south building with her hands behind her back, and went to the north building. After the little apprentice got up, she brought her back to the south building to practice.

Mr. Yan was used to the behavior of Mr. Ant who would argue with the little girl when he had nothing to do. He waited in the south building with a smile on his face. When Mr. Ant came back with the little doll, he went to the second floor to supervise the little doll squatting and reciting poems.

Xiao Leshan didn't need anyone to wake him up. He woke up at five o'clock, dressed himself, went downstairs by himself, and went to practice with the master when the master came.

Little Lele has to make medicine, and Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, is in charge of three meals and housework. He only goes to work in the field when he has done the household chores. He takes early work at noon, and then goes out to do homework for an hour or two in the middle of the afternoon.

Classmate Le Xiao stayed in the kitchen for two nights and two days without going out. On the evening of the 17th, he also boiled the medicinal soup and divided it into several parts. The medicinal soup is reconciled to become two kinds of washing sutra and cutting marrow soup.

One is the primary version of the soup, which is suitable for ordinary people, and the other is the enhanced version, which is suitable for people with strong physiques in the ancient repair world.

The medicinal soup was ready, and they were packed in jade bottles. Le Yun packed up the tools and bottles, and when it was getting dark, she ran back to the North Tower to find someone.

Seeing the little girl bubbling, Ant Laoyan's eyes brightened: "Successful?"

"Successful, who will come first? The first one will not have dinner tonight."

"I'll come first." Mr. Yi reported the number, flew back to the third floor of the south building, found a set of clean clothes from the closet, put them into a backpack, and brought soap and washing powder, and carried two Bucket and a stainless steel water spoon then dashed down and waited in the living room of the south building.

Le Yun had no objection to which of the two elders should take the medicine first, and Elder Yi went back to prepare. She took the medicine he told him to take and put it in the kitchen of the south building, and told him how often to drink a bottle.

Papa Le also patted his chest to promise that he will go to drink medicine later.

There was an old man from Yan who was looking after the house, Le Yun was very relieved, kissed the younger brother who was a leg pendant a few times, told the black dragon to guard the house, and then went back to the south building to put a jade bottle in a backpack and carried it on his back, and then went to get a shovel Picking up the hoe, Mr. Yi and Ant ran quietly along the village road towards the mountain behind the village.

The little cotton-padded jacket and Mr. Yi are not at home for dinner at night. Dad Le assists his wife to cook the dishes and put them on the table for the handsome guy and Mr. Yan to eat. He finds a few sets of clean clothes and puts them in a bag. The bucket of well water was carried to the kitchen of the south building and placed there.

After preparing all the things that should be prepared, Dad Le moved a small chair and sat down, picked up a jade bottle to drink medicine soup, and Xiao Lele left five bottles of medicine for him, saying that he would drink one bottle every two minutes.

After drinking a bottle of medicinal soup, rinse the bottle with water, drink the water, and then sit and wait, and drink water when you feel thirsty, because the constant watering makes the stomach swell.

About four or ten minutes later, I felt like going to the toilet, so I ran to the toilet on the first floor and squatted. After a few minutes, the sewage was continuously discharged from my stomach. The excrement was black and smelly, and the stench was suffocating.

Father Le could hardly stand the stench. He held his nose and squatted for more than ten minutes before the contents of his stomach were emptied, and his bloated stomach also deflated.

After cleaning the bathroom, I went back to the kitchen in the south building and continued to pour water. In less than 10 minutes, I felt like squatting in the toilet again. I went to the bathroom again, emptied my stomach and went back to the kitchen to drink water.

Drink water - run to the toilet - go back to the kitchen to drink water, repeated many times, two minutes after the first drink of medicine, Le Dad once again drank the medicine soup in a jade bottle, went to the toilet again after drinking, and drank water again , Constantly repeating the rush of two points and one line.

Classmate Le and Ant left the village, followed the road to the back mountain, crossed the fields, reached a valley between the two mountains, and entered the valley calmly.

After walking about ten miles along the valley, the two stopped at a barren beach not far from the river. They took out their flashlights to light them. They chose a relatively flat place near the mountains, felled some grass, spread a piece of tarpaulin to store things, and then dug pit.

The old and the young worked together to dig a hole more than one meter deep.

After the spare pit was finished, Le Yun took out the jade box, gave An Lao a pill, and let him drink up the medicinal soup in the jade bottle, so that he could sit on the tarp and meditate in leisure time.

Ant took pills and drank a bottle of medicine, and sat on the edge of the pit to meditate and practice. In less than two minutes, his whole body turned into a ball of fire, sweating profusely.

The sweat on his body was sweat at first, and after about an hour, the sweat stains turned into yellow sweat fat, and about another hour later, yellow-black dirt oozed from the pores of the ant old man.

Sweat and fat, black and yellow dirt covered Mr. Ant's face, as if his face had been painted with oil.

The sour smell wafted in the wind.

Le Yun sees things in the dark like daylight, does not need a flashlight, and sits silently observing the changes of An Lao. After Yi Lao took the medicine, the pills melted little by little, and the powerful medicine rushed to his limbs. He used his energy to digest the power of the medicine, and his true energy increased little by little.

Ant ran one cycle after another, and every time a cycle was completed, his true energy was condensed. The muscles of the body washed by the medicinal power became stronger and stronger, and the dirt discharged became thicker and thicker.

After about four hours, Mr. Yi's body discharged black oil, that layer of oil was drained, and there was some sweat again. When his body was drained of dirt, the pores were closed.

Only half of the pills he ate melted, and the rest of the medicinal power was absorbed and transformed into true qi, filling the dantian non-stop.

When the pills were still as big as soybeans, the zhenqi accumulated in the dantian reached saturation.

There is enough true energy, and it's time to hit the foundation building. Ant Lao uses his kung fu to guide the true energy to the level.

During the qi refining period, monks attack the foundation building stage. Some people have to try hundreds of times, and some people can complete it once.

As for student Le Xiao, there are very few people who can advance to the rank after practicing. Most monks will make sufficient preparations and make sure that the time is right before officially advancing to the rank.

Mr. Ant had also made sufficient preparations. When he really rushed to the steps, those mental preparations were useless. He had to guide his true energy to rush to the barrier again and again, failing again and again.

He repeated the impact and came down several times, consuming a lot of true energy, and had to absorb the medicine to accumulate strength, and then hit the bottleneck again.

When he rushed to the steps again, he failed three times in a row.

Seeing that Mr. Ant had consumed a lot of true energy, and that he would end in failure if he failed, Le Yun silently took out a needle made of Lingshi, and when he hit the bottleneck again, he shot decisively, and a flying needle pierced into his eyebrow palace .

Mr. Ant was doing the last test with the courage of a strong man breaking his wrist. Just when his zhenqi hit the barrier that hindered his progress and was about to be knocked back, the barrier was suddenly smashed by something, and his zhenqi surged through the shattered barrier. Blocked by the barrier, he ran towards the broad avenue.

The bottleneck of cultivation was broken, and Mr. Yi only felt that the world of spiritual consciousness was bright in an instant. The range covered by spiritual consciousness was twice as wide as before, and his body was several times lighter. He could clearly hear the sound of his own blood flowing.

He could only feel the changes in the success of climbing the ladder for a moment, and immediately collected his mind and practiced selflessly to consolidate his realm.

Ant Lao successfully established the foundation without any turmoil, any abnormalities such as the overflow of true energy, and even the coercive momentum of the same level.

After waiting and watching for a long time, the only explanation that Le Yun could convince herself was that the earth had entered the Dharma-ending Age, and the aura was scarce, and Ant Lao didn't absorb the aura to build the foundation, so there was no abnormality in the success of the foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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