magic eye doctor

Chapter 1617 The most obedient cub

Chapter 1617 The most obedient cub

Le Xiao observed that Mr. Ant was in a state of ecstasy again, so he calmly carried a bucket to the river to fetch two buckets of river water and returned, then added washing powder into one bucket of water and stirred it evenly.

Mr. Ant ran for a big circle, stabilized the foundation building state, wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were stuck, and wiped his face with his hands, the more he wiped, the stickier he was, the whole person was not well, he took so many dust removal pill , Why is there so much dirt in the body?

"Mr. Ant, you should stop wiping your face. The more you touch it, the more it will get mushy. I'll pour water for you, and you should remove the dirt first." Le Yun couldn't bear to look directly at Mr. Ant's face, and quickly pulled out the medical mask on his eyebrows. Needle, take a water spoon and pour water on his head.

Mr. Ant also knew how embarrassing his current situation was. He didn't dare to open his mouth, so he rubbed his hands and head with water.

Mr. Ant washed off a layer of dirt, but his face was still shiny, shining brighter than the face of a black man. The music was broken, and he poured washing powder for him: "Mr. Ant, you always say that I am a stinky girl, I don’t care. Stink, you look like you crawled out of an oil pit."

Ants always want to jump, stinky girl, doesn't he want to lose face?

You can't yell, you can only treat yourself as a caring old man and don't care about the little girl. The little girl said that he crawled out of an oil pit. If he crawled out of an old latrine, you have to grab her Small shoulders walk around Plum Village.

Already imagining how difficult it would be for him to look like, Mr. An accepted the reality depressed and helpless, rubbing the dirt on his hair, face, and hands with his head sullen.

The dirt generated when washing the sutras and cutting the marrow is more tenacious than gutter oil, and it can be rubbed off layer by layer, which can never be exhausted.

As a person who has experienced it, and once scrapped two sets of clothes due to the cutting of the sutras, Le Xiao also knows the difficulty of cleaning the dirt. She was baptized at the age of 14, and accumulated so many impurities in only 14 years, which is an old age. The odds are bigger than hers, and it is conceivable how thick the impurities of more than a hundred years are.

In order not to hurt Mr. Yi's glassy heart, Xiao Le stopped talking nonsense, went to the river to fetch water when the water was used up, and carried it when it was used up.

She ran four times without making a sound, and Mr. Ant used up seven and a half buckets of water to barely remove the dirt from his head, neck and hands. Without any shame, he took off his clothes and threw them into the pit. Wearing a pair of underpants, I pulled a few leaves and grass into bundles and used them as bath balls, trying to clean up the smelly impurities.

The little loli was in charge of carrying water, and went back and forth to the river to fetch water for Mr. Ant to shower. After going back and forth 22 times and using up more than forty buckets of river water, Mr. Ant finally returned to his normal state.

The dirt was almost cleaned up, Mr. An was too embarrassed to let the little girl be the plumber again, so he did it himself.

There is a difference between men and women, and Xiao Le also calmly let go, carrying a backpack with a jade bottle on his back, and decisively went home first.

The little girl was not at the scene, so Mr. An no longer had to tie his hands and feet, strip naked, and take a shower not far from the river. He took a shower seven or eight times to completely remove the dirt and greasy matter.

After cleaning up the impurities and dirt, Mr. Ant put on clean clothes, and then threw the dirt and other weeds beside the puddle into the pit, and then buried it.

Cover the pit, and then go to move the stones and pile them on the surface of the pit, lest any animal smell the smell and think there is a carrion digging the pit to dig out the dirty clothes.

After dealing with the aftermath and inspecting the surrounding area, Elder Ant tidied up the tarps and tools, and returned to Plum Village with the items. By the way, he tested the strength of the monks in the foundation period, and floated out of the valley almost in a few breaths.

The distance of more than ten miles is counted by the number of breaths, which shows how fast the monks in the construction period are.

"It's so cool!" The new speed experience made Mr. An elated with joy. He originally thought that it would be a great blessing to find a suitable successor in his lifetime, but he didn't expect such a blessing.
If you successfully build a foundation, you can live at least another 60 years!
In the 60 years, not only can I accompany the young apprentice to grow up, watch the young apprentice get married and have children, maybe even hold the young apprentice's grandson.

Thinking of the bright future, Mr. Yi was so excited, he ran to Le's house excitedly, the little girl is a lucky star, and holding the little girl's thigh is all right!

Abandoning Le Yun of Ant Lao running away, slipping back to his home, first opened the door of the north building lightly, then went back to the south building, ran outside the kitchen door and stretched his head to take a look, saw that Dad was sitting in a small chair and just had a drink She was wiping her mouth with a ladle of water, and she was smiling with little stars in her eyes.

In order not to wake others up, I gently asked, "Dad, how do you feel?"

When the gate of the south building was opened, Dad Le heard the voice, and he was not frightened when he saw the girl poking her head in. He puffed his cheeks and complained: "Lele, the medicine you gave me is so terrible, I almost want to drink it." After drinking two buckets of water, my legs are about to break from running to the toilet."

"The water is finished, your little cotton-padded jacket is going to fetch water for you." Le Yun rushed to Dad's side, hugged Dad's arm, and leaned over to give Dad a sweet kiss: "Dad, No matter how hard it is, it will only take a few hours, you should endure the grievances, the toxins have been emptied, and your body will be in great shape, and when Aunt Feng also drinks the medicine, I will cook you a delicious meal, please eat chicken legs."

"Lele, Dad doesn't want to eat chicken legs. I want to eat the bad fish you put on the kitchen shelf." Being coaxed by the considerate little padded jacket, Dad Le felt warm in his heart. He quickly took the opportunity to make a small request, and Lele got back a few baskets of bad fish , it hasn't opened for so many days, those fish are delicious, I really want to eat!
"That kind of fish is very nutritious. Dad, you and Aunt Feng have too many impurities in your body, and you won't be able to attract much if you eat it. That's why I gave you medicine to detoxify and eat fish the night after tomorrow."

"Okay, Lele, Dad wants to eat two fish, one for food and one for dinner."

"The little padded jacket is Dad's caring little padded jacket, and it must meet Dad's request."

"Dad knows that Lele is Dad's caring little padded jacket, the best cub!"

"Dad, drink water quickly, and the little padded jacket will help you fetch well water." Dad smiled like a child, Le Yun leaned his head over, rubbed his father's head, and carried an empty bucket to fetch water.

Papa Le's obedient spoonful of water was gushing and pouring again. After pouring two ladles of water, he got up and went to the toilet again.

Gently pumping a bucket of well water from the pressurized water machine in front of the north building, Le Yun carried the water back to the kitchen of the south building, and took the bucket with a small amount of water left to pump a bucket of well water. Then transport some boxes and jars in the living room of the south building to the refrigerator room in the north building.

The Lejia couple never cared about the fact that the girl often received things in the middle of the night. When they woke up two days ago, they found that there were a few more boxes and jars in the refrigerator room. They were not curious to see what it was. in place.

Classmate Le took a large tank to the refrigerator room, and saw that the things he threw on the ground in the middle of the night stayed there intact, so he sorted it out by himself.

Because the number of jars is a bit too much, it is not easy to arrange them. I emptied a shelf near the northwest corner of the south wall, carried the shelf to her bedroom on the first floor and placed it, and moved the empty shelf from the refrigerator room. Put the jars and jars on the ground, and stack the jars and jars layer by layer.

The items moved out of the space two days ago included two boxes of fresh kudzu rice and several boxes of prepared meat and herbal meals, as well as mushrooms, bamboo tube wine, fruit wine, wild rice, bamboo rice, etc.

Student Le Xiao rearranged the items in the refrigerator, and then went to the living room of the south building to move things.

Mr. Ant happily rushed back to Le's house. Seeing the little girl sorting out the things, he put down the tools and ran to help. He only helped move the things once, and all the things that should be transported to the refrigerator room were also moved.

One old and one young moved things and put them in the guest room on the first floor of the south building and the three guest rooms on the second floor of the south building. There are quilts, pillows, mats, patterned tents, quilt covers and pillowcases for winter, and a set of thin sheets for spring and autumn. Quilts and blankets, winter quilts include cotton jackets and silk quilts, two sets are provided for each room, and can be changed and washed at any time.

Like thieves, one old and one young put the articles of the guest room on the first floor of the north building into the closet, and then sent some items to the second floor, and put the bedding of the guest room facing west on the north side of the second floor in the cupboard.

Handsome Yan and Handsome Lan live in the guest room on the north side facing east, and Xiao Leshan sleeps in the study. In order not to disturb people's sleep, the supplies in those two rooms are placed in the living room first.

The cooperating old and young people moved several sets of supplies to the third floor of the south building, one set was placed in Xiaoleshan’s room, and one set of supplies for Yanlao’s guest room was put in the living room first, and Antlao went downstairs to move the bedding from his own room. Put things away by myself, because I have nothing to do, sit on the bed and meditate.

Classmate Le Xiao also moved the accessories from his bedroom on the first floor of the north building into the room, and also moved a few boxes from the south building into the room. It was getting late, so he tidied up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Father Le ran between the bathroom and the kitchen a few times, drank the last bottle of medicinal soup at five o'clock, and ran to the bathroom frequently again. When the family and guests got up, he was still running to the bathroom. When it was breakfast time , he is still going to the toilet, when Mr. Ant is teaching his apprentice, he is still running to the toilet.

After eating breakfast, Zhou Qiufeng first moved the bedding that Xiao Lele gave them in the bedroom into the closet, and then looked at her man, holding back a smile to see the father pouring water, ignoring the pitiful eyes of the father, decisively wiped Oil, then lead the unicorn, and go to the ground.

Little Lolita finally stopped sitting in the kitchen to cook medicine in closed doors. After breakfast, Yan Xing Lansan followed Little Lolita's ass like Black Dragon, and told her that Jiudao Junior High School had negotiated with the construction company, and the students would leave after the holiday. Buildings can be started.

While talking and working, the two youths followed the little Lolita to send several vats and large jars in the living room of the south building to the third floor in the south and the second floor in the north respectively, and arranged the things in the guest room and study room on the second floor of the north building of Lejia. appropriate.

Little Lolita is going to go to the mountains, so she entrusts the task of supervising the work progress of the school to the two handsome guys. The two handsome guys are very interested. The school screened out a suitable construction company, and they checked the details and gave the suggestion to the school. Based on their recommendations, the school selected a reputable architectural firm to work with.

After tidying up the items, Le Yun checked the information on her mobile phone, saw that her senior brother had sent her an email, logged in with the computer, checked the architectural drawings drawn by the second senior brother, and sent it to the old principal Yin after reading it.

After giving the blueprints to Old Principal Yin, she stopped worrying about it. She found a lot of tools and took two handsome guys to the field to harvest the crocodile fish.

Of course, she just went to the field as a guide, taught the two handsome guys how to collect fish, and went home first to set up a fish pond for fish farming.

There is going to be a double grab soon, and the chickens and ducks of every household are locked up. Dozens of chickens and ducks are locked in the backyards of the two buildings of Lejia.

There are chickens and ducks in the backyard, so fish cannot be stocked. Classmate Le Xiao cleared a corner of the vegetable garden behind the house, built a basket frame with wood, and then spread tarpaulins to build a temporary fish pond. The water pipe enters the back garden to supply water to the fish pond.

There are only two large fields in Lejia where fish are stocked. Yan Dashao and Lan San take on the heavy responsibility of harvesting fish, and each is in charge of a field. There is still water in the field at noon, so go back to Lejia to eat before going to guard it. Let it dry, some fish are still in the ditch in the field, net them with fishing nets, and put them in a bucket with a net bag.

Father Le ran to the toilet until mid-afternoon and finally stopped. Feeling full of energy, he took a shower by himself and went to the rice field to help collect the fish.

With the help of Le's father, the two handsome men searched the entire field until evening, found all the fish that slipped through the net, and brought the harvest back to Le's house to ask little Lori for credit, and they also managed to get a big meal.

(End of this chapter)

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