magic eye doctor

Chapter 1618 Night talk

Chapter 1618 Night talk (2 more)

Father Du has been recuperating at home since the girl's classmate gave him acupuncture treatment. In the afternoon of the 16th, at the end of the month, he took the train from Shishi to Hanshi, the capital, in silence.

The train that Dad Du took arrived at Hanshi Station at midnight, and he spent half the night at the train station. On the morning of the 17th, he took a taxi and rushed to the hospital where he was hospitalized to register. Just do the check.

He went to the hospital by himself and did one test after another. He didn't get the last test report until after get off work in the afternoon, and then went to the attending doctor to see the results.

When the attending doctor saw the examination report of Du's patient and compared it with the previous examination data, he was shocked that the patient recovered!
He was skeptical, so he immediately notified the nurse, took Du's father to do several tests, and even temporarily arranged a ward for Du's father to live in. He personally worked overtime with the department members and related personnel to do laboratory tests.

The doctors worked overtime until four o'clock in the morning the next day, and all the test results came out. The results showed that the patient's liver lobe did not have any cancer cells or tumor cells, and he was so healthy that he couldn't be healthier!
The doctors were shocked. They waited until dawn, rushed into the ward where Du's father was temporarily staying, and surrounded him to inquire about the illness he was looking for from the Chinese medicine expert and what kind of treatment he had used.

Father Du was arranged to stay. At first he thought that his liver cancer had relapsed, and he didn't sleep a wink all night. It wasn't until the doctors said that he had recovered that his heart really fell. He was also very excited. To be honest, his daughter asked her classmate to help him. cure.

Dad Du has been simple and honest for half his life, and he can't tell lies. He just tells the truth, who is the girl's classmate, where he is from, etc., like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

The doctors looked at each other in blank dismay. Why did Mr. Du say a certain descendant of traditional Chinese medicine sound so familiar?
They haven't seated the person correctly, Du's father's daughter, Du Miaoshu, hurried to the hospital. The doctor found out the relationship between the Du family's father and daughter, and caught the Du family's girl to ask for the information of her classmate.

The classmate with a small belly didn't hide it, and publicized the deeds of the little deskmate to everyone.

The doctor suddenly realized that the little doctor Le who treated Mr. Du was that person. A few days ago, Shishi made a big report on the deeds of a girl from a village in Fang County. , It is said that it also funded two buildings, books and teaching materials of a certain school.

The report of a certain Le girl's deeds was also forwarded by the provincial media. It was a veritable inspirational teaching material, adversity teaching material, and it was also a child of someone else's family.

The doctors knew who the doctor who cured Du's father's liver cancer was, so they let Du's father and daughter go.

Du Miaoshu picked up her father from the hospital and sent her to the station. When her younger brother arrived, the three of them joined up.

Du Qiwen didn't expect his father to come to Han City, and anxiously asked the reason. When his sister told him the ins and outs, his head was buzzing, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat: "Dad, he got liver cancer?! "

"I got liver cancer three months ago, and it has been cured now." Du Miaoshu touched her younger brother's head and explained in detail again: "That happened in March..."

Du Xiaodi listened carefully, listening to his sister talk about how long his father was sent to the provincial hospital for hospitalization, what kind of treatment plan he went through, and how his father received acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of traditional Chinese medicine when his sister's high school classmates came back.

After listening to the detailed process, Du Xiaodi lowered his head deeply. He is too stupid. His father was hospitalized in the provincial capital for two months. When he met his sister, he never noticed anything strange in her expression and behavior.

He didn't dig into the horns, knowing that his parents and sister kept the news from him because they were afraid that he would not be able to study at ease if he knew it. He could only silently warn himself to cherish the opportunity to study, cherish the family relationship, and engraved the name of the girl named Le Yun. In my heart, I remembered her kindness.

Du Miaoshu has become a full-time employee of the company. If there is no special event and it is inconvenient to ask for leave frequently, she asks her younger brother to accompany her father home. She watches her father and younger brother check the tickets and go back to the company dormitory to study.

Du Xiaodi's school officially finished the exam on the 17th, and the summer vacation was officially on the 18th. Most of the major universities in the country also had summer vacation on the 18th.

The summer vacation of Qingda University was a little late, and the exam was completed on the 18th, and the summer vacation officially started on the 19th.

After the exam, Wang Ershao rushed back to the school building where his grandparents lived with his packed luggage, and followed his grandma back to his home in the Science and Technology Park to pack his luggage and prepare to leave for E North tomorrow.

Professor Wan Teng still has students' homework to be approved, so he can only watch helplessly as his wife and grandson happily go to the primary school students' house for vacation.

The beautiful boy and a few friends also packed their luggage early and rushed to meet at the airport on Monday.

Student Le Xiao didn't know that a bunch of people were about to kill them, so she divided the fish collected by the handsome guys into two batches and raised them in the fish pond. The old man slipped out of the village and went to the mountains with his tools.

Zhou Qiufeng didn't eat at night, and when Xiao Lele went out, she also sat in the kitchen on the first floor of the south building, drank a bottle of medicinal soup, drank water when she was thirsty, and then followed in the footsteps of Yueqing, between drinking water and going to the toilet. run around.

Ant Lao succeeded in building the foundation, and his whole body turned white and tender a lot. He looked like he had just reached the age of [-]. He was in a happy mood, and he was sitting in Lejia as a night watchman.

Yan Lao also witnessed the changes of Yi Lao with his own eyes, and he was full of expectations for his trip to cleanse the scriptures and cut the marrow.

Little Loli brought Yanlao into the deep valley, and stopped at a place less than half a mile away from the place where Antlao washed the scriptures and cut the marrow. He chose a place to dig a hole and repeated the process that was repeated yesterday.

Yanlao also repeated the foundation building process that Antlao experienced in washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow. He also got the help of the little Lolita to successfully build the foundation.

Yan Lao succeeded in building the foundation, but there was also no abnormality.

Le Xiaoluoli still brought dozens of buckets of water for Yanlao. When Yanlao didn't need help, he went home first, went to see Aunt Feng, took a shower, washed his hair, and stayed up late to make roll powder.

Elder Yan tidied himself up, did a good job in the aftermath, slipped back to Le's house, put away the tools, ran back to the third floor and boiled a pot of water in the kitchen first, and grabbed Mr. Yi to drink tea.

Mr. Yi, who was forcibly grabbed to chat with him, was so angry that his eyes widened: "You old man, I didn't disturb you when I came back last night. You just scratched my dream when you came back and didn't let me sleep. Why are you so peaceful?" ?”

"Tch, it sounds like you're asleep." Yan Lao threw a sharp look at him: "You don't sleep anyway, let's make a pot of tea and talk at night by candlelight."

"Talk to a ghost at night, wake up my little apprentice, I have to fight for my life." An old man wanted to vomit blood, and old ghost Yan couldn't sleep because he was so excited that he succeeded in building a foundation. Why didn't he let him meditate?

"The little baby is in the north building, so I can't disturb him. The little girl is cooking and eating in the kitchen, and she hasn't slept." Yan Lao was not afraid of An Lao at all, and quickly rinsed the tea set with boiling water, and then took out the tea pot from the compartment under the flower table Take tea leaves and make tea.

Mr. Ant blew his beard and stared, but he had no choice. He didn't sleep, but it was his freedom not to sleep. Being forced to drink tea or something made people feel uncomfortable!
Mr. Yi, who was not in a good mood, made a major discovery after drinking a cup of tea. The tea was obviously the same as before, but the tea that was brewed felt more spiritual than before!
Feel the change, and then drink tea.

Tasting a few cups of tea, Mr. Yi knew in his heart that the tea leaves have not changed, but the water has changed. What has changed is himself. Because of the foundation building, because of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow to wash away the lead, both the body and the consciousness are restored. Qualitative changes, sharper and more sensitive.

The body's muscle energy is stronger, and the absorption function has also been improved. In the past, only part of the medicinal effect of the herbal tea could be absorbed. Now that the absorption function becomes stronger, it can naturally digest more medicinal effects. Therefore, people have the illusion that medicinal tea is more effective. Reiki.

Finding the root cause, Mr. Yi was overjoyed, and suddenly found that Mr. Yan had poured the tea leaves that had been steeped several times into another empty tea cup, and then added more tea leaves to brew. , I remember it was the last can."

"I know," Yan Lao slowly flushed the boiling water, still with a beautiful "phoenix three nods" style, and spoke calmly: "Little girl has never been stingy to us two old guys, do you think you will return it?" Will there be a shortage of our tea?"

"Little girl just order herbal tea, and the province will save it."

"You think I don't understand? The little girl asked us how much tea we still have, and I said there is not much. The little girl said that she would prepare new tea for us."

"You have nothing to fear."

"It is necessary. When there is a little girl to support you, you should eat and drink. This is a rare opportunity. If you don't have a little girl to support you in the future, you will have to tighten your belt and eat a simple meal every day."

"What's the matter, are you an old man homesick, ready to resign and return to your hometown to be a town house beast?"

"Damn it, I just don't want to leave. If the little girl doesn't tell me to send me back to Hua's house, I won't go. It would be nice to stay in Le's house and see each other with you."

"Hahaha, if you don't say goodbye by yourself, how can the little girl be willing to let you go? Don't look at the girl who is back now, maybe one day she will run away without a trace. Before my apprentice grows up, the two of us will probably be together." To live forever."

"I am very happy. I used to fight once every time I met you. This way, when I see you every day, I can fight if I want to, and I can fight if I want to. It's good." Yan Lao smiled and added tea to An Lao, Huajiawuyou, he will not take the initiative to resign.

"Pull it down, don't think about fighting all day long, I have disciples now, I have to lead by example, and I can't let my disciples misunderstand that I am disrespectful and like to fight."

"I haven't said you are fat yet, but you are quite out of breath..."

The two elders chatted while drinking tea. They chatted about the feelings after the foundation building, and then exchanged the feelings during the foundation building and the details of the foundation building process.

Le Yun is making powder rolls in the kitchen of the North Building. She didn't intend to eavesdrop, but her consciousness is too strong. Not to mention the two buildings next to each other. As long as she doesn't deliberately turn off her consciousness, she can hear every subtle sound in the whole village. , including the human heartbeat.

Hearing that the two elders were talking about Hua Lao's resignation, they grinned. Yan Lao himself didn't miss home, so she was willing to let him go. After letting the big Buddha go back, she still invited the town house god, what a trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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