magic eye doctor

Chapter 1619 Sense of Crisis

Chapter 1619 Sense of Crisis

The arrival of a new day has also come to the last day in mid-July. From the signs in the early morning, we can know that it will be another sunny day.

July 7 is also the fair day of Jiudao.

A few days ago, the girl from the Le family had already decided to harvest the rice on the 20th. Father Le drove an electric three-wheeler to the street to pick up pork early in the morning. His little cotton-padded jacket had already placed orders with several stall owners in advance on the last day of the street.

The stall owner also waited for the big customers early, and according to the request of the Lejia girl, the pig knuckle, pig heart, pork belly, pig noodle sausage, pork liver, pork tenderloin, pork foreleg, pork ribs, pig ears, etc. were packaged separately.

Dad Le drove the car to pick up the goods, paid, he took the things home, and after dinner, he went to the street again with handsome blue guy Yan Shuai, and bought [-] chickens, [-] ducks, and more than [-] catties of hemp fish .

After running down the street twice, Papa Le took the cows out to graze first, and then returned home after an hour and a half to help with the chickens and ducks.

Xiao Lele was preparing ingredients in advance for the double rush. Zhou Qiufeng wanted to help but was powerless. She kept drinking water and running to the toilet until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Finally free, Zhou Qiufeng took a shower as quickly as possible, washed and dried the smelly clothes, and rushed to help the girl.

Classmate Le Xiao has been busy since the morning. First, he cooked the stewed pork in the kitchen on the first floor of the South Building, and then made more than a dozen catties of jelly jelly. In the kitchen on the second floor, a new stove is used to make white-cut chicken and white-cut duck.

The chicken, duck and pork are made in batches. After making the soup of boiled chicken and duck, it is then made into stewed marinated fish.

Yan Shao and Lan San became handymen again, handling chickens and ducks in the morning, and Lan San grinding tofu in the afternoon, while Yan Shao was in charge of killing fish because he couldn't do heavy work.

Classmate Le Xiao cooks meat dishes in the kitchen of the south building, cooks in the kitchen of the north building, and cooks soy milk in the kitchen of the north building in the afternoon to make tofu, bean brains and tofu flowers.

While Lejia was busy, Jiudao School was also busy. Machines and workers from the construction company entered the site one after another on the 18th, and various materials entered the site on the 19th.

When it was half past four o'clock, Yan Xing received a call, hung up the phone and ran into the north building of Lejia, and first took a look around, Lefu and Lan San were grinding beans, and An Laoyan went to the south third floor to teach music Good at studying, the mother of the Le family is in charge of braised meat in the kitchen of the south building, and no one else is present.

No one was around, so Yan Xing was relieved, slipped into the kitchen, and leaned over to the little loli to report the news: "Little loli, the latest news, a certain old bastard from the Huang family returned to his hometown in the city today."

"Huh? The old miscellaneous hair is back." Le Yun was filtering the tofu dregs. Hearing this, she laughed meaningfully: "So it's really him!"

"What is him?" Yan Xing was at a loss, he could hear the meaning behind Little Lolita's words, but he couldn't guess the reason.

"Extra electronic eyes appeared near my house. I guessed that it might be the handiwork of Huang's family. I did something to scare the snake in the past two days. Today, the old miscellaneous hair suddenly returned to the market. One of the owners of the electronic eyes must be the old man. Miscellaneous for sure."

Little Lolita spoke calmly, and Yan Xing's fair and flawless handsome face turned black: "You mean there are cameras installed by others nearby?"

"Yes, if you can think of installing surveillance equipment near my house, others can too."

"Little Lolita, can you be more serious? Someone can avoid our surveillance equipment and install a camera nearby without being noticed by the ant. The consequences will be very serious, okay?"

"I'm seriously discussing with you. The other electronic eyes are not in the same area as the monitoring you installed. You didn't find it normal. Besides, there are only those who can be thieves for a thousand days, and there are no ones who can guard against thieves. Will pay attention to strangers, generally do not pay attention to people in the village or nearby villages, who can guarantee that the person with electronic eyes must be a stranger?
How many minutes does it take to install a wireless camera?The thing is so small, you can just press it wherever you want. For example, one day when you walked along the village road, you saw a person standing somewhere behind his back to relieve his hand or pulling weeds, picking up fallen things, etc. Could it be that you all have to carefully observe and study them one by one? "

Le Yun was so calm that she couldn't be more calm: "Yan is a foodie, don't be so sullen, it looks like someone owes you tens of millions, it's better to have scars, that will at least prove that you are honorably wounded."

"..." Yan Xing was so suffocated that his heart was blocked, and he couldn't talk to the little loli, so he confessed in a suffocating voice, and asked in a muffled voice: "What did you do that made the old miscellaneous hair unable to sit still?" Run back home?"

"In the past two days, I have accompanied the two elders to wash scriptures and cut marrow by the river in the back mountain. I think the old miscellaneous hair has seen it. I am worried that the two elders and I will attack him in the middle of the night. Let's go back to our hometown to rescue the soldiers."

"Is there any help in his hometown... Bing... wait, you suspect that the master of the old miscellaneous hair is hiding in the old house of the Huang family, so you deliberately tested it?" Yan Xing was puzzled at first, but then had a flash of inspiration, thinking Seeing a certain possibility, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. I used to suspect that a certain old tortoise was hiding in the ancestral house of the old miscellaneous family. Judging from the reaction of the old miscellaneous hair this time, it didn't run away."

Yanren's team is still very professional, and they have recorded the whereabouts of Lao Zamao's family. After she retreated to do research, Huang Laozamao returned to her hometown during the New Year, Qingming, and Dragon Boat Festival. The first time I went back to my hometown two days before the festival.

On the whole, Huang Laozamao's whereabouts are very regular.

Although June [-]th is also a traditional festival in the countryside, it is not a national holiday. In the past, Huang Laozamao never returned to his hometown to celebrate June [-]th.

This time, the old miscellaneous hair suddenly returned to his hometown in the city, indicating that he couldn't sit still, so he hurried back to his hometown to discuss with his master.

"The old bastard went back to his hometown to find his master? He wants to ask his master to attack you first?" Yan Xing frowned: "How about we act first?"

"It's okay, let him be anxious, the weather is too hot now, I don't want to run around, I will give him a big gift in winter."

"What if he jumps over the wall in a hurry, waits for you to go to the competition and is not at home, what if he secretly attacks your family?" A certain old man ran back to his hometown at this time. Time to go to the Olympics.

"If before this, if they find someone to join forces and attack secretly, Yilaoyan may always be a hero, and there will inevitably be negligence. Now, even if they can invite people from Shengwu Mountain and the treasure of Zhenshan They all come out in full force, and they are not the opponent of Ant Laoyan."

Little Lolita smiled like a little fox, and Yan Xing's heart skipped a beat: "After Yi Laoyan washed his scriptures and cut his marrow, his cultivation has improved a lot, right?"

"Of course," Le Yun smiled like a cat eating dried fish: "In the past, Ant Laoyan was always at the same level as your master, but now the two elders are at the same level as your master master, maybe they can't win against your master master." Veteran masters like Bo and Yudao Master, to deal with Gu Xiu who is one level lower than them is as difficult as asking you to deal with street gangsters."

"The same level as my uncle? To be honest, I don't even know what level of master my uncle is." Yan Xing was stunned. To the uncle's clothes.

"Your uncle in charge is a foundation cultivator, and your master is still stuck at a certain bottleneck before foundation establishment. The same is true for several town house treasures in the ancient cultivation world. As for you, you have just stepped into the Qi refining period. It's still far away from a higher level, young man, let's work hard."

"My uncle is a monk of the construction period, no wonder it feels so far away and untouchable." Yan Xing suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt that his uncle gave people a sense of ethereal and unreal, so it was so.

With a lot of emotion, I suddenly opened my eyes that are brighter than titanium alloy eyes: "Little Lolita, you know that my uncle is a monk of Zhuqi, how about you?"

"Me? Miao, you're fine. Fighting alone with Master Qian is similar to your result against Young Master Shang Xuan." Le Yun smiled and stretched out her paw to pat the foodie who suddenly changed face: "Xiaolongbao , don’t worry about eating all day long, you need to practice more, understand?”

Wow, one of Yan Xing's hearts was shattered into countless pieces under the critical blow of billions of points. The master master and grandma sold him to the little Lolita as a guard. As a result, the little Lolita's force value was very high. Can draw a tie with the uncle.

No wonder little Lolita called him a weak chicken long ago. In front of Weili little Lolita, he is really a weak chicken.

Her medical skills are not as good as hers.

Learning ability is not as strong as her.

Guan Jian is, even the force value he is proud of is not as high as hers!
What is not a weak chicken?
In front of little Lolita, he is a scumbag!

Yan Xing, whose heart was broken into pieces, hangs his head with difficulty, all thoughts are lost, everything is worse than a little lolita, and he even said that he is not qualified to be a spare tire, okay?

The little loli was busy again, and she had no time to take care of herself, let alone comfort her injured heart. Yan Xing sighed silently, and went back to the back of the house listlessly, looking up at the sky, her heart was gloomy, and she felt that the position of the spare tire was dangerous up!

The leader of the team leader answered the phone and went back to the house. Lan San guessed that there must be some work. When the leader came out and saw him standing in the sun in a daze, he left his work and ran to the team leader, asking in a low voice : "Boss, is there something serious in the team?"

"No." Yan Xing's misty mind was pulled back, and he looked at his teammates with a gloomy expression on his face: "There is a scumbag who is about to jump, and there is no room for our hero. I am not very happy."

"Oh, that's it. Actually, there's nothing to be sad about. It doesn't matter who abuses the scum, as long as the scum is tortured miserably." It wasn't that there was something wrong with the team, Lan San was in a beautiful mood, and patted the captain on the shoulder, He ran back to the mill and continued grinding.

Lan San had a big heart, Yan Xing had something on his mind but couldn't speak it out, so he put on a straw hat and squatted by the pool to kill the fish.

His role is to do odd jobs. If he can't even do odd jobs well, he will not be far from being kicked off.

In order not to be replaced, cheer up and become a handyman. No matter what, the position of bodyguard must be kept, and if you can't even keep this position, don't even think about other ideas.

In the past, Young Master Yan defined himself as a spare tire, and worked hard to become a regular. Now, he just wants to keep the qualification of the spare tire first.

Life is becoming less and less pursued.

(End of this chapter)

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