magic eye doctor

Chapter 1620 Did something stupid (2 more

Chapter 1620 Did something stupid (2 more

It was only when young master Yan was beaten that his heart was broken into slag, Huang Zhichang walked out of the Shishi train station and drove back to the Huang family's ancestral land in Shishi.

It took about 10 minutes by taxi from the train station to Huang's ancestral home.

The taxi arrived at the destination, Huang Zhichang paid the fare, and walked towards the Huang family's ancestral house with a medium-sized suitcase. On the way, he met a member of the Huang clan and greeted him as usual before walking over.

After passing through several alleys and bypassing more than a dozen houses, they finally arrived at the area where the Huang family's direct lineage first lived.

Since the Qingming incident, many people who held important positions in the Huang family have died, and some of them have retired due to injuries. Seven or eight older generations of the direct descendants have returned to their ancestral lands, and the central area where the direct descendants of the Huang family live has become more popular. .

When the Huang family saw the old man coming back suddenly, they were secretly surprised, but they didn't show any signs of expression. They welcomed the old man into the important place of their ancestral home, and first dug well water for the old man to drink.

Huang Zhichang drank a bowl of cool well water, asked a few words, and took a backpack to the courtyard where he used to live. He didn't let anyone follow him, he entered the courtyard by himself, walked through the front corridor of the east wing to the upper room of the old residence.

Outside the main hall of the upper room, I saw a middle-aged and elderly man with short hair and brown clothes sitting beside the table of the eight immortals in the main hall. He immediately saluted: "Master, my apprentice is here to disturb your meditation again."

The former head of Shengwu Mountain, Wu Changfeng, who has gone to Taoism and wears short hair, saw his proud disciple Huang Zhichang come back, and asked calmly: "You came back suddenly, what happened?"

"I have something to ask the teacher." Huang Zhichang took his backpack into the middle hall, put the bag on the chair on the other side of the Eight Immortals table, first looked at the teapot on the table, and found that there was no tea, so he went to the side room of the kitchen to boil water.

The entire palm of his right hand is gone, and he relies on his left hand for everything, so he can basically take care of himself. Small things like boiling water and making tea are naturally no problem at all.

The kitchen has electricity, and the electric kettle boils in about ten minutes.

Huang Zhichang took the electric kettle to the central hall, washed the teapot, put the tea leaves in it, and poured hot water again. He poured hot water three times in a row.

The apprentice said there was something to do, but Wu Changfeng didn't ask any more questions, and drank tea first.

Huang Zhichang drank a few cups of tea with Master, asked Master if there was anything missing, then took out the laptop from his backpack, turned it on, found the files he had archived, opened it, turned the computer around to show Master, and stood beside Master .

"Master, take a look at this, these are some new clues that the apprentice has received."

The computer screen was rather dark, and only the blurred outlines of some scenes could be seen. After a while, figures appeared in the darkness, one tall and one short, a man and a woman.

The women in the camera are wearing gown-like skirts, and they look like ghosts.

Even though the picture was taken at night, Wu Changfeng still vaguely saw the contours of the faces of men and women, and he was a little surprised: "Like someone Le and some old guy from Guanyin Hall? Where are they going? Carrying things, digging someone in the middle of the night the grave?"

"It's them." Huang Zhichang replied affirmatively: "Master, I zoomed in and studied them carefully. They were carrying buckets, shovels and hoes, and backpacks."

While talking, he moved the mouse to pause the picture, and then zoomed in. The zoomed-in image was clearer. An old guy was carrying a bag and a bucket, and a short-lived ghost was carrying a hoe and a shovel.

Let the picture continue, the lens is closer, and the portrait is clearer.

Showed the enlarged image to Master, Huang Zhichang clicked to exit, and played another video: "Master, you see, this is a few hours later, some old guy changed another set of clothes, look at his face again, Isn't it obviously younger?"

Wu Changfeng stared at the computer screen. The screen was still at first, and then a figure appeared from the darkness. The speed was extremely fast, and it disappeared in a flash like a ghost.

Huang Zhichang reversed the camera, and then slowed it down. The person in the picture came out of the darkness leisurely, carrying a bucket, holding a shovel and a hoe. The person before that was wearing a gray-white double-breasted jacket without a belt, just turning around. It becomes a set of white exercise clothes with a blue belt around the waist.

Huang Zhichang exited the video and opened another file. There were two screenshots. Putting the two pictures together, the face of the person in the previous picture looked old-fashioned, but the face of the person in the latter picture was obviously much fairer.

"This..." Wu Changfeng stared at the comparison picture for a few times, his eyes were serious: "Are you suspecting that someone took some medicine in the wild in the middle of the night, so that the old man could wash his scriptures and cut his marrow?"

"...Yes, I guess that's the case too." Huang Zhichang didn't want to admit, and couldn't admit a certain fact, minimized the image again, and clicked on a file again: "Master, look, there are more."

Wu Changfeng watched the video again, saw the videos of Le and another old guy going out in the dark in the middle of the night, and returning in the dark in the middle of the night, and also saw the comparison picture of the old guy.

The change of the face in the comparison picture illustrates the problem again.

After reading the two comparisons, Wu Changfeng was silent for a while, and then sighed faintly: "It seems that someone may have successfully developed the Sutra-washing Sutra Pill during retreat."

Huang Zhichang closed the file in silence, Le Xiaoshougui had the Sutra-washing Pill in his hand, which was a great temptation for the ancient cultivators, and it was easy to sell people's hearts.

After pondering for a while, Wu Changfeng asked again: "How did you get these secret clues?"

"I found someone to sell him, and secretly installed cameras on several roads near Le's house." In front of Master, Huang Zhichang did not hide anything, and told the truth.

"Are you sure that the little tricks you did were not discovered?" Wu Changfeng looked at his apprentice with strange eyes, and his tone was unpredictable.

"It won't be discovered. If someone discovered it, it would have been destroyed long ago." Huang Zhichang was very sure that the person he was looking for was from Meizijing Village. It is normal for people from Meizijing Village to wander around in the village. Keep a close eye on everyone who passes near Roca.

"Not necessarily, watch it yourself." Wu Changfeng shook his head, denying his disciple's self-confidence: "You seriously watch the video of someone coming back after going out with an old guy for the second time."

"Is there something wrong?" Huang Zhichang's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little bad, he hurriedly found the file, deliberately found the video of someone's return period, and watched it carefully.

Slowing down the camera several times, I finally discovered the clue. When a little short-lived ghost walked out of the darkness, he actually raised his head and smiled!
When the little short-lived ghost looked up, his eyes were clearly facing the direction of the camera, and his smile... was bright and brilliant, clearly full of deep meaning.

Even through the screen, Huang Zhichang felt as if someone was standing in front of him and smiling at him. In an instant, a chill ran down his spine. The little short-lived ghost found the camera? !
Thinking of that possibility, his heart seemed to be gripped by a hand, as if he was going to be out of breath: " is it possible?"

If the little short-lived ghost found the camera, why didn't it destroy it?
Could it be...she...

Suddenly, Huang Zhichang was dazzled for a while, and the little short-lived ghost found the camera but didn't move it. There is only one possibility, she knows who installed it, or she kept the camera to follow the clues to find him!
If the little short-lived ghost finds out that he is spying on the Le family, with her character of vengeance, she must think that if he wants to fight against his family, he will definitely take revenge on the Huang family.

Thinking of that possibility, like a poisonous snake crawling in his spine, from the tailbone to the cervical spine, the chill made his blood almost freeze.

"Hiss!" Dazed, Huang Zhichang couldn't help taking a step backwards, sweating profusely, he seemed to have done something stupid too!
When he was restless, he saw the computer and his heart skipped a beat. He immediately took a step forward, picked up the computer and quickly operated it to delete all the videos.

Still feeling uneasy, I hurriedly told my master to deal with it first, and hurriedly left with my computer and backpack in my arms, and went back to the residence of the direct descendants of the Huang family, and immediately called someone who knew a little about computers to take out the chip and destroy it Lose.

After completely destroying the computer chip, Huang Zhichang secretly heaved a sigh of relief. All the images were deleted, and the computer was also destroyed. There should be no security risks now.

(End of this chapter)

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