magic eye doctor

Chapter 1621 I have been working hard

Chapter 1621 I have been working hard

Huang Zhichang dealt with the computer, but he was still a little uneasy in his heart. He wanted to ask someone to inform the person who helped install the camera to take it away quietly, but he was afraid that he would be caught by Le Xiaominggui because of this, and it would be self-defeating.

After struggling for a long time, he finally gave up the idea of ​​asking someone to remove the camera. The camera was installed there for a long time and no one paid attention to it. The little short-lived ghost didn't catch the suspect. Even if he suspected the Huang family, he was only suspicious. .

At the same time, just in case, he decided to ask the family members to check the surroundings of the Huang family's residence, and install surveillance cameras at all intersections to monitor the entire area at 360 degrees without dead ends. You can also find her nearby for the first time.

Safety first, Huang Zhichang did not procrastinate, thought of adding monitoring equipment, he paid for it, and handed over the task, so that the younger generations of the family could complete it as soon as possible.

After arranging the business, I took my luggage and my two nephews to the courtyard of the old residence to tidy up the side rooms, settled down, and then went to discuss the big plan with the master.

Young Master Yan, who works as a handyman in Xiaoluoli's house, was not in a good mood. He was busy killing the fish for about half an hour. North building kitchen.

When he killed the fish, he smelled fishy. He was afraid of being disgusted by the little loli, so he went to take a shower and change his clothes. He looked brand new, and then ran into the kitchen to work as a fireman for the little loli.

Yan Chihuo was as industrious as a bee, Le Xiao secretly gave a few praises, but didn't praise him publicly, so as not to make that guy proud, he filtered and boiled the last two barrels of raw soy milk that Handsome Lan had ground, and ordered four boxes of tofu , a barrel of bean brains.

In the evening, I also fulfilled my promise to my father, and made a fish feast with fish as the mainstay, braised Hehua fish in braised sauce, Hehua fish in sour soup, as well as roasted marinated fish and prepared miso to eat bad fish.

When Dad Le went to graze in the morning, he got the dried fish secretly given by the little padded jacket as a snack, and at night he had a fish feast made by the girl. The old father's heart was warmed by the girl, and he smiled like a silly son of a landlord's family .

Le Xiaole finished the housework, moved the tofu box that was almost drained, and the cold burnt stewed fish and stewed meat into the refrigerator for storage. Some ingredients were packed and stuffed in the refrigerator or freezer. The ingredients and ingredients are fully configured.

After finishing the work, I took the two handsome guys out for a "walk", and found out all the redundant electronic eyes installed nearby.

There are a total of seven "eyes" installed by people other than our own, leading to the section of the road behind the village, the section leading to the front of the village, and the direction from the Lejia South Building to the Zhang family's residence, from the vegetable garden in front of the Lejia North Building The direction of the road ahead to the village, and the road from Zhoujiamen to Cheng Wujia, all road sections are electronically monitored.

There are a few monitoring devices that are hidden in the trees, on the walls of the villagers' livestock houses, and on the poles. It is difficult to find if you don't bring professional tools to investigate.

No matter how secret something is hidden, for Le Xiao, it is just a matter of scanning. Opening the special ability of the eyes can scan it once.

Pulling out all the redundant electronic eyes with ease, the little loli swaggered home with her hands behind her back to help her brother take a bath.

The handsome Yan Shaolan who ran with the little loli once, beat the little loli to find the first monitoring device, and his face sank like water, and he returned to Lejia with the confiscated "trophy" and entered the south side of the south building, facing east In the guest room, turn on the monitoring they installed a few days ago.

The handsome guys used to put the equipment for storing surveillance records on the second floor of the North Building of Lejia. Xiao Luoli redecorated the North Building. When she went to the mountains, they moved all the equipment to the South Building.

The rooms on the second floor of the North Building of Lejia are often occupied by guests, while the guest rooms on the first floor of the South Building are rarely occupied. It is more suitable to be an equipment room. Although there is a road outside the South Building, there are occasional people coming and going, but there are two masters of the rivers and lakes upstairs. Worried about who would dare to pry open the door and destroy the computer in the middle of the night.

The two handsome men turned on the monitoring equipment, checked the angles and shooting areas of each camera, locked the door, went back to the guest room on the second floor of the north building, turned on the computer, and connected the recovered camera to the computer for viewing.

To transfer the data in each camera, Yan Xing contacted Xiaoliu without hesitation, and gave Liu some parameters of the cameras, so that Liu could shine in his field of expertise.

The reason Liu Shao didn't follow Fa Xiaoxing to be a little tail is because his sweetheart went to T City to report after graduating from the University of Defense Chemicals in early July. He was worried about his future daughter-in-law, so he coordinated with his boss to go A certain army in T city went to T city first on the grounds of assisting in network security testing.

The girl from the Geng family officially graduated on July 7, and reported to a Marine War Department in T City on the 8th, starting the mode for national defense graduates to officially serve after graduation.

Young Master Liu, who went to T City to wait earlier, found out all the personnel of his sweetheart's military service. When Xiaoxin arrived, he wandered around a certain station in the name of work.

Geng was shocked when she saw Big Brother Liu's face for the first time in the military. She heard that he had temporarily come to T City to assist one or two due to work reasons. She didn't doubt it, and happily accepted Big Brother Liu's appearance.

From time to time, Liu Shao went to the camp of his sweetheart to refresh his face, while assisting with a certain department's work, his small life was so enjoyable that he almost couldn't think of leaving.

When receiving the task sent by Fa Xiaoxing, Liu Shaocai suddenly remembered that Xiao Xing Xing went to E North to recuperate, and silently vomited Fa Xiao from head to toe, smelly Xiao Xing Xing, ran to E Bei to eat and drink It's disgusting not to call him!

Dissatisfied with Xiao Xingxing's sneaking behavior, he still gave full support at work, silently tracked and checked the information of certain cameras, tracked from the network domain names provided by the camera merchants, and found a lot of information.

He played a role in his own field, and Liu Shao sorted out the results he had collected and sent them to Fa Xiaoxing, hoping that Xiao Luoli would invite him to make some medicinal meals after knowing his hard work.

Young Master Yan received the feedback message more than an hour after he sent the small message. After receiving the compressed package, he decompressed it, and then decoded a bunch of garbled characters with a special code.

After reading the information sent to Xiaowei, Yan Xing's face was very stinky. It is 100% certain that those redundant cameras were written by someone Huang, and there are other organizations involved. However, other people are more complicated Mao is smart, those guys are taking advantage of Huang Lao Za Mao.

Some are clearly hackers and cannot be traced.

For the time being, Yan Xing doesn't worry about who is watching the little loli, organizes the information, files it, and gives it to the little loli when she has free time. Now, it's getting late, so hurry up and go to bed.

The annual double robbing is the most tiring. The Le family also went to bed early, recharged their energy all night, woke up early the next morning, made breakfast in good spirits, and went to the field with their tools.

Mr. Ant first took the young apprentices to study, and Mr. Yan could not do heavy work, so he contracted three meals and housework, including feeding chickens, ducks and pigs, feeding cows, cooking pigs and other odds and ends.

In the morning, Mr. Yan put on his exercise clothes and a large towel around his waist, and went out to work with handsome blue guy and the masters of the Le family.

The first paddy field that the Le family captured was the paddy field not far behind the Nanlou house. The personnel drove into the field and quickly cut the rice. Among the five adults, there were two tentacle monsters, Zhou Qiufeng and Le classmate. In an hour, the rice in the field was brought down.

Cut down the rice, and immediately move the electric thresher into the field to thresh the rice.

Lejia is not the only rice harvester in Meicun. Several households harvested rice on the same day, and one family cut down a field of rice yesterday afternoon.

There was a rumbling sound of machines in Lejia's field, Zhou Ge heard the sound, and watched a few people working in full swing, he almost didn't want to jump, but his brother-in-law's family did a double robbery without making a sound!

I don't call myself a double grab, so angry.

No matter how angry you have to smile.

Brother Zhou, who convinced himself that he didn't know as well as his brother-in-law and sister, went home and changed into long-sleeved clothes and a straw hat, and went to help work in Lejia's field.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng didn't want to tell his natal brother, but they knew that his natal brother and a few construction buddies in the village had been notified by village head Zhou that Jiudao Junior High School had started work and invited them to do small jobs on the construction site. The couple thought they were I should go to school to work, so I didn't ask my brother for help.

The Le family and his wife are naturally happy when their elder brother comes to help.

With an extra helper, the speed is faster. The rice in a field is threshed, and the rice is transported back to Lejialou and dumped on the ground to dry. The straw is also tied up and moved out of the field to the side of the road to store water for the rice field.

A field is stored with water in the morning, and it can be plowed in the afternoon. If there are enough people, it can be harvested and transplanted tomorrow.

Finish the field closest to home, carry the machine to other rice fields in Lejia, from far to near, and try to keep the two rice fields that used to be stocked with flower fish for the last harvest, so that the rice fields can be exposed to the sun for a day or two.

Mr. Ant finished the lessons for the young apprentices, cleaned them up, put on a straw hat, and took the young apprentices to the fields to help with work, and cultivated the excellent qualities of the young apprentices who love to work.

With the addition of Ant Lao, the Lejia rice harvesting team has become a seven-member team, and Ant Laoyan is also very fast at harvesting rice. After taking the detoxification medicine, Le’s father is in good health, and he does not feel tired after working. Except for Brother Zhou's speed, the other six are like cows, and they don't know how tired they are when they work.

Therefore, when the work was over at noon, the Lejia rice harvesting team successfully brought down more than six acres of rice, leaving only Lejia's original big field, and also threshed a slightly smaller rice field before closing, and stored water , I brought rice and a cart of straw with me when I finished work.

Yan Xing, who is in charge of cooking, is quite conscientious. At 09:30, he delivers water and bread to the people working in the fields, and at 10:30, he pours the wild rice that Xiao Luoli foamed in the morning into the steamer Turn on the fire to steam the rice, choose green vegetables after [-] o'clock, pour the pig's trotters prepared by Xiao Luoli into the pot at [-]:[-] and simmer on the fire, and heat the boiled chicken and braised fish in a steamer at [-]:[-], stir fry.

The rice harvesting team returned to Lejia, washed their faces and rested for less than 10 minutes before eating.

Young Master Yan is a very good house cook. After the meal, he clears the table, washes the dishes, and feeds the pigs with mixed food. After everyone has digested it for a while, he serves cold jelly for everyone.

After rest until two o'clock, the people who went to work in the fields set off again.

Lejia's rice harvesting team had just walked on the village road and met the Cheng family brothers who were going to Lejia. The Cheng family brothers and Zhang Poluo helped Chen Dalian harvest the rice. The rice is harvested, and I want to ask if it is true.

When the two met, the Cheng family brothers didn't go to Le's house anymore, and left the village with Yue Qing and others to part ways. They still went to Chen Dalian's family's rice field to help.

Dad Le didn't go with the big troops in the afternoon. He transported a carload of household manure and sprinkled it on the fields that had been stored in the morning, and then plowed the fields with a pear field machine, plowing them extensively and plowing them twice.

After finishing a field, Dad Le transported another truckload of fertilizers and machines to find the big team.

Lejia's rice harvesting team also divided into two pulls in the afternoon. Zhou Qiufeng took the girl to cut the rice first, and Zhou Ge, Lan Shuai and Yi Laoyan were old threshing, removing the grains from the rice in a field, and removing the straw to store water.

When Dad Le brought the fertilizer to the field where they stored water before the end of work at noon, sprinkled the fertilizer and plowed it well, and then went back to transport a truckload of fertilizer. After threshing the grain fields, they also began to store water.

Everyone's work can be described as seamless.

Yan Xing helps sun-dry grains at home and foams bamboo rice. At four o'clock in the afternoon, he goes to the field with iced bean brains, smoked fish and tea to supplement nutrition for the workers.

When the Le family was busy harvesting rice early in the morning, the grandparents and grandparents of the Chao family also got up at midnight and got up at three o'clock in the morning to go to the airport.

At the same time, the beautiful boy's little friends also got up earlier than chickens and rushed to the airport from all directions. Professor Wan Tiao also drove his wife and grandson to catch the plane.

People who set off from all directions finally returned to the airport by different routes, and gathered in the airport hall before 14:[-], a total of [-] people.

Among the 14 people, there are only three elderly people, the old lady Chao and Mrs. Wang, and the rest are all young people, all friends of the Chao family brothers, including the beautiful young Chao Yubo, Xiao Junyi, Li Yubo, Luo Ziqing, talented man, Chen Shuyuan, and He Mingzhi. , He Mingxin, Xu Hope, Deng Yuxuan and Wang Erxiao Wang Ruichen.

Xu Hope and Deng Yuxuan never had the opportunity to go to Little Lolita's house with Brother Chao's family for vacation before. This time, they managed to win the opportunity through stalking and hard work. The two were very happy. Their family was afraid that they would give Le Xiaoli The girl made trouble, and when she was sent to the airport, she gave her a thousand and one instructions.

The parents of the Xu family and the Deng family also prepared some ingredients for their children, and they filled a large box. Li Shao, Luo Shao, Xiao Shao, He family, Chao family and Mrs. Wang also had large suitcases. Therefore, Their luggage has to be checked.

A group of people took a direct flight from the capital to E Beishi City every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The plane took off at [-] o'clock and arrived at Shishi Airport at [-] o'clock.

Everyone had luggage, and they waited for forty minutes to get their luggage. They took their luggage out of the airport, and then met with the person in charge of the taxi company, received four cars, and drove by themselves.

A group of people drove around to Shishi first, swept away the fresh-keeping boxes in two large shopping malls, and then set foot on the road to Jiudao.

It takes an hour's drive from Shishi to Fangxian, and it was already noon when the group arrived in Fangxian. They went to the county to find a place to have lunch before setting off.

Due to the hot weather, the road from the county town to Jiudao also had seven turns and eight turns. The young people who drove did not dare to be careless, and kept the safest speed. They even stopped by several rivers to let Mr. Chao The old lady took a breath.

There was some delay on the road. When the group arrived in Jiudao at 04:30 in the afternoon, the four vehicles drove to the Meicun village office building and stopped around the helicopter. They took some luggage and went straight to Lejia.

Except for Xu Shao and Deng Shao, who came here for the first time, the others are familiar with the way to Lejia and don't need others to lead the way.

A group of people hurried through the village and rushed to Le's house.

Yan Xing delivered snacks to the workers, and went back to Lejia to wash the barrels and bowls, and washed the steaming barrels again to prepare the tools needed for steaming rice and cooking at night.

He had just cleaned the necessary tools for backup. He heard the commotion outside and went out to look around. He saw Mrs. Wang, the old man and the old lady of the Chao family leading a large group of handsome boys to kill him, and he was in a bad mood.

It's understandable that Mrs. Wang and the old couple from Chao's family came to Le's house. Why did Shao Shao and Deng Shao also come, and Cai, Chen, and...

Then, when the handsome young man saw the 56 and 56 younger brothers in Jun Shao's group, his heart was filled with sour water. Little Lolita never told him that his family's [-] would also come to Le's house to play!
There were thousands of emotions in his heart, and all kinds of unpleasant feelings. At this time, Yan Xing didn't dare to show it at all, and immediately trotted a few steps, and ran to help the two old ladies drag the suitcases: "Mr. Come on, your little padded jackets have been thinking about you for several days."

Forgive him, he lied.

Little Lolita didn't talk about when her teacher and grandparents of the Chao family would come. Little Lolita was busy every day. She said that after the holiday, her teacher, her beautiful brother and friends would come to Plum Village for vacation.

However, in order to build a good impression in front of Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao, one must say something pleasant, first to make the old people happy.

Enduring his heartache, Yan Xing snatched the suitcase dragged by Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao without hesitation, and dragged it away by himself.

Mrs. Wang was delighted when she heard boy Yan say that her little padded jacket was talking about herself, and she also found it very pleasing to the eyes of boy Yan, and smiled from ear to ear: "What is my little boy doing, why is there no one?"

Young Master Yan snatched the old lady's suitcase, Young Master Xiao and the others rolled their eyes in secret, Young Master Yan really deserves to be a soldier, he understands the principle of capturing the thief first, and seized the opportunity to gain a good impression in front of the old ladies .

"Le's family engaged in a double robbery today, and went to the field early. Little Lolita didn't know that you were here today. If she knew, she would definitely fly a plane to pick it up." Yan Xing dragged two suitcases and rushed forward. Lejia roof, ran to the main room: "Let's put the luggage of the handsome guys in the living room of the south building first. Brother Chao and your little friends probably all live in the south building this time."

"Xiao Le Le's family has guests, or is the north building still unfinished?" The beautiful young man asked calmly. He also understood when Yan Shao said that Le's grandpa from the Chen family was coming. Pass under the eaves of the building, go to put the luggage first.

Half of the ground in front of the Lejia building was covered with rice, and there was a road beside it. The beautiful boy led his friends through the ground, then through the alley, and dragged his luggage into the south building.

Xiao Shao and the others arrived at the living room of the south building of Lejia, and when they saw the long shining table, they howled "Ouch, Ouch", and dropped their luggage to admire the table first.

The young and old yelled and talked non-stop, and finally agreed that the table should be the rumored "golden nanmu", and they were sweating like a waterfall.

"Xiao Bo, your sister is such an idiot, please hold her thigh." Li Shao and the others caught Fa Shao and yelled endlessly.

"You can't tell the difference between men and women, you can hug my arms, but dare to hug my sister's arms and legs, and send them to the Pacific Ocean with one foot." The beautiful boy gave his little friend a supercilious look, and rushed to the north building refreshed.

Young Master Xiao and others chased the handsome boy back to the North Building like a swarm, washed his face in the sink first, and then entered the living room, when they saw the beautiful tables and chairs in the main room of the North Building, they screamed and grabbed the stools.

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang followed Mrs. Yan into the main room of the north building, and they couldn't stop praising the new furniture. They sat down happily and praised Xiao Lele's vision again as if they didn't want money.

Yan Xing put the luggage in a corner first, went to wash his hands, went into the refrigerator to wash watermelons and cucumbers, killed four watermelons, put them on a tray and put them on the table first, and then took a bowl to the refrigerator to fill in jelly.

The three old people enjoyed the service of Yan Xiaozi and ate melons contentedly.

The young masters rushed to the main room, sat on the benches, and ate watermelon each.

Xiao Shao and the others who had tasted watermelon before, smiled so much that their eyes were blurred. It was the first time for Xu Shao and Deng Shao to eat a watermelon with a different taste, and their eyes widened. It seems to be a fake watermelon?
Yan Xing packed fifteen bowls of jelly, brought them to the main room, and distributed one bowl to each person. He did not treat himself badly, and accompanied the young and old to drink the jelly.

The chilled ice powder is refreshing, and the prepared sour soup is sour and sweet, and the taste is refreshing.

After drinking half a bowl of jelly, Mr. Chao asked slowly, "Boy Yan, you are honorably wounded again, right?"

"Yeah, I almost died. Fortunately, your old little boy Sun Miaoshou rescued me back, so that I can stand here and give you some jelly and melons and fruits." Yan Xing didn't hide anything. Frankly admit the fact that he was injured, even if he doesn't admit it, others can guess that he didn't go to work in the field.

He Xiaoshififth and He Xiaoshiliu were startled suddenly, Brother Long Bao was injured again?Why didn't I receive any letter from home?
"Young Master Yan, you are always injured at every turn, and you rely on my little Lele for your injuries. Aren't you being kind?" throw it out.

"I can't help it. It's not bad for your sister. At least half a year more recuperation. If you don't recuperate one day, you can go back to work one day earlier." Brother Chao's family was dissatisfied with himself, and Yan Xing was helpless.

"Young Master Yan, you have to work hard to improve your fighting skills. It is the last word to try to beat others lying down."

"I've been working hard." Yan Xing said very seriously that he always wanted to win, and never wished that he was the one who was injured.

Young Master Yan has a good attitude, and the handsome young man accepts him as soon as he sees a good deal, and he no longer chatters endlessly.

The beautiful boy was talking about Young Master Yan, Young Master Xiao and others drinking jelly in silence. The gods fight, and the little ghost suffers. Brother Chao and Young Master Yan are two gods. Whether they bicker or fight, they are still the same. Be the people who eat melons.

Mrs. Wang and the old couple of the Chao family didn't say anything. If the boy from the Yan family hadn't been kicked away by Xiao Lele, they just turned a blind eye.

(End of this chapter)

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