magic eye doctor

Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622
A group of handsome young men wolfed down the jelly, and divided up the watermelon and green melon like a storm, still not satisfied, looking at the beautiful boy eagerly, just saying "delicious, I still want to eat".

Being stared at by his friends with a hot line of over [-] watts, the beautiful boy was very speechless. After all, he couldn't resist the collective request of his friends. He got up and went to the refrigerator room to check the situation. He found that Xiao Lele was well prepared and the supply of fruits was abundant. .

The refrigerator room has been tidied up, there is no bed, only shelves and refrigerators for goods, everything is clear at a glance, watermelons, green melons and cantaloupe are spread out in piles, jelly, bean brains, tofu are placed on the refrigerator and shelves, and there are many filled with Storage box for stuff.

Walking around the refrigerator room, the beautiful boy was in a very happy mood, he took a basket and filled cucumbers, and then closed the door after leaving the refrigerator room.

The beautiful boy from the Chao family went to look for food, Xiao Shao and others waited eagerly, looking forward to the stars and the moon, looking forward to people coming out. Seeing the cucumber brought by the beautiful boy, he smiled happily. Cucumber rushed out of the main room to the sink to wash, and then returned to the main room to share food with the friends.

The young people killed the cucumbers, and they were no longer greedy. They wiped their mouths and went to the south building. They first visited the two guest rooms on the first floor and then the guest rooms on the second floor.

If the first floor is the standard of a three-star hotel, then the second floor is definitely the standard of a presidential suite in a five-star hotel, capable of receiving heads of state.

The handsome guys visited the living room and three guest rooms on the second floor, and were stunned by the tall furniture. You looked at me and I looked at yours for a while. Ten people were divided into two groups, and each group lived upstairs. The way of living downstairs for N days for N days is reversed in turn.

You have to ask, there are eleven academic masters, why did they become ten?
The reason is simple. The beautiful boy shares a room with Mr. Chao for the time being, and the other ten academic masters share four rooms. If Professor Wanqi comes, the beautiful boy will move to squeeze with his friends and let Professor Wanqi and Mr. Chao live together. a room.

After being divided into groups, the young people immediately moved their luggage into the guest room, then hurriedly ran to the village office building, moved the fresh-keeping boxes they bought to Lejia, cleaned them, and put them in the kitchen on the first floor of the south building.

After finishing their homework, the top students took turns to shower and wash their clothes, drying their clothes on the balcony on the second floor. They all tidied up like dogs, and then ran back to the north building, waiting to share their worries with Young Master Yan.

Because of the arrival of Mr. Chao and others, there was not enough bamboo rice soaked at noon, so Yan Xing had to measure and wash the rice again, mix it with bamboo rice, and cook the rice in an electric pressure cooker.

After the rice was cooked, a few catties of crocodile fish were dissected and drained. After that, they took the young handsome guys to collect the rice on the front floor of Lejia House, and went upstairs to pack the rice upstairs and put it back in the warehouse.

First young master Yan finished some necessary work first, fed the chicken, duck and pig, and didn't start the hot dishes until six o'clock. As for the flower fish, I had to save the little loli to come back to cook.

Before and after the Great Summer Festival, it got dark very late, and it didn’t get dark until after seven o’clock every day. The Lejia rice harvesting team was busy until 06:30 and didn’t finish work. When they returned to Lejia, it was almost seven o’clock.

Although the sky is dark, there is still a trace of heat that has not dissipated.

The group of people who came back with a cart full of rice were warmly welcomed by the young people. The voices of "Uncle Le, Aunt Le", "Uncle Zhou" and "Little Lolita" were so sweet that they got tired of it.

Lan San looked at the young youths swarming up, almost dodged at flying speed, bypassed the crowd, put the straw hat on the small chair under the eaves, and went to carry the rice sacks.

The big wolfdog wrinkled its nose and sniffed the air, ran to the beautiful boy to say hello, and then flirted with old men and women.

The beautiful boy said hello to his fourth uncle and aunt, grabbed the little dumpling whose cheeks were reddened by the ashes and the sun, and pushed and shoved him away: "Little dumpling Lele's face is red, hurry to the second floor bath."

Le Shan, who followed her sister, saw the beautiful brother, and hugged her thigh with a smile.

"Oh, Leshan also went to help in the fields. It's amazing that he loves to work so much since he was a child." Seeing Leshan with a small bag on his back, the beautiful boy picked him up and gave him great praise. The little guy picked up a lot of rice , with bulging pockets, estimated to weigh more than two catties, and you can even see the ears of rice in the pockets.

The school masters first went to the Lejia couple to brush their faces, and then went to the little Lolita to brush their faces. Surrounding the little Lolita, they politely said that they and their friends came to move the rice and let her go to rest.

At the same time, when little loli took off the straw hat, they saw how little loli did with her hair. She braided her hair into a big braid at the back of her head, then folded the braid upside down and tied it back, and then hung it on her waist The actual braids were tied around her waist with cloth strips, so that her hair would not slide left and right, nor would it interfere with her work.

There are so many good-looking guys, and there are enough porters, Le Yun didn't insist, so he carried two bags of millet and sent them to the third floor on the floor, and then went back to the second floor to find his own clothes and his brother's clothes, first help The younger brother took a shower, and then took a shower by himself.

The beautiful boy sent little Leshan to the second floor, and then went downstairs with his friends to help move the rice to the roof of the second floor.

Ant Laoyan and the Lejia couple each carried two bags of rice upstairs, and then went to take a shower. Brother Zhou also helped carry a bag of rice to the top of the second floor, and then went home to wash and rinse. Went to Lejia for dinner with my old mother.

Grandma Zhou heard the happy laughter of Xiaoqings in the evening, and knew that Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang had come to Le's house. She wanted to serve the poultry, so she didn't go to Le's house to say hello.

Lan San and the handsome boys delivered all the rice to the roof, dumped the rice on the roof floor, covered it with a waterproof cloth, and went downstairs to take a shower.

Although the school masters were all sweaty from exhaustion, almost turned into dogs, panted smoothly, and went downstairs laughing and laughing as if they had been beaten, and then went to move the tables and chairs.

The owner of the Le family, Mr. Ant Laoyan, and the handsome Yan Shaolan had originally assembled a table, and Mr. Chao and his party totaled fourteen, and two new tables were added.

After washing up, Le Yun went downstairs with her long hair, walked around the kitchen, and found that the main course was almost ready, so she put on her sleeves, washed her hands, and made Hehua fish soup.

Grandma Zhou arrived at Le's house and had a good talk with Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao. Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao were shocked when they heard that Zhou Xialong was divorced. that step.

They didn't like the snobbish and mean-spirited Liu Tong, the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, who liked to tell stories, but they never fanned the flames and said anything bad about Liu Tong in front of Grandma Zhou.

The two old ladies were afraid that Grandma Zhou was thinking too much, so they also thought of ways to comfort the old lady, telling the old lady not to worry, Leshan's uncle is still young, and he can find a companion, etc.

Grandma Zhou had already seen it away, so she didn't have anything to worry about, and she laughed and talked freely with Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang.

Classmate Le Xiao made fish soup, and when the meal was being served, the three old ladies had already talked about several large circles of mountains from south to north and from north to south, and they were in a happy mood.

The young people who smelled the delicious fish soup had long stretched their necks and waited to be handymen. The little Lolita said that she was ready to serve dinner, and she acted immediately, doing errands diligently.

In the evening, the old men and women sat at a table with the Le family siblings and Zhou Qiufeng, while Le's father sat with Zhou Ge, Yan Shaolan and the young people.

The dishes are all medicinal food, each person has a bowl of fish soup, three fresh and tender Hehua fish, and crispy fried fish with sausage sauce, as well as sauced pig's trotters, fried short ribs, spiced beef and boiled chicken.

The dishes made by the little loli were so delicious that the top students almost swallowed their chopsticks. Not only were the plates empty, but the plates were so clean that they almost didn't need to be cleaned.

Satisfied with the meal, the school masters helped clean up the table, and while Young Master Yan was washing the dishes, they chattered around the little loli and asked them to assign them work, what work would they do tomorrow.

The old ladies and the old men were watching the melon-eating crowd, watching a group of young people making a fuss, happily.

Zhou's mother and son chatted with the guests of Le's house after ten o'clock, and then went home after drinking another bowl of Dou Nao, and the guests of Le's house also went to rest separately.

Lejia guests fell asleep for less than an hour, and all fell asleep soundly.

Classmate Le took his younger brother to sleep until one o'clock in the morning, got up and stayed up all night making dumplings, steamed buns, and pancake rolls.

When Yan Shao, Xiao Shao and the others woke up, they smelled the tangy aroma, and they rushed to get up. After washing, they went to the kitchen to find little loli to brush their faces. When they ran to the north building, they saw that the table was full of There are sieves and fresh-keeping boxes, and there are boxes and boxes of dumplings and steamed buns.

Xueba: "..." Little Lolita got up in the middle of the night to make breakfast!

Feeling the difficulty of the little Lolita, the school masters contracted the rest of the dough and were responsible for rolling the dough to make dumplings, and the little Lolita cooked Hehua fish soup and boiled eggs.

After breakfast, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang helped Yan Shao to share the housework, and let the old and young people who went to work in the fields set out while it was cool. Mr. Chao went to work with the young people.

The beautiful boy finished the class for Xiao Leshan, brought the old lady and Young Master Yan packed bread, pancake rolls and tea, took Xiao Leshan to the fields, and gave snacks to the workers.

Not long after the beautiful boy left, Mrs. Wu arrived at Lejia with her change of clothes, a basket of eggs and two chickens.

The girl from Lejia called her in the morning to say that her mother-in-law and Grandma Chao were here, and told her to stay at Lejia for a few days when she was free. Mrs. Wu was so happy that she didn't wait all day. She packed her clothes and went to buy some Eggs and two native chickens happily went to Lejia to play.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao welcomed Mrs. Wu into the house, and smiled and blamed: "It's fine if you come, what else do you bring, every time you come, you also bring your own food, how can Xiao Lele have the nerve to pick you up to play at home?" .”

"Lele is a caring child. I come here empty-handed every time. I live here for ten days and months. I feel embarrassed." Mrs. Wu entered the main room of Lele with a smile. When she saw the new furniture, she praised the little girl with a smile. The girl has a good eye, and the furniture she chooses is so grand and dignified.

Old Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, was overjoyed, and immediately praised Xiao Tuanzi blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The three old ladies have the same views, and the topic can't be finished.

Young master Yan cut up watermelon for treats, and then went to pack bean brains for the old ladies to taste.

The three old ladies enjoyed their desserts slowly. Before they finished the bowl of Dou Nao, Chen Kang Zhouwei arrived at Lejia with his youngest son Chen Jie and youngest grandson Chen Fengnian.

The old couple of the Chen family each carried a backpack, Chen Kang was wearing a white shirt, Zhou Wei was wearing a dark flower stone blue dress, Chen Jie, Chen Fengnian and his son each carried a bag plus a suitcase, and wore white shirts.

The four members of the three generations of the Chen family took the high-speed rail yesterday, and arrived in Changshi, which is adjacent to Shennongshan and Fangxian County, yesterday afternoon, and then took a bus to Yuzhen in Shennongshan, stayed there for one night, and set off this morning Nine rice.

The car that sent the four members of the Chen family took them to the office building in Meicun Village. Chen Kang returned to his hometown in the first month of the month.

He heard people talking outside the house, but did not see a wolf dog coming out to greet him. Chen Kang walked to the eaves of his nephew's house before calling out "nephew, nephew and daughter-in-law".

"Could it be that Uncle Yueqing has arrived?" Mrs. Wang, the old lady who was drinking Dounao, put down her soup spoon, stood up and walked towards the door.

"That's right." Yan Xing could tell from the voice that it was the old uncle of the Chen family who had been to Le's house in the first month. He quickly rushed out of the main room, saw the four old and young members of the Chen family coming, and politely said hello: "Mr. Chen Good morning, Mrs. Chen, the masters have gone to the fields to harvest rice, please come in and sit down."

"Hey, Yan... big... young?" Chen Jie was taken aback when he saw the handsome young man with extraordinary bearing, and almost called out his official rank. Why did this senior colonel come to his cousin's house again?
Seeing the handsome young man rushing out of the room, Chen Kang and Zhou Wei were also stunned, and soon calmed down as usual, and said with a smile, "Young man, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Fengnian immediately noticed that his cousin's house had changed doors, and then he saw a handsome and handsome guy who was more photogenic than a celebrity. He just smiled shyly and followed his grandma and dad.

Yan Xing was very discerning, and immediately helped the Chen family and his son carry the suitcases. When the Chen family walked to the door, the two old ladies also came over.

When Chen Kang saw two elegant and elegant old ladies wearing ankle-length dresses, he almost guessed who they were, so he said hello first, "Hello, two sister-in-laws!"

Zhou Wei also called her "sister-in-law" along with her wife.

Yan Xing hurriedly introduced and explained to both parties who was who.

"Brothers of the Chen family, sister-in-law, you are welcome, we are all from our own family." The old lady Chao Wang greeted with a smile, and when Yan Xiaozi made an introduction, they got to know each other formally.

They shook hands, exchanged greetings, and then entered the main room. Yan Xing introduced Mrs. Wu again. When Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang got up, Mrs. Wu also stood up, walked around the table, and stood aside, acting as Yueqing's wife. The relatives entered the house and greeted each other with a smile.

After getting to know each other, the three old ladies invited the Chen family couple to sit down.

Chen Kang Zhouwei took off his backpack and put it in the throne seat on the north side, and went to sit in front of the arhat couch on the south side, because the three old ladies sat on one arhat couch, and the couple sat on the other arhat couch.

Chen Jie and Chen Fengnian put down their luggage and sat on a round drum stool.

Yan Xing dragged the suitcase into the main room, greeted the Chen family members to sit down, then washed their hands, washed and killed two watermelons, put them on a tray and put them on the table, and then filled four bowls of chilled beans for each of the four members of the Chen family.

After entertaining the guests, Yan Xing called Little Lolita and informed her that her uncle and grandpa had arrived.

Chen Kang, who was drinking Dou Nao, felt refreshed both physically and mentally. The suddenly handsome young man actually called his niece and granddaughter, and immediately became nervous: "This... this, actually, there is no need to be in such a hurry. I will see you when you come back at noon." It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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