magic eye doctor

Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623
Shy of being close to the hometown, and even more timid of close relatives, already sitting at his nephew's house, Chen Kang has no idea that he is about to meet his niece and granddaughter whom he has never met.

He knew that his little niece and granddaughter were the masters of the Le family, and the girls of the Le family had the final say on all important matters in the Le family. He didn't know how the little niece and granddaughter thought of him.

When he didn't see anyone, he was full of anticipation, but Chen Kang was uneasy when he was about to meet, and he used fifteen buckets to fetch water with all his heart - seven times and eight times.

Because he was a little flustered, he drank all the beans and ate another piece of watermelon. When the young man brought the tea, he didn't want to drink the tea. He couldn't sit still, so Shi Jian walked out of the door and looked under the eaves.

Zhou Wei, Chen Jie, mother and son were speechless, sitting and chatting with the old ladies and drinking tea.

Chen Fengnian found that the watermelon tasted better than the watermelon from his grandma's hometown. After eating two pieces of melon in a row, he also jumped out to accompany his grandfather and wait for his cousin.

Due to the arrival of all the young people, the Lejia rice harvesting team had more than a dozen people when they set off in the morning. In order to improve efficiency, the school masters were divided into two teams. To pull seedlings.

Mr. Chao was in charge of leading the young people to pull rice seedlings. Mr. Yi Laoyan, brother Zhou, Zhou Qiufeng, and Miss Lejia went to the rice field to pull a few seedlings, and then returned to the rice field behind the South Building of Lejia to plant.

After Ant Laoyan was promoted, his reaction ability has risen to a higher level. The speed of transplanting rice seedlings is not as good as that of the little girl Le and the housewife Lejia, but the speed is quite scary, much faster than Brother Zhou.

The two old men, Zhou Qiufeng and Le Xiao are called rice transplanters. For this reason, Brother Zhou was almost beaten to the point of becoming disabled.

A few people settled the paddy field not far behind the south building of Lejia, and then went to the rice paddy field to pick up the seedlings and transplant them in other paddy fields that have been rectified.

When someone called, Le Yun, who was busy planting rice seedlings, planted a few more seedlings, then put down the seedlings in her hand, washed her hands in the field water, straightened her waist, and took out her mobile phone from the small pocket on her belt , it seemed that the caller ID was Yan Chihuo, and he pressed the call button.

I thought that the Yan food team had something to go back to Beijing, but I was not surprised when I heard that my grandma’s younger brother, who I should call my uncle, had arrived, so I hung up the phone after replying.

"Aunt Feng, my father's uncle is here, I'll go back and have a look first." Putting the phone into the cloth bag, Le Yun kept reporting to Aunt Feng while walking towards the ridge.

"Lele, who is coming to your uncle and grandpa's house? Do you want me to go back together?" Zhou Qiufeng straightened up quickly. The uncles are here. As a nephew and daughter-in-law, she should go home to entertain the elders.

"Aunt Feng, it's the busy farming season, so you don't need to pay so much attention, just go back with me."

"Alright, Lele has gone back to talk to the elders. You don't need to come back anymore. You can take care of the lunch." The two scrambled for time, Zhou Qiufeng didn't insist, and bent over to plant the rice seedlings.

Le Yun walked to the side of the field ridge, washed off the mud on her legs first, then went up the field ridge, walked barefoot to the place where the sandals were placed, put on the shoes and put them on properly, and then ran for a while to the threshed rice field, from the field ridge He carried two bags of rice on his shoulders and ran home.

Dogs are generally not allowed to follow when they are robbing, because dogs always step on the ears of rice when they enter the field. The big wolf dog Heilong follows the young lady and sleeps outside the field ridge. The young lady carries the rice home and happily follows as a follower.

Chen Kang looked around under the eaves, walking up the village road from time to time, the more he waited, the more anxious he became. When he was in a state of confusion, a black-haired dog jumped from the village road to the eaves of Lejia.

The dog wore a golden collar, stuck out its tongue, and looked very energetic.

"The wolf dog is back!" Seeing the black-haired military dog ​​rushing back excitedly, Chen Kang shouted in surprise and ran towards the village road.

When he yelled, the black dragon ignored the guests under the eaves, happily rushed into the main room, ran to the Eight Immortals table and lay down on his stomach to rest.

Hearing the shout, Zhou Wei and Chen Jie stood up, then saw the military dog ​​entering the house, and ran out to check the situation, Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wu, and Mrs. Chen Zhou also went out of the house.

Yan Xing washed some melons and fruits and put them on the table. He went upstairs to turn over the millet on the roof, but when he heard that the wolf dog was back, he guessed that the little loli was back, so he also walked out of the main room.

Men and women walked from under the eaves to the adjacent village road, stood in the shadow of the building and looked around, and saw several people on the village road leading to the back of the village, one of them was walking towards the back of the village with a basket, and someone was pushing The carts pull the rice, one carries a load of seedlings, and the other carries two bags.

The sun was high and the sun was very hot. Everyone was wearing straw hats, and it was difficult to recognize who was who until they got close. Chen Kang didn't know if his little niece and granddaughter were among those people.

"Oh, do you want to be a Hercules, little boy? You can carry two sacks of millet by yourself." Mrs. Wang recognized at a glance that the person carrying a bag on each shoulder was her little padded jacket, leaving everyone behind, and ran away Go help your little padded jacket.

Yan Xing also rushed out quickly, wanting to share her worries with little Lolita.

Chen Jie, who didn't know the situation at first, also came to his senses and ran out in a hurry; Chen Fengnian also came back to his senses, and ran away with Yan Shao.

Chen Kangzhou was slightly dumbfounded. Is that person carrying two pockets a grandniece? !

Le Yun, who was carrying the rice back home, ran away when the black dragon was approaching Grandma Zhou's house, and continued walking by herself. A strange elderly man scanned it.

Because of her good eyesight, she also saw the face of the old man clearly, and the face of the old man was somewhat similar to grandma.

Looking at the face, and having her own special eye function as an assist, she doesn't need anyone's introduction, she also knows that the person is related to grandma by blood.

The old man's legs had severe rheumatoid arthritis, but he was otherwise fine and had no major health problems.

Seeing his wife running towards him, Le Yun's heart was warmer than the sun, and his wife loved her the most, so he reacted faster than anyone else.

Then I saw the middle-aged and young people running over, no need to guess, they were father and son, they were relatives she should call uncle and cousin.

Carrying the rice while walking, I observed my grandma's natal relatives. The teacher's wife and Yan's foodie also came, and Le Yun held the bag containing the rice happily: "Master, I can carry it. Teacher, please take Yan away. That guy came here to join in the fun, if he flashes his waist, he has to work hard on your little cotton padded jacket, it's not worth it."

"Okay." Mrs. Wang looked at the pocket carried by the little machine jacket and knew that she couldn't help, she grabbed the boy from the Yan family who came up to him by the back collar and pulled him aside: "Stinky boy, you are a wounded person , don’t run around to make trouble, go where it’s cool.”

Yan Xing, who was pulled away by the back collar: "..." Does he want to lose face?
He wants to save face.

However, in front of Mrs. Wang, who is like a doting daughter and mad demon, he himself knows that his weight is not enough, and Mrs. Wang can blow him away for several blocks.

Young Master Yan, who knows current affairs, didn't put a face on his face, silently being the air.

Young Master Yan was carried away by Mrs. Wang, so Chen Jie was able to face his niece directly. When he saw his niece's pink face, bangs with eyebrows, and a black braid hanging down his waist, his whole body was shocked. Dazed: "Le Yun... niece?"

Didn't it mean that Lejia girl has short hair, just like a fake?
Who is going to tell him now, who is this little girl with eyebrow-length bangs and braids?
Didn't it mean that my cousin and niece will be eighteen years old this April? Shouldn't her girl be like a delicate flower, youthful, pretty, and glamorous?

Why did he not see a heroic young girl, but a little girl who was as pink and tender as his cousin Le Shan?

There are a hundred thousand reasons in Chen Jie's heart. Facing that pink, fair and slightly flushed face, he feels a sense of confusion of "where am I, what am I doing, and who am I".

"Hello Uncle Biao." Facing the middle-aged man who is a little taller than her father, Le Yun called out "Uncle Biao" politely, then turned to look at the young boy, and the corner of her eyes twitched fiercely: "You are Chen Fengnian cousin?"

Chen Fengnian just ran to his father's side, he couldn't care less about it, he looked excitedly at the girl carrying the sack, seeing the tender face of her aunt's little cousin, he was dumbfounded: "Cousin... sister?"

This is my cousin?


She looks like a little cousin, okay?

Looking at the little girl who was fairer and tenderer than himself, Chen Fengnian seriously suspected that his uncle's family had lied about the age of the little cousin. This is obviously a little cousin, how could it be a cousin?
"My little darling looks juicy, tender and white. She looks like a seven or eight-year-old doll. Others are dumbfounded when they see it. It's so interesting!" Stretching out her slender hand, she pinched the tender face of the little padded jacket, and helped her take off the straw hat: "Lele is carrying the millet, don't stand there stupidly, let's go."

"Master's mother is right. Cousin and cousin go back to the main room and sit down. It's getting hot outside." Uncle and cousin stared at him stupidly, eyes full of disbelief, and Le Yun was used to that Eyes, smiling so hard that you can't see your teeth, keep walking.

"Oh." Chen Jie and Chen Fengnian responded indiscriminately, turned around and walked back, and only realized after walking a few steps, didn't he come to help share his worries? !
Unable to help share their worries, the father and son stared at the back of the person in front of them, looking at the big black and shiny braid, with complicated emotions. They agreed that he was a short-haired tomboy, but why did he suddenly become a long-haired little beauty?
Chen Kangzhou watched the scene where his son, grandson, and niece and granddaughter met, and his mood was also extremely complicated. When he saw the girl with brows and bangs walking towards him carrying a heavy object, he couldn't help but breathe lightly.

The little cub is so tender!

The little boy has a pair of beautiful almond eyes, the eyes are black and white, the black part is as black as ink, and has a pearl-like luster.

Those eyes are clean and clear, like pearls reflecting the sun, shining brightly.

Under such a pair of eyes, Chen Kangzhou slightly felt as if he was lying naked in the machine to be scanned, and couldn't help holding his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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