magic eye doctor

Chapter 1627 You still want to cheat me

Chapter 1627 You still want to cheat me

Every year, the double rush time coincides with the scorching heat, and it is always extraordinarily hot.

When thousands of farmers are busy harvesting and planting rice seedlings, the 26th is approaching in an alternation of day and night.

July 7th, the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, was supposed to be the New Year’s Eve. Because there was a leap in April that year, it was actually the same time as the seventh month of the previous lunar calendar. The corn is old and the early rice is being harvested.

This year's Try New Festival just happens to be able to eat new rice.

And the sixth day of June is also Xiao Leshan's fake birthday.

Le Shan was born on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, and it would take decades to celebrate his birthday, so he can only celebrate the sixth day of the sixth month as his birthday.

Little classmate Le took care of his younger brother. He got up in the middle of the night, made his favorite dumplings, baked biscuits and toast, and made him a bowl of longevity noodles.

The bowl of longevity noodles is just one noodle, which is a round noodle, which symbolizes a year without twists and turns, smooth sailing, and perfection.

In the morning, everyone has a bowl of hand-pulled noodles, and the young and old who eat hand-made noodles are as happy as the clouds.

After a satisfying meal, the young people went to harvest rice for the Cheng family, and Xiao Le did the housework well, found the bamboo teacup for his younger brother and his own Jiuzi bamboo teacup, and filled it with the milk left over from refining ghee. Drinking a drink, holding the box containing the teaching materials for teaching, I took my younger brother to the third floor of the South Building, and taught my younger brother personally.

Ant Laoyan was always listening, and when the little girl began to teach, the two elders were suddenly surprised. The first class that the little girl officially started for the little baby turned out to be "Six Arts of a Gentleman".

The Six Arts of a Gentleman is a compulsory course for gentlemen in ancient China. It refers to: Ritual, Music, Archery, Imperial, Shu, and Numeral.

The little girl's first class was to teach the six arts of a gentleman. It can be seen that she is preparing to raise her younger brother with the strictest requirements, and it can also be seen that she has high hopes and love for him.

True love is not blind indulgence and spoiling, but strict teaching, so that he will become a talent and be able to stand alone in the future.

True love is not unprincipled accommodation, but to teach people the principles of the world, so that they know how to behave in the world and the principle of survival of the fittest.

The little girl from Lejia loves her younger brother very much, so she started to teach her younger brother when he was still in the womb, and taught by precepts and deeds at any time after birth. She started teaching when the little doll was very young, and she was officially enlightened at the age of three, teaching based on the principle of the six arts.

The two old people were shocked and thought it was normal. The little girl herself was very knowledgeable and covered a wide range of things. She was familiar with ancient rituals and arts.

You can't eat a fat man in one bite, and you have to do everything step by step, and you should pay attention to step-by-step teaching. Le Yun has no delusions about stuffing all kinds of knowledge into his younger brother's brain. He lectures very slowly so that his younger brother can keep up with the rhythm.

Moreover, while teaching the six arts of a gentleman, we will also teach pinyin, such as adding pinyin to words such as Li and She, comparing the traditional and the simplified, and then associating to expand the interpretation.

Le Shan studies very seriously, taking notes and learning new characters. He uses a small brush specially made for him by his sister, and the ink he uses is pure natural ink without chemical additives.

The little guy started to read and write when he was just over one year old. Others were just learning to hold a pencil. He was used to using a brush from the very beginning.

Studying pays attention to the combination of work and rest. Lexiao students are scheduled to have two classes every morning, from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] for culture and education, and for martial arts at [-]:[-].

Each of the two classes lasts 10 minutes, and the middle 10 minutes are free time for activities.

The two classes in the morning only talked about what is included in the six arts of a gentleman.

At the end of the cultural class, Yi Laoyan watched the teaching materials that the little girl taught the little doll. When he saw the "book" used by the little girl to teach the village and the little doll, as well as a box of handwritten teaching materials prepared by the little girl, his whole body was shocked. Not good, I want to grab it, what should I do?
Mr. Ant was embarrassed to snatch the textbook from his apprentice, and he was holding the little girl's box of textbooks, his eyes filled with longing: "Little girl, let's have a discussion, you see, my little apprentice is very lonely when he studies alone. Our sect already has disciples of the fifth generation, sixth generation and seventh generation, I will go back and choose three or two young children to come over to accompany my disciples, do you think it will work?"

Mr. Yan also coveted the textbooks, and wanted to send a few family disciples to Le's family as companions, but he was too embarrassed to say it. After all, he was invited to be the "bodyguard" of the town house beast, unlike Mr. Ant who has Lejia Xiaowa's master's relationship.

"..." The corners of Le Yun's eyes twitched fiercely a few times, and she squinted at an old man quietly: "Mr. Ant, is it because my food is not tasty, or is it because your little apprentice is not cute?"

"No, the food at the little girl's house is very delicious, and my little apprentice is the cutest." Mr. Yi didn't understand what the little girl meant, but he had a strong desire to survive, and he would never stroke the little girl's beard.

"My family's food is delicious, and my younger brother is also very cute, so you still want to trick me?" Le Yun wrinkled her face, Baozi: "You always knock your teeth and ask your old sect to pick a few little guys to send to study It can be achieved within three days, but I have a headache. Believe it or not, when the child from your sect is sent in front, other sects or families will try to find a way to send the child to my house. You always want me to open it Private school?"

Ant understood what the little girl meant, thought about it, and salivated with a smile on his face: "Little girl, why don't you open a private school to teach?"

"Old Ant, I think it's unreliable for you to always be my younger brother's master. It seems that I need to take my younger brother to visit some seniors in the second half of the year."

Let her open a private school?

Could it be that the medicinal plants are not fragrant?Or is it not fun to study pills?

She is a dignified successor of traditional Chinese medicine, a future master in the medical field with the potential of a genius doctor, but a good doctor is not a good doctor, what kind of child king is she?

The bad idea of ​​urging her to give up medicine and start a private school like this is only the old man can come up with.

Le Yun's understanding of Mr. Ant was refreshed again, and she felt that Mr. Ant was becoming more and more unreliable. She felt that it was necessary to find some more masters for her younger brother.

The little girl felt that he was unreliable, and Mr. Yi felt as if he was facing a big enemy in an instant, and immediately put on a serious face: "Little girl, I'm just joking, I'll talk casually, you can listen casually, it's too tiring to open a private school, so I need to invite a teacher." How troublesome it is to provide food and lodging for children, you are the future North Star of the medical field, how can you have the leisure time to spend those leisurely thoughts."

"Mr. Yi also knows that a private school needs to provide food and lodging." Le Yun smiled meaningfully, packed the textbooks into boxes, took out a ceramic brush washer from the shelf in Duobao Pavilion, and poured water to clean the brush.

Ant pretended to be stupid, and didn't bring up the previous topic again.

Yan Lao also pretended to be deaf and dumb.

After the class was over, Leshan took notes, dried the last page of writing paper, neatly coded the notes, put them together with the textbooks into a small bookcase, and washed the brushes she used.

If you don’t clean the brush after using up the ink, the ink will dry up, the bristles will glue together, and the tip of the brush will become stiff. Over time, the life of the brush will be shortened, and the next time you use it again, the tip of the brush will become stiff due to the dry ink and it will not be easy to use. .

Therefore, every time the brush is used, it needs to be cleaned in time. At this time, the brush washing will be used as a hero.

There are two types of brush washers, big and small. The large brush washer is used for first washing the ink. When the ink on the brush is almost washed, it is cleaned again in the small brush washer.

In line with the principle of saving, the ink soup washed from the brush can be recycled and refined into ink.

Le Yun set an example by washing the brush, hanging it on a tree-shaped brush, and pouring the washing water into a round-bellied, narrow-necked ice jade jar placed on the side of the Duobao Pavilion. The water in the small brush wash is stored in another small altar, and the brush can be washed again next time after precipitation.

After resting for a while, drinking water, we will teach martial arts class when the time comes.

Classmate Le Xiao officially taught her younger brother the practice of meditation and a set of the most basic martial arts for body training. That set of martial arts is a set of martial arts that she simplified from certain cultivation methods in Dongchen Continent, suitable for boys to practice .

The two old men were once again amazed by the little girl's skillful manipulation. If I'm not mistaken, that set of martial arts was learned by Le's family, right?

The little girl is teaching in front of them like this, isn't she afraid that they will steal her teacher?
The little girl was defenseless, and Ant Laoyan was always a gentleman, so she took the initiative to avoid it immediately, and climbed to the top of the third floor to drink tea and enjoy the scenery with the teapot and tea set in her arms.

Le Shan is a super sister-in-law, but he must implement 100% of what my sister says. Therefore, no matter it is cultural class or martial arts class, he is very devoted. My sister listens attentively and takes notes carefully in class, and my sister teaches physical training Skills, but also to learn one by one.

One is teaching with heart, and the other is learning with heart. The siblings cooperate with each other tacitly, and the teaching scenes are very loving.

Grandma Zhou always kept her nephew's fake birthday in mind. In the morning, she cut back sweet potatoes and vines to cook pig food, then changed the water for chickens and ducks, added food, and then took a shower by herself to wash off some of the dirt on her body. Taste, tidy up, carrying a chicken and eggs to the son-in-law's house.

She didn't arrive at Le's house until after ten o'clock. The handsome young man in Le's house, Chen Jie, Chen Fengnian, his father and son, and Le's husband and wife all went to help others with farm work. There are the handsome Yan Shao and the big wolf dog.

Mrs. Chao saw that Grandma Zhou brought another chicken and eggs in a wooden ladle, and blamed her: "Sister, why did you bring things again? Yueqing is your son-in-law, and you always subsidize him like this, someday What are you going to do if you spoil Yueqing?"

"I've never been used to Yueqing. I often catch him and scold him. Today is Leshan's long tail. I'll give the cub some eggs to eat."

Grandma Zhou narrowed her eyes with a smile, and handed the chicken and the basket to the handsome young man who came to pick her up. She looked around but didn't see the two cubs: "Hey, where is Lele today?"

"Lele teaches Leshan to read in the South Building. From today, Lele has adjusted the study time for Leshan. Every morning, he has half a day of class and let Leshan play by himself in the afternoon."

"Xiao Lele really hurts Leshan."

"Hey, Le Shan is only three years old today. It's hard work to learn a lot at such a young age. Don't you feel sorry for Le Shan?"

"Three-year-olds look old, and the dolls have to be strictly disciplined from an early age, so that they can be successful when they grow up."

Grandma Zhou has witnessed Lele's growth with her own eyes, and she admires Lele's way of raising children. There must be her reason for how Lele teaches Leshan.

The old men and the old ladies have nothing else to do, it's the same when there are children, and the conversation around the children's topics is in full swing.

Yan Xing, who was in charge of cooking, put the eggs on the table of the Eight Immortals, then locked the native chicken in the livestock room of Lejia, washed his hands after turning around, and then went into the refrigerator room to get desserts,

Little Lolita stayed up all night last night to make a piece of jade jelly, and after chilling for a few hours, it is ready to eat.

Jade jelly is made by mashing fresh elm jelly leaves and jelly fruit. The color is as thick as imperial green jadeite. When served with soup, it looks like pieces of green jadeite soaked in water. It is really beautiful.

Yan Xing packed jelly in a bowl, then made soup, and brought the summer refreshment with a little mint flavor to the main room, inviting the old ladies and gentlemen to taste it.

Jelly not only cools off the heat, but also has the effect of dispelling dampness and dryness, moistening the throat and invigorating the stomach, so don't worry that eating too much will increase the moisture in the body.

The old men and women looked at the beautiful jelly that looked like a work of art, and they were reluctant to take a bite. They drank it one mouthful after appreciating it enough. The aroma of the jelly was refreshing, and it felt icy when they drank it, but their hearts were sweet. , It is happiness to have a little boy who understands medicinal food. No matter who gives them a village head, they will not change such a happy life.

(End of this chapter)

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