magic eye doctor

Chapter 1628 Here Comes Again

Chapter 1628 Here Comes Again

There are many rural dialects in Shishi, known as "ten miles of different days", and the customs are slightly different. Many places pay more attention to June [-]th, but some places don't pay much attention to it. But try something new.

Li Yao's family has never regarded June [-]th as a holiday. Li Yao made a strategy before marrying Zhou Chunmei, knowing that June [-]th is as important as the May Dragon Boat Festival in the hearts of Meizijing villagers.

Therefore, even if he was kicked out by his father-in-law when he returned to Plum Village on the Dragon Boat Festival, he still kept the June [-]th holiday in his heart, prepared gifts in advance, and went to Jiudao again that morning with the gifts.

Li Yao drove by himself and bought two local ducks when he passed a relatively large village committee on the road. It was already eleven o'clock when they arrived at Meizijing.

It’s the double-grabbing season, and people in Mei Village go out early and return late. Even though it’s almost noon, except for young children or the elderly in the village, you will occasionally see villagers passing by transporting rice, moving manure, or picking seedlings.

Li Yao drove Zhou Chunmei's car into Meizijing, and saw the helicopter parked on the ground in front of the village office building at a glance. Seeing it, he knew that the famous girl from the Le family was at home.

When Zhou Chunmei saw the gray-green helicopter, her eyes widened in surprise: "Hey, who else in Meicun bought a helicopter?"

"The helicopter doesn't belong to Miss Lejia?" Li Yao looked at Zhou Chunmei in surprise, didn't the plane belong to Miss Lejia?

Helicopters cost millions no matter how cheap they are. There are quite a few rich people in Shishi who own hundreds of thousands or millions of cars. There are only two families who own helicopters or private jets. The person who owns a private airliner is from Beishi City, but he and his family have moved to other provinces decades ago.

If the plane in front of the Meicun village office building did not belong to Miss Lejia, who would it be?
Who else in Jiudao is so poor that he can afford a helicopter.

"Le... Leyun's planes are all white, not this style." Zhou Chunmei was also very surprised. There is no big trench in Meicun. Who can afford an airplane? floor.

Li Yao had an idea in his mind, and wanted to say "Maybe Le Yun has changed another plane", but he didn't say it after all, and carefully parked the car in an empty space.

There is a helicopter parked in front of the village office building, as well as several cars, and there is not much space for parking.

Li Yao parked the car in an open space that would not interfere with the traffic of other cars. After getting out of the car, he carried the cross-body bag with his mobile phone or other belongings on his back, and then opened the rear door to get gifts and ducks. This time, there were only two boxes of gifts. A box of Cordyceps, a box of imported middle-aged and elderly milk powder.

After Zhou Chunmei got out of the car, she opened the sun umbrella, and went to help carry a box of Cordyceps. She held the umbrella to help Li Yao shade the sun.

The villagers were busy with double robbing, and there was no one there. On the way from the village office building to Zhou's house, Li Yao and Zhou Chunmei met only one villager transporting rice on a motorcycle.

When the young couple walked to the road facing the vegetable garden in front of Lejia, the military dogs stationed in Lejia jumped from under the eaves to the village road, barking "barking".

Turning over the rice that was drying on the roof of the North Building of Lejia, Yan Xing, who went downstairs to turn over the rice on the ground in front of the building, just walked out of the door of Lejiatang when he heard the barking of the black dragon, looking towards the direction of the village road, I saw men and women holding umbrellas.

His eyesight is super good, and he immediately recognized the young woman holding an umbrella and wearing a blue and white plaid dress as the granddaughter of Grandma Zhou. Needless to say, the other must be the husband of the girl from the Zhou family.

Seeing the granddaughter of the Zhou family, Yan Xing turned around and entered the house in two steps, lowering his voice: "Grandma Zhou, your granddaughter and your grandson-in-law are back."

Grandma Zhou and Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou Wei, talking and laughing together, eating some fruit or dried fruit, indescribably happy, but when I heard the handsome young man talking, I couldn't remember it: "Who do you think is coming?" gone?"

"Grandma Zhou, your granddaughter and grandson-in-law are back and are walking towards your house." Yan Xing repeated with a shallow smile.

The handsome young man wears a white shirt with the shirt tied at the waist. He has a handsome appearance and a picturesque face. His voice is mellow and sexy, like a cello D tune, which is elegant and moving.

The voice was so intoxicating, but the original meaning of the words was not so wonderful. The old lady Chao and Mrs. Wang looked at Grandma Zhou. The girl's marriage process.

"I locked the door." Grandma Zhou came to her senses, stood up and walked out: "I'll go back and have a look first, brother Yan, please call Handsome Lan and inform my family, Zhou Xialong, to go home soon."

"Come on, I'll call Yueqing and ask Yueqing to talk to Uncle Leshan." Mrs. Chao volunteered to take over the task of calling. Handsome Lan usually works with the young people. Yueqing and Brother Zhou spend most of their time together. It is easier to find Brother Zhou in Yueqing if they do the same work.

The old lady Chao did what she said, and immediately found the mobile phone thrown in the corner of Luohan's couch, searched for the number and dialed the number, and the call was connected quickly. She asked Yueqing to tell Uncle Leshan that his girl was back without any nonsense, and made it clear The reason is to hang up the phone.

Father Le, who was holding the claw machine, was stunned by the way the old man hung up the phone neatly. He collected himself and called his uncle.

Because of the large number of people, the rice harvesting team for Cheng's family was divided into two groups, one group harvested rice for Cheng Youde's family, and the other group harvested rice for Cheng Youliang's family. Father Le and Brother Zhou were not in the same place.

Brother Zhou was threshing the rice fields of Cheng Youliang's family. When he received a call, he learned that Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao had the cheek to come to Meicun to make friends with him. I didn't go to Cheng's house for dinner, so I didn't have to wait for him, and then I ran home.

The workers didn't ask Brother Zhou what's the matter. When Brother Zhou left beforehand, they continued to work in full swing.

Just as Grandma Zhou stepped out of the gate, she paused when she heard that Mrs. Chao called Yue Qing on the phone. When Mrs. Chao said that Yue Qing would notify Zhou Xialong, she was relieved and walked home slowly.

When the old man was about to reach the village road next to Le's house, he stood under the eaves and looked around, and found that Zhou Chunmei hadn't reached the gate of Zhou's house, so he stood there first.

After telling Grandma Zhou the news, Yan Xing picked up the wooden cake to turn over the rice, and stopped meddling in other people's affairs.

Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao were terrified when they saw the black-haired wolfdog jumping out from Lejia, fearing that the dog would rush over, but fortunately the dog barked a few times and then died down.

Le's side was next to the edge of the village road with straw handles. Zhou Chunmei and Li Yao walked on the side of the village road next to Zhou's side. When they walked outside the gate of Zhou's house and saw General Tie's handle, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Is Dad harvesting rice? Call Mom and ask Mom." Putting down the things in his hands, Li Yao urged Zhou Chunmei to call while wiping off his sweat.

The sun was hot, the road was hot, and the heat was suffocating. Zhou Chunmei's back was sweaty, and her face was also sweaty, but she didn't dare to wipe it off, so she carefully absorbed the sweat on her face with a tissue.

Hearing Li Yao's words, she didn't refute. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and called her mother, but she didn't dare to call her father either.

Since the divorce, Liu Tong has become a single person. He has a house and savings, lives in his own house, goes out for a walk every day, and watches dramas at home when he has nothing to do. He is in a good mood.

She didn't tell Chunmei that she was divorced, so as not to let the Li family know that Chunmei had just married and her mother was divorced, which made the Li family feel unlucky and despised her as a mother-in-law. So whenever Zhou Chunmei called, She said good and bad.

When Zhou Chunmei called again to ask where she was, Liu Tong asked, "Chunmei, I'm at home, do you want to come back for the holidays?"

"Mom, Li Yao and I are at the door of our house, but the door is locked." Zhou Chunmei looked at the lock on the door, frowning. Mom asked why the door was locked when she was at home.

Liu Tong's heart skipped a beat, his expression changed, and he asked in a low voice, "Did you... have you returned to Meizijing?"

"Yeah, just arrived, just outside the gate, the gate is locked, are you and Dad harvesting rice in the field?" Zhou Chunmei held up an umbrella in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, unable to wipe off the sweat, the sweat on her forehead layered on her face The layer seeped out, and it was about to seep into the eye socket, which was very uncomfortable.

The girl and her son-in-law went back to Meicun without saying a word. Liu Tong, who didn't know it at all, panicked inexplicably, so he had to lie: "Chunmei, I... have less fights with your father. I'm here in Zhuxian County. At home, I don't know what your dad is doing, or you can call your dad, or go to the opposite door to find your grandma..."

She was about to ask Chunmei to go to Le's house to find someone, but she bit her tongue, Chunmei and Le Xiaoshangshougui were at odds, Le Xiaoshangshougui was at home, if Chunmei was humiliated again, her son-in-law would also feel ashamed, so why don't she be filial to her in the future? manage?
She didn't know if Le Xiaoshangshougui was at home, but she read the local news a few days ago and saw that the news reported that Les Xiaoshangshougui donated several million to Jiudao Junior High School as a scholarship. After leaving school, he must be at home these days.

"..., I see." Zhou Chunmei felt very uncomfortable when she heard her mother asked her to go to Le's house across the door to find her grandma, so she hung up the phone.

When Zhou Chunmei called, Li Yao stood and waited, because he had to hear it too clearly, and asked, "What did Mom say?"

"Mom and Dad had a quarrel, and Mom is in the county." Zhou Chunmei didn't want to call Dad, and was very embarrassed holding the phone, so she couldn't help but look at Le's house; "My grandma may be at my... aunt's house..."

As soon as she said something, she saw grandma coming out of Le's house and walking towards the house.

Li Yao also looked in the direction of Lejia, seeing the old man walking out from under the eaves of Lejia, his heart was complicated, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Grandma is back."

He reacted quickly, took the umbrella from Zhou Chunmei's hand, ran across the village road, rushed to the old lady, raised the umbrella to the old lady's head to help cover the sun, and shouted affectionately: "Grandma, Chunmei and I are coming back!" I will spend the holidays with you, is the rice harvested at home? Where is Dad? I will ask Chunmei to lead the way and help in the fields."

"Don't call me grandma. Zhou Chunmei is no longer a girl from the Zhou family. Her natal family is from the Liu family. If you want to go back to your natal family to spend the holiday with the elderly on June [-]th, you should go to the Liu family."

No matter how enthusiastic Li is, Grandma Zhou won't like it. After doing such a series of things with the Liu family before, why come here to show her hospitality now?
"Grandma, it's because my grandson-in-law did something wrong in the past. You should scold me all the time, but this blood relationship cannot be broken. Chunmei has the blood of the Zhou family on her body. The identity of the girl of the Zhou family cannot be changed." No matter how embarrassing Li Yao felt, she would have to bear being humiliated.

Grandma Zhou sneered mercilessly, stopped, and looked directly at someone Li who had a smirk on her face: "You always emphasized that Chunmei's surname is Zhou, and you don't want Zhou Chunmei to divorce the Zhou family. Be well."

That sentence was like a bomb, which made Li Yao's mind go cold. Not only did he stop suddenly, but he also held his breath. He didn't even dare to breathe out. He was so flustered that he didn't know what to explain.

"I can see what your plan is, do you think others can't see it? You guys give up early, Le Yun has already torn face with Zhou Chunmei, Le Yun can't find Zhou Chunmei on my old face. The old account just gave the sky a big face.

At the beginning, as long as you were sincere, don't play tricks, don't throw the face of my Zhou family to the Liu family, maybe, thinking that Zhou Chunmei still has the Zhou family's blood on her body, Zhou Xialong and I can't ignore it if something really happens, Even if she loses face, she will go to Le Yun to help talk about it.

Your Li family and the Liu family have teamed up to play my Zhou family as fools and trample on my Zhou family's face as mud. Now you still want to get close. Are you daydreaming or think my Zhou family is really stupid like a pig. "

Grandma Zhou stood upright when she faced Li, who had changed her expression. The last time Li came to Zhou's house and was kicked out, he came up to him with a thick face. ah?

Anyway, she is already old, and she is not afraid of the Li family's revenge if she pokes people's hearts.

Li Yao's face was pale and white, and she struggled to squeeze out a smile: "Grandma, you... really misunderstood me. Our Li family has never... bullied the Zhou family. I want to hide the divorce. I just heard the Liu family's bad idea, and I have already reflected on it, and I will definitely change it in the future."

Mrs. Li's face was very ugly. Grandma Zhou knew that she had stabbed him in the heart, and she stabbed the knife again mercilessly: "If you said you didn't mean it, Zhou Chunmei has already married you, and the married woman After going out, Zhou Chunmei became your mother-in-law, it doesn't matter whether she has a good relationship with the Zhou family, why are you going to the Zhou family to show your affection?"

"Grandma..." The old lady's words were so sharp that Li Yao's heart sank. She made a wrong step because Zhou Chunmei made a wrong step when she married Liu's family. No matter how many explanations she gave now, they were so weak.

Grandma Zhou used all the things she learned from those noble ladies on vacation at Lejia, snorted, turned around and left.

The old lady left her alone, Li Yao, who was not very smart, chased after him again, and took an umbrella to help the old lady shade the sun.

The umbrella was taken away, and Zhou Chunmei was standing at the door waiting. She didn't know what grandma and Li Yao were arguing about, because the distance was a bit far away, so she couldn't hear everything clearly, but she heard grandma mentioning that she got married at her grandma's house. She felt guilty and dared not Run to hear what is being said over there.

(End of this chapter)

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