magic eye doctor

Chapter 1638

Chapter 1638

Anyway, he couldn't hide his body advantage, and Le Xiao didn't bother to worry about whether his posture was elegant or not during the race. He just rushed, ran two laps in one go, and crossed the finish line of the preliminaries at a speed of almost 150 meters faster than the second place. Avoid to the edge of the runway, wait for the on-field co-judgment to issue guidance, and then wait for the identity verification in the area where the results are announced.

Coach Ou sat in the coaching area, looking at the athletes of his team, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes.

After checking the athlete's information on the big screen for the results announcement, Le Xiao went out of the competition field, found his belongings outside the field, put on a short-sleeved sportswear, put on a gauze scarf, and took a backpack to the designated area to rest.

The first group of the 800-meter race was completed, that is, the third group, the third group, the fourth group, and the fifth group followed in turn. Soon the preliminaries were completed, and the results were announced one after another. Le Xiao ranked first in the preliminaries and advanced to the semi-finals.

On the morning of the first race, Little Loli only had one event in the 800-meter preliminaries. After the event, she became a spectator and returned to the Olympic Village after the race in the morning.

There is no competition in the afternoon, and athletes from various countries arrange their time freely.

Le Xiaoluoli doesn't go shopping or the training hall, but stays in the dormitory to read books and learn foreign languages.

In the evening, athletes who have competitions in the evening arrive at the competition hall early.

The first event in the evening is the women's 5000-meter preliminaries. Le Xiao and the participating team members arrived at the scene in advance and checked in advance.

Because it is the World Olympic Games, most of the athletes from various countries are veterans, and their height is higher than the average height of the Asian Games and World University athletes. The thighs of the strongest athletes are almost as thick as the waist of a little loli.

The little Huaxia flying man with small arms and legs once again became a little short among the crowd, and looked extraordinarily petite and thin among the tall athletes.

It just so happened that such a petite little athlete always took the lead in the competition, and still ranked first, tying her previous record.

After finishing the 5000-meter preliminaries, Le Xiao went to the inspection after getting off the track to prepare for the women's triple jump qualifying competition.

After the women's 5000-meter preliminaries, there was the women's triple jump qualifying competition, which lived up to expectations. Huaxia Xiaofei still entered the final No.1.

There were only a few finals on the day of the first track and field event, most of which were preliminaries, so there were not many things to watch.

The beautiful boy doesn't care whether his little cutie has a sports event or not, he will give little Leshan a lesson in the morning, and watch the Olympics with his friends in the evening.

In the morning, the top students watched together when the little girl had a project. There was no competition for the little girl. They watched their favorite events individually, and in the afternoon they helped break the corn kernels.

The school masters are not called for nothing, and little Lolita is not at home, they also have heroes to use, and they are generous in teaching Chen Fengnian's homework.

With so many free tutors, Chen Fengnian is no longer afraid that he will not be able to do this or that, and he will ask someone if he is not.

Dad went out to work, Zhou Tianming and grandma were drying rice and straw at home, managing the water in the fields every day, and after finishing the necessary things, they went to Lejia and Xueba to watch the Olympics.

In a blink of an eye, the first day of August came.

The World Olympic Games is in full swing, and the double competition in Jiudao Township is almost coming to an end. Because the double competition is coming to an end, many villagers who have liberated their hands are going to work as part-time workers. The construction site of Jiudao Junior High School is no longer short of manpower, and three shifts are implemented day and night. Stop working.

Country R is an Asian country. Because of the time difference, when country R plays games in the morning, it is actually early morning in Europe, America and other countries. Sports fans from all over the world have turned into night owls once again, watching the live broadcast.

Wang Shengxuan didn't know whether Le Jia's sister participated in the Olympics. He liked sports and became the most loyal audience at the beginning of the World Olympics.

During the track and field competition, he saw Sister Lejia by accident when he was eating melons. Because Sister Lejia had her hair coiled on top of her head, he thought he was wrong until he saw " Le Yun" two words, finally convinced that the person is the Le family sister.

Knowing that Le Jia's sister had participated in the Olympics, Wang Shengxuan was so excited that he turned into a fan boy, firmly hugging the TV, not wanting to miss any games.

Wang Cuifeng is not interested in sports, and often goes out to find friends to earn some small money. On the 30th, she called home and heard her mother said that she had no money. Her father, nephew and niece were still in E North. I gave one thousand yuan to my mother.

Money was tight again, and Wang Cuifeng went out every day to find ways to make money.

Because Wang Ju ran out of money, he asked his wife to get some money from the third child as an emergency. In the end, the third child only gave one thousand.

On the day Wang Jinbao returned home, he bought some white powder with the money he got from his grandfather, and spent the rest in Internet cafes. After spending all the money, he stayed at home for a day, and when he got the money, he went to the bar again non-stop.

He spends money like running water, most of the 500 yuan is spent on buying fans, and the rest of the money goes to clubs, day and night, and he doesn't know what night it is.

When he was playing the game of Glory of Kings in the dark, when someone pinned his shoulders, his shoulders sank, his hand slapped slowly, and he decisively became the existence of giving away people's heads. He was furious and cursed "I'm holding your mother", He slapped the table, stood up and wanted to fight.

When Wang Jinbao stood up and turned around to hit someone, he saw three people standing beside him, two of them were big and thick, each of them had beasts tattooed on their arms, and they were all fleshy, so they were not easy to mess with, and the other looked gentle and kind. , with a cigarette in his hand.

Seeing the middle-aged man with a gentle face, Wang Jinbao was so frightened that his raised hands froze in the air, his legs were shaking like they were swinging, and he stuttered: "Uncle...uncle..."

"What did you call me?" The man with a bit of elegance stopped the hand that was about to push the cigarette to his mouth, and stared straight at the little bastard who was strong on the outside but on the inside.

"..." Wang Jinbao was so frightened that he almost lost control of his urine. He couldn't even stand still. He held on to the chair with one hand to keep from falling. He shook his head in a panic, "I...I..."

He "I" for a long time and couldn't tell why. The younger brother standing beside Mr. Tan was dissatisfied, and slapped Wang Jinbao on the face: "Damn it, who dared to pretend to be Mr. Tan's relatives?" ?”

With that slap, Wang Jinbao couldn't stand still any longer, he staggered back, hit the computer table, and made a clattering sound.

The people playing games around were frightened and looked in Wang Jinbao's direction with trembling hearts.

The network administrators of the Internet cafe ran close, but they dared not ask the reason.

The burly man who slapped Wang Jinbao stepped forward, grabbed Wang Jinbao's arm and pulled him away from the computer desk and seat, dragging him away: "You play with you, this bastard has money!" Buy fans, but owe us tens of thousands of dollars to Mr. Tan and refuse to pay back, we will talk to him in private, the network administrator, pay this guy and get off the plane."

Tan Yanxing did not speak, took a puff of cigarette, and turned to the cashier of the Internet cafe with another boy.

Some people who played the game were panicked, while others had nothing to do with themselves and played their own games with their heads down.

The network administrators were very winking, and immediately rushed to the cash register to offline Wang Jinbao's machine, and gave change as quickly as possible, and returned the money they found to Wang Jinbao.

Being pulled by his arm, Wang Jinbao didn't dare to resist. His legs were as soft as noodles, and he followed mechanically. The network administrator stuffed him with some money. His hands were still trembling, and he almost couldn't hold it steady. He stuffed it several times. Just put it in the trouser pocket.

Grabbing Wang Jinbao's younger brother, he left the Internet cafe, followed the boss, and walked out of the alley. The group got into a car parked on the side of the road and went straight to Wang Ju's house.

Wang Baojin was so frightened in the car that he was waiting to be slaughtered. He shrank into a ball and did not dare to move.

The car carrying people drove into the village where Wang Ju lived from the town street, and the car didn't stop until outside the yard of Wang Ju's house. The two younger brothers took Wang Jinbao out of the car like an eagle catching a chicken, and followed the eldest into someone's yard.

Wang's family didn't farm, nor did they make a living. It was hot in summer, and he had nowhere to go. He stayed at home, planning all day long how to deal with the little money-losers of his third son.

He didn't watch the Olympics. He walked around the yard a few times in the morning. When the sun rose, he smoked on a reclining chair under the eaves. When he heard movement outside the yard, he paid attention.

At first, he didn't see who it was, but when the man walked into the yard, he saw the man's face clearly, and jumped up in fright like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Tan...Tan Boss?!" Seeing that someone Tan came uninvited, Wang Ju's soul was almost gone. From going to E North to coming back, Boss Tan didn't find a phone to ask him for money. He thought Mr. Tan will not let him lose money because he is Wang Shengxuan's grandfather.

"Oh, you still recognize me, that's good." Tan Yanxing sneered, flicked away the remaining piece of cigarette, and strode towards Mr. Wang.

Someone Tan came straight at him, Wang Ju's calves were trembling, and he also found that his grandson was being grabbed by the arm. He was afraid that someone Tan would touch his grandson, and his heart jumped out of his throat in fright, and he squeezed out a smiling face to apologize: "Mr. Tan, if you have anything to do, you can just call. How dare you come here in person."

"You're so straightforward, you paid my son's [-] yuan for nutrition, and after paying the money, you can guarantee a hair of your grandson." Tan Yanxing walked across the yard in a few steps, walked up to the old bastard Wang, and stared condescendingly at him. with someone.

As soon as someone Tan opened his mouth, Wang Ju's face turned pale, and he immediately nodded and bowed his head: "Mr. Tan, please allow me a few more days. I went to find the girl of the third student last month to make a kiss. My granddaughter is very filial. Let's stay here until now." I just came back a few days ago, my granddaughter has a private helicopter, and there are hundreds of millions of dollars. I am embarrassed to accept the money from my grandson Xiaojing for the first time, and I don’t have it at hand. I will call my granddaughter in a few days, and I will return the money when I get it. .”

Old bastard Wang opened his eyes and told nonsense, Tan Xingxing laughed loudly: "Wang Ju, you have no other skills, but this lying skill is quite good, you can tell black into white, and dead into life."

After laughing, he raised his hand and slapped the old slut on the face: "Who are you fooling? You think I don't know that the child Wang Cuifeng induced before is still alive, and you think I don't know that the child is rich?
Old thing, you dare to lie in front of your master Tan, you are so brave, say you recognize your relatives, that kid is not stupid, will recognize you bastards?
You ran to Ebei, and you were thrown into the prison for free food without even seeing the child. Your mother-in-law came back early, and you were locked up with your slut grandchildren for a month. No one knew about it. You thought Tan Don't you know?
You fucked up in E North for a month, and you actually told Tan Ye that your granddaughter kept you for a month. Who gave your dog the guts to lie to Tan Ye? "

Wang Ju moved out the little bastard of the third son, trying to delay some time before trying to find a way to make up for the hole, but he was slapped, making his eyes stare and his ears ringing.

Wang Jinbao was carried home, and seeing his grandfather thought he was saved, but Tan even beat his grandfather, so frightened that he shrank his neck, wishing he could turn into air.

After being slapped on the face by someone Tan, Wang Ju took a step back, leaned on the wall to stand firm, and was about to continue to lie low, when he heard Tan's words, his confused brain suddenly woke up.

Someone in Tan knows that they have squatted in E North?
The information that Tan revealed made Wang Ju feel so shocked that his whole body felt cold, and even his bones were chilled. He also forgot the other reactions, and opened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

Wang Jinbao also looked at Tan with a ghostly expression, how could he know so clearly?
Tan Yanxing glanced at Old Wang's bitch, and stepped into the living room of Wang's house. The living room of Wang's old man's house was just a few wooden chairs, which looked quite shabby.

Tan Yanxing came to find someone to settle accounts, not a guest, so he dragged a chair casually, and sat down with great determination.

The boss entered someone's house, and the two younger brothers followed with Wang Jinbao, and then pressed hard with a sweeping leg to knock Wang Jinbao to the ground, making the boy lie straight in front of Mr. Tan.

"Ah! Hiss!" Being thrown, Wang Jinbao's chin hit the ground, and he was completely dizzy from the fall, screaming out in pain.

Mr. Wang's precious grandson lay down in a five-body throwing posture, and Tan Xingxing raised his noble foot and stepped on the little bastard's back, making him behave like a turtle.

When Tan entered the house, Wang Ju was still in a daze. When he heard his grandson's cry of pain, he came back to his senses and rushed into his house like rolling and crawling. Seeing his grandson being trampled under by Tan, He took a deep breath.

He didn't dare to get too close. With a white face, he begged with a trembling heart: "Mr. Tan, please give me some time, I will definitely find a way to get the money back to you."

"Heh, I said I would give you five months, and now it's been more than half a year. How can you let me forgive you?" Tan Yanxing stomped on Little Turtle Wang again: "Back then, you robbed my son of money and beat my son. Kick, when did you want money, you forced my son to give it, now it's your turn to owe me the money, keep delaying, think I'm a vegetarian, right?"

"No, no... no," Wang Ju's face turned pale, and he begged for mercy repeatedly: "Mr. Tan, we were deceived by eating lard before, and we knew we were wrong. My family really has no money right now. Look, my family is so poor, you Give me some more time, and I will find a way to pay you back."

"It's none of my business whether your family is poor or not?" Tan Zhaoxing jumped up, "In a word, you either lose money or lose your hands."

"No, don't, grandpa save me, grandpa save me..." Wang Jinbao was terrified and cried until his lungs burst.

He was terrified and incontinent.

There was a smell of urine in the air.

"Mr. Tan, I beg you to let my grandson go, I will go find the money tomorrow, and I promise that I won't lose a penny..." Wang Ju was anxious and panicked, with tears streaming down his face.

(End of this chapter)

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