magic eye doctor

Chapter 1639 Lack of Money

Chapter 1639 Lack of Money
Wang Ju had never been so desperate. He couldn't even get 1000 yuan in his hand, but someone Tan came to press for debt at this time.

5 yuan is not enough to sell all his blood.

Without the money, the grandson’s fingers and toes could not be kept. Wang Ju was so helpless that he burst into tears, and suddenly remembered that there was another granddaughter, and he was quick to think: "Mr. Tan, I really have no money now. I asked my granddaughter to sell herself to pay off the debt. My granddaughter If you are young, you can pay back the money after working for one or two years.”

"Oh, your grandson is your treasure, and your granddaughter is just a grass, right? Letting your granddaughter sell herself to pay off debts, you can even do this kind of thing, are you still a person? A beast like you will die sooner or later. .”

Tan Yanxing was furious. He didn't think he was a good person, but at least he still had humanity. He didn't force him into prostitution when he opened a casino. The girls in the casino were all voluntary. They are partnerships.

As for his own flesh and blood, no matter male or female, Wang Ju's old bastard sold his granddaughter for the sake of his grandson. Calling him a b*tch is flattering him. Wang Ju is no better than a beast.

Tan Xingxing, who thinks that his three views are not correct, was refreshed by Wang Ju's shamelessness, and he couldn't figure it out more and more. Wang Ju was shameless, the sisters of the Wang family were lowly, and the foundation of the Wang family was bad. How could Wang Cuifeng give birth to such an excellent child as the Le family girl.

Being scolded by Tan as an inhumane person, Wang Ju opened his mouth and was speechless. He was willing to let his granddaughter pay off the debt. Why did Tan not agree?Doesn't someone Tan rely on doing that line of work for a living?

Suddenly, I found someone Tan looking at his grandson's hand, startled and frightened, crying and begging: "Mr. Tan, please do me a favor and let my grandson go. I'll sell blood tomorrow, and I'll raise money by selling blood..."

Tan's heart is as hard as iron, don't say that Wang's bitch is crying with snot and tears, even if he cries and bleeds, he will not soften his heart, let alone believe what the old bitch said, that bitch is best at pretending to be weak and delaying time , reaching out to the younger brother beside him.

The younger brother, who was five big and three thick, knew exactly what the boss wanted, so he took out a multifunctional knife and handed it to the boss.

Mr. Tan unfolded the knife, bent down, grabbed the little bitch's hand with one hand, and waved his arm.

Wang Ju saw Tan slashing down with a knife, his legs shook, and he sat down on the ground screaming. As Tan's knife fell to the ground, Wang Jinbao howled like a pig being killed.

Mr. Tan didn't talk too much, he said that he would never chop his feet when he chopped his hands. With his nimble swinging of the knife, one finger of Wang Jinbao was separated from the palm of his hand, and that finger was completely separated from the five-finger brotherhood.

Wang Jinbao wanted to roll in pain, his back was stepped on and he couldn't move, he arched and arched, his head went up and down repeatedly, and the howling sound like killing a pig was high-pitched and fierce at first, and howled several times. Voice, his throat broke, and his voice dropped.

The grandson was suffering, and Wang Ju felt pain in his heart as if someone had stabbed him with a knife. He wanted to go to rescue him, but he was stared at by a tall and burly man, who dared not move.

The old guy looks disgusting, whoever sees it is guaranteed not to be able to eat for three days.

The cruel and ruthless President Tan, who has never seen anything before, would not care about the crying of the old bastard Wang, swung a knife to execute the sentence, and after a few more knives, Wang Jinbao separated from his brothers with another finger.

Without being blind, Tan Yanxing chopped off two fingers of someone. Tan Yanxing rubbed the knife on Wang Jinbao's clothes back and forth a few times to clean up the blood, put away the knife, and kicked Wang Jinbao in the face, kicking him until he was beaten. turn over.

Wang Jinbao was so painful that he fainted once, woke up again, was kicked again, and screamed in pain. When he was kicked over, he lay upright like a salted fish, his right hand missing two fingers was dripping with blood.

Wang Ju's heart fluctuated with the sound of his grandson's howling, and he flew up to the clouds and landed on the ground as if he had been over a mountain. He almost fainted out of breath.

After giving Wang Jinbao the punishment he deserved, Tan Yanxing put away his sharp weapon slowly, and said lightly: "Your grandson is worthless in my eyes. I am easy to talk. One finger is worth two thousand, and you still owe me forty thousand." 6000 yuan, I will give you one month to pay the debts when they are due, and if you chop off your fingers, it is not enough to count, so let's use your legs to pay off the debts."

"I will definitely pay it back, I will definitely pay it back..." Wang Ju didn't dare to cry anymore, and nodded his head.

"That girl from the Le family doesn't even dare to mess with me, I just hope she doesn't trouble me, I'm thankful, you guys have the guts to go north to meet your relatives, and try to extort her money, you really don't know how to live or die .”

Tan Yanxing stared gloomyly at the old slut Wang: "The little slut you gave birth to went to Ebei before, which caused me to suffer a disastrous decline in my business. I saved Wang Cuifeng's life for Wang Shengxuan's sake. Who of you dares to provoke that child?" I will not be able to do business with you, so I will kill your grandson first, so that your royal family will be extinct."

"...I don't dare anymore, and I won't dare again in the future." Wang Ju didn't understand what Tan meant, because he was used to being foolish, and subconsciously obeyed.

Tan Yanxing also knew about Wang Ju's urination, that old bastard would not eat oil and salt, he would not listen to other people's warnings at all, even if he suffered pain, he would not learn a lesson, he would always "forget the pain when the scar is healed", he also I didn't expect the old slut to repent all of a sudden, I just wanted to let people settle down for a while, and don't make trouble for him.

After teaching Wang Jinbao a lesson, it is estimated that old bastard Wang needs to find a way to make money for his grandson, and he has no time to provoke that little girl from Lejia in a whimsical way.

After achieving a small goal, Tan Xingxing didn't stay any longer, and took his two younger brothers, leaving Wang Jinbao, who was still dead, out of the Wang's family in a car, and drove away.

When Tan was walking out, Wang Ju didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that someone would turn around and torture his grandson again. It wasn't until Tan and his younger brother really got out that he crawled to his grandson's side, crying: "Jinbao Jinbao..."

Wang Jinbao was in so much pain that he was afraid that someone Tan would kill him, but he didn't dare to faint, until his grandfather rushed to help him, his eyes rolled, and he didn't see the fierce spirit of someone Tan, he relaxed and finally passed out.

"Jinbao Jinbao," Wang Ju yelled several times, and in a panic, he found out his mobile phone and called his granddaughter Jin Zhi, and as soon as he got through, he called, "Jin Zhi, something serious happened to your brother, quickly find a way to borrow money!"

After his grandfather came back from E North, he was irritable. Wang Jinzhi was afraid that he would be punished by his grandfather if he hit the gun. ,

KTVs only open in the middle of the afternoon. At around [-] o'clock in the morning, Wang Jinzhi was still sleeping in the rented house. She was still half awake when she received a call from her grandpa. She heard that Jinbao needed money for an accident. He stammered and asked: "Grandpa, what's wrong with Jin Bao, is it because of cigarettes... the addiction to smoking again?"

"Jin Bao's hand is broken. I'll take your brother to the hospital. You can find a way to borrow some money." His grandson's hand was still bleeding, and Wang Ju was impatient, yelling at his grandson, pressing for money.

"Master, I can't borrow money either. I found a job and didn't get paid. I borrowed more than 1000 yuan before I found a job. I still have 1000 yuan to pay. I'll call you first." Wang Jinzhi was yelled at. Terrified, she reluctantly cut her flesh to pay for it. She worked for four days, so she had no money, only a little pocket money from her boyfriend.

The granddaughter promised to pay 1000 yuan, and she could pay the hospital deposit first. Wang Ju repeatedly urged the granddaughter to send the money immediately, and hung up the phone before calling the mother-in-law.

Wang Ma went to the garden to tend vegetables in the morning. She didn't know what happened at home. When she received a call from the old man, she was so frightened that she lost two of her three souls and ran home in a panic.

Wang Ju asked his wife if she had any money, but she didn't have private money in her hand, so he didn't wait for her to come back, so he ran to get his only few hundred dollars and documents, and when he wanted to carry his grandson to the hospital, he saw his grandson's clothes were stained red. In a hurry, he ran to his grandson's room to pack two sets of clothes for his grandson, and he also packed two sets of clothes himself.

He brought spare clothes, picked up his grandson's severed finger, packed it in a bag, bandaged his grandson indiscriminately, carried his unconscious grandson on his back, and ran to the street, took a taxi and rushed to the county seat.

Wang Jinzhi didn't dare to procrastinate after finishing the call with his grandfather. He transferred the money to the card that his grandfather used to use by WeChat transfer, and then fell back to sleep.

She was thinking about what happened to her younger brother, but she couldn't fall asleep. She tossed and turned for a while, and sat up abruptly. Her younger brother's hand was broken. Could it be that Mr. Tan came to ask grandpa for compensation? Grandpa had no money to pay, so Mr. Tan chopped up his younger brother hand?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right. Wang Jinzhi panicked. Grandpa owed such a large amount of money to Mr. Tan. If he still owed him, would he ask her to repay the debt?
What if grandpa accuses her of that debt?
The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became. Wang Jinzhi felt that it was too dangerous in his hometown, so he decided to save money to work in other provinces.

Wang Ma hurried home, saw a pool of blood in the living room, and thought of the old man saying that Tan had been there, guessed that the blood must belong to her grandson, she was so frightened that she sat down at that time.

She sat for a long while, broke out in a cold sweat before returning to her senses, called the old man and heard that she was still on the way to the hospital, hung up the phone, cleaned the blood in the living room tremblingly, and waited for news from the old man like a wooden man.

Wang Ju chartered a car to rush to the county town, and spent a lot of time on the road. Fortunately, he was sent to the gate of the county hospital. He paid the fare, and there was not much left in his pocket.

He carried his grandson on his back and didn't have time to register, so he sent his grandson to the emergency department first, handed over his grandson to the doctors in the emergency room, asked the nurse where to withdraw the money, and ran to the ATM to withdraw the money.

There is only 1000 yuan on the bank card.

That sum of money was life-saving money. Wang Ju took all the money, went through the admission procedures, paid the deposit, and went to the emergency department to find his grandson after completing the procedures. He heard that he was sent to the operating room, and then went to wait outside the operating room.

Wang Jinbao's finger was cut off by the root, but fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time. The severed finger was not necrotic and could be reattached. The hospital immediately performed emergency surgery for reconnection.

The operation took a very long time, starting around noon and continuing until after seven o'clock in the evening.

After the operation, Wang Jinbao was sent to the intensive care unit for observation, where he will receive anti-inflammatory injections for several days and have to change the dressing regularly.

(End of this chapter)

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